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Thai tourism industry: 'Martial law killing arrivals'


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Martial law is only on the paper , I honestly do not think it is the reason.

Rising prices, lack and further drop in services and value for money is the reason in my opinion.

Add the brutal murders widely covered by world media and you have your reason for tourist decline

Edited by konying
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I feel a lot more safe witht he army in charge rather than the police. The army leaders are a corrpupt as the police leaders, but at least the average soldier is not as dirty as the average police.

The Thai navy haven't been having a lot of good Press recently, either ...

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The usual mixed messages from the tourism sector. Of course ATTA and THA represent those who are actually financially involved whereas TAT is an official organisation living in it's own world where everything is positive. I know who I'm more likely to believe.

Well in the years I have been here your comments have been the normal run of the mill comments. Regardless of the fact that tourism has grown considerable. Posters keep on repeating the same thing. We are at the outset of the high season let us look back on it after the season for a change rather than before it. As for martial law I wonder how many of the posters would even be aware of it if they weren't constantly reminded of it on Thai Visa. I know it in no way affects my life or any one I know. It is my understanding that the bar scene is affected because they are being made to obey the law. What is the problem with that? If you are a bar hanger on yes you are going to be reading all kinds of doom and gloom into it. But I don't believe there is really that high a percentage of tourists that just come here to drink every night all night long.

It would take some innovative thinking but I believe that if presented properly Martial Law could be presented as a positive. I believe it could be done. To be honest I don't think the TAT has the ability to think innovatively any more than the average Thai Visa poster.wai2.gif

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Some disrespectful posts and replies removed, please heed the following pinned notice:

NCPO: All suspects in lese majeste cases, national security cases, violators of NCPO orders will face court martial

Due to the fluid situation in Thailand and the pressure being placed on the media, Thaivisa will temporarily impose strict limitations on any comments that can be construed as being negative about the imposition of Martial Law or the Coup. Posters will also not be permitted to make references to the royal family.

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During Political crisis and unrest, even 2010, people kept coming and used our and other company Visa Renewal Service.

But since CRACK DOWN, all visa run related business is down by 50-80%.

No kidding.

You might want to mention that a lot of your service was 90 day reports. At the time you could just take a copy of the passport in. Now you have to take the pass port in so the customer instead of going to your place of business once a year has to go eight times a year. Many is the time I have gone in and it only took less than half an hour at the worst it was an hour and a half but that was only twice.

Also you for the most part are not dealing with tourist Visas you are dealing with permanent residents of Thailand with there multitude of needs. Business School marriage retirement and what not. It would be interesting to see if there has not also been an increase in the number of companies doing the same services.

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they forgot to add the visa crackdown for long term tourists ...which is one of the reasons like it or not

That is a ridicules statement. To the best of my knowledge a long term tourist can get a double 60 day entry and in some cases a triple entry. Each one capable of extending it's expiry date by 30 days to give a long term tourist 180 days and in some cases 270 days. I don't believe you are talking about long term tourists you are talking about people trying to live here with out declaring it.

and brought a lot of benefit to local businesses, like it or not.

All of their money went into local rental, local mom n pop shops, local transport, etc.

I take it you are advocating for the continual use of the monthly visa runs because the people do not qualify for an honest visa.

I wonder if you think every country should allow illegal people in just because they bring money in.

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The usual mixed messages from the tourism sector. Of course ATTA and THA represent those who are actually financially involved whereas TAT is an official organisation living in it's own world where everything is positive. I know who I'm more likely to believe.

Well in the years I have been here your comments have been the normal run of the mill comments. Regardless of the fact that tourism has grown considerable. Posters keep on repeating the same thing. We are at the outset of the high season let us look back on it after the season for a change rather than before it. As for martial law I wonder how many of the posters would even be aware of it if they weren't constantly reminded of it on Thai Visa. I know it in no way affects my life or any one I know. It is my understanding that the bar scene is affected because they are being made to obey the law. What is the problem with that? If you are a bar hanger on yes you are going to be reading all kinds of doom and gloom into it. But I don't believe there is really that high a percentage of tourists that just come here to drink every night all night long.

It would take some innovative thinking but I believe that if presented properly Martial Law could be presented as a positive. I believe it could be done. To be honest I don't think the TAT has the ability to think innovatively any more than the average Thai Visa poster.wai2.gif

Tourism has increased considerably, is that because TAT says so or do you have personal knowledge ?

I have friends in Khon Kaen and Korat who are in the hospitality business and for quite some time and long before martial law they have been complaining about the lack of custom other than the mainstay of regulars. Before there's any smart remarks about ' hospitality ', they are in the small bar / restaurant and hotel business.

I'm not a night owl but here in Udon bars tend to close on time at night and nothing to do with martial law. There's only one bar that can stay open as long as it wants and I won't go into why.

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I guess it might bring down the price of high season golf but then the opposite Thainess may apply: if we don't have enough customers let's put the price up to milk the ones we do have!

That is a common practice in Asia. I first encountered it in Indonesia. Didn't make sense to my western logic then and still doesn't but that is the way they think. Same as the way they drive the Asian way completely different than the western way. One of the things we learn to accept and move on with when we choose to make Thailand are home.

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I think none of it is really affecting this numbers but just the fact that arrivals aren't anymore artificially inflated by visa runners due to recent visa crackdown.

Now if you ask me "Discover thainess" campaign sounds pretty scary. Are you sure to want to?

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Tourism in Thailand is going to keep going up. As always there is going to be occasional yearly dips be it Political, Tsunami or Sars but last year still saw almost 3 times the number of arrivals than 10 Years ago. Tourism makes up about 9% of GDP and near 30% of this is from domestic tourism. While numbers dropped earlier this year, I would not expect much if any of a drop the rest of the year making foreign tourism down just a couple percentage points over the record high previous year. For sure the sky is not falling nor is tourism dying in Thailand as so many here have been predicting for at least the last 10 years.

The thing that will hit tourism the hardest in the coming years is modernization. Many people come to Thailand because it offers a glimpse into the past and is an adventure and cheap. Much of this is going away fairly rapidly. Be it police, Taxis, hotels, night life and so on, as laws and higher standards are enforced then costs and freedoms you can't experience at home will be less attractive. I expect neighboring countries will continue to steal these types of tourists away as Thailand continues to try to move toward more quality (higher spending) tourists while trying not to completely forget the nightlife and backpacking crowd.

You say tourism isn't dying there and put a "good Junta boy " twist on things-

But few here buy that-

Its very clear the message is people are consciously voting to boycott the place in far larger numbers.

Its silly to suggest hotels half empty all year are now in for a bumper recovery.

When the opposite is true

Doom and gloomers have been saying this for so long as tourism and arrivals continue to increase and most of them who say this are right here in Thailand and don't leave (sadly). As I said, there are down times like this year but the trend is has and will continue to go up as it has for decades.

But, alas...all good things can come to an end....if not managed responsibly and effectively, just ask the rice farmers .

Short-sightedness and greed being just two of the prevalent factors that can accelerate a fall from grace.

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I think none of it is really affecting this numbers but just the fact that arrivals aren't anymore artificially inflated by visa runners due to recent visa crackdown.

Now if you ask me "Discover thainess" campaign sounds pretty scary. Are you sure to want to?

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Many people come to Thailand for cheap plentiful sex and when Thais recognize that and admit in public conversation and the media, then they will be able to figure out how to continue capture their large share of the sex trade.

No, No, no !!!!

People (men of all ages too) come to Thailand for the street food !! whistling.gif

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Come On, 99% of tourists don't know there is Martial law in effect in Thailand

What effect has it had on your life in the last , say month living here in Thailand.

Rubbish their travel agent will explain aboout the NON insurance cover due to martial law. And so will the airline.

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Visitors from east European nations, namely Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Commonwealth nations posted a growth.

No Wonder lately I'm getting lots of emails saying that my online bank account has been canceled and here is a link to reactivated. 555

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During Political crisis and unrest, even 2010, people kept coming and used our and other company Visa Renewal Service.

But since CRACK DOWN, all visa run related business is down by 50-80%.

No kidding.

Thanks for sharing that.

I have used your company many times and know you to be honest and above board.

Hope things improve in your business.

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The usual mixed messages from the tourism sector. Of course ATTA and THA represent those who are actually financially involved whereas TAT is an official organisation living in it's own world where everything is positive. I know who I'm more likely to believe.

Well in the years I have been here your comments have been the normal run of the mill comments. Regardless of the fact that tourism has grown considerable. Posters keep on repeating the same thing. We are at the outset of the high season let us look back on it after the season for a change rather than before it. As for martial law I wonder how many of the posters would even be aware of it if they weren't constantly reminded of it on Thai Visa. I know it in no way affects my life or any one I know. It is my understanding that the bar scene is affected because they are being made to obey the law. What is the problem with that? If you are a bar hanger on yes you are going to be reading all kinds of doom and gloom into it. But I don't believe there is really that high a percentage of tourists that just come here to drink every night all night long.

It would take some innovative thinking but I believe that if presented properly Martial Law could be presented as a positive. I believe it could be done. To be honest I don't think the TAT has the ability to think innovatively any more than the average Thai Visa poster.wai2.gif

Tourism has increased considerably, is that because TAT says so or do you have personal knowledge ?

I have friends in Khon Kaen and Korat who are in the hospitality business and for quite some time and long before martial law they have been complaining about the lack of custom other than the mainstay of regulars. Before there's any smart remarks about ' hospitality ', they are in the small bar / restaurant and hotel business.

I'm not a night owl but here in Udon bars tend to close on time at night and nothing to do with martial law. There's only one bar that can stay open as long as it wants and I won't go into why.

No I do not have figures. All I know is people have been saying it is no good TAT is lying when they put up projected figures. Yet at the end of the year they never come back and say see I told you so. That is because tourism has grown. As for your friends I am getting the feeling you are not talking about the last five years you are talking about a time span of less than one year. One in which the possibility of terrorism was a reality that was actually occurring out side the southern three provinces.

I personally believe that because of the terrorism as localized as it was but broadcast world wide as a Thailand thing hurt the tourist industry. People planning ahead changed their destinations. Now people planning ahead have the knowledge that Thailand is as safe as if not more safe than many of the other countries. I am looking for the high season to be back to normal. But for the year a decrease due to the past governments allowing of terrorism. That is even regardless of the fact there was only certain areas to avoid the world news as it will also the local news made it seem far more worse than what it was. I live in Chiang Mai and when family and friends back home asked me if I was OK I just reassured them that it was OK all the time thinking it is nothing but a joke that the world media was playing on the people.

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'Martial law killing arrivals'

Suchat Sritama

The Nation

Tourism industry bodies desperate for a boost amid weak bookings

BANGKOK: -- The tourism sector is reiterating its call for the government to lift martial law in the face of losses due to the continued drop in tourist arrivals.

Key tourism groups - Thai Travel Agents Association (ATTA) and Thai Hotels Association (THA) - voiced their concern over the decline in arrivals despite the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)'s many campaigns to woo visitors in the wake of the coup.

ATTA has strongly advised the government to lift martial law, while THA is calling for measures to boost confidence in terms of safety and protect tourists from scams.

Between January and September, international arrivals at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport stood at 9.1 million, down from 11.3 million in the same period last year, according to the Immigration Police Bureau. This shows a 19-per-cent decline.

The bureau also reported that visitors from all regions, with the exception of Eastern Europe, had plunged by 5 to 30 per cent. Visitors from Northeast Asia recorded the biggest decline of 30 per cent, followed by East Asia (29 per cent) and Oceania (16 per cent). Visitors from east European nations, namely Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Commonwealth nations posted a growth.

Arrivals at the two airports in Bangkok - Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang - account for about 60 per cent of total arrivals in the Kingdom. Though the number of arrivals at Suvarnabhumi has continued to drop, Don Mueang recorded a significant increase this year due to the relocation of major budget airlines, such as Thai AirAsia, Nok Air and THAI Smile.

Sisdivachr Cheewarattanaporn, president of ATTA, said the drop in tourist arrivals was mostly due to the martial law and that many tourists were choosing to travel to other countries.

"Foreigners are still unsure about their safety in the country and feel uncomfortable about coming here at a time when martial law is in force. The only way to return confidence would be to lift this law," he said.

According to the Foreign Ministry's website, as of Tuesday some 50 countries had issued travel advisories in relation to Thailand.

ATTA also predicted that the number of arrivals this year would drop by 15 to 20 per cent judging by less bookings in the high season. If the prediction comes true, then the country stands to lose 20 to 30 per cent in revenue from tourism.

Other than political chaos, the sector was affected by the curfew after May 22 - which is now lifted - as well as the recent earthquake in the North.

Pornthip Hirunkate, a member of one of the panels at the Tourism Council of Thailand, said the industry would continue facing difficulty due to the martial law.

"During the high season from October to January, there should be some 10 million visitors or up to 40 per cent of total arrivals. However, we need to await and see what happens this year," she said, adding that operators may gain some business during the Christmas, New Year period.

Supawan Tanomkieatipume, THA's vice president for marketing, said advance bookings at hotels in Bangkok during high season this year had not risen compared to those in Chiang Mai, Phuket and Koh Samui.

She said tourists from key markets such as Japan, India, Russia and Europe were still worried about the unrest but would consider returning if martial law was lifted.

Thailand earned some Bt1.3 trillion from tourism this year and was ranked seventh - ahead of all Asean nations and after only China - rising from last year's ninth position in global rankings.

This year, TAT projected getting some 25.6 million international arrivals, a slight drop over 2013. However, visitor expenditure is expected to rise 2.2 per cent to Bt1.23 trillion.

The agency had previously announced a series of marketing campaigns in a bid to woo tourists and will be running its "Discover Thai-ness" promotion next year. It is also set to launch "24 hours Enjoy Thailand" and opt for viral marketing to boost visitor arrivals despite martial law.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/Martial-law-killing-arrivals-30245420.html


-- The Nation 2014-10-14

It seems so easy to blame Martial Law for a drop in tourists..

Forget list anything like



Suspect Investigation Procedures

Dual Pricing

Over Charging


Visa Crackdown

Corruption Among Police

Jet Ski's

Corrupt Politicians Protesting Against More Corrupt Politicians

The most of these criminals getting off with virtually a slap on the wrist

So on and so on. Surely gives an image of a country out of control.

Thailand is one of many supposedly cheaper holiday destinations but some others don't have the known criminal intent that Thailand currently has and has had for sometime but somewhat less known by the average tourist. I know many people that have came and would never return and others that often visit and will visit again but remain upset with a number of items as above and just try to stay clear of known issues.

Perhaps if ATTA, THA and TAT did something to help a cause rather than provide excuses for declining numbers then tourism may rise again.

How many businessmen simply blame their surroundings and go for a cuppa when times are gloom.. Only the ones that go out of business.

Time for Thailand to get something done about their problems and I for one in my foreign worthless opinion believe that holding Martial Law at this time is not a bad thing and understanding what he is up against, The new PM is doing a good job and keeping tactical. Don't expect miracles overnight but in time.

None of the things you mention have not occurred in the past. The only thing different this year is political unrest / martial law. Most people outside Thailand don't obsess about the news here and if they do read it they most likely read the news in their own country too and realize awful things happen everywhere. People don't come to Thailand because they want a perfect, clean and law abiding society ... if they did they would go to Singapore.

The only other sure thing beyond tourism continuing to grow in Thailand is that there will always be people who prey on taking advantage of tourist's lack of knowledge ... be it Thailand or just about anywhere else that has large number of tourists. Even New York tourists get mugged, killed, raped, sold counterfeit goods and scammed and that is not an inexpensive city to visit. Even in NY tourism number dropped a year due to 9/11 and then in 09 when the economy took a hit but like Thailand tourism continues to grow and like Thailand they had record number of international visitors last year and most years since 2000.

When you say Martial Law to most people in first world countries they panic -- when you say crime they generally don't bat an eyelash as they see this in the news every day. Ebola, Sars, Tsunami, Ongoing Riots are also things that tend to scare people.

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Come On, 99% of tourists don't know there is Martial law in effect in Thailand

What effect has it had on your life in the last , say month living here in Thailand.

True that. The effect that Martial law has had, in reality, has been positive in the lives of folung tourists.

There is now no fear or rival groups of protesters clashing in the streets, disrupting traffic, creating problems.

The government is now able to get on with governance, Impossible before Martial law was nonviolently proclaimed.

Various illegal operations have been eliminated, taxis are much less extorsionist in problem areas (phuket for one)

Illegal "deck chair operations" charging to sit on beaches -gone. Illegal structures built on public beaches-gone,

Jet-ski extorsion is way down, as are illegal logging,

criminallity of all kinds reduced as the police now have "assistants"

with bigger guns than they have, to remind them what they are there for.

Sadly foriegn presses with "agendas" are not focusing on these facts.

Much of the reason Thailand became such a tourist hotspot was the Thai people of 20 & 30 years ago.

"Everyone smiles at me", commonly heard everywhere. Thai people are so nice (polite kreng jai) & helpful.

The beaches were clean & there was much less trash, Plastic bags every where than today.

The other biggie was the cost. Every tourist was able to have a decent holiday for much less

than what a similar amount of time spent in tourist accomodation in there own country would cost.

For a long term traveller it was years ago less expensive to Tour an exotic far away land

with a helpful polite smilling population eating in restarants & living in hotels with laundry done

inexpensive massages, jungle trekking, skin diving corals.

Than to stay home, do your own laundry cook yer own meals while watching tv

& getting less smiles in a month than the general population of the country gave a folung in a day.

Things have changed. The travellers of years gone who usually understood

that they were no longer in there own country,

and that different rules of conduct applyed here,things you could do at home with no repercussions would be a big problem here. different laws.

The famous Thai Smile is seen much less everywhere, Soccer yobs, and other yobs of every description started visiting

& spreading their brand of behavior which became expected of folung ending the smiles.

Helpful has been replaced with opportunistic. The prices have skyrocketed.

The time cannot be turned back we live today. planing for the futune (thought & talk) & preparation for the future (action)

can improve the tourist industry but it will take years of preparation... ... ...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Many people come to Thailand for cheap plentiful sex and when Thais recognize that and admit in public conversation and the media, then they will be able to figure out how to continue capture their large share of the sex trade.

No, No, no !!!!

People (men of all ages too) come to Thailand for the street food !! alt=whistling.gif>

You are quite correct that people come to drink and whore around. But I do believe you are talking about a very small percent of the tourists.

Come On, 99% of tourists don't know there is Martial law in effect in Thailand

What effect has it had on your life in the last , say month living here in Thailand.

Rubbish their travel agent will explain aboout the NON insurance cover due to martial law. And so will the airline.

Rubbish any travel agent will realize that the travel warnings have been lowered and in most cases dropped. The insurance companies will be aware of this and be acting accordingly.wai.gif

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