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Thai PM asserts British govt has no doubts regarding British tourists' murder case


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Now this guy is speaking for the UK government. Another thread said that the UK summoned Thailand's rep in the UK. Who to believe? This is fun! w00t.gif

Would you believe the words of a Prime Minister, or the words for some civil servants

Surely you must believe Thai Prime Minister Prayuth.

I.e. Porky Pie by the British civil servant.

Fortunately, UK civil servants are appointed on merit and not via cronyism or a coup. I know this concept might be alien to you, but it's something to do with DEMOCRACY and other concepts like "freedom of speech".
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Who in their right mind would bother with any full moon party now?

There are plenty of hippie backpacker trash that will still go to the full moon parties. As long as there are drugs and other losers there to hang out with.
What a narrow minded, uneducated categorisation. You know all these people personally? You walk in water...
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I have not time or liking for Military takeovers and Juntas but I still can't help feeling sorry for the PM, He could possibly have turned out to be the greatest leader in Thailand's history , who knows, but he doesn't have a chance as he's bogged down by the absolute incompetence and stupidity of the Government agencies he has inherited. It was only the infighting, law suits , protests and political violence that kept this shambles and their ineptitude off of the front pages

Don't feel too sorry for him. He has handpicked the entire legislature and the other top members of the government. He can just about do anything he wants but does not know how to do it. It is his own lack of ability and/or lack of will that is making this all a circus. Ultimately he will fail because his is a part of the corrupt system that put him there in the first place.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Who in their right mind would bother with any full moon party now?

There are plenty of hippie backpacker trash that will still go to the full moon parties. As long as there are drugs and other losers there to hang out with.
What a narrow minded, uneducated categorisation. You know all these people personally? You walk in water...

Yes, quite an embarrassing narrow minded post.

I have met engineers, physicists and doctors at the full moon party.

I do concede though, some smelt bad and had not washed their hair in 3 days while sporting a "Free Tibet" singlet..

D@mn hippies!!!!

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MR Cameron. I am sure you are reading this.......

Please tell this man what you think of his complete lack of respect for our nation, and how things will work from here, and what Thailand stands to lose by not ensuring the safety and fair judicial process for our country folk who had so sadly lost their lives.

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Excerpt from a curious interview of Sondhi Limtrakul, owner of The Manager media group gleaned from CSI LA.


He seems to make some pretty hard hitting allegations, if I understood all correctly (the audio is a bit patchy in places). He says Koh Tao is a very small island and every one there knows who did it but dare not say because of their influence which reaches to high places in Bangkok. If I am not mistaken, Sondhi seems to implicate the junta directly. I think I read a post somewhere else making similar allegations that KT mafia had links into the junta but can't remember where. All shocking allegations that cannot possibly be true. There was also something about Sean being squared away by local police as a condition of being allowed to leave the island in one piece after his run in with influential persons.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Sondhi is not going to be popular for that, then again hes a guy with nothing to lose anymore and sitting on borrowed time.

May well be he's just blowing hot air but then again maybe not, hes well connected, has been part of the club and no doubt feels hes got an axe to grind over being held accountable for his frauds after all he did re the airport shutdown in 08, he probably feels hes not been treated appropriately.

After all elite do not imprison other elites and he may well feel betrayed. Payback ?

This wont be of interest to the international community but no doubt it will be to Thais

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Clearly, the new PM, doesn't understand the power of the internet and the indignation of a rising chorus of people on their handling of justice in Thailand, as a whole

The spread of disinformation, while may be purely to the uneducated, is instead reaching the masses

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Excerpt from a curious interview of Sondhi Limtrakul, owner of The Manager media group gleaned from CSI LA.


He seems to make some pretty hard hitting allegations, if I understood all correctly (the audio is a bit patchy in places). He says Koh Tao is a very small island and every one there knows who did it but dare not say because of their influence which reaches to high places in Bangkok. If I am not mistaken, Sondhi seems to implicate the junta directly. I think I read a post somewhere else making similar allegations that KT mafia had links into the junta but can't remember where. All shocking allegations that cannot possibly be true. There was also something about Sean being squared away by local police as a condition of being allowed to leave the island in one piece after his run in with influential persons.

then it is like I thought,

the opposition may jump on this case in an attempt to bring the stolen government down

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Would this debacle have been handled differently under an elected administration? I doubt it.

if that was a reply to my thought that the opposition may use this to try to topple the junta,

the answer is no,

this is an inherent reality of Thai rule, and, is unlikely to change until they are fully integrated by the Chinese, sometime in the next 50-100 years

the Thai's don't have a chance against the Chinese, whose education and ambition is far superior to simple fiefdom management rape and theft

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BBC reports: The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) said the summons of Nadhavathna Krishnamra on Monday followed a call made by Mr Swire to Thailand's deputy prime minister and foreign minister earlier this month.In a statement, the FCO said: "Mr Swire stressed that there was a real concern in the UK about how the investigation has been handled by the Thai authorities.

Who do you believe, BBC or Mr. Foot in mouth Prayuth? Does he even do a little research before making these comments? These guys are clowns. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Every time they open their mouth now they look more and more the fool

Yeah,, But so many here support this guy,,, but now they're a little on the quiet side,,, Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

The thing is he just keeps doing it so is it a misunderstanding again and again? or maybe a miss translation again? or is it this is what he really thinks???

I can guarantee you it would have made no difference who was in charge. It just typical Thai face saving at it's finest. This is what you get with the patronage system - idiots run the country and the continual brain drain of real Thai talent (yes there is a some) overseas.

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Would this debacle have been handled differently under an elected administration? I doubt it.

if that was a reply to my thought that the opposition may use this to try to topple the junta,

the answer is no,

this is an inherent reality of Thai rule, and, is unlikely to change until they are fully integrated by the Chinese, sometime in the next 50-100 years

the Thai's don't have a chance against the Chinese, whose education and ambition is far superior to simple fiefdom management rape and theft

No Steve it wasn't. I thought I saw a post from someone blaming the Junta but I could not find it.

Just seen on BBC. Jonah Fisher talking to a Burmese rights worker who had just talked to the police's witness. He was told the police put him on the floor, stood on his arms and stamped on his chest to try to force him to give his friends up. He wouldn't.

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What a moron. Did he even bother to ask the British before he decided to speak on thier behalf? Just like the idiots who spoke on the French behalf and claimed the tour De France was being moved to Thailand. These idiots in control of the country have to realise that there is no imaginary cone of silence over Thailand and what the tools say gets out into the international arena. The general is definately the wrong person for the job of P.M every time the fool opens his move the world laughs.

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Would this debacle have been handled differently under an elected administration? I doubt it.

if that was a reply to my thought that the opposition may use this to try to topple the junta,

the answer is no,

this is an inherent reality of Thai rule, and, is unlikely to change until they are fully integrated by the Chinese, sometime in the next 50-100 years

the Thai's don't have a chance against the Chinese, whose education and ambition is far superior to simple fiefdom management rape and theft

No Steve it wasn't. I thought I saw a post from someone blaming the Junta but I could not find it.

Just seen on BBC. Jonah Fisher talking to a Burmese rights worker who had just talked to the police's witness. He was told the police put him on the floor, stood on his arms and stamped on his chest to try to force him to give his friends up. He wouldn't.

No wonder the Burmese hate the Thais

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Next 5--100 years?

It\s here already, Thailand is controlled by China.

Just look at the people with real money and influence here..Chinese/Thai

Would this debacle have been handled differently under an elected administration? I doubt it.

if that was a reply to my thought that the opposition may use this to try to topple the junta,

the answer is no,

this is an inherent reality of Thai rule, and, is unlikely to change until they are fully integrated by the Chinese, sometime in the next 50-100 years

the Thai's don't have a chance against the Chinese, whose education and ambition is far superior to simple fiefdom management rape and theft

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The elite and BIB are digging their own graves in front of our eyes.

The General and Co are completely underestimating the feeling and power of their own people.

It's very refreshing to look at the comments on CSILA from Thai's, who I might add are the vast majority of contributors.

General beware, you are your elite friends have stirred the masses; the People are the power of Thailand.

Not you!.

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Who in their right mind would bother with any full moon party now?

I boycott the island from now on

which island, im on koh phangan and i can assure you you wont be missed - if, in fact, you have ever been in the first place.

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the Thai PM had a good look at the real world today:

I guarantee you, he didn't know he was going to be sandbagged by his own "free" people


Thailand’s military dictator General Prayuth Chan-ocha is facing fierce protestson his maiden trip overseas, with Thai exiles in Italy rallying Thursday against his May 22 coup, and an indignant crowd expected to gather in London on Friday to protest the botched investigation into thebrutal murder of two British backpackers on the resort island of Koh Tao

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