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PM Prayut wants quality tourists to visit Thailand


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who the hell is adviseing this prime minister what to say.

whoever it is needs someone to advise him\her.







that will cut the count down.

way to go!

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How about more quality thinking before talking?

Is 'more quality' the hordes of Chinese group tours?

They are quality locusts, hocking and spitting everywhere and batting for a 30 baht plate of Som Tam.

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OK, after reading several posts I am going to clue everyone in on something.

Most of you that have responded are NOT what the good General has in mind when he envisions quality tourists.


And what makes you the all knowing expert on exactly what the general was meaning in his comments?

Come on! Tell us what he means then!

Until you can do that we will know you are clueless.

Quality tourists can mean many things. Since this country values money over everything one can be inclined to think he is talking about rich HiSo tourist that are big spenders.

Its OK, don't take it personally. Not everyone can be a quality tourist. The good news is Thailand will continue to be a destination for you a bit longer.


And who says i am a tourist in Thailand?
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In return for this, do we get a quality police force as opposed to the corrupt bunch of clowns currently bumbling around, shaking people down.

I was out last night in Cha Am, and two of The BIBs finest were absolutely slaughtered wondering around in full uniform hassling the girls in the bars. Is that quality?

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Ridiculous. Quality tourists do not stay away due to any security issue.

They stay away because there are better destinations for quality tourists to visit. Countries that are less commercially developed, have cleaner beaches, have cleaner city sidewalks, have less touts, offer safe activities for their children, offer more activities like golfing and sport-fishing, etc..

And less of a reputation as ground zero for sexual exploitation.

Thailand's tourism future is going to be Chinese (who are not bothered by heavy pollution) and Russian (who are bothered by neither pollution or corruption) and 20-something backpackers ( who are too drugged up to be bothered about much anything--even the need to use soap).


Really????????????/ That s not what tourists interviewed in UK and US say!! They rate it as the SECOND most dangerous destination in the world - but then you know best as usual!!

Hey love, I would respond to your post more specifically except it doesn't make any sense.

What is the Second most dangerous destination in the world?

Tell ya what, get somebody to edit your post for you and then resubmit and I will give it a go.


Wow - ignorance and arrogance in the same post - now i see what the general means. "Love"!! By the way do you know what a "S.P.A.M" is? Face it Mr Crudpost youre WRONG!!

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Quality tourists, don't come to Pattaya, to see all those bad smelling overloaded garbage containers on the jomtien beach. Quality tourists like to sit in a limo, like in Waikiki. They don't sit on a back of a pick up truck (song tew). Quality tourists don't like to see rats on the beaches, etc. Quality tourists don't like traffic jams, like in Pattaya.

Before talking about quality tourists, some member of the city hall should visit tourist destinations, like Waikiki, some places in Switzerland (Interlaken, Davos), Ibiza (Spain), etc., to compare and see, what quality tourists prefere and like


You're having a giraffe.

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Quality tourists, don't come to Pattaya, to see all those bad smelling overloaded garbage containers on the jomtien beach. Quality tourists like to sit in a limo, like in Waikiki. They don't sit on a back of a pick up truck (song tew). Quality tourists don't like to see rats on the beaches, etc. Quality tourists don't like traffic jams, like in Pattaya.

Before talking about quality tourists, some member of the city hall should visit tourist destinations, like Waikiki, some places in Switzerland (Interlaken, Davos), Ibiza (Spain), etc., to compare and see, what quality tourists prefere and like


You're having a giraffe.

My old dear used to go there with Dad before he died. It's idyllic apparently. It's not all Club 18-30.

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He is such an idiot!

Quality starts from the source. When you have police corruption, 2 tired pricing system & rampid prostitution, this is what you get! But it all starts w the Thais! Their quality of living is a direct impact on the quality/ $per tourist you attract.

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As some others have noted, " quality" is a two way street. Most sensible countries would rather have fewer tourists who spend more - but then you have to offer them a quality product, since they have a lot to chose from. I have seen LOS grow increasingly low market over the last decade - primarily due to lack of long tern planning and short term greed. Thai tourism management has,been incompetent, at best, and has succeeded in killing the fatted calf by driving big spending " quality" tourists away.

This trend hardly started with the coup, but the current regime's inconsistent and sometimes mind boggling pronouncements are going to continue to drive people away until there is a change of government. Rest assured, qualtiy tourists are going to go elsewhere until things change dramatically.

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Maybe their strategy is to exterminate the "non-quality tourists". Seem to be doing a good job so far.

Darwinian outcomes are greatly accelerated the closer one gets to the Tropics...this is true the world over.

...and are the "Darwinian outcomes" any the less accelerated as you move towards the polar regions?


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Quality tourists, don't come to Pattaya, to see all those bad smelling overloaded garbage containers on the jomtien beach. Quality tourists like to sit in a limo, like in Waikiki. They don't sit on a back of a pick up truck (song tew). Quality tourists don't like to see rats on the beaches, etc. Quality tourists don't like traffic jams, like in Pattaya.

Before talking about quality tourists, some member of the city hall should visit tourist destinations, like Waikiki, some places in Switzerland (Interlaken, Davos), Ibiza (Spain), etc., to compare and see, what quality tourists prefere and like


You're having a giraffe.

My old dear used to go there with Dad before he died. It's idyllic apparently. It's not all Club 18-30.

It's probably not even the best destination in Spain

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Touristes étrangers de bonne qualité = généraux de l'armée qui sont en mesure d'économiser plus de leurs salaires que ce qu'ils gagnaient = généraux cambodgiens + généraux birmans + de généraux chinois + de généraux lao + généraux vietnamiens + de généraux russes + bienvenue dans votre propre petit monde général corrompu.

Tourist quality :
- No fake students
- Not the person does not have sufficient income and therefore have to work illegally, beg or steal to live.
- No people who do not respect the customs and laws.
- No drunks, infectious patients, criminals, drug addicts, exhibitionists, pedophiles, cheaters, crazy ...
- And especially not the old Western imbued with their alleged cultural superiority and passing their time explaining how to do better.
For my part I also apply these rules in my house.
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Quality tourists, don't come to Pattaya, to see all those bad smelling overloaded garbage containers on the jomtien beach. Quality tourists like to sit in a limo, like in Waikiki. They don't sit on a back of a pick up truck (song tew). Quality tourists don't like to see rats on the beaches, etc. Quality tourists don't like traffic jams, like in Pattaya.

Before talking about quality tourists, some member of the city hall should visit tourist destinations, like Waikiki, some places in Switzerland (Interlaken, Davos), Ibiza (Spain), etc., to compare and see, what quality tourists prefere and like


You're having a giraffe.

My old dear used to go there with Dad before he died. It's idyllic apparently. It's not all Club 18-30.
It's probably not even the best destination in Spain

Dunno. Only been once and that was to Magaluf in 1985. Got a free holiday from a builders yard. Seriously.

Quality tourist me!

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"quality tourists" tend to be well educated.

they visit countries that have a stable democratic governmental system, a clean and cared for environment, with clean and pristine beaches and natal resources and a functional legal system free of corruption and graft.

Sounds a lot like Sweden to me.

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I like the bit about the backpackers. Sadly they do not stay in the 4-5 star hotels owned by Thailand's classless 1%. They do buy beer which is goes towards the 1%. Backpackers also forgo expensive dinners and over priced wine.

Backpackers usually benefit the economy as a whole and not the entitled.

Khaosan is busy all the time. Why can't they just accept it as a good thing.

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