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immigration queue: what time should I show up?


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I need to extend my non imm. B visa for the remaining of the year.

What time should I show up at the immigration tomorrow to get a queue the same day? I read from 6.00 to 7.00am. However, a friend just told me she went last week at 3.30am and there already was 6 persons standing there ...

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On 2014-10-10 I went there to transfer everything to a new passport. I arrived at 05:35. There were about 20 persons lined up already. There are in reality 5 lines. You line up in the one appropriate to you (there are semi-comprehensible placards at the front of each line indicating what they are for). The lines are: 001, Tourist, Reentry; 201: Teacher, Medical, Education, Researcher, Missionary; 301: New passport transfer; Investment; Change A-O visa; Endorsement non-quota; 401: Business, Thai family member, Volunteer; 501: 90-day Report. (Sorry if these are unclear. That's the way they were written).

By 07:00 there were about 5 persons in Line 001; 100+ persons in Line 201; ~12 persons in Line 301; ~10 persons in Line 401; and ~3 persons in Line 501. At 07:00 is when the action starts: they give each person a provisional number that enables them to queue for their working number. Between 07:00 and 08:30 they pass out the real numbers based on your place in the earlier queue. Presumably people who exceed the number they can't handle that day are sent home.

In answer to your question: I have no clue as to what line you would be in. Except for Line 201, I would show up at 06:00. If Line 201, I would guess 05:00.

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I understand Monday and Friday are the busiest days, so hopefully tomorrow won't be too busy.

I'd be in line 401 (business) so based on these numbers, I'd have to be there around 7.00 to make it queue 10 (which I guess would be in the afternoon). Probably go at 6.00 to make it earlier.

Thanks for your detailed answer.

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You want to be sure? Get there by 5, 5:30 at the latest.

Yes I only got a few days before the visa expires so I definitely need this to be done before the end of this week.

I'll try your suggestion and will keep you posted.

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Yes? No? ... I'd guess it's not so much about the numbers in line but rather the type of application (say 90 days notification of stay must be faster than 1-year extentions) ... what time then?

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Anyone doing a 90-day report would be well-advised to stay away until 9 am and not clog up the morning scrum. OK, if you really want to be an early bird for a 90 day report, then maybe 7:30 am. Seriously, though, they do a huge number of 90 day reports every day. It's not like the retirement visa extensions where they do less than 100 each day.

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You want to be sure? Get there by 5, 5:30 at the latest.

Yes I only got a few days before the visa expires so I definitely need this to be done before the end of this week.

I'll try your suggestion and will keep you posted.

I have to renew my extension of stay, based on Marriage to a Thai, soon. Would appreciate your feedback ref. the queue I should join.All the on-line bookings are full alas as this method would seem to be most efficient.

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I went for my retirement extension yesterday (Wednesday)... I suppose it's the same waiting line for the marriage extension. I showed up at 5:45 a.m., was given my first queue number at around 7 a.m., and eventually sat down with the immigration official at 11:15 a.m. However, I was told to come back after lunch (at 1 p.m.) to pick up my passport. So I walked to the airport mall to grab lunch and then headed back to the immigration office. They called my name at 12:55 p.m. and handed me my passport.

My advice is that you show up before 5 a.m. if you want the best chances of obtaining your newly-stamped passport before the lunch break. Some people who showed up shortly after me got their numbers but were told they could only be seen in the afternoon.

Bring a good book, podcasts, etc.. anything to pass the time. Also bring a snack, water and insect spray.

What did I learn from all this? To make sure I book my spot via the Immigration website the moment my date becomes available!

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most written info is good advice from my last visit on the 14 October for my marriage 1 year extension I arrived late at 06:30 and was the last but one to be seen with wife and baby and finished at 17:15 WHAT A LONG DAY,for my next visit I would get there at 05:30,and no wife and baby came at 15:30 best of luck

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Good advice above generally to get an early start for extensions of stay.

People should NOT go to Chiang Mai Immigration for 90-day reports. Use the mail! Recent experience below:

Sent registered mail on 12 September (about two weeks before the required report date), processed by Immigration on 15 September and completed receipt received on 19 September. Total elapsed time: one week!

The new receipt of notification (which --- don't forget --- you place in your passport) is computer-generated with a bar code recording your passport number. It contains two very clear notices in English which notify that the report is NOT an extension of stay and which notes the next reporting date.

NOTE: The Immigration Office did write a PO Box number as part of their address, both on the receipt and on the return envelope I provided. You should now address your report to P.O. Box 882 as part of the address noted by Tywais in the pinned thread. That might even speed things up further.

It is not necessary to send a report by registered mail (cost: Bt18), but it may give you some comfort in case of lost mail. I personally have never had mail misplaced in ten years or so. Up to you. For the budget-conscious, If you comfortable not going to the post office and have a clear return address, the whole process costs (for four quarterly reports annually) all of Bt24 (including postage for the return envelopes) plus the cost of envelopes and some photocopies.

Each to her own, but one agent charges Bt1500 a year, I believe: some 60x more. And using the mail will relieve the crush at the office for other immigration business.

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but one agent charges Bt1500 a year, I believe: some 60x more. And using the mail will relieve the crush at the office for other immigration business.

nice one mapguy. your 90 day report post is great if you prefer to be a D.I Y.

but why put the boot into the visas agents??

they play a vital role. to releive the crush as u have posted above

cobber it works both ways

pay for a saloon passage (visa agents)


be in the hands of the immgr dept appalling services here in c/mai

a nice late evening to allsmile.png

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PS visa agents are for the infirm and wimps.

with the present squalid conditions and poor services that the immgr dept are currently serving up to the alien community

evenstevens,is very proud to be called a wimp

incidently bill 97

1010 posts,...14 kisses..(like it).. uuummm, poor track form

a very lovely afternoon to allsmile.png

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PS visa agents are for the infirm and wimps.

with the present squalid conditions and poor services that the immgr dept are currently serving up to the alien community

evenstevens,is very proud to be called a wimp

incidently bill 97

1010 posts,...14 kisses..(like it).. uuummm, poor track form

a very lovely afternoon to allsmile.png

Agree , conditions at that dump of an office should be improved. This would not only benefit the staff there who do a great job by and large, but also the customers who pay good money to stay legal. On another matter the top dog at CNX Immigration will be speaking at Le Meridien Hotel (near Night Bazarre area ) this coming Wednesday at 10.AM Meeting has been set up by The CEC club.

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Good advice above generally to get an early start for extensions of stay.

People should NOT go to Chiang Mai Immigration for 90-day reports. Use the mail! Recent experience below:

Sent registered mail on 12 September (about two weeks before the required report date), processed by Immigration on 15 September and completed receipt received on 19 September. Total elapsed time: one week!

The new receipt of notification (which --- don't forget --- you place in your passport) is computer-generated with a bar code recording your passport number. It contains two very clear notices in English which notify that the report is NOT an extension of stay and which notes the next reporting date.

NOTE: The Immigration Office did write a PO Box number as part of their address, both on the receipt and on the return envelope I provided. You should now address your report to P.O. Box 882 as part of the address noted by Tywais in the pinned thread. That might even speed things up further.

It is not necessary to send a report by registered mail (cost: Bt18), but it may give you some comfort in case of lost mail. I personally have never had mail misplaced in ten years or so. Up to you. For the budget-conscious, If you comfortable not going to the post office and have a clear return address, the whole process costs (for four quarterly reports annually) all of Bt24 (including postage for the return envelopes) plus the cost of envelopes and some photocopies.

Each to her own, but one agent charges Bt1500 a year, I believe: some 60x more. And using the mail will relieve the crush at the office for other immigration business.

Good informative post MG.

You mention relieving the crush, if you happen to go into VisaAssist and see just how many 90 day reports they do in a day, I think you would know that there would be a much bigger crush at immigration if they were not used. The current mail in system is good, but if it stops I'm back to a visa agent just because I really don't like going to immigration.....it's a personal choice.

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. On another matter the top dog at CNX Immigration will be speaking at Le Meridien Hotel (near Night Bazarre area ) this coming Wednesday at 10.AM Meeting has been set up by The CEC club.

a mere poodle,in the kingdoms immgr dept. chain of command

expect plenty of promises

and from previous dept track gallops


business as usual

Edited by evenstevens
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went at 2:30 PM, 45 minutse total time there for an extension

Wow! THAT has to be an all-time record! I suggest that people not expect such prompt action. It must have been a very slow afternoon for the staff. Normally, with an appointment, it will take about an hour and a quarter or half, most of it waiting --- if you have your documents in order --- for the supervisor's approval and a stamp. But why obsess about this! RELAX! Keep your cool, enjoy the view, take a book! Nobody likes standing or sitting in a line, but it is not such a bother once a year.

Those needing a 90-day report, just do it by mail. No need for you to go to the office! No need for you to use a visa agent. Easy! Cheap! Keeps the crowds down. See Tywais' posted instructions above!

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