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Cost of thatch roof?


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HI everyone,

Does anyone know how much it would cost to build a thatch roof for a small muaythai gym? Would thatch be cheaper than PVC roof paneling?

The Concrete will run 14 meters by 14 meters. Obviously the roof will need to extend past the end of the concrete slab.

I have included a few pics as examples of what I need. I done really care what kind of roofing material that we use, just looking for cheapest option. Will upgrade in a few years smile.png

Any input is very much appreciated




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Your pictures show a grass roof and it isn't thatched. I did one two years ago and it will have to be replaced soon, falling apart and we think there is a snake in there. I really like these roofs as they do keep things cool, however I will probably replace with 'tin' corrugated and insulated roof, I don't want to have to redo it every 2 -3 years. Price: dead cheap, don't spend money on a super professional grass roof in view of their life expectancy. The only 'difficult' bit is the ridge.

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