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Flaunting Your Wealth is it Wise?


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I doubt having a gold chain flaunts your wealth, unless that is all you have. I have always been amused by what I call the "Sailor Syndrome." Many people on vacation display it, so do many soldiers and sailors, and many off-shore workers--you know, spending lavishly, as if they really have money; then going back to their menial jobs, pinching pennies until they amass more money for their next 'rich trip'. Perhaps that is a major cause for many in Thailand, and in other less-developed countries, to think all Westerners are rich.

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I wear an Omega but most people don't think it's real

My friend in Singapore has an Omega as well... He does not wear it it sits in a safety deposit box, he does wear a knockoff of it though.... he said it is so good it took 10 minutes comparing the two visually to notice any difference.

I gave my Rolex to a friend; I use my cell phone, it does a few more things than does a watch.

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Well, OP, what should someone do with their wealth? To me, if you got it, flaunt it. Chicks dig it.

A small penis syndrome?

I think it wiser to live life not caring about the numbers on the right side of a menu. I prefer to always have the ability to buy what I want, go where I want, leave when I want, and have some left to give to my loved ones when I'm gone. Of course, how much wealth you have determines the level of menus you read.

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Flaunting wealth is the national past time. It's all about how many Mercedes Benzes you have. My inlaws are extremely proud of all three of their Benzes, even though they're all around 30 years old, emit a foul stench and have various internal parts (glove box, sun visors, etc) being held together with duct tape. I bought a suzuki swift last year which they turned up their nose at, but now they admit it's nice to have a car where you don't need to get out and push every so often.

wait until you get to the first hill

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Flaunting money only impresses and attracts people that love money IE gold diggers scam artist, salesmen, thieves, groupies, barfly's,.... I guess it depends on who you want to spend your time with. People with money usually spend time with others in the same boat living a upscale lifestyle, pretenders do not last long in the group.

Good people with or without money are a great find, jerks are a dime a dozen.

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Flaunting money only impresses and attracts people that love money IE gold diggers scam artist, salesmen, thieves, groupies, barfly's,.... I guess it depends on who you want to spend your time with. People with money usually spend time with others in the same boat living a upscale lifestyle, pretenders do not last long in the group.

Good people with or without money are a great find, jerks are a dime a dozen.

According to a japanese girl I knew... it scares Canadians away..... She had an LV bag (among other things) and the Canadian teachers would see something and run (too high maintenance) :P

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I wear an Omega but most people don't think it's real

My friend in Singapore has an Omega as well... He does not wear it it sits in a safety deposit box, he does wear a knockoff of it though.... he said it is so good it took 10 minutes comparing the two visually to notice any difference.

Not that difficult to spot the difference side by side. The lume dot on the bezel is never in the centre on fakes

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Many people may buy expensive cars to show their wealth, but for me I would buy them because I love to drive nice cars. And with expensive automobiles, they are much more comfortable and safer to drive so they actually serve a purpose.

Would you buy a lamborghini to drive through crowded streets -- and hire a SUV with four security personnel that would get out and run beside it making sure no-body touched it (and get back in the SUV when they were actually able to reach speeds that were greater than could be run)?

I think that was a good example of flaunting :P

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Many people may buy expensive cars to show their wealth, but for me I would buy them because I love to drive nice cars. And with expensive automobiles, they are much more comfortable and safer to drive so they actually serve a purpose.

Would you buy a lamborghini to drive through crowded streets -- and hire a SUV with four security personnel that would get out and run beside it making sure no-body touched it (and get back in the SUV when they were actually able to reach speeds that were greater than could be run)?

I think that was a good example of flaunting tongue.png

I am just speaking in general terms that I would buy expensive for the purpose of driving.

Yes the example you have given above is a clear case of flaunting. And it shows that they are not actually enjoying the driving experience if they are so worried about someone touching it. I saw a guy in a Lamborghini on beach road in Pattaya. I thought to myself what a total idiot. No one in Pattaya cares that he has a Lamborghini. If I had a Lamborghini I would drive it someplace much nicer than Pattaya.

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Well if you look like a million dollars you will be treated like one..you will be robbed..lol

But even before coming to Thailand to live I would consciously buy things that people wouldn't target to rob..buy the duller less shiny version so other people wouldn't be to tempted to steal it. Then I thought what a sad world it had become.

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its correct that when people say its about showing off, showing face, etc for many but.... then if you look at it in another perspective, some folks can afford it and they don't feel like they are showing off or trying to flaunt it, they are spending what they can afford and making themselves happy. I don't think you can classify all of these folks who are richer than you as trying to flaunt it.

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Well if you look like a million dollars you will be treated like one..you will be robbed..lol

But even before coming to Thailand to live I would consciously buy things that people wouldn't target to rob..buy the duller less shiny version so other people wouldn't be to tempted to steal it. Then I thought what a sad world it had become.

The rich are not the only targets of robbery.

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I think people have different definitions of what flaunting your wealth is. For me wearing overly expensive jewelry, watches and clothing is a way to flaunt your money because those items serve no other functional purpose other than showing wealth. That being said, there is nothing wrong with dressing nice and appropriate for an occasion. Sitting at a bar is not an occasion to wear a Rolex.

Many people may buy expensive cars to show their wealth, but for me I would buy them because I love to drive nice cars. And with expensive automobiles, they are much more comfortable and safer to drive so they actually serve a purpose.

What is wrong wearing a rolex? I collect watches and wear them everydsy as I like them. Most people have no idea though if its real or fake.

As for cars, i love them but given the roads here pointless getting a real psrformance sports car

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The people who try to show off and buy attention are the same ones who later cry "They only wanted me for my money!!!"

"They only wanted me for my money!!!"

They? Sounds a bit kinky.

You have to love it.Someone who is grossly unattractive, past his "use-by" date, over-weight and smells like something the cat wouldn't touch comes to Thailand to find a companion ... then he throws a fit of moral indignation when it finally dawns on him that she may not have found him a real catch for his innate allure.

And, of course, when reality sinks in: "She only wanted me for my money" is proclaimed on TV and all the fellow knuckle-draggers in the Thai Visa Chorus agree that she was "scamming" him. Sort of a case of the pot calling the kettle exploitative.

Most people who might have genuine wealth probably wouldn't feel the need to wear some ostentatious gold bling while tooling about on their Vespa trolling for a mate. Obviously antibiotics and the nanny states have foiled Darwin's expectation that the gene pool would cleanse itself.

Edited by Suradit69
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Many people may buy expensive cars to show their wealth, but for me I would buy them because I love to drive nice cars. And with expensive automobiles, they are much more comfortable and safer to drive so they actually serve a purpose.

Would you buy a lamborghini to drive through crowded streets -- and hire a SUV with four security personnel that would get out and run beside it making sure no-body touched it (and get back in the SUV when they were actually able to reach speeds that were greater than could be run)?

I think that was a good example of flaunting tongue.png

I am just speaking in general terms that I would buy expensive for the purpose of driving.

Yes the example you have given above is a clear case of flaunting. And it shows that they are not actually enjoying the driving experience if they are so worried about someone touching it. I saw a guy in a Lamborghini on beach road in Pattaya. I thought to myself what a total idiot. No one in Pattaya cares that he has a Lamborghini. If I had a Lamborghini I would drive it someplace much nicer than Pattaya.

It probably overheated on the way back to Bangkok

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I think people have different definitions of what flaunting your wealth is. For me wearing overly expensive jewelry, watches and clothing is a way to flaunt your money because those items serve no other functional purpose other than showing wealth. That being said, there is nothing wrong with dressing nice and appropriate for an occasion. Sitting at a bar is not an occasion to wear a Rolex.

Many people may buy expensive cars to show their wealth, but for me I would buy them because I love to drive nice cars. And with expensive automobiles, they are much more comfortable and safer to drive so they actually serve a purpose.

What is wrong wearing a rolex? I collect watches and wear them everydsy as I like them. Most people have no idea though if its real or fake.

As for cars, i love them but given the roads here pointless getting a real psrformance sports car

Nothing wrong with wearing a Rolex, but In order for it to look appropriate I would think you would need to be dressed accordingly. But as you are you are a watch collector and I am a car enthusiast, we have different tastes and I can respect that.

I do find it kind of pathetic that some people have one very expensive item, commonly a watch, that they use to show status. It is what we refer to as a corvette in a trailer park in the US. Meaning that they have spent all their money on one item.

I feel that the roads here are a perfect justification to buy an expensive car. Expensive cars are normally safer. They brake better, corner better, and have better safety features. FYI I am not talking about Lamborghini's, more like S class Mercedes, M3s...etc

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I don't think it matters that much how you act.

I live on a budget, not wealthy at all, but probably have more than many Thais in the rural area I live in.

I do not flaunt money or act like I have a lot of it.

I will barter with people in local stores and if the price is not good, I pass!

Local people know I do not spend any "crazy money".

This being said, I have been told more than once,

" People know you are really wealthy. But, we know your wife does not let you spend much money!"

They are correct, my wife does hold the purse strings, but that purse is not bulging with baht!

So, as I said above, It does not matter how you present yourself.

Local people assume that if you are a farang, you have money to spare.

P.S. I told them to let their friends keep on believing I am a wealthy man...that's O.K. with me! 555

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Most people flaunting wealth arent. They are flaunting a mountain of credit or the result of selling land which was their only revenue or a business thst may not last much longer, or their 'presents' for sleeping with an old man or woman or inherited money. Those who made it themselves usually dont show it.

Those wearing thai gold are more likely to have a bargirl in the family than someone rich.

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All I can say is, when I go to the bank, I dress the poorest out of every customer in there. Atleast the motorcycle somchai has a jacket. Everyone would look at my torn sandals and think "hmm just a nobody".

HOWEVER! That nobody just passes all of them without having to wait in line ever. I never wait in line at banks.

Nowadays people "wear" their assets on them. Everything on their body, from watches to bags, shirts, belts, shoes, it probably takes up 10% or more of their total assets.

The real rich, don't see money as a prize or a certificate of success. Money is like ammunition for the economic war they keep fighting on each day. Real rich people's money are never "free" as in doing nothing. It is busy earning more money.

Everything on my body is less than 0.01% of total assets. Same with cars I drive, less than 5% in value, paid in cash. It's more to do with management. Most somchais go and buy a fancy car on debt, what happens when you crash it or if it's stolen? That's right, you are miserable for life just paying for debt. Rich people? Mai pen rai, just buy another one. Not just because he's rich, but because he has money management skills. The reason I say this is, the "fake rich kids" when compared to somchais is nothing better. They got 40 million? They buy lambo, 100% at risk.

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All I can say is, when I go to the bank, I dress the poorest out of every customer in there. Atleast the motorcycle somchai has a jacket. Everyone would look at my torn sandals and think "hmm just a nobody".

HOWEVER! That nobody just passes all of them without having to wait in line ever. I never wait in line at banks.

Nowadays people "wear" their assets on them. Everything on their body, from watches to bags, shirts, belts, shoes, it probably takes up 10% or more of their total assets.

The real rich, don't see money as a prize or a certificate of success. Money is like ammunition for the economic war they keep fighting on each day. Real rich people's money are never "free" as in doing nothing. It is busy earning more money.

Everything on my body is less than 0.01% of total assets. Same with cars I drive, less than 5% in value, paid in cash. It's more to do with management. Most somchais go and buy a fancy car on debt, what happens when you crash it or if it's stolen? That's right, you are miserable for life just paying for debt. Rich people? Mai pen rai, just buy another one. Not just because he's rich, but because he has money management skills. The reason I say this is, the "fake rich kids" when compared to somchais is nothing better. They got 40 million? They buy lambo, 100% at risk.

So you are bragging about looking the poorest and cutting in line? Or are we to believe that you are so rich and important that they run to your beck and call? I am sure they are thrilled to help someone who can't even dress appropriately to be in a bank.

Summary of the rest of your post: Blah blah blah...number...blah blah...I am rich... Blah blah..other people are stupid because they choose to spend their money differently... blah blah...more irreverent numbers... anyone with a Lambo is an idiot and or can't afford one.

P.S. Ever heard of car insurance? I believe that covers accident and theft.

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All I can say is, when I go to the bank, I dress the poorest out of every customer in there. Atleast the motorcycle somchai has a jacket. Everyone would look at my torn sandals and think "hmm just a nobody".

HOWEVER! That nobody just passes all of them without having to wait in line ever. I never wait in line at banks.

Nowadays people "wear" their assets on them. Everything on their body, from watches to bags, shirts, belts, shoes, it probably takes up 10% or more of their total assets.

The real rich, don't see money as a prize or a certificate of success. Money is like ammunition for the economic war they keep fighting on each day. Real rich people's money are never "free" as in doing nothing. It is busy earning more money.

Everything on my body is less than 0.01% of total assets. Same with cars I drive, less than 5% in value, paid in cash. It's more to do with management. Most somchais go and buy a fancy car on debt, what happens when you crash it or if it's stolen? That's right, you are miserable for life just paying for debt. Rich people? Mai pen rai, just buy another one. Not just because he's rich, but because he has money management skills. The reason I say this is, the "fake rich kids" when compared to somchais is nothing better. They got 40 million? They buy lambo, 100% at risk.

So you are bragging about looking the poorest and cutting in line? Or are we to believe that you are so rich and important that they run to your beck and call? I am sure they are thrilled to help someone who can't even dress appropriately to be in a bank.

Summary of the rest of your post: Blah blah blah...number...blah blah...I am rich... Blah blah..other people are stupid because they choose to spend their money differently... blah blah...more irreverent numbers... anyone with a Lambo is an idiot and or can't afford one.

P.S. Ever heard of car insurance? I believe that covers accident and theft.

We can clearly see what type of "rich" person you are hahaha. All about appearances and looking good. Ever heard of connection, it's something someone like you don't know about. You can go back to your seat and looking pretty. What they offer me, how can I decline such good service, I never demanded it. Same with immigration, no hassles, no wait, instant service, all smiles, all good. Others? Stinky face sitting in those plastic chairs. Blame me? Don't forget to wear a tie btw.

I am sure all the insurance you buy will not make you rich. The poor has the highest spending percentage wise allocation in insurance, the rich don't. I buy insurance companies, they are not here to serve people, they are here to make money. They calculate the probability and statistics to how much a person should pay for the given total amount of possible accident costs of all clients and add profit to that equation.

Summary of your post: I'm poor and I hate the rich. (Even though the rich never caused you any harm but you instantly assume.... oh envy and jealousy strikes again).

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I think it all comes back to 'face'.

Do you call it "face" when it happens in your home country?

If our home countries begin with G7 - G xx the generalized widespread superficial philosophy that money is God does not exist as it does in thailand.

the concept of face functions as a replacement for cognitive-intellectual-critical thinking ability.

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