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Koh Tao murders: Petition seeking new probe to be handed to PM David Cameron


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Or...as another option:

People COULD just admit that terrible things happen, move the <deleted>ON.

Do you know how many people were killed in Chicago or some place last month? It happens.

Chicago is known world wide to be a crime infested place with multiple murders everyday.

Amazing Thailand is a hospitable place that serves with a smile.

There is a big big different.

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Or...as another option:

People COULD just admit that terrible things happen, move the <deleted> ON.

Do you know how many people were killed in Chicago or some place last month? It happens.

The usual gangs kill gangs that rages on. But apples and oranges. We're taking about massive foul play by police, cover up, protection, intimidation.... quite a grander scale.

So why don't you consider not searching for, reading, then posting on threads such as this if you are so against sharing thoughts on the events? Or is this the key to being a troller?

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What we have here a basic case of FACE, the Thais have probably screwed up and cocked up a simple investigation of murder of two people and as they are harassed to find the killers they have managed/ manipulated and concocted a scenario that fits in with their bumbling investigation, at no time are they intending nor will they ever admit that they are wrong and they dare the world to do that, and as they hold all the evidence with the inept and corrupt practices then evidence can be and probably has been manipulated to fit the current situation.

Thailand being asovreign nation it is hard for anyone to call foul without insulting the Government and that is something most countries will not do .

The public quite rightly being Thai do not really want an outside investigation or even corroboration to the investigation as they deep down are fully aware that it is probably flawed. The problem here is the NEW PM's refusal and insistence that all is OK when he must know it is NOT, so again scapegoats will pay the price and to make it go away they may well pay the ultimate price, by dying in custody , made to be seen as suicide which will exonerate the Police and pour blame on them with no legal and public reply. As dead men in Thailand cannot talk. As they are also illegal than it is a fait accompli and it will go the way of the Dodo.

So sad but true...

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From what I read if any petition with more than 100,000 signatures is presented to the UK PM it must by law go before the house for discussion.

If this is true and they had over 80,000 yesterday then there is a good chance they will get to the 100k and it will come up in the Commons to more international publicity.

What I was wondering is how the Thai police could keep a witness in custody for 2 weeks without charging him with anything, as they have done with the roti seller ?

Don't they have to be raised at http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/ ?

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Over 80,000 signatures last time I looked.

And not 1 that matters. David Cameron has no authority to conduct any investigation in Thailan

Doesn't need to. They have the victims DNA. The accused parents are in Burma. Check their DNA.

Huh?? How is an investigation that has no bearing in Thailand helpful?

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From what I read if any petition with more than 100,000 signatures is presented to the UK PM it must by law go before the house for discussion.

If this is true and they had over 80,000 yesterday then there is a good chance they will get to the 100k and it will come up in the Commons to more international publicity.

What I was wondering is how the Thai police could keep a witness in custody for 2 weeks without charging him with anything, as they have done with the roti seller ?

Don't they have to be raised at http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/ ?

Regardless there is no Way for the UK to interfere with a police investigation in Thailand

it would violate the law

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The more the world criticizes this case and questions the innocence of these men the more I think the police will find them dead in their cells....

Then everyone will shut up... and whether guilty or not it will all be over.

I almost expect it to happen....

All it takes it an independent test done by an outside source and everyone will shut up... But they refuse it.


Because they will find one or more Thai killers from the rich powerful family on the Koh Tao island.

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From what I read if any petition with more than 100,000 signatures is presented to the UK PM it must by law go before the house for discussion.

If this is true and they had over 80,000 yesterday then there is a good chance they will get to the 100k and it will come up in the Commons to more international publicity.

What I was wondering is how the Thai police could keep a witness in custody for 2 weeks without charging him with anything, as they have done with the roti seller ?

BTW.. Police in many places can hold witnesses using a material witness warrant.

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From what I read if any petition with more than 100,000 signatures is presented to the UK PM it must by law go before the house for discussion.

If this is true and they had over 80,000 yesterday then there is a good chance they will get to the 100k and it will come up in the Commons to more international publicity.

What I was wondering is how the Thai police could keep a witness in custody for 2 weeks without charging him with anything, as they have done with the roti seller ?

BTW.. Police in many places can hold witnesses using a material witness warrant.


Yeh sure!!

Just given evidence in court. Saw nothing. Know nothing, but did appear to be something of character witnesses for the accused!!

Material witness my derriere!!

You are challenging johnthailandjohn as to who can distort the truth the most.

If these Burmese are found guilty and we know they probably will be, you will come on here all cock sure of yourself, proclaiming you were right all along.

The reality is most decent minded people who happen to have brain cells in working order, know what is happening here.

Its sickening.

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From what I read if any petition with more than 100,000 signatures is presented to the UK PM it must by law go before the house for discussion.

If this is true and they had over 80,000 yesterday then there is a good chance they will get to the 100k and it will come up in the Commons to more international publicity.

What I was wondering is how the Thai police could keep a witness in custody for 2 weeks without charging him with anything, as they have done with the roti seller ?

BTW.. Police in many places can hold witnesses using a material witness warrant.


Yeh sure!!

Just given evidence in court. Saw nothing. Know nothing, but did appear to be something of character witnesses for the accused!!

Material witness my derriere!!

You are challenging johnthailandjohn as to who can distort the truth the most.

If these Burmese are found guilty and we know they probably will be, you will come on here all cock sure of yourself, proclaiming you were right all along.

The reality is most decent minded people who happen to have brain cells in working order, know what is happening here.

Its sickening.

Strange. I am waiting for a trial to hopefully understand the quality of the case. You have decided the Case with no evidence.

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The practice of using surrogates to serve sentences in lieu of the guilty party is very old established in China and SE Asia. Just a couple of years ago in Chongqing, in a very high-profile trial, there was some doubt expressed in the media as to whether the woman who stood in the dock accused of murder was the same woman as originally arrested.

As an extension of the above idea, what poor boys from Burma, offered a deal whereby, for example, in exchange for being convicted and serving a sentence until the furore has died down and they can be quietly released, would not be tempted by a cash offer which would lift them and their families out of abject poverty?

Whether, having been convicted and sentenced, the offering party would stick to the agreement is, of course, open to question. They could simply, for convenience' sake, 'arrange' for the punishment to be a capital one, the boy to be executed, the problem solved.

There are no limits to the potential infamy, which is why it is so important for the truth in this matter to be clearly and transparently demonstrated, something which has signally not happened yet.

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That will confuse people. British the Jersey Evening Post is; mainland British it is not.

'... if they end up being finally acquitted or proven not guilty, ... no compensation can be provided for damaged reputations.' Given we are in Thailand, where factual statements can be construed as libellous, that would be surprising.

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Just thinking out loud...If it just happened that certain family members from Koh Tao found themselves removed to the UK, could they be tried in a British court of law, IF evidence was sufficient for the British Authorities to believe they were guilty of the murder of British subjects?

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Maybe it could be better if we stop trying to prove that Thai Police were wrong (maybe thy are not...) and ask for a petition to avoid killing the Burmese guys... maybe give them some life sentence or something.. anything better than to kill them....

Edited by Camilo Diaz
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I agree that a second independent verification of the DNA would give reassurance that the right people were in custody .

Personally I believe the culprets have been found , despite the apparent ineptness of the Thai police .

If they have indicted the wrong people , Koh Tao may see a similar murder and have to answer for that too , as well as a failure this time .

Thailand is not a country where anything goes , even on off islands ; tourist need to respect Thai customs and code of behaviour .

Personally I believe the culprets have been found . - this is precisely the kind of prejudicial nonsense that has turned this crime into an international fiasco.....it really doesn't matter if they are the culprits or not the police through their lack of proper procedure have lost any respect for the evidence thus any conviction would now be unsafe. Talking about whether they did it or not is totally missing the point.....which is due procedure and a fair trial.

no offense but, there is no way these two did it,

one of them looks like he is too young to ride a bicycle,

there were more than 2 people in this crime, and they had viciousness in their character,

the small kid, couldn't hurt a fly and is too small to have helped drown David Miller,

this was a mob and there are far too many reports that "everyone on the island knows who did it"

none of those people say it was the Burmese,

wonder why

This kind of post with no appreciation of logical thought or deduction is exactly the same as the rationale behind the thinking of the police.

You really don't have a grasp of the issues at all.

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I agree that a second independent verification of the DNA would give reassurance that the right people were in custody .

Personally I believe the culprets have been found , despite the apparent ineptness of the Thai police .

If they have indicted the wrong people , Koh Tao may see a similar murder and have to answer for that too , as well as a failure this time .

Thailand is not a country where anything goes , even on off islands ; tourist need to respect Thai customs and code of behaviour .

Personally I believe the culprets have been found . - this is precisely the kind of prejudicial nonsense that has turned this crime into an international fiasco.....it really doesn't matter if they are the culprits or not the police through their lack of proper procedure have lost any respect for the evidence thus any conviction would now be unsafe. Talking about whether they did it or not is totally missing the point.....which is due procedure and a fair trial.

no offense but, there is no way these two did it,

one of them looks like he is too young to ride a bicycle,

there were more than 2 people in this crime, and they had viciousness in their character,

the small kid, couldn't hurt a fly and is too small to have helped drown David Miller,

this was a mob and there are far too many reports that "everyone on the island knows who did it"

none of those people say it was the Burmese,

wonder why

This kind of post with no appreciation of logical thought or deduction is exactly the same as the rationale behind the thinking of the police.

You really don't have a grasp of the issues at all.

how can you say that?even popular thais have the same idea

check the interview to that politician

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From what I read if any petition with more than 100,000 signatures is presented to the UK PM it must by law go before the house for discussion.

If this is true and they had over 80,000 yesterday then there is a good chance they will get to the 100k and it will come up in the Commons to more international publicity.

What I was wondering is how the Thai police could keep a witness in custody for 2 weeks without charging him with anything, as they have done with the roti seller ?

BTW.. Police in many places can hold witnesses using a material witness warrant.


Yeh sure!!

Just given evidence in court. Saw nothing. Know nothing, but did appear to be something of character witnesses for the accused!!

Material witness my derriere!!

You are challenging johnthailandjohn as to who can distort the truth the most.

If these Burmese are found guilty and we know they probably will be, you will come on here all cock sure of yourself, proclaiming you were right all along.

The reality is most decent minded people who happen to have brain cells in working order, know what is happening here.

Its sickening.

Strange. I am waiting for a trial to hopefully understand the quality of the case. You have decided the Case with no evidence.


You need to wait for the court case to understand the quality of the case.????????

OK, Have a good day.

In my opinion, I dont need to wait, in order to have an opinion on the colossal f### up the BIB have made!!

You are either trolling or you and I are at complete opposite ends of the spectrum.

No need to reply. I will not be wasting anymore of my time viewing your posts.

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Sondhi Limtrakul, owner of the Manager media group, has publicly come out with a conspiracy theory on his ASTV channel in which he suggests that the investigation was unsound from the start and he implies that a mafia family in KT has links with the NCPO. I don't know if this is far fetched or not but what is interesting is the balls of Sondhi in publicising his theory. He narrowly survived one assassination attempt and the police investigation got nowhere, despite several police claims they were about to grab the mastermind. Perhaps he has become over sensitive about police investigations into murders and attempted murders.

You can find this on YouTube and I listened to it this morning. My jaw dropped. He is not only accusing the Koh Tao mafia, but claiming they are supported by influential persons in Bangkok. There will certainly be defamation suits filed against him, notwithstanding the fact that most Thais recognize that his statements were factual. Conjecture: might his defense to the defamation suits be an excuse to re investigate the murders? Wild conjecture: he already has conclusive proof on those involved and their links to Bangkok, and his statements were deliberately designed to instigate his being sued as the way he can attack the police and their influential friends without breaching Prayut's rules any more than he did in the program.

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From what I read if any petition with more than 100,000 signatures is presented to the UK PM it must by law go before the house for discussion.

If this is true and they had over 80,000 yesterday then there is a good chance they will get to the 100k and it will come up in the Commons to more international publicity.

What I was wondering is how the Thai police could keep a witness in custody for 2 weeks without charging him with anything, as they have done with the roti seller ?

BTW.. Police in many places can hold witnesses using a material witness warrant.


Yeh sure!!

Just given evidence in court. Saw nothing. Know nothing, but did appear to be something of character witnesses for the accused!!

Material witness my derriere!!

You are challenging johnthailandjohn as to who can distort the truth the most.

If these Burmese are found guilty and we know they probably will be, you will come on here all cock sure of yourself, proclaiming you were right all along.

The reality is most decent minded people who happen to have brain cells in working order, know what is happening here.

Its sickening.

Strange. I am waiting for a trial to hopefully understand the quality of the case. You have decided the Case with no evidence.


You need to wait for the court case to understand the quality of the case.????????

OK, Have a good day.

In my opinion, I dont need to wait, in order to have an opinion on the colossal f### up the BIB have made!!

You are either trolling or you and I are at complete opposite ends of the spectrum.

No need to reply. I will not be wasting anymore of my time viewing your posts.

Thanks for the well thought out reply. "I disagree so I will not listen "

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Yes, a horrific double murder and the guilty need to be brought swiftly to Justice.

But hold on a minute about Petitions to the British PM and demands for a British investigation. Just who do these people think they are?

We have some very fine Police in Thailand who are more than capable of handling this.

Thailand is a Sovereign State, so just back-off with your "Colonial Mentality" and leave it to the Royal Thai Police, instead of trying to run rough-shod over our investigative team. Time to simply accept the fact that "Britain no longer rules the waves"...or anything else these days and certainly never has, nor will it ever, rule Thailand.

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