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I'm NOT loving it or how McD's makes you feel bad


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I have always thought that McD was some food leftover collector or something similar. It's never occurred to me too actually eat there.

I hate the stuff with a passion. it's not food.

Many years ago, whilst on a driving holiday I got caught out arriving at location and everything was shut, except the McDonalds.....I was hankering for a feed, absolutely starving, went inside, navigated their menu and ordered something. I took the product, paid and sat down. I open the food, sniffed it and took it straight back and gave it back to them, left and went hungry.

W T F was that s h I t ? 555555

Edited by neverdie
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Try walking into a Mickey D's in the USA without speaking English (or Spanish in some places). It's a pretty reasonable bet you'd walk out feeling humiliated- if not downright hungry. Not universal, but I've seen it way too often.

Then perhaps you'll appreciate how far the Asians will go to make a transaction work. I say Asians because it's the same in China and Korea as it is in Thailand. And it's not just McD's- it's the local hardware store, and the vegggie market and the taxi drivers, and.... They'll bend over backwards to accommodate me- illiterate me- who doesn't speak a word of the language. They'll do whatever it takes to make the deal work.

Not so back home where they'll often give up in a heatbeat if they don't understand the accent. As if they're doing you a favor by accepting your business.

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One day we'll probably hear McDs has found a way to simulate chicken, using basa fish - it's tasteless composition is used to fake just about everything else more expensive.

It would also explain away why you feel bad afterwards too.

Edited by tifino
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I have always thought that McD was some food leftover collector or something similar. It's never occurred to me too actually eat there.

I hate the stuff with a passion. it's not food.

Many years ago, whilst on a driving holiday I got caught out arriving at location and everything was shut, except the McDonalds.....I was hankering for a feed, absolutely starving, went inside, navigated their menu and ordered something. I took the product, paid and sat down. I open the food, sniffed it and took it straight back and gave it back to them, left and went hungry.

W T F was that s h I t ? 555555

Sad to say most "food" isnt real food nowadays, its all processed rubbish. There's a reason why your hungry again an hour after you eat A McDonald's, it's because there's no nutritional value in the food and your body knows this.

Eat clean, keep lean. So easy to eat clean in Thailand why the hell would you come half way across the world to eat crap? Guess they make it real addictive with all them chemicals they pack in there burgers.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My biggest pet peeve about mcdonalds is the same person that takes your order behind the counter also packs the order. She packs it as other people are waiting in line to order that is! So while she packs it there are people standing there with their thumbs up their asses waiting in liine, while they could be sitting down enjoying the 5 star ambiance knowing their order is being taken care of..... big difference between a customer standing in line waiting and knowing their order is not "in" yet, and a customer waiting and can sit or do as they please and knowing the order is being taken care of.

Very simple solution one is a dedicated to taking orders and there is a second employee who packs the orders. This seems beyond them and for the life of me I have never been able to figure out why they can't see this would make them more of the almighty baht. If they knew that I know they would do it.

I have run a small business and while this may seem like a small detail to some, I consider it an absolute abomination of efficiency. The weirdest part is Thai businesses seem to have way too many employees behind counters, yet they have no idea how to efficiently use them. It is like double stupidity, really there is no other way to describe it. Have you guys noticed, there are 8 employees behind a little counter, all of them running into each other, and none of them have any idea of what to do! If it were me and I were going to make an error it would be to hire too few employees and be inefficient that way. The way they do it is worst of both worlds.

I'd rather have the person taking the order packing the meal than someone standing with their thumb in their ass.

But that's just me.......................wink.png

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I have always thought that McD was some food leftover collector or something similar. It's never occurred to me too actually eat there.

I hate the stuff with a passion. it's not food.

Many years ago, whilst on a driving holiday I got caught out arriving at location and everything was shut, except the McDonalds.....I was hankering for a feed, absolutely starving, went inside, navigated their menu and ordered something. I took the product, paid and sat down. I open the food, sniffed it and took it straight back and gave it back to them, left and went hungry.

W T F was that s h I t ? 555555

Sad to say most "food" isnt real food nowadays, its all processed rubbish. There's a reason why your hungry again an hour after you eat A McDonald's, it's because there's no nutritional value in the food and your body knows this.

Eat clean, keep lean. So easy to eat clean in Thailand why the hell would you come half way across the world to eat crap? Guess they make it real addictive with all them chemicals they pack in there burgers.

There's the douchebags that are afraid they will get sick eating Thai food or can't communicate to order, crap like that.

I knew an Ozzie couple that came to Thailand for 10 days, ate only maccas, KFC and one fried rice, one night. When they told me I was completely numb. I wondered what in h e l l they were thinking or why they bothered leaving marrackville or whatever hole they crawled out of.

Edited by neverdie
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Try walking into a Mickey D's in the USA without speaking English (or Spanish in some places). It's a pretty reasonable bet you'd walk out feeling humiliated- if not downright hungry. Not universal, but I've seen it way too often.

Then perhaps you'll appreciate how far the Asians will go to make a transaction work. I say Asians because it's the same in China and Korea as it is in Thailand. And it's not just McD's- it's the local hardware store, and the vegggie market and the taxi drivers, and.... They'll bend over backwards to accommodate me- illiterate me- who doesn't speak a word of the language. They'll do whatever it takes to make the deal work.

Not so back home where they'll often give up in a heatbeat if they don't understand the accent. As if they're doing you a favor by accepting your business.

That isn't a valid example, as MD is a typical American fast food.

your example would be try to walk into a Thai (or Chinese or Japanese) Restaurant in USA without speaking English. It might work.

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Their online ordering prices on the website are also often incorrect. When inquiring about this they say that it depends which shop actually delivers and some of them in the larger prime tourist locations have higher prices hence you will also be charged these higher prices on delivery.

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Try walking into a Mickey D's in the USA without speaking English (or Spanish in some places). It's a pretty reasonable bet you'd walk out feeling humiliated- if not downright hungry. Not universal, but I've seen it way too often.

Then perhaps you'll appreciate how far the Asians will go to make a transaction work. I say Asians because it's the same in China and Korea as it is in Thailand. And it's not just McD's- it's the local hardware store, and the vegggie market and the taxi drivers, and.... They'll bend over backwards to accommodate me- illiterate me- who doesn't speak a word of the language. They'll do whatever it takes to make the deal work.

Not so back home where they'll often give up in a heatbeat if they don't understand the accent. As if they're doing you a favor by accepting your business.

This is way too dramatic. If the person can say "three" or hold up three fingers they are perfectly capable of getting what they want. I'm sure this is even one of the reasons Mcd's and others have gone to show the set meals prevalently.

Further, perhaps if the Thais did hold out and expect foreigners to speak their language, more people could actually speak it. I don't think acquiescing to foreigners to get at their money is a virtue necessarily.

I just feel the exact opposite as you do, such is the world smile.png

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Their online ordering prices on the website are also often incorrect. When inquiring about this they say that it depends which shop actually delivers and some of them in the larger prime tourist locations have higher prices hence you will also be charged these higher prices on delivery.

That is complete crazy......I think it is very bad service....What is next? Charge a customer who looks very hungry more, because he has no choice?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

My biggest pet peeve about mcdonalds is the same person that takes your order behind the counter also packs the order. She packs it as other people are waiting in line to order that is! So while she packs it there are people standing there with their thumbs up their asses waiting in liine, while they could be sitting down enjoying the 5 star ambiance knowing their order is being taken care of..... big difference between a customer standing in line waiting and knowing their order is not "in" yet, and a customer waiting and can sit or do as they please and knowing the order is being taken care of.

Very simple solution one is a dedicated to taking orders and there is a second employee who packs the orders. This seems beyond them and for the life of me I have never been able to figure out why they can't see this would make them more of the almighty baht. If they knew that I know they would do it.

I have run a small business and while this may seem like a small detail to some, I consider it an absolute abomination of efficiency. The weirdest part is Thai businesses seem to have way too many employees behind counters, yet they have no idea how to efficiently use them. It is like double stupidity, really there is no other way to describe it. Have you guys noticed, there are 8 employees behind a little counter, all of them running into each other, and none of them have any idea of what to do! If it were me and I were going to make an error it would be to hire too few employees and be inefficient that way. The way they do it is worst of both worlds.

I'd rather have the person taking the order packing the meal than someone standing with their thumb in their ass.

But that's just me.......................wink.png[/

Same, but I check their faces for zits. Or rather, traces of them.

Oh dear, I think I'll skip sauce on my lunch today.

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I guess I'm in the minority here. I like McDonald's! I don't eat there very often but it's a nice treat occasoinaly, especially the french fries. As another poster mentioned a nice alternative, if you're after fast food, is Carl's although a bit more expensive.

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In Australia, some of the McDonalds staff look like they use a shoe horn to get their uniform on.....really tight uniforms, about 3 or 4 sizes too small....what's the go with that ?

They got the uniform when they started to work at McD. After 6 month they grew out of it....

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In Australia, some of the McDonalds staff look like they use a shoe horn to get their uniform on.....really tight uniforms, about 3 or 4 sizes too small....what's the go with that ?

The uniforms fit when they took the job.....now that they eat the stuff the clothes no longer fit them....don't think they're eating healthier now....

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In Australia (20 years ago) there was a sandglass on the counter which counted 30 seconds. If the order was not delivered within that 30 seconds the customer would get it for free. That's a great system.

I don't go in MacD anymore because i can't order in Thai nor in English and within 3 seconds all 8 employees are staring at me like is that english what he speaks? Also i can't eat the french fry's because they are way too salty.

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