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Australian planes kill Islamic State militants


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" Australian forces have killed Islamic State extremists during air strikes in Iraq."

" He wouldn't give exact details on how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda...... "

Thus read "Two militants were killed".

Oh well, it's a start. Keep it up,

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"He wouldn't give exact details on how many missions had involved bombing targets or how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda campaign of IS."

....and how many innocent women and children killed?

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They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich. Edited by coma
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"He wouldn't give exact details on how many missions had involved bombing targets or how many militants were killed for fear of feeding the aggressive propaganda campaign of IS."

....and how many innocent women and children killed?

All citizens of the Islamic State should be considered combants and dealt with accordandly. They all believe in the same funtamentals.

So if you kill you women and children for their believes, what where is the difference between them and you? The IS is doing exactly the same or less (I don't know if they kill the women and children).

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coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:
ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

Um, slightly wrong, vegemite has not changed, only the label has, this is from Kraft, the makers of vegemite "Now, as far as I understand it (and I may be wrong here), this should really be a non-story. Vegemite has not been changed. Vegemite has always been halal. (It is made from brewers yeast, a by-product of beer-making, but since it contains no alcohol it is fine for Muslims to consume.) All that has happened is that it now carries a small symbol that certifies it as halal, which I'm thinking is to clear up any confusion that Muslims may have had, given its association with brewing." What you may not know is that vegemite is also kosher.

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coma, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:59, said:
ezzra, on 17 Oct 2014 - 17:35, said:

They must have bombed them with a 1 ton Vegemite bombs, they died out of disgust of the taste

and the smell alone....

Unfortunately all vegemite is Halal now. We don't want IS scum picking vegemite up off the battlefield and using it as Popeye did spinich.

Um, slightly wrong, vegemite has not changed, only the label has, this is from Kraft, the makers of vegemite "Now, as far as I understand it (and I may be wrong here), this should really be a non-story. Vegemite has not been changed. Vegemite has always been halal. (It is made from brewers yeast, a by-product of beer-making, but since it contains no alcohol it is fine for Muslims to consume.) All that has happened is that it now carries a small symbol that certifies it as halal, which I'm thinking is to clear up any confusion that Muslims may have had, given its association with brewing." What you may not know is that vegemite is also kosher.

I wanted to write the same. Products without pork and alcohol (and a few other things maybe) are almost automatically halal. As long as it isn't about slaughter of animals the symbol is just an information.

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