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Dog bite in Pattaya


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Tonight my pregnant girlfriend (13 weeks) got bitten on the leg while on the back of a motorbike. The bite is not severe but there is a mark and some blood.

She went to a pharmacy who said they couldn't give her "medicine" because she's pregnant.

Should she go to hospital? Is there rabies in Pattaya?

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Most definitely there is rabies in dogs in Pattaya and everywhere else in Thailand.

There is nothing you can get at pharmacy for this, she has to go to a doctor or her local hospital. Should do so first thing in the morning. Meanwhile just clean the wound as thoroughly as you can. It's good to let it bleed a bit first, helps wash it out.

She is going to need a series of vaccine injections. Free if she goes to the government hospital where she is registered, over 1,000 baht a pop if she goes private. Not all private clinics/doctors carry the vaccine. I'd suggest she just present at the ER of the hospital where she is registered. Any Thai hospital can manage this.

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Most definitely there is rabies in dogs in Pattaya and everywhere else in Thailand.

There is nothing you can get at pharmacy for this, she has to go to a doctor or her local hospital. Should do so first thing in the morning. Meanwhile just clean the wound as thoroughly as you can. It's good to let it bleed a bit first, helps wash it out.

She is going to need a series of vaccine injections. Free if she goes to the government hospital where she is registered, over 1,000 baht a pop if she goes private. Not all private clinics/doctors carry the vaccine. I'd suggest she just present at the ER of the hospital where she is registered. Any Thai hospital can manage this.

Prices have come down a lot . I been bitten many times.

Thai clinic from memory 450 per shot. Dr Olivier 600 per shot

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There is a safe alternative.

Get a Vet and go back to where the dog was. Chances are, it belongs to somebody. If nobody claims the dog, tie it up and have the Vet check it out. Perhaps have it transported to his facility.

Nobody will claim ownership, but somebody will protest. If somebody does, you can then call the police (or bring the headman of the area with you, as well)

Edited by slipperylobster
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Thais tend to resort to denial and "mai pen rai" a lot, including in situations where it places them at risk. It is the dark side of the coin to their optimisms and carefreeness.

Not much you can do about it though.

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The bite was on her bum/upper thing, not her leg. She's having the jabs - 700 baht a shot at a clinic on Soi Korpai. Her doctor for the pregnancy said the rabies shots wouldn't affect the foetus, although she seemed to get the information by Googling it!

No idea what happened to the dog.

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