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Koh Tao murder suspects tell rights commission they were beaten


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Sorry but thai visa forum is infiltrated by the mafia,that means police and army henchmen.

Censorship and people on the payroll of the mafia are here and sabotage constantly this forum.

Very disturbing but what can you do against multi millions of dollars

Thailand´s system is incurable sick.

And no,this is not off topic.

This desease of corruption is everywhere and will prevail in this country,its just too deep in the society.

Really sad but there is no solution.

To install normal society in this country its too late,

Too many generations of greed army and police at work already

Impossible to repair,its just irreparable

Sorry, what's the name of that weed again you're smoking? w00t.gif

it's called "reality"

he is right as everybody living in thailand know. therefore i ask you what you drink to ask him this stupid question what he smoke

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Well there’s only one response to that

“Well, they would wouldn’t they?”

the problem is there are TWO possible reasons why.

1 - they know that saying this will help to question any testimony against them

2 - they were actually tortured. - which invalidates their testimony.

Either way the handling of this investigation has left itself open to doubt one all sides as to the veracity of any evidence or statement made by anyone.....in the light of this, one fails to see how any verdict can EVER be satisfactory.

In many legal systems around the world, guilty or not this case would have already collapsedWell there’s only one response to that

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I guess you have never visited Brazil or Argentina (South America). Even the U.S. has somewhat softened its position on topless beaches in specific tourist areas. Many resorts in the Caribbean and Central America either allow nudity or have a designated beach for such. Even Turkey (Muslim) allows topless sunbathing at the hotel pools and beaches along the Turkish Rivera.

Herds of European tourists vacation at beach locations every year. Many European women prefer no top when sunbathing.

Tourist money drives the train for countries willing to cater and conform to tourist's desires! Atypical of Thailand "Money for Nothing" and the sex is not free.........

You have a valid point there.

Sure local tourists visit some tourist areas in Thailand, but if they really want foreign tourists, why can they not accept foreign ways in said tourist areas?

EDUCATE the locals, as in:

"Hey! There's a lot of white folks here in this area (Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, & various islands) & they like to get a sun tan.

Most of them don't live near a beach & it's freezing weather 2/3rds of the year where they come from! Oh Yeah, WE want their money, they don't speak Thai, many come for a simple vacation in a friendly place...

Hell! some of them even find it (perish the thought!) ROMANTIC to be in the tropics!"

No, no, no, no, no!!!!! We must educate them to do as we say and not as we do.


I was once had a VERY LOW IQ Thai guy on a crew I was advising/consulting in BKK.

I had some pictures a Spanish beaches on my computer.

The guy went NUTS!!!!!!! He just HAD to HAVE my collection. I had to bluetooth it to his phone when his boss showed up. The guy's name was "Oh"...not to beconfused with another guy on that team named Oah w00t.gif ....

Oh was just DYING to get home and, well, you know...I'm sure he had a date with Rosie Palmer.

My Mother used to go on & on about what I was not allowed to do, such as skip church, drink, smoke etc...You name it.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence = I became a rebel in my teens. I was quite the drinking, smoking, fornicator.

I moved to BKK & trawled Cowboy & Nana & soapies for a whopping 3 months, then settled down with a super cool lady 13 years ago.

I'm no saint, but neither am I some yo-yo that's been kept in the dark all my life about the "Ways of the World" & human nature in general.

Does anybody recall the uproar over some prankster that managed to get a slide in of a topless gal in a Powerpoint slideshow that got clicked onto the screen in Parliament a few years ago?

I wish I knew who pulled that off. I'd buy him a case of top shelf whiskey. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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No matter how much you were beaten no matter what kind of threats are you going to sit there in silence with your life on the line.

So, being held captive by the police and not allowed any contact with the outside world is now known as sitting in silence.

It was enforced silence for heavens sake. And the first time they got to speak, they did.

I haven't quoted the rest of your post as there is enough nonsense in here already.

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this tragedy has been followed by the junta and police + anyone else belonging to the authorities in Thailand ,portraying the worst aspects Thailand's sad and insular outlook on the rest of the civilised world.

for these people to continue their attempts to place the blame of this crime at the feet of the victims and

for good measure announce their intention of advising future visitors to learn more about thai culture

"that might keep them safe" I know maybe a lot gets lost in translation but even making excuse's for

that it is sickening to hear of "intimate acts in public" that as far as I can ascertain is not proven and

so is rumors....what kind of a country conducts itself in this manner.

I am no fan of the brit pm Cameron but I have never heard a statement announced by the British media

do a backward somersault by the time the plane landed in Thailand,

the world was watching but it seems the people who are running Thailand don't care, they believe they

can continue to rule over this nation and keep the truth locked away by archaic laws and only the unelected

few having the real power.

so we can hope karma will do what needs doing as I have a deep dread that these Myanmar boys

are just another part of a plan to save the money that tourist's bring here.. god help them.

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"they were assaulted after being arrested."

In view of the fact that there are a million ways they police could prove their confessions, such as video tape, observation by lawyer or unrelated witnesses, etc, (ok, well at least two) then the court should accept their retraction.

Time for courts to require video taped confessions, not signatures on docs they can't read.

Sadly for police, conviction rate will plummet. But then they might perform extractum digitus and go look for the real perps.

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No matter how much you were beaten no matter what kind of threats are you going to sit there in silence with your life on the line.

If you guys want to believe that these 2 were privately tutored in what they had to do when reinacting the crime then you are dumb.

They knew how the murders were committed, what weapon was used, where theygot it, how many blows were struck and went through te entire act without hesitation

Not one of them but both stayed silent because they were scared they would get another beating? Never mind if found guilty the death penalty awaits them.

Not a peep out of either of them but then along come their lawyers and suddenly "We were beaten"

Of course their lawyers ...lets call them Snow White and the Seven dwarfs would never advise their client to lie so the must be innocent.

Case closed let them go because all you would be detectives on Thai visa say so

Bullshit. yes, they were privately tutored about the crime, in addition, at the "reenactment" , the cops were even telling them which way to point. It's obvious from the photos. i guess that you are so tough, you would not confess under torture. Or, are you just a buffoon who is on here to get attention?? I'm also guessing that you have never been subjected to torture. I get a large kick out of the assclowns on here who state that if the suspects were innocent, they would never have confessed, even under beatings/torture. These said assclowns should voluntarily submit themselves to torture, including suffocation, electroshock, beatings, etc, so that they can prove how tough they are. But for the ordinary mortal, life in a prison cell, or even a bullet to the head, can look mighty attractive when they are being tortured.

So you were there were you and you an read all that from a photo and I thought Shelock Homes was an imaginary charachter............I am surprised with your great mind the fact that the police did not need a confession slipped past you. They already had enough evidence to convict with the DNA matches...........so pray tell why beat them so badly they confessed? Did they get a few slaps during interegations?.................after whet they did to that young couple.....I bloody well hope so.

Can we, the interested public, put you on the list as a character witness for the BIB?

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No matter how much you were beaten no matter what kind of threats are you going to sit there in silence with your life on the line.

So, being held captive by the police and not allowed any contact with the outside world is now known as sitting in silence.

It was enforced silence for heavens sake. And the first time they got to speak, they did.

I haven't quoted the rest of your post as there is enough nonsense in here already.

Good job on shutting this moron up... I hope the real killers and the "people" protecting them will get thrown in prison for life..

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Suspects being interrogated for a crime that can result in death sentence REQUIRE to have lawyers present.. This is according to thai law.. it doesn't matter if the suspect say that they don't want lawyers.. They are required to have !! This is according to a thai talk show i watched yesterday .. ofcourse the police first claimed they didnt want lawyers,, later they claimed there was lawyers hahah

Thai talk show (including sound effects that westernes grow out of at the age of 5) .. has english subtitles... You probably want to fast forward to 1:30 and then stop watching around 14:30 .. Edited by hobz
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IMHO, in this day and age, it should be compulsory for any interview involving admissible evidence in a court of law, anywhere in the world, should be both video and audio recorded to maintain transparency.

That way the entire process is traceable and should work for both sides of the divide.

Also, no interview should be conducted without proper legal representation. It says in the OP that they were represented but that goes against earlier reports of the admission to the crimes.

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Sorry but thai visa forum is infiltrated by the mafia,that means police and army henchmen.

Censorship and people on the payroll of the mafia are here and sabotage constantly this forum.

Very disturbing but what can you do against multi millions of dollars

Thailand´s system is incurable sick.

And no,this is not off topic.

This desease of corruption is everywhere and will prevail in this country,its just too deep in the society.

Really sad but there is no solution.

To install normal society in this country its too late,

Too many generations of greed army and police at work already

Impossible to repair,its just irreparable

No comment i am on my final warning!!! Off topic :)

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Beaten or not. They need to make the accusation. With the whole world on their side they are apparently quite believable. And the BIB are not.

beaten or not, they should simply retract there confessions, let the police prove they did it, if they retract, the beating didn't give any result for the police.

New to Thailand, are you? The police have no oversight here, period. It wouldn't matter what you did or didn't say, do or didn't do, once you were in that system. They 'confessed' to whatever the police say they did, or else it will be worse.

Farangs define the corruptions in terms of bribes, and inconveniences which don't make sense.

Thais and poor Asians define the corruption as being terrified and beaten, accused of whatever suits the abuser at the moment.

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"...encouraging tourists to dress properly when not swimming or sunbathing, ask them not to commit intimate acts in public, as well as regulate taxi services and publishing do's and don'ts about Thai culture on leaflets and in other media."

There are two things implied in this comment.

The first one about appropriate dress is virtually the same comment Prayuth got caught saying about women wearing bikinis, seeming to imply they brought it on themselves. So even after that controversy you have these idiots saying almost the same thing.

The second thing is the comment about falang needing to be more aware of Thai culture. However, it was not Thai people who supposedly killed this British couple, but two men from Myanmar, so how did not respecting Thai culture cause this problem...unless it really was Thai people who killed them...ah!

I personally do not see anything wrong with the statement.....I believe we should respect the culture of the country we are in and make sure you do not offend. Yesterday in the Bangkok Samui hospital at 10am a very large (obese) Russian was walking around in and out of the Orthapedics section not wearing a shirt; disgusting sight. How many times do you see tourists walking down the street in bikinis and/or speedos.....or in Tescos.....no Thai would ever do this. All he is saying is if you are not swimming or sunbathing please show some RESPECT for the Thai culture and wear modest attire......after all who are the ones expecting visitors/immigrants to respect our culture when in our countries.....double standards perhaps. This is not Ibiza or the Black Sea....it is Thailand which has its own culture.....respect it!

and if you don't...you'll be either raped or murdered? som nan na?

Edited by wilcopops
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According to this video from Astv the forensic team said they were beaten and suffocated with plastic bags.


Niran Pitakwatchara, chairman of the NHRC's sub-commission on civil and political rights, said his forensic team found that the Burmese was torture and abused. The torture include chest beating and suffocation using plastic bag. Dr. Niran also requested X -RAy examination for further analysis.

Is this what he said? Can someone please verify what he says in this video? If he says they were found to be beaten or they are not sure...


I hear it the same as you.I didn't hear an absolute yes until he gets results from x rays. He said they had painful areas when pressure given to those points but he wants to see x rays. I also didn't hear that he will get to take x rays or not.

Why can't everybody just trust the word of the police, they clearly say they weren't going to use scapegoats this time and that they didn't torture the suspects. You have no idea how sad the cops are now ...

Actually I've never said they have the wrong people only that it is a possibility. Bearing in mind these boys will probably be put to death if they are found guilty I believe they should look at all evidence. After all if they are innocent and killed that means the real killer or killers will be free to do this again.

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Tourism police, tour operators and community leaders on Koh Tao yesterday held a meeting over what to do to boost tourist safety and provide better services.

one simple thing .beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu ..just cut the head of all the mafia system, showing who they and with for who they work for.

i guess in that case at least 50 % of the men from the island would have a fine or jail sentences for corruption, extortion etc etc.

thats why nothing is going to happen but i hope tourist had learn from this story.


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"...encouraging tourists to dress properly when not swimming or sunbathing, ask them not to commit intimate acts in public, as well as regulate taxi services and publishing do's and don'ts about Thai culture on leaflets and in other media."

There are two things implied in this comment.

The first one about appropriate dress is virtually the same comment Prayuth got caught saying about women wearing bikinis, seeming to imply they brought it on themselves. So even after that controversy you have these idiots saying almost the same thing.

The second thing is the comment about falang needing to be more aware of Thai culture. However, it was not Thai people who supposedly killed this British couple, but two men from Myanmar, so how did not respecting Thai culture cause this problem...unless it really was Thai people who killed them...ah!

I personally do not see anything wrong with the statement.....I believe we should respect the culture of the country we are in and make sure you do not offend. Yesterday in the Bangkok Samui hospital at 10am a very large (obese) Russian was walking around in and out of the Orthapedics section not wearing a shirt; disgusting sight. How many times do you see tourists walking down the street in bikinis and/or speedos.....or in Tescos.....no Thai would ever do this. All he is saying is if you are not swimming or sunbathing please show some RESPECT for the Thai culture and wear modest attire......after all who are the ones expecting visitors/immigrants to respect our culture when in our countries.....double standards perhaps. This is not Ibiza or the Black Sea....it is Thailand which has its own culture.....respect it!

and if you don't...you'll be either raped or murdered? som nan na?

You make your bed, you lay in it!!

If you know the number of times, I have been seriously embarrassed by the the behaviour of expats/tourist.

Yes Thailand is a very laid back country, but it seems some people can not handle that freedom!

Sure you would not be happy with tourists/immigrants fornicating on the beach in your homecountry?

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They may be guilty, they may be innocent, but my reality is that the evidence will be stacked against them. When I say stacked, I mean stacked. Forget the appearance of human rights lawyers and UK cops, there is no way these guys will get off.

It's difficult to convince anyone that forensic evidence has been contaminated if the powers that be are only looking for a quick and safe outcome, not the unearthing of the truth.

When will these simpletons realise that Thailand's credibility.will only be enhanced if the truth comes out even if it shows that Thais were responsible? A cover-up trial means that nobody but the slime-bags who committed this atrocity will be the winners.

It's 2014 and given the voracity of the Western media, the Thai establishment is on a massive loser by perpetuate this ballocks of a charade. Let the 'real' truth come out and we can all move on leaving the actual villains to rot in hell (Thai gaol).

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Sorry but thai visa forum is infiltrated by the mafia,that means police and army henchmen.

Censorship and people on the payroll of the mafia are here and sabotage constantly this forum.

Very disturbing but what can you do against multi millions of dollars

Thailand´s system is incurable sick.

And no,this is not off topic.

This desease of corruption is everywhere and will prevail in this country,its just too deep in the society.

Really sad but there is no solution.

To install normal society in this country its too late,

Too many generations of greed army and police at work already

Impossible to repair,its just irreparable

Sorry, what's the name of that weed again you're smoking? w00t.gif

it's called "reality"

It's called being held accountable, for which many in Thailand (if not the rest of the world) are not....reality my ass.

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Sorry but thai visa forum is infiltrated by the mafia,that means police and army henchmen.

Censorship and people on the payroll of the mafia are here and sabotage constantly this forum.

Very disturbing but what can you do against multi millions of dollars

Thailand´s system is incurable sick.

And no,this is not off topic.

This desease of corruption is everywhere and will prevail in this country,its just too deep in the society.

Really sad but there is no solution.

To install normal society in this country its too late,

Too many generations of greed army and police at work already

Impossible to repair,its just irreparable

Almost irreparable. Prob not in our lifetimes, but maybe one day

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If you think the Thai police are SO CORRUPT that they can't get at the truth in this crime, or protect any innocent tourists, then why are you still in Thailand?

Did you disbelieve the police when they helped convict the Thai railway worker recently of the rape and murder of that little girl? Or is it only when a foreigner is the victim? Correct me if I am wrong, but both cases involved a confession and DNA evidence, if I recall.

As for me, I'm withholding judgement until the DNA evidence is examined by the UK police. At some point, you have to trust someone. Or go home where it's safe, I suppose.

555 every time I read one of your posts, I hear it being spoken in the voice of Henry Fonda.

And every time I read one of your posts, I shake my head at the irony that you call yourself "Tom Joad".

Tom Joad would never have uttered one sentence that you have posted on these forums ... his opinions on the matter would be the exact opposite of yours.

Quite the opposite!

What a relief there still are posters out there with integrity enough to express their own opinions, instead of following the flag of the crimesolving, Thaihating and know-it-all Thaivisa-fraternity.

All whilst cross-"liking" eachothers posts!!whistling.gif

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If you think the Thai police are SO CORRUPT that they can't get at the truth in this crime, or protect any innocent tourists, then why are you still in Thailand?

Did you disbelieve the police when they helped convict the Thai railway worker recently of the rape and murder of that little girl? Or is it only when a foreigner is the victim? Correct me if I am wrong, but both cases involved a confession and DNA evidence, if I recall.

As for me, I'm withholding judgement until the DNA evidence is examined by the UK police. At some point, you have to trust someone. Or go home where it's safe, I suppose.

one thing as nothing to do with the other.

the rape in the train is only a case of 2 sick guys without any further concequences....poor thai people and a few ceasy farang will continue to take that s.h.i.t train again.

in the case of the island it is totally different, the economy of the island is only made from tourism, everybody who knows tourist places, knows there is corruption like the hell doesnt permit ....nobody beleive these people because for a century we pay for this or for that ....stupidly ! and i am totaly sure knowing how thai police work that they know everything about the case and if there is 2 scapegoat it is because for the image of thailand it could be a disaster if the men involved where thais ...then for sure people will avoid thailand for a while...of course we want to beleive thai police ...but with real prouve ...not today you have fish and tomorrow you have pig on the menu.

myself i trust first everyboddy... it is when they demostrate me they are not trustfull that i change my mind


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I personally don't think these two did this. The Police are really confident about this DNA and im slightly concerned about this because there is the photo of them lined up at the beginning when the police were getting DNA off lots of Burmese workers and we heard nothing.

Then they had some breakthrough with convienence store CCTV and the fact they were drinking on the beach and then the police found DNA that did match theirs with something near the scene.

As much as I hope the UK "observing" helps I reckon that by the time they get here all the lose ends will tie up and the DNA will match and the UK will just have to accept the verdict

Its strange evidence that the police deemed very important now seem to be forgotten. The CCTV running man. Doesn't look like any of the suspects( he is taller and leaner) What happened to the cigarette DNA?

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OP not 100% accurate. Selective news broad casting.

"Niran Pitakwatchara, chairman of the NHRC's (National Human Rights commission of Thailand, a Government agency) sub-commission on civil and political rights, said his forensic team found that the Burmese were tortured and abused. The torture included chest beatings and suffocation using a plastic bag. Dr. Niran also requested X -Ray examination for further analysis. furthermore he said "We spoke to the two suspects on October 13. They have given us believable statements that allude to the fact that they were tortured and forced to confess. But our information comes from the medical investigation team."

Source: Channel News Asia website and ASTV.


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