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Buddhist but obsessed with money?


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I am not a expert on Buddhism and don't claim to be but I find it very strange that so many Thai people are Buddhist but then have a money driven attitude.

My understanding of Buddhism is that the Buddha gave up all material things in his search for enlightenment.

If this is the case why are so many Thai people concerned with wealth and status? Isn't this in direct conflict with there religion?


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Firstly I would be careful to attribute all Thai traits to Buddism.
Secondly I donot agree that Thais are more money driven than others though they are more status driven, which may explain things a bit.
In terms of Buddism wealth is "ok" when attained without harming others etc.

Also a certain Hedonism in an Epicurian sense is compatible with Buddhist teaching but I guess most Thais simply leave it to another life to start working on the reducing of suffering :)

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Yes amazing isn't it

As we all know

People from Christian countries follow their religion without fail

People from Jewish countries follow their religion without fail

People from Muslim countries follow their religion without fail



Why can't Thais be as perfect as the rest of us ?

I think all religion is a joke

then why did you single out thais and buddhism? thai basher?

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Yes amazing isn't it

As we all know

People from Christian countries follow their religion without fail

People from Jewish countries follow their religion without fail

People from Muslim countries follow their religion without fail



Why can't Thais be as perfect as the rest of us ?

I think all religion is a joke

then why did you single out thais and buddhism? thai basher?

Hmmmm....Thai visa forum its called...if remember correctly......

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Yes amazing isn't it

As we all know

People from Christian countries follow their religion without fail

People from Jewish countries follow their religion without fail

People from Muslim countries follow their religion without fail



Why can't Thais be as perfect as the rest of us ?

I think all religion is a joke

Religions were created to control the people. Buddhism is a philosophy and that sets it apart from the others.

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Yes amazing isn't it

As we all know

People from Christian countries follow their religion without fail

People from Jewish countries follow their religion without fail

People from Muslim countries follow their religion without fail



Why can't Thais be as perfect as the rest of us ?

I think all religion is a joke

then why did you single out thais and buddhism? thai basher?

Hmmmm....Thai visa forum its called...if remember correctly......

doesnt mean it cant be compared to others. try again

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Yes amazing isn't it

As we all know

People from Christian countries follow their religion without fail

People from Jewish countries follow their religion without fail

People from Muslim countries follow their religion without fail



Why can't Thais be as perfect as the rest of us ?

u forgot us atheistssad.png

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Yes amazing isn't it

As we all know

People from Christian countries follow their religion without fail

People from Jewish countries follow their religion without fail

People from Muslim countries follow their religion without fail



Why can't Thais be as perfect as the rest of us ?

I think all religion is a joke

then why did you single out thais and buddhism? thai basher?

Thai forum plonkerlaugh.png

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Yes amazing isn't it

As we all know

People from Christian countries follow their religion without fail

People from Jewish countries follow their religion without fail

People from Muslim countries follow their religion without fail



Why can't Thais be as perfect as the rest of us ?

I think all religion is a joke

Religions were created to control the people. Buddhism is a philosophy and that sets it apart from the others.

Its no different just presented differently still offering "eternal life"

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They call themselves Buddhists because that's what they have been conditioned to do, say and believe in.

Being obsessed with money, that's the result of social conditioning as well. So, no it's not contradictory. Just robots that act on demand and do not even know the intent behind their actions.

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Even Bhuddists have to eat, live in a house, dress themselves, live a normal life and that all requires money. Jesus kicked the money changers out of the temple and that didn't stop the Vatican becoming a mega business.

Life continues to turn and people make a life. I believe the notion of making honest money that has no adverse affect on others is considered acceptable.

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Yes amazing isn't it

As we all know

People from Christian countries follow their religion without fail

People from Jewish countries follow their religion without fail

People from Muslim countries follow their religion without fail



Why can't Thais be as perfect as the rest of us ?

In Thailand Buddhism is the religion endorsed by the State. The are legal penalties for disrespecting Buddhist teachings. You cannot say that about any 'Christian country,' except perhaps the Vatican. In countries where Islam is endorsed by the state, it is followed strictly indeed, at least in public. I am quite sure even Israel has freedom of religion.

If Thailand wants to be perfect like the rest of us they would either segregate religious practices from politics and government or they should be better Buddhists.

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Yes amazing isn't it

As we all know

People from Christian countries follow their religion without fail

People from Jewish countries follow their religion without fail

People from Muslim countries follow their religion without fail



Why can't Thais be as perfect as the rest of us ?

u forgot us atheistssad.png

Atheism was created to control us....

Not really! Atheism is not a creation. However, theism is a creation, ie. the belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe.

Atheism is simply a non-acceptance of such a belief, on the basis of inadequate or unconvincing evidence.

Those who are 'theists' and who therefore have a belief in the existence of God, sometimes assume that the atheist must also have a belief, a belief in the non-existence of God, and accuse the atheist of being a fool. How can one have a belief in the non-existence of something. That would require an exploration of every nook and cranny in the entire universe, which is obviously impossible.

Sometimes dictionaries add to the confusion by defining atheism as a 'belief' (that God does not exist). Such a definition is incorrect in my view. Atheism is not a belief, but a lack of belief. There is a distinction.

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This is not a developed nation with safety nets and an accessible legal system dispensing justice for all.

For Thais:-

If you are a wealthy citizen here, you are, to a large extent, above the law.

If you have no money and are getting by on a pittance, then you run the risk of being a victim of anybody from the group in my previous sentence.

This is one reason.

Another reason is if you are knocking around with Thais from the lowest stratum of society, rural peasant families, hookers, etc., then they are far more likely to be sitting around talking about money than actually be working to earn it.

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