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Parents say their sons are innocent but beaten to confess

Lite Beer

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And their retracted confessions don't make any sense. We all know you get a reduced sentence if you confess. Why would the boys retract knowing if proven guilty they its life or death. Again that doesn't make any sense. The only people a confession helps is the police who are doing a terrible job. Let's leave the confession no confession out for that reason right there.

SEMEN DNA DOES NOT PROVE MURDER. No evidence of that, no blood stained clothes, nothing. Finding a phone doesn't prove murder, they could have been dead already and stupidly picked it up...

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And their retracted confessions don't make any sense. We all know you get a reduced sentence if you confess. Why would the boys retract knowing if proven guilty they its life or death. Again that doesn't make any sense. The only people a confession helps is the police who are doing a terrible job. Let's leave the confession no confession out for that reason right there.

SEMEN DNA DOES NOT PROVE MURDER. No evidence of that, no blood stained clothes, nothing. Finding a phone doesn't prove murder, they could have been dead already and stupidly picked it up...

The DNA results are enough to bind them over for trial.

Again you do not have the right to discovery. You don't know what the case is in its entirety. That will come out in the trial.

This is not the first case on record where the focus has shifted from one suspect to another. People sought in the beginning were later excluded.

The conspiracy theorists will just have to wait until the trial.

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That's right they have absolutely nothing. I tell you what we do have. A massive storm of young kids be tortured to confess to something they didn't do. How about we investigate that. How about we look for more potential killers. Why have the police closed the case when there is NO EVIDENCE these kids committed murder. None. Why are the Thai police so quick to close the book on a murder investigation when they have no proof. These are the questions that need answering immediately.

We have to add

Why do the Thai police not investigate other "hot" suspects? If only to proof they are innocent

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jayjayjayjay, on 25 Oct 2014 - 01:55, said:

Jingthing, on 24 Oct 2014 - 22:45, said:

Wow. The invisible people become visible. I get the feeling this won't end well. crying.gif

I am afraid emotions are running to high in defense of these guys incarcerated. For sure Andy Hall and his followers can help finance a defence, but in the end if they are guilty then they should stop this Thailand bashing.

Thai "bashing" wow, where did you get that... RTP bashing, oh yes, and they deserve it...but Thai bashing, no, only in your mind trying to stir the racist pot. For some very strange, maybe personal reasons, some people "see" Thai bashing in every comment.

How else would you describe a carte blanche recommended boycott of an entire islands services. Pretty simple stupid!

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We want the truth!!

Until then... BOYCOT KOH TAO!

You're absolutely right everyone should boycott Thailand until the truth is revealed. That should go for all the expats ... time they stopped moaning about things and took action by leaving.

I am quite happy with my life in Thailand. I plan on visiting KT on my next long break from work to visit friends.

You are welcome to stay away though.

WOW, you must be one of the most uncareing person's i have ever seen post on TVF.

Enjoy your trip to KT...

You are right about one thing. I absolutely do not care about your opinion of me smile.png

I do, however, care about my friends and look forward to spending time with them.

I expect the 2 Burmese men to have been convicted by the time I get a week off.

And i expect that possibly you may find your self in a bit of trouble with that non careing attitude.

Also just to let you know as well, that i could give a rat's arse about your opinion about anything.

Maggot's have better moral's and respect than you.

And more personality!!!
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And their retracted confessions don't make any sense. We all know you get a reduced sentence if you confess. Why would the boys retract knowing if proven guilty they its life or death. Again that doesn't make any sense. The only people a confession helps is the police who are doing a terrible job. Let's leave the confession no confession out for that reason right there.

SEMEN DNA DOES NOT PROVE MURDER. No evidence of that, no blood stained clothes, nothing. Finding a phone doesn't prove murder, they could have been dead already and stupidly picked it up...

You may ask when there retracted statement were initated. Right when the 'sympathetic' (crocodile tears) lawyers landed in force, all paid for by generous NGO donations.
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And their retracted confessions don't make any sense. We all know you get a reduced sentence if you confess. Why would the boys retract knowing if proven guilty they its life or death. Again that doesn't make any sense. The only people a confession helps is the police who are doing a terrible job. Let's leave the confession no confession out for that reason right there.

SEMEN DNA DOES NOT PROVE MURDER. No evidence of that, no blood stained clothes, nothing. Finding a phone doesn't prove murder, they could have been dead already and stupidly picked it up...

You may ask when there retracted statement were initated. Right when the 'sympathetic' (crocodile tears) lawyers landed in force, all paid for by generous NGO donations.


they learned about their rights and that they could feel safer from more torture now

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We want the truth!!

Until then... BOYCOT KOH TAO!

A completely stupid post. If they are guitly what will you say then. "Oh people I was wrong, my appologies to all the good operaters of guest houses and hotels for the last twenty years, my bad". Social media is faceless and yet powerful. For sure pressure the BIB, but I think it's pretty pathetic to add salt to the wounds of innocent business owners and operators surely suffering in the shadow of this horid event.
Sorry, chap, but if you're not trolling you are either very jaded or very green. Case aside, what innocent business owners? The island is mafia controlled, the resort/bar which likely kicked all this off with spoilt perp is mafia controlled, and the RTP is one giant mafia. 'Good owners' could not get a look-in on this island and I, for one, am with lucpez all the way... I hope people stop going and the entire place and it's pathetic, weak, grubby controllers are brought to their knees. Tourists, please go elsewhere.

And your qualifications are.....

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You might ask why they would do that if the police evidence was so strong against them. Basically signing themselves up to life and or death. Why recant their confessions. Forget lawyers and crocodile tears, you get a reduced sentence if you admit to a crime in Thailand. Strange they would recant confessions if the did it. To which of course the police have no proof of murder.

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Looks like no comments from the parents on their son's DNA matching the semen found in one of the victims. Also no comments about how they may have been forced to participate by a rich Thai.

Let it go to trial ... they have lots of lawyers and groups looking out for them as well as media who have put the case under a microscope.

What part of fabricated DNA evidence do you not understand?

A simple independent test would confirm, or disprove it wouldn't it?

Looks like no comments from you on why BIB don't have an independent test done.

Let it go to trial.......but with confirmed evidence, not a frame up.

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Looks like no comments from the parents on their son's DNA matching the semen found in one of the victims. Also no comments about how they may have been forced to participate by a rich Thai.

Let it go to trial ... they have lots of lawyers and groups looking out for them as well as media who have put the case under a microscope.

What part of fabricated DNA evidence do you not understand?

A simple independent test would confirm, or disprove it wouldn't it?

Looks like no comments from you on why BIB don't have an independent test done.

Let it go to trial.......but with confirmed evidence, not a frame up.

Actually he has addressed that several times.

Would you trust any results on DNA collected by the RTP? Or would you claim that the initial collection was tainted when it came back as a match for the 2 Burmese men?

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Could use a few links to some quotes on this thread, from reliable sources of news, otherwise it looks a bit pony.

Looks more phony when you share CSI Facebook Page links from Conspiracy Theorists and claim them to be facts. Remember this is where most of the conspiracy folks got their momentum with the ridiculous and incorrect theory about the whole phone thing. Since then they just keep jumping onto something else until it is shown they are just making stuff up based on things they don't know or that have not been released ... including the lack of the University releasing a kids test or coming out publicly (not just to the police) about releasing information about a particular student. Oh yea, and the airline not releasing passenger lists of flights from the area to Bangkok. With these "facts" we can conclude a rich Thai was not in Bangkok taking a test but was in Koh Tao murdering and raping a tourist and placing Burmese sperm in the victim.

Without the information being released "we" can't conclude anything. If you were in the cross hairs but innocent, wouldn't YOU want airlines and units to release what they have?

If the police had the information, no doubt that they would release it, they released everything else including stuff that should have been kept quiet.

I have no problem your believing the RTP story, or that these two are guilty. What I can't understand is your absolute unwavering insistence that there must be no further investigation.

Afraid what might be found?

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Yes let's take it to trial with no evidence of murder. They r all in here today people JD, JTJ etc. Reckon we might have hit a raw nerve somewhere.

Only you are claiming that there is no evidence for murder. For the final time. You (the public) does not have the right to discovery. The court issued the remand order. That means there is enough evidence of the facts in the case to bind the suspects over for trial.

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Could use a few links to some quotes on this thread, from reliable sources of news, otherwise it looks a bit pony.

Looks more phony when you share CSI Facebook Page links from Conspiracy Theorists and claim them to be facts. Remember this is where most of the conspiracy folks got their momentum with the ridiculous and incorrect theory about the whole phone thing. Since then they just keep jumping onto something else until it is shown they are just making stuff up based on things they don't know or that have not been released ... including the lack of the University releasing a kids test or coming out publicly (not just to the police) about releasing information about a particular student. Oh yea, and the airline not releasing passenger lists of flights from the area to Bangkok. With these "facts" we can conclude a rich Thai was not in Bangkok taking a test but was in Koh Tao murdering and raping a tourist and placing Burmese sperm in the victim.

Without the information being released "we" can't conclude anything. If you were in the cross hairs but innocent, wouldn't YOU want airlines and units to release what they have?

If the police had the information, no doubt that they would release it, they released everything else including stuff that should have been kept quiet.

I have no problem your believing the RTP story, or that these two are guilty. What I can't understand is your absolute unwavering insistence that there must be no further investigation.

Afraid what might be found?

There is a huge difference in understanding how criminal investigations work and your untruthful claim about an "absolute unwavering insistence that there must be no further investigation."

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I hardly think I'm the only one who thinks there is no evidence of murder. Let's ask shall we and keep this one fact right out there right up front. No blood stained clothes. No finger prints or DNA on the hoe. No wine bottle. Only a DNA semen match, again that does not prove murder.

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I hardly think I'm the only one who thinks there is no evidence of murder. Let's ask shall we and keep this one fact right out there right up front. No blood stained clothes. No finger prints or DNA on the hoe. No wine bottle. Only a DNA semen match, again that does not prove murder.

What part of "the public doesn't have a right to discovery " do you not understand?

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Could use a few links to some quotes on this thread, from reliable sources of news, otherwise it looks a bit pony.

Looks more phony when you share CSI Facebook Page links from Conspiracy Theorists and claim them to be facts. Remember this is where most of the conspiracy folks got their momentum with the ridiculous and incorrect theory about the whole phone thing. Since then they just keep jumping onto something else until it is shown they are just making stuff up based on things they don't know or that have not been released ... including the lack of the University releasing a kids test or coming out publicly (not just to the police) about releasing information about a particular student. Oh yea, and the airline not releasing passenger lists of flights from the area to Bangkok. With these "facts" we can conclude a rich Thai was not in Bangkok taking a test but was in Koh Tao murdering and raping a tourist and placing Burmese sperm in the victim.
Without the information being released "we" can't conclude anything. If you were in the cross hairs but innocent, wouldn't YOU want airlines and units to release what they have?

If the police had the information, no doubt that they would release it, they released everything else including stuff that should have been kept quiet.

I have no problem your believing the RTP story, or that these two are guilty. What I can't understand is your absolute unwavering insistence that there must be no further investigation.

Afraid what might be found?

There is a huge difference in understanding how criminal investigations work and your untruthful claim about an "absolute unwavering insistence that there must be no further investigation."

Could you refer me to a post you have made suggesting, endorsing or hinting at further investigation? If not, absolute, unwavering insistence about sums up your attitude.

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We want the truth!!

Until then... BOYCOT KOH TAO!

A completely stupid post. If they are guitly what will you say then. "Oh people I was wrong, my appologies to all the good operaters of guest houses and hotels for the last twenty years, my bad". Social media is faceless and yet powerful. For sure pressure the BIB, but I think it's pretty pathetic to add salt to the wounds of innocent business owners and operators surely suffering in the shadow of this horid event.

"If they are guilty" ... if you have been following closely the case you should now that statement makes no sense. Social media power and loss of tourism revenues are the only reason why Scotland Yard is let in. And the only hope to reform this rotten and corrupted system.

Your post is stupid. An observer from Scotland Yard has been invited to obviously quell the likes of your posts, let's see what the report-out yields. It does not make your post any more correct. There are many aspects to this case that are exceptional, one being these are Rankine people, particularly hated by Burmese! It does not make them Saints but more likely hated by everyone now! I stand neutral, but I detest hate posts like your recommendation, which it clearly is.

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And so the racism and persecution of the Burmese continues in Koh Tao

Reports unofficial announcements by authorities on Koh Phangnan and Koh Tao motorbike curfew for Myanmar migrants 6pm/10pm respectively


Perhaps cos most are illegal folk, so noooooo license or insurance. They hit a farang with a bike what happens...?

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That's right they have absolutely nothing. I tell you what we do have. A massive storm of young kids be tortured to confess to something they didn't do. How about we investigate that. How about we look for more potential killers. Why have the police closed the case when there is NO EVIDENCE these kids committed murder. None. Why are the Thai police so quick to close the book on a murder investigation when they have no proof. These are the questions that need answering immediately.

We have to add

Why do the Thai police not investigate other "hot" suspects? If only to proof they are innocent

And how do you know they have not been investigated! Are you part of there workforce? Enlighten me.

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