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Broken MultiQuotes


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I don't know where the problem come from,

but there are more and more people whose MultiQuotes answers are always broken!

It made them very difficult to read sad.png

As an example this active page: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/771559-british-authorities-at-koh-tao-crime-scene/page-24

You can see at least 3 broken messages:

#580 by tingtongtourist

#586 by jdinasia

#593 by DarloKnight

"jdinasia" is not a newbie here with more than 18'000 posts!

so I suppose he knows how to MultiQuotes...

Is there no way to avoid this problem ?

or to "fix" broken quotes ?


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I'll think you will find that the TV quote top out at 4 replied quotes plus what ever the member is posting ... thus making it 5 quotes in total.

If someone then tries and quote the above ... that makes it 6 quotes ... and the system is not designed to handle that, hence you see what you see, and I can understand why.

When 'multi-quoting, maybe best to weed out the irrelevant posts rather then quote them as a block.


The other way to do it is write it like this ...

@ Pattaya46

I don't know where the problem come from,
but there are more and more people whose MultiQuotes answers are always broken!
It made them very difficult to read xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0.png

@ David48

I'll think you will find that the TV quote top out at 4 replied quotes plus what ever the member is posting ... thus making it 5 quotes in total.

bla bla bla

@ Next Poster

... then you can reference to your hearts content.

Edited by David48
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If someone then tries and quote the above ... that makes it 6 quotes ... and the system is not designed to handle that, hence you see what you see, and I can understand why.

I can understand too, and I am one of those who think there are too many quotes in many messages of this forum.

My point is: ok you must limit, but make it correctly wink.png . If the limit is 5 and a post already had 5 levels, then for a user who would add another level, remove the older level by example.

There are many websites that use this same forum software, but except the few mistake made at edition by a poster, I never saw this kind of broken quotes as on TV...

I am sure it's not such big a problem to solve that by Php programming, and pretty sure someone already made/solved it for another website, so ?...

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People complain about not being able to reply directly to more than 4 nested quotes but I see more now especially in the news forum.

I assume TV have relaxed that function but some are still abusing it.

Perhaps some sort of easy way of removing each quote one by one on the phone app in particular would help.

One for the developers perhaps?

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