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Prosecutor demands more evidence from the police handling Koh Tao case

Lite Beer

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the protected ones phone records would put an end to all speculation whether he was on the island or not that evening

Do we have to go through this again?

The phone records will only show where the phone was, unless it had to be surgically removed from his body.

Good point as in my part of the world we just pick up any old phone and use that, so clearly if his number was being used in that area in the early hours of the morning anyone could have been using it.

Clearly if it was your family member you wouldn't be expecting the police to look into this. Never know why police bother with such pointless information in the West.

Checking phone records would be about the 3rd thing they'd do. It would give them evidence. Either hard irrefutable evidence, or circumstantial evidence, which was, last time I checked, admissible. It would enable the construction of a time-frame, it may even help them join a few dots... the obvious conclusion is that they don't want to join the dots... as it seems some here don't either.

The biggest problem in Thailand is that the police are cogs in a very hierarchical social structure. They do what they're told. Why for example, were there a bunch of uniformed police officers standing around like tailors' dummies to witness Nomsod's DNA testing? The police hadn't requested the test - it was done at the instigation of the boy's father. But the police had obviously been instructed to come along and provide scenery for the photo-op, so they did. Anywhere in the west they'd have told whoever was asking them to go to hell - the whole thing being an utter waste of police tiime. But here they're too kreng jai to do that to some kohn rui or bigshot.

Likewise if they are told that a line of inquiry is off-limits, then it'll be off limits. That's just how it works unfortunately.

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So this is what the RTP consider a 'Perfect Job'?

I would hate to see what they consider a botched job.

...that would be the other post on here about the poor Laos girl that fell off a balcony. The police appear to have done an exemplary job of getting a good old fashioned back-hander from a local massage parlor to ignore blindingly obvious evidence and declared it an accident. I hope this story can also be kept in the media now it's been exposed.

The RTP have to be the lowest form of life in the country.

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So this is what the RTP consider a 'Perfect Job'?

I would hate to see what they consider a botched job.

...that would be the other post on here about the poor Laos girl that fell off a balcony. The police appear to have done an exemplary job of getting a good old fashioned back-hander from a local massage parlor to ignore blindingly obvious evidence and declared it an accident. I hope this story can also be kept in the media now it's been exposed.

The RTP have to be the lowest form of life in the country.

Id say the powers above the police that removed the copper who named the village headmans family as suspects are worse.

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Six years on this site and nothing has ever wound me up as much as this case. The brutal crime and shear incompetence of the authorities, then add to that a sprinkle of obsessive and many times manic posters jumping on every post which dares to question the system.

I refuse to get drawn into the merry go round of this freak show, however I must admit this brings a big smile to my face.

Turtle island my backside it should be renamed snake island.

I agree with you Scully,Nothing has wound me up like this whole bad case and I have been living here a long long time,(and I don't post normally, just bite my lip and punch the wall) I have just read the results of the DNA on the boy wonder, and his dad, cheesy.gif didn't expect anything to come of that anyway, it's all sorted before, hospitals can only check what they are given whistling.gif ,To much loss of face in this case the price is high !! but the money is there.

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Remember the RTP's earlier "perfect case" ? Even the Deputy PM was cheering RTP for the arrest.


BANGKOK: -- Surat Thani police yesterday arrested a British tourist after he was suspected to have connection with the deaths of two fellow Britons in Koh Tao off Surat Thani coast.

Police identified the British back packer as Christopher Alanvare.

Police said they arrested him after employees of a resort on the beach told police that Mr Christopher was seen strolling near the scene where the two British tourists were killed on the night of September 14.

Besides they also found a significant evidence which is a blood stain on his clothes.

Police said Christopher urgently left the popular diving paradise on the first ferry to the mainland the next day after the murder was discovered.

Fun fact. The police later admitted to planting the bloody(or dirty) clothes inside the luggage of the victim. Obviously it was an attempted stitch-up, and meant to put it in Christopher's luggage instead. Why on earth would a police officer be placing dirty or bloody pants inside the luggage of a murder victim and suspect?

The original narrative was "blond hair found, bloody clothes in his bag, flees the island, scorned gay lover, etc.

They botched that up badly, so they had to move to plan B, which is "myanmar workers".

We have all seen how well this "case" has gone for them. I won't go into details as you guys are most likely already aware of them.

also the next stitch up was the denim jeans they placed over the chair with spots of fake blood in the burmese house then reported it was dirt on them...low life's

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the protected ones phone records would put an end to all speculation whether he was on the island or not that evening

Do we have to go through this again?

The phone records will only show where the phone was, unless it had to be surgically removed from his body.

Good point as in my part of the world we just pick up any old phone and use that, so clearly if his number was being used in that area in the early hours of the morning anyone could have been using it.

Clearly if it was your family member you wouldn't be expecting the police to look into this. Never know why police bother with such pointless information in the West.

But this is looked into in must crimes as I quoted earlier the Dewani case the oscar case these were all examined not locations but records of calls and texts.

This is Thailand they do things differently. Show the world that the worlds best police force has commended their way of investigating and how quickly they can do it

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So this is what the RTP consider a 'Perfect Job'?

I would hate to see what they consider a botched job.

...that would be the other post on here about the poor Laos girl that fell off a balcony. The police appear to have done an exemplary job of getting a good old fashioned back-hander from a local massage parlor to ignore blindingly obvious evidence and declared it an accident. I hope this story can also be kept in the media now it's been exposed.

The RTP have to be the lowest form of life in the country.

Id say the powers above the police that removed the copper who named the village headmans family as suspects are worse.

This was the turning point, all was on the right track now we are lost in one big cover up.

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Re Jack Burton's post - watching that clip a few times - it does look like no 9 could possibly be passing something to David as they pass each other. After that exchange no 9 looks back over his shoulder at the food stand. Sorry to add to speculation, but in light of DNA cock-ups seems every small detail needs to be scrutinised in an attempt to bring justice to the victims and their families. Also, David appears to be looking down at their hands as they connect rather than having eye contact as people do when they meet.

Edited by catsanddogs
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