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DNA results from Ko Tao village head’s son don't match traces on slain British tourists

Lite Beer

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MJP, Did you push that vacuum cleaner around the crime scene?

Never been there. But here we need reliable news sources to quote. Not hearsay. Not he said she said stuff we cannot corroborate. Not Facebook.

The defamation laws in Thailand are pretty draconian and we must be aware of this when posting. So no, you can't just say whatever you like.

Other posters are fully aware of my views on this case and they don't differ from your views.

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This case has single-handedly wrecked Gen P's post coup endeavors. Pre this case his statements and announcements were "liked" by more than 90% of readers, and since this case everything he says that is reported is almost 100% "disliked". And how deserved.

I wonder if it was his blaming the victim for wearing a bikini(she wasn't) or having consensual sex on the beach(she wasn't). Or could it have been the praising and rewarding of the uniformed goat wranglers for their success in finding 2 poor migrant workers to ram through the system to protect the face of the real killers? Could it have been the silly black lies he told as regards the Brits "summoning" the Thai diplomat, whereby he claimed the Thai diplomat wasn't summoned and just popped by for a chitchat? Bullying and threatening the public that had initially been asked to help with identifying the killers was not a clever move, just how many local people at Koh Tao gave info in the week after the murders? It is not surprising that bodies are being trawled up or washed up on beaches on a daily basis at the moment. His behavior has been unforgivable and for the sake of his victims, must stop hooning around playing PM, and let somebody morally qualified take over, if such a being can be found.

I'm not sure bodies are being washed up on a daily basis are they?

Just 1 that I know of since those tragic murders In September, very likely unrelated as well.

Let's be fair and honest here.

We slate the Thai police for misleading us , let's not stoop to their level.

Yes, you are right, should not stoop to their level.

In my defence I had just read the Bp, and seen yet another body washed up on a beach in the area.

Together with the one 2 days ago? and are we not still keeping an eye out for the Swiss snorkeller? Its easy to lose count.

Might I add, some good friends, Thai people, that have worked all their adult lives on KT, are now spiralling into debt due to having no customers since late September and have admitted they must leave the island to go to live with their families on the mainland. Lost everything they had, and had worked for all their lives. You can believe they are very angry, and take it from me, they are not keeping quiet any longer.


these kind of crimes have a way of taking many people down with them,

it is not with glee we hear of people losing their livelihoods and it surely is not their fault, and no one should gloat about it

but if it leads to the killers being brought to justice,

then it is part of the price tag

the Killers of Koh Tao, have done this,

if it wasn't the two Burmese boys, and, I don't believe they were capable if drunk and asleep when the third friend got home, and there was no blood anywhere,

then someone is gonna talk who has nothing more to lose,

that's the way these cases get solved in other countries

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spidermike007, on 14 Nov 2014 - 01:18, said:

"Nomsod the terrible" is guilty as the day is long. People know that worldwide. If any consolation can be taken from this, it is that the family will have a black name in perpetuity. They will never again be able to enjoy the facade of respectability. That is a beautiful thing.

Do you think any of them even care? Not judging by the latest photos of the people on that island. Sickos, the lot of them!

It is a filthy, crime infested island. Populated by reptile families in control due to an impotent government. Past and present.
And you know this how???

Far as i know min 75% of all income here comes via tourist .This is dive island, moust of these so called familes have hotel resort ,bungalows &dive schools. I see very litle illegal or horridnes of eny kind in that kind of busines??

Old good days this place was full of hippies ,we all sat in beach in fisherman pants ,do bonfire bbq's and smoked few doobies. Once a while od parties and we danced till sun woul come up ,spend rest of day in hammock.

Now days ,those hippies are gone, or got old.there is maby 1-3 parties a month .all filled with next generation backpackers drinking and eating nice food at fancy restaurants and stay here 2-4 days in their aircon rooms do dive course and move on .before people come here min a week moust of us for months.

U guys can try to paint picture of this place how horrid you want but reality is that despite this horrid tragedy happened here!!

in your homes or places of origin so much more moust cruel crimes happen everyday.

When in more then decade i remember something like this happened once and yes there is few rumours of few other but thats why they are rumours and i put weight on word only few!!

And of proof of it that we have been voted last year best island destination in Asia and number 5 in world is just a fact what doesnt go no-where.

Shure when thats voted by tourist if this would kind of place u all slander our home. They would of voted some other island.

U call it it murder island ,murder beach,mafia vested horror unsafe place .

But fact is this is small beatifull island and safer then meny other places in Thailand or enywhere in world.

Just saying probably shud just be quiet but just annoys me to read all this shit!

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Eirene, on 15 Nov 2014 - 00:59, said:

@ IslandLover - The photo you are referring to regarding Sean & guns is on his google plus account in the album 'Pics up until 2012' pic #106. I had to go recheck this as I thought they were paintball guns...goes to show how much I know about guns. rolleyes.gif

I would post the photo but was not sure if this is allowed.

I've now found the photo myself. They don't look like paintball guns to me, but hey, what do I know? whistling.gif

Islandlife implied it was normal for Thai men have to have guns. All I will say is that in a Western country (USA excepted), it is normal for criminals to have guns. I find the amount of guns (not to mention hand grenades) floating around on Koh Tao extremely disturbing.

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Eirene, on 15 Nov 2014 - 00:59, said:

@ IslandLover - The photo you are referring to regarding Sean & guns is on his google plus account in the album 'Pics up until 2012' pic #106. I had to go recheck this as I thought they were paintball guns...goes to show how much I know about guns. rolleyes.gif

I would post the photo but was not sure if this is allowed.

I've now found the photo myself. They don't look like paintball guns to me, but hey, what do I know? whistling.gif

Islandlife implied it was normal for Thai men have to have guns. All I will say is that in a Western country (USA excepted), it is normal for criminals to have guns. I find the amount of guns (not to mention hand grenades) floating around on Koh Tao extremely disturbing.

I guess a lot of them are the replica.

You can even buy from a specialty stop at malls like Fashion Island in Bangkok.

look same and same weight.

but when you see them at thai places they are usually a prop for farang to take pictures with.

I seen this happen quite a bit, the <deleted> tourist wanabee all flock to get picture so they can show their <deleted> friends and pretend they are a big bad boy. Usually australian and brits

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In the US, there is no 'statute of limitations' for murderers. In other words, even with decades-old 'cold cases' sometimes a diligent inspector will independently look closely at the evidence and be able to bring a suspect to justice. Couldn't happen in Thailand. There was the Saudi murders (cops were implicated, but couldn't be found guilty). There was the murdered Muslim lawyer from 10 years ago (cops were again implicated, but couldn't be found guilty), and there are others like that. If Thai officials can't do a decent job when the crime scene is new and 'hot' how can anyone expect them to do a better job, after a lot of time slips by? If there's no willingness to investigate the headman's people when evidence points at them, then there will be even less willingness later.

It's not as though Thai officials will all of a sudden become decent people and adept at crime investigations. Decency takes morals, and being adept at investigating takes studying/learning the best known methods (and tools) of investigative. It also takes 'thinking outside the box.' None of those attributes are apparent in Thai officials. This case proves that social status (of suspects) and payment of hush money far outweighs concerns for decency, honesty or professionalism.

I didn't know there was one here either? I remember some years ago a report in the BP of a suspect being prosecuted for a murder perpetrated some twenty years previously.

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Other posters have pointed out that none of the hospitals that participated in the media show are accredited for criminal DNA testing, except the Police General Hospital's Institute of Forensic Medicine which many regard with suspicion for obvious reasons. But anyway these procedures were done privately by the hospitals on behalf of their client, the headman, with the police chief merely acting as MC at a private event. The media was not shown details of exactly what tests the hospitals were contracted to do or on what basis DNA found on the victim was provided to them, if at all. If the hospitals other than PGH are only certified for paternity DNA testing, perhaps that was all they were paid to do and all they are willing to do. It was odd that the results of the DNA testing revealed the staggering news that they were father and son but, there again, perhaps there was a good reason for that.

The media didn't question any of this and all the doctors and nurses from the different hospitals made for good pantomime, even if most are only capable of doing paternity testing.

Tthe highlighted text is the key to this whole mess. Because the DNA typing found on the female victim is held (tightly to the chests) only by top police official(s), then we (the general public) have to trust those same police officials, in order for the frame-up (and excused suspects) to fit perfectly. ha ha ha. I trust them as far as I can toss a grand piano with a baby elephant sitting on top.

What ever happened to the headman's DNA press conference?

For starters, there never would have been that silly DNA press conference (with top cops in attendance) if all the key players didn't know 100% in advance that the kid's DNA wouldn't match. I don't question the lab techies in that scenario, I QUESTION THE DNA TYPING FROM THE VICTIM - IT WAS COMPARED TO.

The second big message from that silly PR event, besides the head cop smirking in the background, was the announcement, by top Thai cops, that THE DNA TYPING FROM NOMSOD WOULD NOT BE SHARED WITH BRITISH EXPERTS. Reason: "They trust us, and know we're doing an excellent job, so we don't need to share DNA data with them." If that's not proof of cover-up / frame-up / shielding the headman's people, I don't know what would convince the status quo believers.

Right, but Mr. Tuwichian the "head man" stated that he had planned to hold a second press conference, which he implied would be to announce that he was going to initiate law suits against all the international villains trying to slander his and his son's good names.

I was hoping that the press might ask Mr. T to release of the actual test results that he touted so confidently, to explain where the DNA evidence that was being used as comparison had come from, ask why the senior police hierarchy was present at the media event if the testing was not a part of the murder investigation (maybe inquire if the chief of police was paid to be present and how much he was being paid to participate in the DNA clown show), etc...

Would have been an excellent show if some respected, international media journalists had posed the questions. I'm sure that no real journalists would have been allowed to pose any questions or even been allowed in, but if some got in somehow it might have been interesting.

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In the US, there is no 'statute of limitations' for murderers. In other words, even with decades-old 'cold cases' sometimes a diligent inspector will independently look closely at the evidence and be able to bring a suspect to justice. Couldn't happen in Thailand. There was the Saudi murders (cops were implicated, but couldn't be found guilty). There was the murdered Muslim lawyer from 10 years ago (cops were again implicated, but couldn't be found guilty), and there are others like that. If Thai officials can't do a decent job when the crime scene is new and 'hot' how can anyone expect them to do a better job, after a lot of time slips by? If there's no willingness to investigate the headman's people when evidence points at them, then there will be even less willingness later.

It's not as though Thai officials will all of a sudden become decent people and adept at crime investigations. Decency takes morals, and being adept at investigating takes studying/learning the best known methods (and tools) of investigative. It also takes 'thinking outside the box.' None of those attributes are apparent in Thai officials. This case proves that social status (of suspects) and payment of hush money far outweighs concerns for decency, honesty or professionalism.

Do they use hoes to dig holes in thailand? You've got oodles of common sense Boom, as far as I'm concerned, you're the man!

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This complicity must go right to the top! Outrageous really that a country can stick two fingers up to the international community & get away with it. [ib]Only sanctions from the UK, and a tourist blacklist will make these creatures take any notice[/b]

Better yet, all expats pick up spouses and kids and leave for greener pastures. A mass exodus from expats on extended stay would raise the signal, not only a dent in tourism by westerners.

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This complicity must go right to the top! Outrageous really that a country can stick two fingers up to the international community & get away with it. [ib]Only sanctions from the UK, and a tourist blacklist will make these creatures take any notice[/b]

Better yet, all expats pick up spouses and kids and leave for greener pastures. A mass exodus from expats on extended stay would raise the signal, not only a dent in tourism by westerners.

Excellent idea, so when do you plan to leave then ?

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This complicity must go right to the top! Outrageous really that a country can stick two fingers up to the international community & get away with it. [ib]Only sanctions from the UK, and a tourist blacklist will make these creatures take any notice[/b]

Better yet, all expats pick up spouses and kids and leave for greener pastures. A mass exodus from expats on extended stay would raise the signal, not only a dent in tourism by westerners.

Excellent idea, so when do you plan to leave then ?

December 29.

ps. too bad i can't include a dripping-of-sarcasm smiley ;)

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For those of you who can read the MailOnline, I'm sending a link to an article in today's edition. It covers many of the issues that have been discussed in this forum in relation to the Koh Tao murders.

As much as Islandlife would have us believe that everything is fine and dandy in places like Koh Tao, too many people outside of this forum are saying that it is not.


Note to Mods: This article is not the same as the one published in the Daily Telegraph the other day. It does not mention the taboo subject.

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For those of you who can read the MailOnline, I'm sending a link to an article in today's edition. It covers many of the issues that have been discussed in this forum in relation to the Koh Tao murders.

As much as Islandlife would have us believe that everything is fine and dandy in places like Koh Tao, too many people outside of this forum are saying that it is not.


Note to Mods: This article is not the same as the one published in the Daily Telegraph the other day. It does not mention the taboo subject.


Many thanks.

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This complicity must go right to the top! Outrageous really that a country can stick two fingers up to the international community & get away with it. [ib]Only sanctions from the UK, and a tourist blacklist will make these creatures take any notice[/b]

Better yet, all expats pick up spouses and kids and leave for greener pastures. A mass exodus from expats on extended stay would raise the signal, not only a dent in tourism by westerners.

Great idea, leave the country we love, and the life we love, to make a point. That way the church can canonize us when we die. Continue with the brilliant suggestions. Or better yet, get a job with JPL.

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For those of you who can read the MailOnline, I'm sending a link to an article in today's edition. It covers many of the issues that have been discussed in this forum in relation to the Koh Tao murders.

As much as Islandlife would have us believe that everything is fine and dandy in places like Koh Tao, too many people outside of this forum are saying that it is not.


Note to Mods: This article is not the same as the one published in the Daily Telegraph the other day. It does not mention the taboo subject.

Looks like the censors are hard at work. Covering up for the elite and the rich. Good job Mr. General. Where is the reform you promised your people?

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For those of you who can read the MailOnline, I'm sending a link to an article in today's edition. It covers many of the issues that have been discussed in this forum in relation to the Koh Tao murders.

As much as Islandlife would have us believe that everything is fine and dandy in places like Koh Tao, too many people outside of this forum are saying that it is not.


Note to Mods: This article is not the same as the one published in the Daily Telegraph the other day. It does not mention the taboo subject.

Looks like the censors are hard at work. Covering up for the elite and the rich. Good job Mr. General. Where is the reform you promised your people?

That is actually dear leader's understanding of reform, assuring little information is available to the Thai people

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For those of you who can read the MailOnline, I'm sending a link to an article in today's edition. It covers many of the issues that have been discussed in this forum in relation to the Koh Tao murders.

As much as Islandlife would have us believe that everything is fine and dandy in places like Koh Tao, too many people outside of this forum are saying that it is not.


Note to Mods: This article is not the same as the one published in the Daily Telegraph the other day. It does not mention the taboo subject.


Many thanks.

Yes, sorry about that. The Telegraph article covered two different subjects and the Daily Mail covers only one, which is the one I wanted to convey in the first place.

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For those of you who can read the MailOnline, I'm sending a link to an article in today's edition. It covers many of the issues that have been discussed in this forum in relation to the Koh Tao murders.

As much as Islandlife would have us believe that everything is fine and dandy in places like Koh Tao, too many people outside of this forum are saying that it is not.


Note to Mods: This article is not the same as the one published in the Daily Telegraph the other day. It does not mention the taboo subject.


Many thanks.

Yes, sorry about that. The Telegraph article covered two different subjects and the Daily Mail covers only one, which is the one I wanted to convey in the first place.

It was just a little unfortunate the Telegraph had the one line in.

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