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Good Bye


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Good bye.

For the last two weeks we have been having a heat wave here in So. California,

and I have been stuck in front of an air conditioner and this computer.

But the weather has broken, so it’s time for me to go.

Thanks for the yucks.

Until next time.


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Good bye.

For the last two weeks we have been having a heat wave here in So. California,

and I have been stuck in front of an air conditioner and this computer.

But the weather has broken, so it’s time for me to go.

Thanks for the yucks.

Until next time.


Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.... :o

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Seems his strategy worked, annoyed you lot enough and then departs of his own doing. Clever lad.

Yeah, it takes a real genius to pull off such a move! Thing is he's probably very proud of himself. I doubt the fact that he never really annoyed most people, just kind of buzzed aound trying to be clever would really matter to him?

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Ringo read like a stirrer. I can only imagine that he lies in the imagination of some former TV member who has a severe chip on his shoulder.

Should he really disappear, i only guess he will evolve again, but under another pseudonym.

Edited by stevesuphan
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Bye bye back to the wooden door site, pretty lame attempt at trolling really :o


<deleted>. I think quite a few folks sussed that JRingo was Daleyboy. DB has been very quiet of late.

Haha if i was going to have anoter nik on here it wouldnt be ring piece, it would probably be something like patty o'doors :D

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Seems his strategy worked, annoyed you lot enough and then departs of his own doing. Clever lad.

Not really that clever at all for a troll. Amassed barely over 100 posts before departing. Colpyat had over 1,000 posts and persisted for months on many lenghty threads raising the dander of many more, annoyed a heck of lot more people. So, amongst trolls, Ringo was but a rank amateur.

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Bye Bye JRingo!!!!

I hope you didn't catch Legionaire's disease after all that time in front of your air con.....and I hope the big earthshake doesn't get you either....and don't forget to wash your hands before you wax the woody since you never know where that nasty hand has been!!!


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Are there any "informed and erudite" citizens of the U.S.A. posting on this forum?

JRingo was a disgrace to his fellow countryfolk, his views were offensive, foolish, befuddled, asinine and obtuse.

Good riddance of this transatlantic vegetable man!

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Good bye.

For the last two weeks we have been having a heat wave here in So. California,

and I have been stuck in front of an air conditioner and this computer.

But the weather has broken, so it’s time for me to go.

Thanks for the yucks.

Until next time.


7 Hours later, the heat must have returned... As I peruse the active users list to find out who to flame and troll, I fin JRINGO


User's local time 2006-07-30 13:48:33

Total Cumulative Pokes 139

( 0.3 Trolls per day / 0.02% of total forum posts )

Most active in General topics

( 99 posts (of crap) / 71% of this member's active posts )

Last Trolling Today, 2006-07-30 13:45:34

Edited by kayo
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Good bye.

For the last two weeks we have been having a heat wave here in So. California,

and I have been stuck in front of an air conditioner and this computer.

But the weather has broken, so it’s time for me to go.

Thanks for the yucks.

nnnooooo don't leave :o

Until next time.


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7 Hours later, the heat must have returned... As I peruse the active users list to find out who to flame and troll, I fin JRINGO


User's local time 2006-07-30 13:48:33

Total Cumulative Pokes 139

( 0.3 Trolls per day / 0.02% of total forum posts )

Most active in General topics

( 99 posts (of crap) / 71% of this member's active posts )

Last Trolling Today, 2006-07-30 13:45:34


He's still around:


Last Active Today, 2006-07-31 02:45:34

Probably keeps checking in hoping for a load of "Please don't leave" posts from his cronies. None so far. Guess no one really misses him !

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