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36+ years coming and living in Thailand.


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I have come across far more decent and honest Thai people here than Scottish people in Scotland. but although I have met few Scots here, every single one of them has been decent and honest, but for English people, I have met many, and only two turned out to be a--holes, and they were from Yorkshire.

I hope you are not trying to infer something about Yorkshire folk. While there are certainly some A-holes around, one shouldn't paint all with the same brush.
I am only saying it as I see it, my father was a Yorkshireman also, and he was a person I had no respect for, in saying that, I have recently met another Yorkshire man, and he seems a real gentleman.
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I lived and ran businesses in Europe for more than 30 years. And I've been coming here (and latterly living here) for nearly 40 years.

In the last few years here I came across far more crooks and scammers and overcharging (and not all involving Thais, by any means) than I ever came across in Europe.

Dishonesty seems to be endemic here now, and it attracts foreign crooks also.

Agreed. It's almost like you can get farther here if you're not who you say you are. I applaud the OP for avoiding problems. If you're clever, you can stay ahead of the scams. But to suggest it's worse elsewhere is ridiculous. I mean lying is practically a way of life here. Notice how the locals don't get all the upset about it, and we're seen as maniacs for confronting people about their deception.

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There are two sorts of people who don't get scammed in Thailand.

1. Those who never understand what's happening.

2. Those who are essentially broke.

You forgot number 3. The ones that keep their wits about them.

I don't say they haven't tried but the same thing happens in my country and your country and any other expats country. Why continually pick on Thailand?

You can keep your wit,BUT

Say you bought a tshirt for 200 baht, while 3 shops down it is sold for 180.

Guess what? you have been scammedthumbsup.gif

To make matters even more funnier, both shops are owned by the same personw00t.gif

It does not have to be "in your face" scam to be scammed, so to claim you have never been scammed = you living in total and utter oblivion.wai.gif

Scammed for A$0.33. Obviously you do not know the meaning of the word. Check it out; it means to defraud or swindle. It one store charges B200 and another B180, despite the possibility of being owned by the same person, is certainly not a fraud or a swindle.

I have been to many stores, Big C, Makro, Tesco Lotus and Robertson's in different cities and the prices vary on many occasions but they are not scamming me. It's known as pricing and it is what shop keepers and mom's and dad shops do so they can make a profit, be viable, meet their overheads and survive. Thai's like and will barter so if you have your senses you can get your so called B200 T shirt for a lot less then the B180 baht one at either store. If they cannot they will tell you so then it's up to you to decide.

I would never worry about B20, and only barter on the big ticketed items such as Cars, TV's, washing machines etc. Bought a new Honda 2 years ago and obtained a B30,000 discount. A second car this year, a new Toyota, got free No1 insurance, free registration and a number of accessories at no charge, in total, also about B30,000. Had I not asked and they did not offer even though were able to, would you classify that as a scam? I don't think so. All you need to be is a little savvy, play the game, which nearly always works, and in the end, if both parties are happy with what is given and received then the deal is sealed.

If you have to worry about miniscule amounts then you should never have left home and you could have done all your whinging there instead of here. People have to make a living so give me a break about your so called scam (overcharge) of B20

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There are two sorts of people who don't get scammed in Thailand.

1. Those who never understand what's happening.

2. Those who are essentially broke.

You forgot number 3. The ones that keep their wits about them.

I don't say they haven't tried but the same thing happens in my country and your country and any other expats country. Why continually pick on Thailand?

You can keep your wit,BUT

Say you bought a tshirt for 200 baht, while 3 shops down it is sold for 180.

Guess what? you have been scammedthumbsup.gif

To make matters even more funnier, both shops are owned by the same personw00t.gif

It does not have to be "in your face" scam to be scammed, so to claim you have never been scammed = you living in total and utter oblivion.wai.gif

That's not a bloody scam. That's being unobservant and clueless.

If the same happened down the markets in the UK, you wouldn't call it a scam. It is being.... unobservant and clueless.

A scam is not getting something you expected or paying more for something than was originally advertised, agreed or contracted. Something with a different price in two shops? Try Big-C and you can have different priced items in the same store, ON THE SAME SHELF. By the way, that's not a scam either, it's bloody lazy stock-checking but if you don't catch it before the check out girl does, you are being... unobservant and clueless.

If you are too blind to or lazy to check prices before handing over cash, that's being (all together now)... unobservant and clueless.

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Can you work with a marriage visa? Can you get your citizenship? Can you buy a piece of land in your name? Can you buy a car in your name? Can you create a self-employed company?

Yes, yes, maybe, yes, yes. I'm an American living in Thailand long term.

You must be the rare lucky one ! Some foreigners, i know has got married to a Thai, got children spent their whole life are still there on a visa. In Australia for example of you have a child study there, you are eligible for a PR and later citizenship.

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"Scam is a scam, amounts are irrelevant"

I suggest you take a basics economics class. Price is determined by agreement between seller and buyer. No one forced you to pay 200 baht, it was your decision at the time alone. You were not cheated. You would have been perfectly happy with 200 until you saw same for 180. Another basic fact of the marketplace is imperfect information. You don't know the prices of all sellers of that shirt, and to get that information would not be worth the time and effort.

Besides, you probably could have gotten it for 100 in China town. Worth the trip?

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Can you work with a marriage visa? Can you get your citizenship? Can you buy a piece of land in your name? Can you buy a car in your name? Can you create a self-employed company?

Yes, yes, maybe, yes, yes. I'm an American living in Thailand long term.

You must be the rare lucky one ! Some foreigners, i know has got married to a Thai, got children spent their whole life are still there on a visa. In Australia for example of you have a child study there, you are eligible for a PR and later citizenship.

There are thousands of posts on Thai Visa about acquiring Thai nationality. Read them if you want. I can own anything here that I want to own so I see no need to become a Thai national but many have. Thai Visa is a wonderful resource I don't think you have explored it very well.

Edited by thailiketoo
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OP that's a long time, what do you remember most about Thailand in 1978?

The OP didn't say much. I first set foot in Thailand in 1977, Chiang Mai in 1978. In 1978, there were no tuk-tuk or taxis in Chiang Mai, only Bangkok. Transportation then was by red truck or the human-powered samlor.

I can't remember whether Kad Suan Kaew was there or not.

The road up to Doi Suthep was gravel.

Bo Sang seemed like a long way out, and there were no "ring roads." I don't remember what the state of the Super Highway was. There were no big box stores.

Songkran was just as crazy as it is now, but seemed to last longer.

Chiang Mai hasn't changed all that much.

The trains were much better, mostly because Thai was the only airline. Cheap flights have made the airlines compete, not just among themselves, but with trains and buses as well.

In 1977, I don't think Bangkok had air-con buses yet on city routes. I remember being surprised on seeing them in 1984, after an absence of five years. And taxis didn't have meters, so it was a hassle to negotiate the price of every taxi ride before you got in. Of course, drivers always thought they were entitled to charge farang more.

There were a lot more buffalo at work in the fields then. I remember when someone in Maha Sarakham (where I was living then) got the first "iron buffalo", a two-wheeled Kubota tractor to pull the plow. That was a big deal to all the farmers. Rice fields were much smaller then.

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There are two sorts of people who don't get scammed in Thailand.

1. Those who never understand what's happening.

2. Those who are essentially broke.

You forgot number 3. The ones that keep their wits about them.

I don't say they haven't tried but the same thing happens in my country and your country and any other expats country. Why continually pick on Thailand?

You can keep your wit,BUT

Say you bought a tshirt for 200 baht, while 3 shops down it is sold for 180.

Guess what? you have been scammedthumbsup.gif

To make matters even more funnier, both shops are owned by the same personw00t.gif

It does not have to be "in your face" scam to be scammed, so to claim you have never been scammed = you living in total and utter oblivion.wai.gif

And this would never happen in any other country would it? LOL it happens in every country. Walk into one shop and the item is a different price to the next. You must be a complete idiot to think it only happens here.

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I have never been ripped off, scammed, robbed had a motorbike accident or any real problems in Thailand. I think it comes down to ones behaviour, attitude and who they associate with. I understand that there is obvious corruption etc here, however there is in every country. I would much rather be here in Thailand say for example where you know it happens and who does it than in Australia where the Government rip everyone off behind their backs but the population just accept it. I have lost more money in Australia than I ever have in Thailand. Right now the Government in Australia are holding $120000 of my money which I am still trying to get. Then there is all the taxes and high cost of living. Stuff that, I'm never going back to that s$%t hole again.

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I discovered Thailand in 1975 while still in school and moved here two years later at 23 years old. I have recently started to think that people like us, in some odd way prove the point that Thailand is really hard for many people, rather serving as an example of how good or easy it can be. The things which make it easy for me could also be seen as the reasons others have a hard time.

I didn’t come here with tones of baggage from a past life. I took 20 years to learn the language and explore the various levels of Thailand’s class structured society before I settled down. When I finally married, I already had a life here and I knew more about Thailand than my wife did. I was able to share my Thailand life with her rather than depending on her to explain everything to me.
Someone who discovers Thailand as an old man simple doesn’t have the luxury of time that I had. So I tend to look at those of us who have been around forever as anomalies and not necessarily as good role models.

i can only speak for myself, but after a few years including learning to read and write the language as well as a decent conservational ability i commonly encounter the feudal drone mentality. not just lack of independent, critical thinking but deficiency of things like what many consider normal vocabulary knowledge. this is not limited to non university graduates either. in my estimation the % of people that would possess a comparable level to say japan or singapore is a fraction of 1%.

to each their own but i could not imagine settling down with someone that knew less about their own country, etc etc than i did

The point I was making was not that my wife was unintelligent, but that in spite of being born in Thailand, she had only lived here ten months longer than I had. As a foreigner I had been afforded mobility and opportunities in Thai society that are not typically available to most Thais.
Therefore I was not dependent upon her and did not need her to hold my hand in order to navigate my way through life in Thailand. Clearly that is not the way things normally work in cross-cultural relationships and not something one encounters everyday here in Thailand.

so she had a non thai education and mind set because of education/ life abroad ?

What is this ... a cross examination. You sound so eager to find some fault here. Having a boring day are ye?

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Many times in Thailand I have witnessed people being taken advantage of, financially, due to the kindness of their own heart, being allowed to be taken advantage of when initially thinking they are being helpful to a Thai and that this help will be appreciated and favour returned.

The Thais sure aren't shy when it comes to asking for money/loan!

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I have never been ripped off, scammed, robbed had a motorbike accident or any real problems in Thailand. I think it comes down to ones behaviour, attitude and who they associate with. I understand that there is obvious corruption etc here, however there is in every country. I would much rather be here in Thailand say for example where you know it happens and who does it than in Australia where the Government rip everyone off behind their backs but the population just accept it. I have lost more money in Australia than I ever have in Thailand. Right now the Government in Australia are holding $120000 of my money which I am still trying to get. Then there is all the taxes and high cost of living. Stuff that, I'm never going back to that s$%t hole again.

What has not happened during 100 years can happen in a day

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The amount is totally irrelevant, the fact still remains.

Just because you are a big spender who after 36 years years still counts in USD does not mean that others are as big of a spenders as yourself.

Scam is a scam, amounts are irrelevant

The FACT is you don't understand the meaning of the word SCAM".

Have you ever been to a market in any other country in the world?

Pricing is based on how much they can get out of you. Many online international stores are no different either.

Even Ebay you can find the same seller listing the same product with two/three/four different prices.

If you think that is being scammed - you have little clue about how to operate a business.

Scams are illegal.

Getting the best price possible for something you are selling is business.

No different to any profit based business in the whole fn world.

Maybe you are so hung up on whinging about Thailand, labelling everyone as scammers that you are blinded to the real world around you.

Or maybe you take pleasure in attempting to correct people instead of listening to the point they are making.

Take the chip off your shoulder or go home.

I realise the concept is hard to grasp but do try as its not too difficult even for a 5 year old .

What happens in other countries has no relevance to my post or the thread itself .

OP proclaimed that in 36 years he has never been scammed . Scams do not relate to only intentional action but any actions which fraudulently relieve you of more money than it costs.

The amount makes no difference at all, the fact of being even 2 baht more.

IF OP or yourself added scammed on grand scale then it would be a totally different matter, but to state never been scammed or ripped off is being totally unaware and oblivion to what happens around or what is what.

You want to tell me you never paid tourist price ? Or never were overcharged because you not a thai? For your sake I hope you will not confirm, as saying yes would make you a big fool with no clue at all.

Hotels have cheaper rates for locals , condo's are sold at cheaper prices to locals , entry fees to certain locations are cheaper for locals , just a driving fine is half for locals .

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There are two sorts of people who don't get scammed in Thailand.

1. Those who never understand what's happening.

2. Those who are essentially broke.

You forgot number 3. The ones that keep their wits about them.

I don't say they haven't tried but the same thing happens in my country and your country and any other expats country. Why continually pick on Thailand?

You can keep your wit,BUT

Say you bought a tshirt for 200 baht, while 3 shops down it is sold for 180.

Guess what? you have been scammedthumbsup.gif

To make matters even more funnier, both shops are owned by the same personw00t.gif

It does not have to be "in your face" scam to be scammed, so to claim you have never been scammed = you living in total and utter oblivion.wai.gif

And this would never happen in any other country would it? LOL it happens in every country. Walk into one shop and the item is a different price to the next. You must be a complete idiot to think it only happens here.

What happens in other countries has no relevance as the thread is not about where have more scams or frauds .

OP stated he never been scammed or ripped off, which is utter nonsense, because he has. But either did not realise it, wrote it off because of the amount or not smart enough to understand what happened.

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There are two sorts of people who don't get scammed in Thailand.

1. Those who never understand what's happening.

2. Those who are essentially broke.

You forgot number 3. The ones that keep their wits about them.

I don't say they haven't tried but the same thing happens in my country and your country and any other expats country. Why continually pick on Thailand?

You can keep your wit,BUT

Say you bought a tshirt for 200 baht, while 3 shops down it is sold for 180.

Guess what? you have been scammedthumbsup.gif

To make matters even more funnier, both shops are owned by the same personw00t.gif

It does not have to be "in your face" scam to be scammed, so to claim you have never been scammed = you living in total and utter oblivion.wai.gif

And this would never happen in any other country would it? LOL it happens in every country. Walk into one shop and the item is a different price to the next. You must be a complete idiot to think it only happens here.

What happens in other countries has no relevance as the thread is not about where have more scams or frauds .

OP stated he never been scammed or ripped off, which is utter nonsense, because he has. But either did not realise it, wrote it off because of the amount or not smart enough to understand what happened.

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the luck of people like OP is total oblivion so even when they do get scammed, they do not even know it.

That reminds me of a Belgian friend who used to hang out with prostitutes, gamblers and other low-lifes. "In Thailand raging paranoia is a dangerous naivete." I believe he never had any problem, too, but then he was 6' 2", 195 lb., a black belt in Tae Kwan Do, and had a happy disposition.

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The amount is totally irrelevant, the fact still remains.

Just because you are a big spender who after 36 years years still counts in USD does not mean that others are as big of a spenders as yourself.

Scam is a scam, amounts are irrelevant

The FACT is you don't understand the meaning of the word SCAM".

Have you ever been to a market in any other country in the world?

Pricing is based on how much they can get out of you. Many online international stores are no different either.

Even Ebay you can find the same seller listing the same product with two/three/four different prices.

If you think that is being scammed - you have little clue about how to operate a business.

Scams are illegal.

Getting the best price possible for something you are selling is business.

No different to any profit based business in the whole fn world.

Maybe you are so hung up on whinging about Thailand, labelling everyone as scammers that you are blinded to the real world around you.

Or maybe you take pleasure in attempting to correct people instead of listening to the point they are making.

Take the chip off your shoulder or go home.

I realise the concept is hard to grasp but do try as its not too difficult even for a 5 year old .

What happens in other countries has no relevance to my post or the thread itself .

OP proclaimed that in 36 years he has never been scammed . Scams do not relate to only intentional action but any actions which fraudulently relieve you of more money than it costs.

The amount makes no difference at all, the fact of being even 2 baht more.

IF OP or yourself added scammed on grand scale then it would be a totally different matter, but to state never been scammed or ripped off is being totally unaware and oblivion to what happens around or what is what.

You want to tell me you never paid tourist price ? Or never were overcharged because you not a thai? For your sake I hope you will not confirm, as saying yes would make you a big fool with no clue at all.

Hotels have cheaper rates for locals , condo's are sold at cheaper prices to locals , entry fees to certain locations are cheaper for locals , just a driving fine is half for locals .

Wrong again sadly dear boy

Repeating the line about the size of the scam indicates you completely missed the point

So far your examples are:

* buying a t-shirt from a market which is not regulated

* paid tourist price?

for what? national park entry - that's regulated and sign-posted and in many cases I pay the local price not the tourist price - paying more than the signed price would be a "scam"

for hotels? I book on booking.com and receive a genius discount which essentially cuts the inflated price back down to what locals would pay

for tours? is this regulated? again - my wife haggles - I don't bother

You seem to think that pricing is regulated?

Yeah sure taxis are metered and they take you for a run around if you don't know where you're going - same can happen anywhere in the world

Scams are illegal

Being charged more than a local for an unregulated purchase is not

I suggest you choose your words more carefully in future

If you feel you've been charged more than a local, then you need to learn how to haggle

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The amount is totally irrelevant, the fact still remains.

Just because you are a big spender who after 36 years years still counts in USD does not mean that others are as big of a spenders as yourself.

Scam is a scam, amounts are irrelevant

The FACT is you don't understand the meaning of the word SCAM".

Have you ever been to a market in any other country in the world?

Pricing is based on how much they can get out of you. Many online international stores are no different either.

Even Ebay you can find the same seller listing the same product with two/three/four different prices.

If you think that is being scammed - you have little clue about how to operate a business.

Scams are illegal.

Getting the best price possible for something you are selling is business.

No different to any profit based business in the whole fn world.

Maybe you are so hung up on whinging about Thailand, labelling everyone as scammers that you are blinded to the real world around you.

Or maybe you take pleasure in attempting to correct people instead of listening to the point they are making.

Take the chip off your shoulder or go home.

Not truth !!

I know Th for 10 years, but not live here or speak thai;

On local market, want to buy some fruit,

the seller tell me a price, but next shop seller told him immedeatly -

its a farang , you must sell with higher price ,

I was lucky - my Thai father in law where behind me,

I not bought, even i visit this market every week when I am in thailand,

i never go back to this 2 shops !!

You never been ripped off ?

you did speak Thai from first day when you arrived ??

So you know you never ripped off !! Very good !!

I appreciate that english may not be your first language and don't mean to offend

Although my point was that paying more than a local for something is NOT ILLEGAL and therefore NOT A SCAM

Yes of course, often someone tries to up the price because of my nationality.

In some cases I say "pang mak - mai au" then walk away - then suddenly the price goes back down.

In some cases I see how desperate they look and decide that since I make about five times the prime ministers salary that I would be a DH to argue over 5 baht extra for some bananas or an extra 20 baht on a Tuk Tuk

In some cases there may be someone who has charged me an extra 20, 50, 100 baht for something where pricing is not regulated

In every cases where prices are regulated I have never been scammed (car finance, insurance, flights, truevisions, etc.)

In NONE of these examples have I been scammed

You guys just don't get the whole idea of haggling

If it scares you so much, maybe you should buy your bananas at Tesco instead so you can feel safer

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What happens in other countries has no relevance as the thread is not about where have more scams or frauds .

OP stated he never been scammed or ripped off, which is utter nonsense, because he has. But either did not realise it, wrote it off because of the amount or not smart enough to understand what happened.

You're questioning the OP's intelligence when you can't even manage to understand the definition of the key word in the thread

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The amount is totally irrelevant, the fact still remains.

Just because you are a big spender who after 36 years years still counts in USD does not mean that others are as big of a spenders as yourself.

Scam is a scam, amounts are irrelevant

The FACT is you don't understand the meaning of the word SCAM".

Have you ever been to a market in any other country in the world?

Pricing is based on how much they can get out of you. Many online international stores are no different either.

Even Ebay you can find the same seller listing the same product with two/three/four different prices.

If you think that is being scammed - you have little clue about how to operate a business.

Scams are illegal.

Getting the best price possible for something you are selling is business.

No different to any profit based business in the whole fn world.

Maybe you are so hung up on whinging about Thailand, labelling everyone as scammers that you are blinded to the real world around you.

Or maybe you take pleasure in attempting to correct people instead of listening to the point they are making.

Take the chip off your shoulder or go home.

I realise the concept is hard to grasp but do try as its not too difficult even for a 5 year old .

What happens in other countries has no relevance to my post or the thread itself .

OP proclaimed that in 36 years he has never been scammed . Scams do not relate to only intentional action but any actions which fraudulently relieve you of more money than it costs.

The amount makes no difference at all, the fact of being even 2 baht more.

IF OP or yourself added scammed on grand scale then it would be a totally different matter, but to state never been scammed or ripped off is being totally unaware and oblivion to what happens around or what is what.

You want to tell me you never paid tourist price ? Or never were overcharged because you not a thai? For your sake I hope you will not confirm, as saying yes would make you a big fool with no clue at all.

Hotels have cheaper rates for locals , condo's are sold at cheaper prices to locals , entry fees to certain locations are cheaper for locals , just a driving fine is half for locals .

Wrong again sadly dear boy

Repeating the line about the size of the scam indicates you completely missed the point

So far your examples are:

* buying a t-shirt from a market which is not regulated

* paid tourist price?

for what? national park entry - that's regulated and sign-posted and in many cases I pay the local price not the tourist price - paying more than the signed price would be a "scam"

for hotels? I book on booking.com and receive a genius discount which essentially cuts the inflated price back down to what locals would pay

for tours? is this regulated? again - my wife haggles - I don't bother

You seem to think that pricing is regulated?

Yeah sure taxis are metered and they take you for a run around if you don't know where you're going - same can happen anywhere in the world

Scams are illegal

Being charged more than a local for an unregulated purchase is not

I suggest you choose your words more carefully in future

If you feel you've been charged more than a local, then you need to learn how to haggle

It is you, who keeps missing the point and do not seem to make any points at all

Being charged more than a local IS illegal if you really want to get technical as per Thai Constitution.

Since when being scammed has be to regulated? i suggest you think before you speak.

If a tshirt cost 100 baht, but you paid 105, you have been scammed or ripped off(whatever label you want to attach to it)- its as simple as that.

It does not need to be regulated nor does it need an explanation.

Again for the slow ones,OP stated he has never been scammed or ripped off, he has and so have you, and so has every body else.

The amounts vary, situations vary and acceptance of it varies, but the action of being scammed or ripped off remains the same.

Some people run the board to complain about paying extra 5 baht for a baht bus ride, others get taken for millions.

If i booked a hotel with a picture of red bed linen, but when i checked in they had white, in essence i have been scammed, because advertised room had red linen.

Naturally i will not be running to scream rape and fraud, but it was a deception and once again a scam, mind you for which i could even claim my money back through Visa card if hotel did not change it to red.

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How ridiculous! You've paid 20 baht more for a t-shirt so you've been scammed? If it costs 200 baht it's most likely knock off anyway.

As long as you have common sense you should be just fine. You don't have to be broke or oblivious to get "scammed".

SCAM - A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle

There are some weird creatures living in Thailand fair play hahaha!

There are two sorts of people who don't get scammed in Thailand.

1. Those who never understand what's happening.

2. Those who are essentially broke.

You forgot number 3. The ones that keep their wits about them.

I don't say they haven't tried but the same thing happens in my country and your country and any other expats country. Why continually pick on Thailand?

You can keep your wit,BUT

Say you bought a tshirt for 200 baht, while 3 shops down it is sold for 180.

Guess what? you have been scammedthumbsup.gif

To make matters even more funnier, both shops are owned by the same personw00t.gif

It does not have to be "in your face" scam to be scammed, so to claim you have never been scammed = you living in total and utter oblivion.wai.gif

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What happens in other countries has no relevance as the thread is not about where have more scams or frauds .

OP stated he never been scammed or ripped off, which is utter nonsense, because he has. But either did not realise it, wrote it off because of the amount or not smart enough to understand what happened.

You're questioning the OP's intelligence when you can't even manage to understand the definition of the key word in the thread

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu

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How ridiculous! You've paid 20 baht more for a t-shirt so you've been scammed? If it costs 200 baht it's most likely knock off anyway.

As long as you have common sense you should be just fine. You don't have to be broke or oblivious to get "scammed".

SCAM - A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle

There are some weird creatures living in Thailand fair play hahaha!

  1. 1.
    a dishonest scheme; a fraud.
    "an insurance scam"
    synonyms: fraud, swindle, fraudulent scheme, racket, trick;
  1. 1.
    "a guy that scams the elderly out of their savings"
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