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UK: Man attacks 15-year-old poppy seller

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I thought I did respond in a civil manner. Never mind.

Just for you 7x7


The residents of said flats could not give a Donald Duck for Law and order.


Here is the PC BS as to why the Police are leaving in droves. I said it before and I will say it again. Go ask a Policeman that you might know, he will give you the un PC reasons.


It matters not why an area is a no go area. The fact is it is no go. The above link highlights very well the reasons. I understand that those reasons do not fall in with your way of thinking. Too bad, I care not a jot.

Are you really advocating that people take the law into their own hands ? I had thought better of you, obviously not. And some idiot actually liked your post.

Post removed. I wonder why ? You had the audacity to like it. Which speaks volumes about you.

Edited to add. Post not removed. I just could not see it for some reason.

Edited by JockPieandBeans
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Repeating your links does not change the fact that none of them are in any way indicative that there are police no go areas; that is areas into which the police fear or refuse to go.

Even though The Mail (surprise, surprise) use the term in their headline.

The Sky link proves the opposite; the police did enter the block of flats as soon as they arrived!

The BBC link makes absolutely no mention of no go areas at all!

The rest of your post is childish nonsense unworthy of further comment.

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Simple 1 quote

From your link it's not 'no-go areas'. "Tom Winsor said police officers were simply never called to some neighbourhoods, where law-abiding people rather than criminals administer their own form of justice"

We all know Sharia Law is taking place in the UK, the fact that you agreed with this post says it all.

People who administer their own forms of justice are not law abiding people, they are criminals.

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Simple 1 quote

From your link it's not 'no-go areas'. "Tom Winsor said police officers were simply never called to some neighbourhoods, where law-abiding people rather than criminals administer their own form of justice"

We all know Sharia Law is taking place in the UK, the fact that you agreed with this post says it all.

People who administer their own forms of justice are not law abiding people, they are criminals.

Not any of my business but gotta agree with Jock on this one.

Law abiding people administering their own form of justice are called vigilantes.

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Simple 1 quote

From your link it's not 'no-go areas'. "Tom Winsor said police officers were simply never called to some neighbourhoods, where law-abiding people rather than criminals administer their own form of justice"

We all know Sharia Law is taking place in the UK, the fact that you agreed with this post says it all.

People who administer their own forms of justice are not law abiding people, they are criminals.

It's very straight forward. I quoted a police officer from the article. From this you are making false assumptions and posting insulting comment.

I concur vigilante actions are illegal. So far as I know Sharia Criminal Law penalties are not being imposed, got evidence? If you are referring to Sharia Civil Law doesn't bother me at all, so long as UK Law is the overriding jurisdiction which I believe is the case i.e. no plurality of law.

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Simple 1 quote

From your link it's not 'no-go areas'. "Tom Winsor said police officers were simply never called to some neighbourhoods, where law-abiding people rather than criminals administer their own form of justice"

We all know Sharia Law is taking place in the UK, the fact that you agreed with this post says it all.

People who administer their own forms of justice are not law abiding people, they are criminals.

Yes and if the likes of Cameron have their way you could also see poppy selling being banned altogether.

Cameron: I Want To See British-Asian PM: http://www.lbc.co.uk/cameron-i-want-to-see-british-asian-pm-99918

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Simple 1 quote

From your link it's not 'no-go areas'. "Tom Winsor said police officers were simply never called to some neighbourhoods, where law-abiding people rather than criminals administer their own form of justice"

We all know Sharia Law is taking place in the UK, the fact that you agreed with this post says it all.

People who administer their own forms of justice are not law abiding people, they are criminals.

Yes and if the likes of Cameron have their way you could also see poppy selling being banned altogether.

Cameron: I Want To See British-Asian PM: http://www.lbc.co.uk/cameron-i-want-to-see-british-asian-pm-99918

How do you draw this conclusion from the article? BTW around 2 million Asians volunteered (40% Muslim) to join Allied forces in WWII. 38 received either the VC or George Cross

Didn't make any conclusions just put forward a conjecture. Yes it was a world war and alot of countries had to pick a side, all those who fought with the allied forces deserve our thanks and respect.

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Just for you 7x7.

Here is the video of 1 of the killers receiving " Punishment " from outside the Law. Do you still want to tell me that such actions are acceptable ?

Show me where I have ever said that such actions ever are.

From your link it's not 'no-go areas'. "Tom Winsor said police officers were simply never called to some neighbourhoods, where law-abiding people rather than criminals administer their own form of justice"

Here is the quote that you liked at # 56. Did you like it in ERROR or would you like to start backpeddling now ?

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I can't get the link to attach but the Manchester Evening news online says it was a drunk of black or asian origin aged in his late 20s there is no mention of the attacker been Muslim.

The second attack on the 79 year old selling poppies attacked with a claw hammer looks like a family member did it. The Mail on Line sorry again can't get the links up.

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When I was back in Manc Mr plod wouldn't even come on our estate, and that is a fact as I Was there. If they did come in it was 3 or 4 riot vans and they'd hit the odd drug dealer for the papers in and out as quick as they could. So yes they would come in but not unless they were mob handed. So no it wasn't off limits but it was hard for them and they never came in less then a van load as would get a fridge dropped on them from the blocks.

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Local media reports a Muslim of Pakistani origin is in custody.


Hopefully he will be " Interviewed " until he gives up the names of his accomplices.

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Local media reports a Muslim of Pakistani origin is in custody.


Hopefully he will be " Interviewed " until he gives up the names of his accomplices.

Apparently his own community gave him up. but comments to the article say the area where he was attacked is a "No go" Area for non muslims. He was walking through a park on a route he's used for years on Remembrance Sunday.

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Apparently his own community gave him up. but comments to the article say the area where he was attacked is a "No go" Area for non muslims. He was walking through a park on a route he's used for years on Remembrance Sunday.

Are you sure ? I have been attacked quite vigorously previously for suggesting that there were no-go areas in the UK and assured that such areas do not exist cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Or perhaps its one of those areas that the " Law abiding community take care of law breakers themselves " Which in fact, makes them anything but Law abiding blink.pngblink.png

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Apparently his own community gave him up. but comments to the article say the area where he was attacked is a "No go" Area for non muslims. He was walking through a park on a route he's used for years on Remembrance Sunday.

Are you sure ? I have been attacked quite vigorously previously for suggesting that there were no-go areas in the UK and assured that such areas do not exist cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

That's the police speaking. Experience by people living near those areas tell it differently.

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Apparently his own community gave him up. but comments to the article say the area where he was attacked is a "No go" Area for non muslims. He was walking through a park on a route he's used for years on Remembrance Sunday.

Are you sure ? I have been attacked quite vigorously previously for suggesting that there were no-go areas in the UK and assured that such areas do not exist cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

That's the police speaking. Experience by people living near those areas tell it differently.

Of course it is. To say otherwise would make them another Government Department unfit for purpose.

Some TV posters need to climb down from their ivory towers and go take a healthy dose of reality tablet.

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This was obviously a shameful attack.

Many Muslims fought and died for this country in both world wars; all volunteers. They and their families would be ashamed of the dishonour brought to the Muslim community by this attack on an old comrade.

Every year among the wreaths laid at out local war memorial are one from the Imam of the local mosque and another from the Muslim community.

I can't find anything apart from comments to this article to say that this park is a 'no go' area, or that Muslim gangs are trying to make it so.

Although this has a lot to say about white chavs making the whole of Keighley an unpleasant place to be!

There are plenty of news reports about gangs of Muslim youths who have tried to make areas 'no go' and 'impose' strict Shari law on those passing through who have been arrested and jailed for so doing; see links posted earlier.

But it seems that certain people prefer rumour which suits their prejudices to facts.

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This was obviously a shameful attack.

Many Muslims fought and died for this country in both world wars; all volunteers. They and their families would be ashamed of the dishonour brought to the Muslim community by this attack on an old comrade.

Every year among the wreaths laid at out local war memorial are one from the Imam of the local mosque and another from the Muslim community.

I can't find anything apart from comments to this article to say that this park is a 'no go' area, or that Muslim gangs are trying to make it so.

Although this has a lot to say about white chavs making the whole of Keighley an unpleasant place to be!

There are plenty of news reports about gangs of Muslim youths who have tried to make areas 'no go' and 'impose' strict Shari law on those passing through who have been arrested and jailed for so doing; see links posted earlier.

But it seems that certain people prefer rumour which suits their prejudices to facts.

A shameful attack ? No it isnt, it is an abomination.

Please provide a link to back up your claim regarding the many Muslims that fought and died for the UK in both world wars.

Every year we also get reports of Muslims desecrating remembrance memorials also.

As I have already pointed out, you will not find official reports detailing no-go areas. It would be an admission of catastrophic failure by the UK Government and its Police force. Plenty of people have highlighted these no-go areas, they exist, whether you choose to believe it or not.

The very fact, that as you point out, there have been numerous news reports of some being arrested who have tried setting up no go areas and imposing Sharia Law, tells you that it will have succeeded in other areas.

Please enlighten me as to what my prejudices are ? If you want to accuse me of telling the truth, go right ahead, guilty as accused.

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I agree , hope they get the proverbial kick up the arse and somebody teaches them some respect.

I was thinking more along the lines of something that they would understand. Paraded through the town in boiler suits and a meeting with a rather sharp sword.

Jock mutton pie you are too lenient,these animals deserve the ultimate.Darwins theory failed,not exclusive to this instance,but many in the UK.It is no worse than it was 30 years ago.History has a habit of repeating itself.

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Every year we also get reports of Muslims desecrating remembrance memorials also.

Every year? To quote you; please provide a link to back up this claim.

Meanwhile: Vandal admits painting 'Islam' on war memorial days after murder of Lee Rigby

"Andrew Patterson, 31, has admitted causing more than £50,000 of damage during a vandalism spree last year."

A lone vandal, acting on his own. Not a Muslim, not part of any campaign by anyone!

War memorial on Stone Recreation Ground, Stone, vandalised with white graffiti

A mindless tag, not a Muslim slogan. Was the offender a Muslim? Possibly, possibly not; but this obviously was not motivated by religion; these idiots, of all races and religious backgrounds, spray their tags everywhere.

As I have already pointed out, you will not find official reports detailing no-go areas. It would be an admission of catastrophic failure by the UK Government and its Police force. Plenty of people have highlighted these no-go areas, they exist, whether you choose to believe it or not.

The very fact, that as you point out, there have been numerous news reports of some being arrested who have tried setting up no go areas and imposing Sharia Law, tells you that it will have succeeded in other areas.

Please explain how the police successfully tackling attempts to impose no go areas etc. by arresting and bringing to the courts those responsible and the courts jailing those offenders is proof that the authorities are afraid to tackle no go areas.

Please enlighten me as to what my prejudices are ? If you want to accuse me of telling the truth, go right ahead, guilty as accused.

Your prejudices are there for all to see.

The day you tell the truth, I will acknowledge it.

From previous experience there is no PC reply acceptable to this post.Hush your mouth.

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I agree , hope they get the proverbial kick up the arse and somebody teaches them some respect.

I was thinking more along the lines of something that they would understand. Paraded through the town in boiler suits and a meeting with a rather sharp sword.

Jock mutton pie you are too lenient,these animals deserve the ultimate.Darwins theory failed,not exclusive to this instance,but many in the UK.It is no worse than it was 30 years ago.History has a habit of repeating itself.


If I posted my real thoughts, they would never see the light of day.

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