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Let Australians live and work in Britain: London mayor Boris Johnson backs migration report


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The questions to ask are these:

* how did it happen in the first place that for an Ozzie it was much harder to get into UK than to any other national?

* how did it happen in the first place that for a Brit it was much harder to get into Australia than to any other national?

* where from will come the fiercest opposition to new laws? - from those many other nationals?

Given present economic realities in UK - very high costs of all aspects of living - I cannot see Ozzies running fast.

Sorry, don't know much of Kiwis.

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The questions to ask are these:* how did it happen in the first place that for an Ozzie it was much harder to get into UK than to any other national?* how did it happen in the first place that for a Brit it was much harder to get into Australia than to any other national?* where from will come the fiercest opposition to new laws? - from those many other nationals?Given present economic realities in UK - very high costs of all aspects of living - I cannot see Ozzies running fast. Sorry, don't know much of Kiwis.

To answer your questions:

- UK immigration act of 1971 made it hard. You joined the EU

- It isn't harder for australians than everyone else. Australians are just on the same category as all non-eu citizens. Note, australians do enjoy some residual advantages in the UK including NHS access, the right to vote in UK elections. English language and recognised qualifications makes it easier for an australian to be hired, albeit the via the work permit route.

- in retaliation to the UK joining the EU, Australia overhauled our immigration system, making it non discriminatory and largely skills based. Similar to an Australian going to the UK, a Brit wanting to migrate to australia enjoys the adavantage of having skills, education and the language that Australia wants. Hence there is still an inherent advantage.

- still in reckon via 457 visas in oz, it is still easier for a Brit to turn up to oz and get a job than vice versa.

Question is, after running a skills based inmigration programme for the best part of 40 years, is australia going to start letting lower skilled workers from the mother country?

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Australia is crawling with poms and irish anyway escaping the GFC. So long as they subscribe to the broad ethos of Australia and realise that we are an immigrant country, sitting on the edge of Asia and the greatest economic transformation since the industrial revolution and they leave their litte englander attitudes at home, then I'm fine with that.

You racists nail your flag to the mast.


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It took a about 30 seconds for this to turn into a british moan fest of immigration.

This thread makes he rather arrogant assumption that Australia would want to open its doors to Brits. And vice versa

There are merits in both ways of doing things.

- a managed non discriminatory migration system based on skills, where one can cherry pick the best and brighest. This is the current australian system for the most part.

- a reciprocal free movement of labour scheme, as which exists between Australia and New Zealand.

I wouldn't have too many issues with the latter. The free flow from NZ isn't totally free, there are still character tests and a criminal record will see you turned back at the border. The tide will ebb and flow depending on the job market. At the moment kiwis are leaving oz to take advantage of the better economy in NZ.

Australia is crawling with poms and irish anyway escaping the GFC. So long as they subscribe to the broad ethos of Australia and realise that we are an immigrant country, sitting on the edge of Asia and the greatest economic transformation since the industrial revolution and they leave their litte englander attitudes at home, then I'm fine with that.

Ed: To be honest I think a true free flow won't happen, but a good compromise might be the E-3 visa system that the US has for Australin workers, where essentially, if you have a degree and have a job offer, you get an indefinite renewable 2 year work visa for working in the US. Fair, and keeps out the rif raff at the same time.

Australia is crawling with poms and irish anyway escaping the GFC. So long as they subscribe to the broad ethos of Australia and realise that we are an immigrant country, sitting on the edge of Asia and the greatest economic transformation since the industrial revolution and they leave their litte englander attitudes at home, then I'm fine with that.

Re written for the sake of non PC BS.

Australia is crawling with Lebos and Muslims anyway escaping the ravages of the ME. So long as they subscribe to the broad ethos of seperation of church and state, womens rights, leave behind such thoughts as FGM and honour killings and realise its an immigrant country, sitting on the edge of Asia (and not Saudi Arabia) and they leave their little muslim pakisatni, lebo attitudes at home, then I am fine with that.

Signed your pommie neighbour from SA.

um, okay. So apart from the fact that my threshold of 'crawling' differs from you (1million+ UK born people living in OZ), what bit did you think I might disagree with you on? Suggest you check back on some of my posts about rule of law adherence before you go off again....

But what is good for the goose is not good for the gander. Clearly you forgot to leave your whinging pom attitude back on mud island then?

Never had a whinging Ozzy attitude until I came here, I took my cue from the Thais whom I live beside.

Gotta lurve Thailand, no such PC BS nonsense here, Thai way or the highway, pity good ole blighty could learn a lesson or two.

My Ozzy mates say the same. Mud Island? got me there.

Those poms and paddys you refer to are your ozzy brethern, maybe they are more ozzy than you?

You know the ones that actually built the country, rather than the Johnny come lately freeloaders, or dole bludgers as i believe you ozzys refer to them as.

Most Australians haven't a clue of welfare numbers & receipients background. Currently there are 7.1 million Australians receiving some form of welfare payment. The vast majority of so called 'freeloaders/dole bludgers' would be white Australians.

As an aside you may be interested in the number of illegal overstayers, by nationality, in Oz as of 12/2011.

A breakdown of the numbers by country reveals authorities are seeking 7930 Chinese, 5090 Americans, 4640 Malaysians and 3650 British. Thousands of others including 3500 Indians, 2760 Koreans, 2620 Indonesians, 2410 Filipinos, 1860 Thais, 1690 Vietnamese, 1460 Germans, 1280 Japanese, 1260 French, 1240 Irish and 1090 Fijians are also at large.


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Yet while Canada gives free pass to Brits to come and work, the opposite is unhappily not so. Why Britain would want to keep certain ex Brits out and curtail Australian immigration; just seems odd considering how much immigration from non British empire countries is allowed.

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The questions to ask are these:* how did it happen in the first place that for an Ozzie it was much harder to get into UK than to any other national?* how did it happen in the first place that for a Brit it was much harder to get into Australia than to any other national?* where from will come the fiercest opposition to new laws? - from those many other nationals?Given present economic realities in UK - very high costs of all aspects of living - I cannot see Ozzies running fast. Sorry, don't know much of Kiwis.

To answer your questions:

- UK immigration act of 1971 made it hard. You joined the EU

- It isn't harder for australians than everyone else. Australians are just on the same category as all non-eu citizens. Note, australians do enjoy some residual advantages in the UK including NHS access, the right to vote in UK elections. English language and recognised qualifications makes it easier for an australian to be hired, albeit the via the work permit route.

- in retaliation to the UK joining the EU, Australia overhauled our immigration system, making it non discriminatory and largely skills based. Similar to an Australian going to the UK, a Brit wanting to migrate to australia enjoys the adavantage of having skills, education and the language that Australia wants. Hence there is still an inherent advantage.

- still in reckon via 457 visas in oz, it is still easier for a Brit to turn up to oz and get a job than vice versa.

Question is, after running a skills based inmigration programme for the best part of 40 years, is australia going to start letting lower skilled workers from the mother country?

The EEC not the EU. Britain voted for a common market. Not political and monetary union.

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Correct and that it was how it was sold to the voter.

Common market not integrated to become a Euro state.

Which is why UKIP is racing ahead now and the likes of Harman and Milliband face a

wipeout next May.

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Mr Johnson

For some unfathonable reason, you are being touted as the next leader of the Con Party.

A tip for you.

If there is jobs available in the UK, then train all the workshy, lazy barstewards currently in the UK to do those jobs and get them off the welfare bill.

When those claiming jobseekers allowance has been reduced to almost zero, if there is still a need for people to fill jobs, then you can start with selected migration.

Sort out the basics and the rest will follow.

Boris is indeed an extremely greedy piggyburp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

Britain already has a rich posh bloke as prime minister, why not another. Just another guy totally removed and "out of touch" from the needs & concerns of the majority of the population.

If as a country, the UK wishes to be bent over and shafted by the US, Boris is yer man, he was born there after all.

A third runway for Heathrow nah......., Boris Island will be a much better (i.e. lucrative) for Bozzer & his chums.

Harley Street, Eton, Harrow etc (Who cares if it costs 30 grand a year to send little Tarquin there!?).

If were going to elect our leaders, a good place to start is with someone who has lived in the real world, as the majority of people know it!

You won't find a Tory who has ever lived in the real world!

Boris is quite amusing and amiable,but don't kid yourself,he wasn't even born in the real world!

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Mr Johnson

For some unfathonable reason, you are being touted as the next leader of the Con Party.

A tip for you.

If there is jobs available in the UK, then train all the workshy, lazy barstewards currently in the UK to do those jobs and get them off the welfare bill.

When those claiming jobseekers allowance has been reduced to almost zero, if there is still a need for people to fill jobs, then you can start with selected migration.

Sort out the basics and the rest will follow.

Funny this. Unemployment is currentltbas low as its been since the recession and there are more people working in the UK than EVER before.

The problem is persistent immigration giving huge supply of labour to low paying wages. The low end of the market has no wage inflation. Good for companies bad for the poor.

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Thai at Heart

Funny this. Unemployment is currentltbas low as its been since the recession and there are more people working in the UK than EVER before.

The UK's official unemployment figures have been a joke since the 70's.

Today, they are based on people claiming JSA. This is only payable for 6 months and then claimants are moved onto other benefits and they no longer fall under the unemployment figures. This has been happening in various guises since the 70's. There are also a very large number of people who are not legible to claim JSA.

The Gov website gives a comprehensive list of those unable to claim.

What they wont give you is a comprehensive list of those that they wish to hide, Like ex forces personnel who have been pensioned out of Service, who get no financial aid should they fall on hard times. Which might also explain why so many Ex Forces are living on the street.


Then there is the scandal of the zero hour contracts.


1 link provided but there are plenty of others.

The problem is persistent immigration giving huge supply of labour to low paying wages. The low end of the market has no wage inflation. Good for companies bad for the poor.

Wont argue with that 1.

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Just watched Cameron's address to the Australian parliament.

We will get to use the e- gates at heathrow. Wowee.

It's ridiculous. Aussie's shouldn't need a visa to live and work in then UK and vice versa. Both should be able to come and go as they please.

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