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Japanese man found hanged to death in Ekkamai restaurant in Bangkok


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Often guys get ripped off by Thai females, this is in part because we can't own land and want to have a house. If the government really wanted to help foreigners (they dont) they would allow us to own land up to a 2 rai or so. This would make it easier to keep possessions in our name.

It will probably happen when hell freezes over.

Seriously, Rob, in this and pretty much all other cases, no one is putting a gun to the guy's head to hand over money or buy houses for their ladies. They do so willingly...then cry foul later. Or in this case, something else.

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Often guys get ripped off by Thai females, this is in part because we can't own land and want to have a house. If the government really wanted to help foreigners (they dont) they would allow us to own land up to a 2 rai or so. This would make it easier to keep possessions in our name.

It will probably happen when hell freezes over.

If they wanted to help ... there first priority, and should be, is to Thais. Foreigners already helped drive property prices up despite regulations and they can always buy a condo ... just look at the prices of them around Bangkok which probably has a good deal to do with foreigners being allowed to purchase condos. I think at some point people need to take care of themselves when it comes to thinks like giving a girl money. Most guys who get ripped off would never do at home what the do here with women. I am not sure why they think it will have different results here. Certainly not saying this was the case with this fellow in the OP but when an older male marries a girl 1/2 their age or more, do the really think it is about a physical or personal attraction? Just like in the west, it is about a money and/or security and once that runs out so will the girl and chances are in the west you are going to have paid dearly too before and after it is over.

Nothing wrong with a man going out of his league but he just needs to be realistic and understand why the girl is in the relationship because it is not going to be the same reason as the guy in most all cases.

Written like a true 100% Kon Thai or maybe 50% Jeen and 50% Thai, I'm guessing. But anyway to your post. Yes, always best to blame the Farang for anything and everything you don't want to be honest with yourself about. Farangs are to blame for the high price of property, not Thai's, or Chinese/Thai's or Indian/Thai's only real Farang's are to blame. Shame on Farangs for buying condo's. The Thai Government should put an end to this abuse of and assault on their sovereignty. Farangs are to blame for the fall of the Baht, the coup, the crime in Phuket, and for the debauchery on Soi Cowboy, Farangs are to blame for coming here and committing suicide and constantly jumping off balcony's all by themselves. Farang's are even to blame for Global Warming and the Tsunami in Kho Pi Pi. In fact I bet if they could take a DNA sample from Shinawatra Thaksin they would find some Farang blood somewhere in his family linage. Wait! That's it! Thaksin, he has that suspicious "Jeen" blood in him. I bet if they looked closely they might fine some strains of DNA in him from Texas when he was studying at University. So you see it's quite clear all Thailand problems are caused by foreigners.. I commend you sir for your keen observations on Farang behavior. Especially your pointing out that this poor Nippon victim probably deserved what happened to him for "doing here what he would never do at home with a woman." Bravo! Very insightful and it even fits with your blame the Farang narrative.

Absolutely 100% spot on wai2.gif


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Often guys get ripped off by Thai females, this is in part because we can't own land and want to have a house. If the government really wanted to help foreigners (they dont) they would allow us to own land up to a 2 rai or so. This would make it easier to keep possessions in our name.

It will probably happen when hell freezes over.

If they wanted to help ... there first priority, and should be, is to Thais. Foreigners already helped drive property prices up despite regulations and they can always buy a condo ... just look at the prices of them around Bangkok which probably has a good deal to do with foreigners being allowed to purchase condos. I think at some point people need to take care of themselves when it comes to thinks like giving a girl money. Most guys who get ripped off would never do at home what the do here with women. I am not sure why they think it will have different results here. Certainly not saying this was the case with this fellow in the OP but when an older male marries a girl 1/2 their age or more, do the really think it is about a physical or personal attraction? Just like in the west, it is about a money and/or security and once that runs out so will the girl and chances are in the west you are going to have paid dearly too before and after it is over.

Nothing wrong with a man going out of his league but he just needs to be realistic and understand why the girl is in the relationship because it is not going to be the same reason as the guy in most all cases.

Wonders never cease.

I agree with you 100% on this thread.

It is a buyer beware scenario as far a the relationship goes.

I wish the UK had had Thai style property rules.

It might still be England if they had.

Whilst I would like to own land wherever I live, I accept I cannot here and it is for the good of the country and its people.

Long may it last.

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Often guys get ripped off by Thai females, this is in part because we can't own land and want to have a house. If the government really wanted to help foreigners (they dont) they would allow us to own land up to a 2 rai or so. This would make it easier to keep possessions in our name.

It will probably happen when hell freezes over.

If they wanted to help ... there first priority, and should be, is to Thais. Foreigners already helped drive property prices up despite regulations and they can always buy a condo ... just look at the prices of them around Bangkok which probably has a good deal to do with foreigners being allowed to purchase condos. I think at some point people need to take care of themselves when it comes to thinks like giving a girl money. Most guys who get ripped off would never do at home what the do here with women. I am not sure why they think it will have different results here. Certainly not saying this was the case with this fellow in the OP but when an older male marries a girl 1/2 their age or more, do the really think it is about a physical or personal attraction? Just like in the west, it is about a money and/or security and once that runs out so will the girl and chances are in the west you are going to have paid dearly too before and after it is over.

Nothing wrong with a man going out of his league but he just needs to be realistic and understand why the girl is in the relationship because it is not going to be the same reason as the guy in most all cases.

Wonders never cease.

I agree with you 100% on this thread.

It is a buyer beware scenario as far a the relationship goes.

I wish the UK had had Thai style property rules.

It might still be England if they had.

Whilst I would like to own land wherever I live, I accept I cannot here and it is for the good of the country and its people.

Long may it last.

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I see a Japanese sign on the gate.

Probably his restaurant, but with thai 51% share. She may have snatched it away from him.

A warning to all about the 51% control of business, even if said thai did not contribute one baht.

Now they want 51% share and full control of board members.the noose is tightening around foreigners and most will move elsewhere.

Noose. Very apt!

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Often guys get ripped off by Thai females, this is in part because we can't own land and want to have a house. If the government really wanted to help foreigners (they dont) they would allow us to own land up to a 2 rai or so. This would make it easier to keep possessions in our name.

It will probably happen when hell freezes over.

If they wanted to help ... there first priority, and should be, is to Thais. Foreigners already helped drive property prices up despite regulations and they can always buy a condo ... just look at the prices of them around Bangkok which probably has a good deal to do with foreigners being allowed to purchase condos. I think at some point people need to take care of themselves when it comes to thinks like giving a girl money. Most guys who get ripped off would never do at home what the do here with women. I am not sure why they think it will have different results here. Certainly not saying this was the case with this fellow in the OP but when an older male marries a girl 1/2 their age or more, do the really think it is about a physical or personal attraction? Just like in the west, it is about a money and/or security and once that runs out so will the girl and chances are in the west you are going to have paid dearly too before and after it is over.

Nothing wrong with a man going out of his league but he just needs to be realistic and understand why the girl is in the relationship because it is not going to be the same reason as the guy in most all cases.

Bitter, cruel and incorrect to boot unless of course his wife was less than 18 yrs and 6 months.

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Drip, drip, no lump sums, no "investments", rent, don't buy, no houses, no land, no business opportunities, all money brought in is considered spent that moment it is converted into baht, no loans only gifts.

This philosophy has served me well over 2 decades in Thailand. Expect nothing and you will not be disappointed. Invest nothing and you will (probably) not be ripped off.


Great stuff and spot on. Buy nothing, buy your own drinks, anything you need rent it. look after yourself. I never even buy a girl a drink. Why should I ? They get the drink, ok thats fair enough then you get charged 120 baht for a small galls of fruit juice and another 60 baht on top for her to put in her pocket, eeerrrrmmmm hello!

Give then as little as possible, and never trust any of them. ZERO

Can you really be a happy man with a mindset like that – in Thailand or anywhere else?

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I often wonder what makes men throw all their caution away when they marry thai women. If we are 60 and meet a 30 year old woman back home and we have a quite substantial fortune we would insist on a prenuptial. But when we go to Thailand and often find a girl from the “entertainment industry” we don’t do the same.

Likewise in business if we provide 100% of the funds why do we accept giving the other part 51% of the ownership. I know that it is the law that 51% must be owned by a Thai but there is no rule that it has to be the same Thai. It must be possible to find someone to part own the company outside of the family, ex your lawyer.

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Often guys get ripped off by Thai females, this is in part because we can't own land and want to have a house. If the government really wanted to help foreigners (they dont) they would allow us to own land up to a 2 rai or so. This would make it easier to keep possessions in our name.

It will probably happen when hell freezes over.

Where was it ever stated that the Government really wants to help foreigners?

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Often guys get ripped off by Thai females, this is in part because we can't own land and want to have a house. If the government really wanted to help foreigners (they dont) they would allow us to own land up to a 2 rai or so. This would make it easier to keep possessions in our name.

It will probably happen when hell freezes over.

RIP the poor fellow, how very sad that things can go this way and he had no one to turn to for help.

I have only read the first few posts but I feel I must jump in here.

Foreigners owning land is a double edged sword, very complicated and with many hidden implications -.IMO

We have much more money than the locals in relative terms and would be willing to be exploited and pay more and it would still be cheap for us.

But, the Thai's would find that the price of houses goes up a lot due to this and that would be very bad for them.

This is something that you can see that already happened in Spain.

Under the dictator Franco, only a Spaniard could own land and property prices were very stable.

After Franco, foreigners could own land and prices rocketed!

The Spanish preferred to sell to foreigners because they were greedy and wanted as much money as possible.

(Does this sound like anyone we may know LOL)

This is what caused the rapid rise in prices, to the point where the locals could no longer hope to buy for themselves.

However, due to the recent financial crisis, prises have crashed to less than half what they were 10 years or so ago, but that's another story.

The same thing happens with the price of hotels and anything imported.

If there are loads of foreigners and tourists who are willing to pay big prices, the locals will continue to raise prices until the market cannot stand more.

Then, everyone local or foreign must pay more.

It's called inflation and has been happening in Thailand for years.

Long timers will remember how prices of everything are being gouged!

(Apart from mainly house prices and taxi's, I find that the cost of living in Thailand is now very similar to that of Spain and actually looks set to become more expensive than Spain. It is in respect to the price of wine!)

On the other hand, wages are not controlled in this way.......

Having said this, I agree that something should be done to protect the foreigners investment.

If they allow foreigners to own property, they could enact a law to tax any increase in value on subsequent sale.

(This would inevitably lead to "Black money" being slipped under the table - as happens in Spain).....

This could be organised so that the tax is reduced over the time since purchase and done in such a way to keep prices stable.

Otherwise, perhaps ownership could stay the same - only Thai's but make the law such that if a couple divorce it is automatic that property must be sold within a reasonable time and the money shared 50/50. All done by the divorce court.

This raises questions in my mind as to who pays for this "service".......

The marriage certificate has a section that is like a pre-nup and you can declare property owned before the marriage so that I assume that it would not be part of the marriage contract.

However, and quite rightly so IMO, everything purchased after the marriage shall be shared 50/50.

To make this all work would need a new family type court and a bunch of new legislation.

Thai's are very unstructured regarding marriage, support for wives, kids etc they even have informal Buddhist marriages that are not enforceable.

So, in the end, you may well be right,

"It will probably happen when hell freezes over."

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If I was Japanese, I would be very,very,very afraid to visit Thailand!!w00t.gif

Suicide rate in Japan is the 5th highest in the world; suicide rate in Thailand is the 66th highest out of 110 countries per this wiki article.

Seems Japanese are apparently more prone to suicide regardless of living in Japan or any country.

If the "just being in a certain country" automatically raises your suicide chances, then if I was Thai I would be afraid to visit Japan.

Thats because all the Japanese are losing their money to Thais!

Too many of these thieving conniving scumbag types like this here Im afraid.

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