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Army arms civil volunteers in South with 2,700 service pistols


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Note that they have not been armed with "Service Handguns" - they have been armed with 2700 Heckler & Koch HK33 5.56mm Army issue assault rifles. I'm all for the right to bear arms and defend oneself. But this isn't exactly the right to bear arms, this is the military arming a quazi fascist militia with a history of human rights abuses in one of the most mafia dominated parts of Thailand.

One only has to read the history of the Red Guar and Village Scouts in the 1970s to see how this will end.

It was set up by the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) of the Thai military to counter the country's students movement after the democratic revolution of October 1973.[2] Major-General Sudsai Hasadin has been reported being its main organizer.[1] From mid-1974 on, the paramilitary organization's units were publicly armed with firearms and grenades. Afterwards, they enjoyed practical immunity to criminal prosecution, or even warnings from police or army staff. The Red Gaurs violently attacked demonstrators at the protests against individual articles of the 1974 constitution, against U.S. military bases in Thailand, and at the protests against the return of deposed military dictators Thanom Kittikachorn and Praphas Charusathien.[2]

The Village Scouts were also deployed to counter the protests of the pro-democracy and students movement. They were called via radio to occupy strategic points in all major towns during the protests against US bases in the country and against the return of ousted military dictators Thanom Kittikachorn and Praphas Charusathien. The probably best-known, and most impactful, mission of the Village Scouts was during the anti-leftist rally that led to the Thammasat University massacre on 6 October 1976,[3] in which at least 46 people were killed and the subsequent coup d'état and return to military rule.

By more and more appealing to urban, right-wing conservatives, the organization gradually moved away from its poor, rural base.[2] The movement fizzled out during the 1980s.


Edited by MikeENZ
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2,700 pistols being sent south.

I'm guessing the next yellow mob is going to be much better armed than the PDRC was, and that's really saying something.

The yellows must also be running low on grenades after 204 days of Suthep and co blowing BKK up.

Expect a few hundred launchers to be added to the list

Almost all the terrorist that have been caught doing the bombing were red. There were red training camps too. The reds were the ones that gunned down the kids in Trad while their leaders cheered on stage until someone smart told them this was bad PR and they had to shut up.

So far the Yellow mob has always been more peaceful as the red mob. There have been idiot guards but they have been dealt with. They were not hidden away by the government like the reds did with their terrorists.

Yellows don't need guns.. they got the army in their corner if push comes to shove.

Aaahh... They've got the army in their corner.

Your revelation fully explains where Suthep got all the M79 grenades from and why all the arrests have been so one sided.

You don't even have a gun, yet you've managed to shoot yourself in the foot.

Well done!

Aaahh... They've got the army in their corner.

Aaahh... They had a democratically elected Prime Minister... Police Lieutenant Colonel Thaksin on their side... They call it Tak Bai. You ignore it.

"Your revelation fully explains where Suthep got all the M79 grenades from and why all the arrests have been so one sided."

Who fired the grenades that killed children and injured more in front of Central World just some months short months ago... Where did they come from? You ignore it.

"You don't even have a gun, yet you've managed to shoot yourself in the foot."

Every time you open your mouth... You manage to put your foot in it.

Edited to say: You ignore reality. By the way, what does toe jam taste like?

Tak Bai was a military operation.

Thailand: No Justice 10 Years After Tak Bai Killings | Human ...

Not all of the recent pre-coup violence, but a very large part of it, was clearly yellow on yellow. The rich leaders of the PDRC knew where not to be and when not to be there whilst they bombed, maimed and killed their own paid for "southern rent-a-mob". They murdered their own in an effort to create an environment that would clear the way for the Generals to step in. They bloodied their hands and succeeded.

(Funny how not a single grenade lobbed at any the the rich, elitist yellows domiciles exploded. They were all dud grenades. What a tremendous stroke of luck for Suthep and friends hey?)

What happens, you type your drivel, post it and then are hit with what you mistakenly believe to be some irresistible, dazzling and breathtaking insight of comedic gold and simply must edit?

Your posts are mundane and your edits are flops.

Edited by Robespiere
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Almost all the terrorist that have been caught doing the bombing were red. There were red training camps too. The reds were the ones that gunned down the kids in Trad while their leaders cheered on stage until someone smart told them this was bad PR and they had to shut up.

So far the Yellow mob has always been more peaceful as the red mob. There have been idiot guards but they have been dealt with. They were not hidden away by the government like the reds did with their terrorists.

Yellows don't need guns.. they got the army in their corner if push comes to shove.

Aaahh... They've got the army in their corner.

Your revelation fully explains where Suthep got all the M79 grenades from and why all the arrests have been so one sided.

You don't even have a gun, yet you've managed to shoot yourself in the foot.

Well done!

Aaahh... They've got the army in their corner.

Aaahh... They had a democratically elected Prime Minister... Police Lieutenant Colonel Thaksin on their side... They call it Tak Bai. You ignore it.

"Your revelation fully explains where Suthep got all the M79 grenades from and why all the arrests have been so one sided."

Who fired the grenades that killed children and injured more in front of Central World just some months short months ago... Where did they come from? You ignore it.

"You don't even have a gun, yet you've managed to shoot yourself in the foot."

Every time you open your mouth... You manage to put your foot in it.

Edited to say: You ignore reality. By the way, what does toe jam taste like?

Tak Bai was a military operation.

Thailand: No Justice 10 Years After Tak Bai Killings | Human ...

Not all of the recent pre-coup violence, but a very large part of it, was clearly yellow on yellow. The rich leaders of the PDRC knew where not to be and when not to be there whilst they bombed, maimed and killed their own paid for "southern rent-a-mob". They murdered their own in an effort to create an environment that would clear the way for the Generals to step in. They bloodied their hands and succeeded.

(Funny how not a single grenade lobbed at any the the rich, elitist yellows domiciles exploded. They were all dud grenades. What a tremendous stroke of luck for Suthep and friends hey?)

What happens, you type your drivel, post it and then are hit with what you mistakenly believe to be some irresistible, dazzling and breathtaking insight of comedic gold and simply must edit?

Your posts are mundane and your edits are flops.

Tak Bai was a military operation.

but it is so much more gratifying for some folks to blame Thaksin. It's an urban legend.

when it comes to violence during protests in the last 7 years, there is no balance on this forum. Protestors calling for elections from an unelected government were mowed down in a 6 day cleansing operation and some people think that would not have happened if they had 'just gone home like they were asked'. Amazing.

On the other hand, these folks find it obvious that none of the violence this spring came from the yellow shirts who were protesting to stop elections even though their ranks were laced with soldiers from the navy. Yeah right.

One poster even recently stated that the country this spring was not being held hostage at the barrel of a gun by the military, but by the red shirts. Dream land...........

There are so many examples over the years of this most recent political conflict of violence - sure from both sides, but let's not indulge in false equivalencies. The yellow shirts were purposefully violent in order to create chaos and an excuse for the military to step in. It's the favorite MO of the elite/military alliance. And you know, when you go back in history, the traditional elites were always ready to send in the mobs - remember the village scouts? oh man....

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The Thai Government has been arming women for some time now because they are more likely to shoot to protect their family and not cause problems with guns.

Problem is most women are too weak to operate a semi-automatic handgun. They should have revolvers.

I believe most teachers are also armed too.

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Military To Send More Guns, Volunteers To Restive South

By Khaosod Eng.

BANGKOK — Thailand's military is seeking to increase the number of guns and armed volunteers in the southern border provinces, where Islamic insurgents have been waging a bloody separatist campaign for the past decade.

The Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) has approved a plan to dispatch 2,700 submachine guns to the armed "ranger" volunteer units in the Muslim-dominated provinces of Narathiwat, Yala, and Pattani, a spokesperson said yesterday.

ISOC will also ask the government to recruit 2,000 more policemen for the restive region, Col. Banpot Poonpian said. He said he hoped the posts would be filled by 1,000 volunteers from the fourteen southern provinces and 1,000 from the rest of the country.

"We want the process to be concluded by 1 June 2015," he said.

Col. Banpot added that the military is planning to establish a new "Navy Marine Ranger" unit to combat the insurgency by 2016, with a budget of more than 1.7 billion baht. He did not elaborate what role the new unit will take in the region.

Tens of thousands of soldiers, policemen, marines, and armed volunteers are already stationed in the three southern border provinces, known as the "Deep South," to stem the tide of separatist violence that has claimed nearly 6,000 lives since 2004.

Read More: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1415167126&section=11

-- Khaosod English 2014-11-05

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I think it's a very good move as long as there is sufficient training. A well armed militia can work with the army to crush the mooslum scumbags that kill innocent people at random.

Those of you who are opposed to the concept: How about you go down South and negotiate a peaceful settlement on behalf of the Thai people. I am sure they will be impressed.

Let me guess? You will be first to volunteer and take up arms against religious fanatics where death is seen as a glorious path to heaven, where 72 virgins await them!!

You really don't know much about COIN do you?

These volunteers will drop their weapons in a heartbeat if it means preserving their own lives, the bad guys on the other hand will look forwards to death.

Entire Iraqi and Syrian regular trained Army all surrendered to the ISIS only to be executed like animals, you think these volunteers won't meet a similar fate?

Once their names are known to the bad guys, they and their families will be targeted and soon they will realise it's not smart to be a volunteer where your families lives are put at risk either.

The answer is not arming militias, it's sending in Elite COIN forces like the RTN SEALs and RTA SOF units, this is the roles they're trained for, not civilians with a rifle a radio and no other back up when the SHTF !!

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Military To Send More Guns, Volunteers To Restive South

By Khaosod Eng.

BANGKOK Thailand's military is seeking to increase the number of guns and armed volunteers in the southern border provinces, where Islamic insurgents have been waging a bloody separatist campaign for the past decade.

The Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) has approved a plan to dispatch 2,700 submachine guns to the armed "ranger" volunteer units in the Muslim-dominated provinces of Narathiwat, Yala, and Pattani, a spokesperson said yesterday.

ISOC will also ask the government to recruit 2,000 more policemen for the restive region, Col. Banpot Poonpian said. He said he hoped the posts would be filled by 1,000 volunteers from the fourteen southern provinces and 1,000 from the rest of the country.

"We want the process to be concluded by 1 June 2015," he said.

Col. Banpot added that the military is planning to establish a new "Navy Marine Ranger" unit to combat the insurgency by 2016, with a budget of more than 1.7 billion baht. He did not elaborate what role the new unit will take in the region.

Tens of thousands of soldiers, policemen, marines, and armed volunteers are already stationed in the three southern border provinces, known as the "Deep South," to stem the tide of separatist violence that has claimed nearly 6,000 lives since 2004.

Read More: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1415167126&section=11


-- Khaosod English 2014-11-05

But but but, the PM stated that the insurgency will be over by 2015, which this article is a complete contradiction to that statement released by the Junta several weeks ago !!!! ?

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I think it's a very good move as long as there is sufficient training. A well armed militia can work with the army to crush the mooslum scumbags that kill innocent people at random.

Those of you who are opposed to the concept: How about you go down South and negotiate a peaceful settlement on behalf of the Thai people. I am sure they will be impressed.

Let me guess? You will be first to volunteer and take up arms against religious fanatics where death is seen as a glorious path to heaven, where 72 virgins await them!!

You really don't know much about COIN do you?

These volunteers will drop their weapons in a heartbeat if it means preserving their own lives, the bad guys on the other hand will look forwards to death.

Entire Iraqi and Syrian regular trained Army all surrendered to the ISIS only to be executed like animals, you think these volunteers won't meet a similar fate?

Once their names are known to the bad guys, they and their families will be targeted and soon they will realise it's not smart to be a volunteer where your families lives are put at risk either.

The answer is not arming militias, it's sending in Elite COIN forces like the RTN SEALs and RTA SOF units, this is the roles they're trained for, not civilians with a rifle a radio and no other back up when the SHTF !!

COIN worked so well in Iraq and Afghanistan, so well it could be a model for world anti terrorism. NOT.

We best get some Americans in to sort it all out; Great just what we need the America World Police solving all our problems, like they have solved everything all over the world they've got involved in.

In Northern Ireland the predominantly American sponsored and funded terrorism by the IRA resulted in a compromise which has left terrorists effectively running the province.

If I was in the south and had to get my kids safely to school having a nice gun would be some comfort and most of the people there couldn't afford to buy one. Arming the civilians and forming a militia can work it's what's saved some of the Christian outposts in Syria from attack by IS.

But we could just get the Americans to sort it all out for us as they have such a good track record in every conflict they've been in, let me think of one success hmm sorry I can't can you?

God Bless America

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Shotguns would be better, needs less training, and more accurate.

You've never fired one have you?

A shotgun fires little pellets from a cartridge hundreds of them so you don't need to be accurate your right but if your not careful you also hit everything around your intended target and most shotguns create a lot of recoil which also in problematic. Where as a pistol fires a bullet which can only hit 1 target at a time, and is far less bulky to try and pull out and carry.

Real life's unfortunately not like a Zombie game on your play station.

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Since General Prayuth came into power as Prime Minister, The Muslims has behave rather well. Not much news of bombing/killing these days.

Hmm indeed, whilst I would not wish to detract from the Generals (Prime ministers good work).

You do right to ignore those pesky reporters who have obviously been false reporting on so much violence and several murders. O and the Police are doing it as well and the TV people showing all those corpses as well.

Pesky inconvenient people

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I think it's a very good move as long as there is sufficient training. A well armed militia can work with the army to crush the mooslum scumbags that kill innocent people at random.

Those of you who are opposed to the concept: How about you go down South and negotiate a peaceful settlement on behalf of the Thai people. I am sure they will be impressed.

Let me guess? You will be first to volunteer and take up arms against religious fanatics where death is seen as a glorious path to heaven, where 72 virgins await them!!

You really don't know much about COIN do you?

These volunteers will drop their weapons in a heartbeat if it means preserving their own lives, the bad guys on the other hand will look forwards to death.

Entire Iraqi and Syrian regular trained Army all surrendered to the ISIS only to be executed like animals, you think these volunteers won't meet a similar fate?

Once their names are known to the bad guys, they and their families will be targeted and soon they will realise it's not smart to be a volunteer where your families lives are put at risk either.

The answer is not arming militias, it's sending in Elite COIN forces like the RTN SEALs and RTA SOF units, this is the roles they're trained for, not civilians with a rifle a radio and no other back up when the SHTF !!

COIN worked so well in Iraq and Afghanistan, so well it could be a model for world anti terrorism. NOT.

We best get some Americans in to sort it all out; Great just what we need the America World Police solving all our problems, like they have solved everything all over the world they've got involved in.

In Northern Ireland the predominantly American sponsored and funded terrorism by the IRA resulted in a compromise which has left terrorists effectively running the province.

If I was in the south and had to get my kids safely to school having a nice gun would be some comfort and most of the people there couldn't afford to buy one. Arming the civilians and forming a militia can work it's what's saved some of the Christian outposts in Syria from attack by IS.

But we could just get the Americans to sort it all out for us as they have such a good track record in every conflict they've been in, let me think of one success hmm sorry I can't can you?

God Bless America

what does american bashing have to do with the insurgents in the south, JAP?

and what do you actually know about the IRA funding? Americans funded it? American Government funded it?

Get your facts straight, DB

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The IRA were predominantly funded through private donations made in America, it was widely known at the time, and the Americans were very slow to act and even attempt to stop it. They did in the end make some arrests. A lot of the funding came via Boston which turned out ironic last year. It wasn't even a secret.

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