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US midterm elections: Barack Obama’s legacy could be ruined in one day


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IMO Obama's time in the White House will be looked upon as a failure mainly because he couldn't deal with the GOP in Congress. I lay a lot of that blame on his own party's congressional leadership -- Reed is too much of a wuss and Pelosi is as corrupt as any Republican. But history remembers presidents, not senators and representatives.

In 2012 I thought it didn't matter who wins, as the GOP will call the shots regardless.

Nothing personal against Obama, I just think he is in the wrong job. He would have made a great Supreme Court justice.

A lunatic. Obama lost his law license due to PERJURY. A pathological liar you want for the supreme court? From which mental institution did u escape.??

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Obama gets negative grades for his handling of most key issues:

  • Negative 40 - 55 percent for handling the economy;
  • Negative 37 - 57 percent for foreign policy;
  • Negative 40 - 58 percent for health care;
  • 50 - 40 percent for the environment;
  • Negative 44 - 51 percent for terrorism;

Obama has been a better president than George W. Bush, 39 percent of voters say, while 40 percent say he is worse. Men say 43 - 36 percent that Obama is worse than Bush while women say 42 - 38 percent he is better. Obama is worse, Republicans say 79 - 7 percent and independent voters say 41 - 31 percent. Democrats say 78 - 4 percent that he is better.


And what percentage of those polled are redneck?

Where was the poll taken?

It's surprising what you could learn by reading the links provided. Since you seemingly have little knowledge on US politics, let me lend a hand. This will be provided in the original language also.


From the link:

"From June 24 - 30, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,446 registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 2.6 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones.
The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and the nation as a public service and for research.
For more information, visit http://www.quinnipiac.edu/polling, call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter "

Such eager enthusiasm to present a reputable survey organization and their findings! Some people just bubble over to quote a first rate public opinion scientific survey research group such as Quinnipiac College.

Quinnipiac being a fair and balanced public service polling organization, it also asked the following question of the same voters in the same survey: "Who is the best president of the modern era (since 1945)?" Here's the outcome of this particular question.....

Ranked from best to worst, the poll found these results for the “best president” of modern times:

  1. Ronald Reagan 35 percent
  2. Bill Clinton 18 percent
  3. John F. Kennedy 15 percent
  4. Barack Obama 8 percent
  5. Dwight Eisenhower 5 percent
  6. Harry S. Truman 4 percent
  7. Lyndon B. Johnson (tie) 3 percent
  8. George H.W. Bush (tie) 3 percent
  9. Jimmy Carter 2 percent
  10. Richard Nixon (tie) 1 percent
  11. Gerald Ford (tie) 1 percent
  12. George W. Bush (tie) 1 percent

Quinnipiac also asked the same people in the same survey to match up Obama and Bush head to head to compare the two directly, one against the other, with the following results....

  • 39 percent say that Barack Obama is better than George W. Bush.
  • 40 percent say that George W. Bush was better than Barack Obama
  • 21 percent apparently thought the question didn’t deserve an answer

So it's good to see some certain people on the extreme off the charts far right recognize and acknowledge the very fine Quinnipiac College public service survey organization for the balanced, reasonable, accomplished professional endeavors that they engage in and provide, even when their scientific findings might not please me entirely or sometimes not too much, but only occasionally so in the latter respect.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1330603/barack-obama-george-w-bush-who-was-the-worst-president-poll/#KOoRe8M5bemgXtb3.99

Edited by Publicus for spacing

Obama's legacy will be that he was the first black elected mostly by the white fools and communists. He is also the first and only squatter in the WH who provided a complete forgery for a birth certificate. Jimmy Carter is overjoyed that we finally had an individual who is worse then himselve

Edited by BlueSkyCowboy
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His handling of Snowden and keeping the FISA court entact while not being able to identify will tarnish is legacy. In 2013, the CIA and NSA were too busy snooping on Americans and its allies to figure out what was going on in Syria and Iraq. Also the Vetrans Administration is a big worry for those uniform. He did stop torchure, a rather low bar in US history.

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He is a good President and a descent person.

I hope the USA people would recognize that and give him the control of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Honour your good people.

Watch your tongue or we will thrust Hillary on you in two years. bah.gif

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Obamas legacy is that he is a liar and as dishonest and incompetent as is possible. A total fraud. His legacy will always be that of a homo muslim scumbag

And with you mouthing off like this, with your bigoted and hysterical tin foiled hat lines, you've just lost the argument for the genuine conservatives out there.

I guess I should take some solace out of the fact that you didn't accuse him of being born in Africa...

Edited by samran
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I love all this back and forth about good president / bad president. Can anyone tell me the last time you think the USA had a good president? The banks and big business owns all of your politicians and has since the 80's. With that in place you will NEVER have a good president again unless you are a banker.

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Sounds like Thailand has a lot of expat republicans. Can't imagine what they are doing in Thailand. The republicans in the US are all but finished and yet they still have idiots that vote them in to office. that is the biggest problem in the US. The other problem is that the democrats are nearly as bad and that is why the US is ultimately finished. Obama at his worse and yes he was very incompetent as a president doesn;t hold a candle to Bush or how destructive Reagan was for the US, starting us down the final stretch.

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Sounds like Thailand has a lot of expat republicans. Can't imagine what they are doing in Thailand. The republicans in the US are all but finished and yet they still have idiots that vote them in to office. that is the biggest problem in the US. The other problem is that the democrats are nearly as bad and that is why the US is ultimately finished. Obama at his worse and yes he was very incompetent as a president doesn;t hold a candle to Bush or how destructive Reagan was for the US, starting us down the final stretch.

Republicans are far from being finished Mr. Reptile...they will control the House and Senate for the next two years while Obama is a lame duck Pres...there is now a chance to restore some balance to the US budget...restore US integrity in international affairs...and go after the Fed Gov't criminals who have had a free run while Obama has been Pres...

Edited by ggt
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Sounds like Thailand has a lot of expat republicans. Can't imagine what they are doing in Thailand. The republicans in the US are all but finished and yet they still have idiots that vote them in to office. that is the biggest problem in the US. The other problem is that the democrats are nearly as bad and that is why the US is ultimately finished. Obama at his worse and yes he was very incompetent as a president doesn;t hold a candle to Bush or how destructive Reagan was for the US, starting us down the final stretch.

PRINCETON, NJ -- Forty-two percent of Americans, on average, identified as political independents in 2013, the highest Gallup has measured since it began conducting interviews by telephone 25 years ago. Meanwhile, Republican identification fell to 25%, the lowest over that time span. At 31%, Democratic identification is unchanged from the last four years but down from 36% in 2008.


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Yeah, well, whatever floats your boat.

I will, however, step back to the year 2007 when he first appeared on the national political scene. I said then on this forum, and I repeat now...

Obama is nothing more than a sleazy politician from the sewers of Chicago politics.

My view is unchanged.

His legacy will be long remembered most fondly by President Jimmy Carter, who now is being considered in some quarters as the second worst President in US history.

A presidential repudiation of historic, yet predictable, proportions. I remember so well those here who, at the time of Obama's re-election in 2012, were gloating over the "death of the Republican Party". What a difference 2 years makes. Lol. 'Not bad for a "dead party", eh? So nice of the democrats to do away with filibustering in the Senate. Wonder how well they think that's gonna' work for them now? hehe

Oh, I know I know. "This wasn't about Obama or his policies." clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif You BET it was!

Obama better get his veto pen ready. NOW we're going to find out who the REAL "party of No" is!

'Wonder how Pelosi, Reid and Obama are partying tonight...

And then there are the gubernatorial and state legislature races! The repubican candidate for governor has even defeated the democrat in Obama's HOME STATE of Illinois! The republican candidate for governor has ALSO defeated the democrat in Massachusetts, an overhwelmingly democratic state.

OK, so now Obama has a choice. He can abandon his self-absorbed arrogance & recalcitrance and his Chicago political machine tactics, drop the "executive order" intimidation, cancel a few tee times, and actually start WORKING with Congress. OR, he can simple-mindedly maintain course & speed and end up the lamest lame duck, very worst president in American history.

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Republicans have 52 of 100 seats, 3 more seats to decide.

Nothing that is filibuster proof though. More gridlock which is a shame, whatever your politics.

Agree, the Dems have enough people who can talk about absolutely nothing until the cows come home. wink.png

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Republicans have 52 of 100 seats, 3 more seats to decide.

Nothing that is filibuster proof though. More gridlock which is a shame, whatever your politics.

Agree, the Dems have enough people who can talk about absolutely nothing until the cows come home. wink.png

What filibuster? I thought the dems voted to change the Senate rules and did away with it!

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Republicans have 52 of 100 seats, 3 more seats to decide.

Nothing that is filibuster proof though. More gridlock which is a shame, whatever your politics.

Agree, the Dems have enough people who can talk about absolutely nothing until the cows come home. wink.png

What filibuster? I thought the dems voted to change the Senate rules and did away with it!

Fifty-two Senate Democrats and independents voted to weaken the power of the filibuster. The change reduces the threshold from 60 votes to 51 votes for Senate approval of executive and judicial nominees against unanimous GOP opposition. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/11/21/harry-reid-nuclear-senate/3662445/

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Nothing that is filibuster proof though. More gridlock which is a shame, whatever your politics.

Agree, the Dems have enough people who can talk about absolutely nothing until the cows come home. wink.png

What filibuster? I thought the dems voted to change the Senate rules and did away with it!

Fifty-two Senate Democrats and independents voted to weaken the power of the filibuster. The change reduces the threshold from 60 votes to 51 votes for Senate approval of executive and judicial nominees against unanimous GOP opposition. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2013/11/21/harry-reid-nuclear-senate/3662445/

Well then, even if independents decide to caucus with the "winners", they won't get to 60 I don't think. They'll have to get at least some dems voting with them to overcome filibustering on other matters. But at least this puts an end to Harry Reid's unilateral DOA declarations on everything coming over from the House. And some dems might actually decide it's time to jump OFF the Obama bandwagon for a change, esp. ones up for re-election in 2016 which will be Obamaless.

Edited by hawker9000
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Republicans have 52 of 100 seats, 3 more seats to decide.

Nothing that is filibuster proof though. More gridlock which is a shame, whatever your politics.

Agree, the Dems have enough people who can talk about absolutely nothing until the cows come home. wink.png

What filibuster? I thought the dems voted to change the Senate rules and did away with it!

Only for presidential nominees, but that will severely work against Obama and backfire on the Democrats who changed it.

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