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Pakistan mob kills Christian couple over 'blasphemy'


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Pakistan mob kills Christian couple over 'blasphemy'

(BBC) A Christian couple in Pakistan have been beaten to death by an angry crowd after being accused of desecrating a Koran, police say.

Their bodies were burned at the brick kiln where they worked in the town of Kot Radha Kishan in Punjab province.

Police identified the victims only as Shama and Shehzad, AFP reports.

Blasphemy is a highly sensitive issue and critics argue the laws are often misused to settle personal scores and that minorities are unfairly targeted.

"Yesterday an incident of desecration of the holy Koran took place in the area and today the mob first beat the couple and later set their bodies on fire at a brick kiln," local police station official Bin Yameen told the AFP news agency.

A security official told the BBC that local police had tried to save the couple, but they were outnumbered and attacked by the angry crowd.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-29893809

-- BBC 2014-11-05

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I van think of a country not a million miles away that has equally archaic "Blasphemy" laws

I have worked in Muslim countries and by far the majority are decent people as goes for most countries. However for some there is something very dark about their attitude towards "Kaifrs" particularly the women

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Even the local police spokesman with the "desecration of the holy Koran" gives the impression of acceptance of the action.

A religions radicals where their moderates accept that primitive actions like stoning to death of women for adultery is acceptable should not be tolerated in western countries and should have their radical backsides police busted at every opportunity. To that end the one country that does have it right is the Aussies.

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And then there's Buddhism.

One of the true "assets" of Thailand.

If only the whole world was Buddhist. Would be a far more peaceful world.

Try telling that to the Burmese.

Being of Buddhist origin really toned down the Khmer Rouge too.

And old Hun Sen is another shining Buddhist example of tolerance and fair play...

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People still believe this religion stuff?

Approximatively 5 billion people?

Its worth noting that the 'prophets' on which the 3 major monotheististic religions are based ie Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed, would probably be horrified at what their ' adherents' have done with their ideas.

Buddha in particular was anti-dogma and anti-religion. I have always liked the famous Zen Buddhist saying 'if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him', which captures the spirit nicely.

A more prosaic quote from John Lennon sums it up (I paraphrase) - 'Jesus was alright, but its his disciples twisting things that ruin it for me'.

A mob like the one that bashed these people to death are about as far from Mohammeds message as you can get.

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People still believe this religion stuff?

Approximatively 5 billion people?

Its worth noting that the 'prophets' on which the 3 major monotheististic religions are based ie Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed, would probably be horrified at what their ' adherents' have done with their ideas.

Buddha in particular was anti-dogma and anti-religion. I have always liked the famous Zen Buddhist saying 'if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him', which captures the spirit nicely.

A more prosaic quote from John Lennon sums it up (I paraphrase) - 'Jesus was alright, but its his disciples twisting things that ruin it for me'.

A mob like the one that bashed these people to death are about as far from Mohammeds message as you can get.

Are you sure? Besides sleeping with 9 year old girls, Mohammed also conquered cities sparing the life of noone, including infidel women and children - according to the book. Considering that half the mentioned mob probably married underage girls, which is customary in rural Pakistan, it seems to me they follow Mohammeds message perfectly.

Edited by monkeycountry
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Its a shame the world cannot put its differences aside and unite to eradicate ALL extreme religions from the face of the earth before its too late.
Children and their children will be brainwashed, education is stifled.
There is a cancer growing among us - and it gets bigger and bigger each day...
Unfortunately in the name of OIL we use Extreme religions as an excuse, but in reality nothing is done!

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The sad thing is that there is one God - you can call God anything you like but it is essentially the same thing. We are all human and if you go back far enough we all come from the same place on Earth, and a Earth shares its beginning from the same place as the rest of our universe. And yet people want to control other people and for some reason want to hurt each other and thus the philosophy of religion is abused to form a dogma and excuse to kill and abuse others. It is rather a sad thing about humans that we have not evolved beyond that yet.

In reality there is no god and if people believed that there would be a lot less violence. Brain washing is a very dangerous thing!

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