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Finding rare Thai money

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To say that you're looking into rare coins and banknotes in Thailand is to say that you're looking

to by a car... what coins? what coins? just like cars, there are many, many kinds of them, for collecting,

for hobby or for dealing, you need to zero on a kind and purpose and of course a budget you have

to indulge, yes, there are many coins and banknotes here in Thailand but mostly Thai stuff,

and as for the rare 10 baht coins, no hope you'll get one as only handful of them were given to few

dignitaries in some gartering in Europe many years ago...

if you're serious player or have something in particular in mind, PM me....

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The coin you are looking for is the 4att coin, let me know when you find one.

The other one recently in the media is the 1990 10 Baht bi-metal, of which only 20 or so were minted for the delegates of an expo. Mysteriously? disappearing from a locked vault at the treasury when checked.

More reasonably, the harder finds these days are the Millennium Dragon series issued in the year 2000, holographic coins with a dragon motif were snapped up by the Chinese and soon became quite rare even to today, when they only pop up every now and then. The set of them in good condition can run $1000+ for a few hundred bahts worth of coins.


my collection still has 5 holes in it.

I don't collect notes, maybe someone else will tell you.


Edited by ozsamurai
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EURSEREE Auction's starting price is always too high over market due to commissions, apart from a reference I wouldn't bother with them. I have attended many, never had a bargain yet. For eg. the above mentioned dragon set in this round (50Baht X 3) is on ebay buy now with free delivery under their start price of 16,000.


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