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My healing thoughts are with you during this difficult time..

If it was me i would go to the sea or somewhere in nature you have had pleasure from.

Find a quite spot and meditate..You might find the answer....


I live here half the time with my Thai wife and the other half we live in the US. I could not imagine going through the future you describe without God holding my hand. I believe there is a spiritual life ahead and that there is only one way into heaven,and that is through Jesus Christ. God tells us there are only two choices, his way or Satan's way.

Your spiritual well being is much more important than physical since we believe it is eternal.

I will pray for healing, but more important will be my prayers that you find Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

God bless you


Sigurris, Very sorry to hear your news. As others have said I would go wherever you think you will have the best treatment and quality of life. I had prostate cancer about 10 years ago. After the treatment which has been successful I was still only given a 50/50 chance of it not returning within five years. 10years on I have have been lucky so far, and have chosen to stay in Thailand. But my family are all travellers and its fairly easy for them to come here and vice versa. I would sit down and make a bucket list - then edit the wishful thinking ideas and come up with stuff that you want to do - for yourself, and not things that might please others. Its a tough call, but keep giving and feeling the love from all those people who are nearest and dearest to you. All the best. Tim



I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. And I hope that a 2nd and / or 3rd opinion reverses that diagnosis.

You said in your OP that you are still working. One of my biggest fears, working until I dropped.

Only you can make the decisions that are right for you. Just bear in mind that you will never please everybody.

In this instance, my thoughts would be selfish and I would be doing what suited ME.

And for me, that would be going out with a bang.

Whatever decisions you come to I wish you all the best.

May whatever God you may follow look after you.


Sorry to hear your news.

It is a hard decision but I believe that I would stay in Thailand.

Of course I would go back to (in my case) the US to visit family and friends while I still could and I would try to see what other options there are medically, 2nd opinion. but I wouldn't throw in the towel here either.

What ever you decide, I wish only the best for you and your loved ones.


Sorry to hear your news.

It is a hard decision but I believe that I would stay in Thailand.

Of course I would go back to (in my case) the US to visit family and friends while I still could and I would try to see what other options there are medically, 2nd opinion. but I wouldn't throw in the towel here either.

What ever you decide, I wish only the best for you and your loved ones.

Best wishes to you.

I have already made said choice and in Thailand I shall go whenever.

The problem is money of course and good treatment can be very expensive, but good care from the one you love is free and priceless.

We are just little dots out of millions, the majority of whom have no choices, no health care other than rudimentary, but most have love and family , the greatest support in time of need.

Feeling for you.


your kids can visit you when ever they want,

you said finances is not a question,

so you can sponsor your kids travelling,

question would be, if you want use any chance to recover,

can you get the latest medication in Thailand ?

even if you pay full for it ???

wish you good recover !!


I guess the adage that 'Live each day as if it were your last' is truely applicable to you.

Go to places you haven't been, things you haven't done (if your health permits), so that when your time finally comes, you have no regrets.

Sorry to hear about your condition & all the best to you.


I would agree with many. Go home enjoy your family it will give you more strengh to fight this terrible disease i would hate to die here and as has been said the treatment will be a lot better than thailands. Whatever you decide. Good luck


Sigurris, so sorry to hear about your situation.

You have to consider the wishes of those nearest to you as well.

There may come a time when travel is impossible and to late to change decisions you make now.

I would spend as long as possible in Thailand, then return to the UK to be with your family.

As already said the care would be better in my opinion.

Maybe when you can face the reality of the news you can make better judgements.

Remember the loved ones you leave behind will bare the pain and heartbreak for many years to come.

You have to consider their wishes as well as your own.

I hope you can make the right choices for your own peace of mind.

Bum deal and some tough calls to make.............so sorry for your plight.


You are in my prayers today and everyday......

Thought this was something to think about.......
Never looked at it this way

The Magic Bank Account

Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest: Each morning your bank would deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize has rules. The set of rules:

1. Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you.

2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account.

3. You may only spend it.

4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $86,400 for that day.

5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say, “Game Over!". It can close the account and you will not receive a new one.

What would you personally do?

You would buy anything and everything you wanted right? Not only for yourself, but for all the people you love and care for. Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly spend it all on yourself, right?

You would try to spend every penny, and use it all, because you knew it would be replenished in the morning, right?

ACTUALLY, This GAME is REAL ...Shocked ??? YES!

Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE*. We just can't seem to see it.


1. Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life.

2. And when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is not credited to us.

3. What we haven't used up that day is forever lost.

4. Yesterday is forever gone.

5. Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time without warning...

So, what will you do with your 86,400 seconds?

Those seconds are worth so much more than the same amount in dollars.
Think about it and remember to enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much
quicker than you think
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I stayed, after a near fatal accident, despite family asking me to return to the UK. I can well understand your feeling you'd 'be going home to die'. And as another poster said, being in someone else's home, even family's, could make you feel worse. I knew a guy here who returned and passed two weeks later, in a UK hospital. So no guarantees there. As for prognosis, same. It is perfectly possible to arrange for daily home nursing care/morphine from your local hospital and stay in Thailand.

All those suggesting 'bucket lists', as someone rightly pointed out, the OP mightn't be up to it and I personally would simply carry on with my usual routine as long as I was able. Get the kids over, if you must. I wouldn't want family hovering around looking sad and sympathetic, but your choice of course.

'We don't die, we just change worlds' - Chief Seattle

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I will say a prayer for you.

Do whatever your heart tells you, I think some of the posts are correct, in that situation I would always trust UK healthcare over Thailand but what really matters is what you want.

I've had three of my friends diagnosed with terminal cancer in the last 2 months, it seems to be way more prevalent now.

I wish you well and hope you find some recovery from this.

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Very sorry to hear this. If you really want to fight it be positive and move to UK, you get better treatment there. You should not think that you are going there to die but to be with your dear one and fight the cancer both for yourself and them.

Very sad to read your OP.

I would follow my heart, feeling good in Thailand I would certainly stay here. Going home – feeling “going home to die” – would be like giving up and cutting any hope...

I think David48 (post #4) says pretty much the same as I will say.

However, one more thing I would also do is, to look for any alternative cure – as there seems to be no conventional medicine for recovery, then trying something scientific unproven may not harm – and try the one cure or two I believe most in and feel is right for me.

Without any recommendation and only for information: Even there are no scientific results in form of proven final studies, many alternative cancer cures has some interesting records, like THC oil (which unfortunately is illegal in many countries, but legally available in some US States); or curcuma, of which one root growing in Northern Thailand is said to have some positive effect or at least boost immune system for improved better-feeling. Another, but more questioned cure seems to be “Graviola”. All three named cures have a number of interesting preliminary scientific studies showing positive results – but there might be more.

If I was you, I would spent some time right away searching the Internet, both Google and Google-scholar (special search-engine for released scientific studies, sometimes little difficult to read and understand) may show some interesting possibilities...

I wish you all the best for recovery and a long(er) life...

  • Like 1
Very sad to read your OP.
I would follow my heart, feeling good in Thailand I would certainly stay here. Going home – feeling “going home to die” – would be like giving up and cutting any hope...
I think David48 (post #4) says pretty much the same as I will say.
However, one more thing I would also do is, to look for any alternative cure – as there seems to be no conventional medicine for recovery, then trying something scientific unproven may not harm – and try the one cure or two I believe most in and feel is right for me.
Without any recommendation and only for information: Even there are no scientific results in form of proven final studies, many alternative cancer cures has some interesting records, like THC oil (which unfortunately is illegal in many countries, but legally available in some US States); or curcuma, of which one root growing in Northern Thailand is said to have some positive effect or at least boost immune system for improved better-feeling. Another, but more questioned cure seems to be “Graviola”. All three named cures have a number of interesting preliminary scientific studies showing positive results – but there might be more.
If I was you, I would spent some time right away searching the Internet, both Google and Google-scholar (special search-engine for released scientific studies, sometimes little difficult to read and understand) may show some interesting possibilities...
I wish you all the best for recovery and a long(er) life...

Gerson Institute is interesting...worth looking


I don't know you but you have my sympathy. I have not had this disease however, I lost a wife14 years ago from the scourge. Fight as hard as you can and hopefully you might beat it or at least will not suffer. No one can really tell you what to do, that is up to you. If you are happy here and have a good group of family and friends surrounding you, then take this into account.

You have children, which you indicate you love dearly, the again, to return home to die is a decision only you can make. I made a decision ten years ago to retire here, which I did 2 years ago and although I too have children (3) in Australia, they are aware that I have married a Thai women and live very comfortable in this country and will not return. My wife and I love each other dearly and know that whatever happens to either of us is our burden, not our children's.

I have made the decision not to return home should I become ill and if and when I pass on, not to soon I hope, my wife knows that I am to be cremated and my ashes scattered over the South China Sea. I am not worried about medical costs as I am reasonably well off and with life assurance policies my wife will not want so my decision was easy to make.

Again my heart goes out to you and really hope that you are able to fight hard and put a little more time in your life.

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most things have been said by other op's,

Witch ever decision you take,? go for it....and don't regret.....live it the full.

Sort your finances out, take care of your girlfriend,......

Don't trust other people to do things after your gone,....so many people don't keep there word.....

One of my good friends asked his son to take care financialy of his girlfriend, He lend a lot of money to his son previously...and asked his son to give back the money to his Girl friend after he departed.....witch sadly the son never did......!!!!

take care of everything yourself.....

The bucket list comes to mind,....

have a good one before you go.....!!!!!!

I wish you well.....

One of my Hawaiian friends of Japanese Origin, departed of the same causes.a couple of years ago in Chiang Mai. and arranged a sort of get to getter drink for all his friends after he's departure.... that was nice.....!!!


It is your life...follow your heart...

You many want your children to remember you as a healthy man...not put them thru the trauma of watching you deteriorate...

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OP ... my heart is with you ... decisions at this time - one who is not so affected cannot even imagine... But God Bless you ...

And I think there can be hope... if you have money - savings and really want to give it a go ... try a major cancer treatment center in America on your way home to the U.K. ... There are some strong cancer treatment centers in places like M.D. Anderson in Houston, TX -- one of the most renown cancer treatment centers anywhere in the world.

Your prognosis given in Thailand may be colored by what treatment can be given here. So I suggest - not give up until you have dealt with the ultimate in cancer therapy ... if you have the money to do it.

And as others have suggested - if your have a really good relationship with your Girlfriend - take her with you ... God Speed Dear Fine Fellow...


It is your life...follow your heart...

You many want your children to remember you as a healthy man...not put them thru the trauma of watching you deteriorate...

A sentiment I truly believe in.

Yet whatever you do, try to get them to understand and give their consent, though you are never going to make everyone happy.


Sorry to hear your news.

Pain relief in a hospice in the UK has no equivalent here, knew someone here died of renal cancer in agony. As morphine seems not to be used in terminally ill people, must say I have not researched this, but wish all the best and a longer life than predicted.


Sigurris, I would stay where love is.

You will fight and everyday will count. It's a hard time to go through - step by step - to make yours all the process, don't stay alone, you have to have someone willing to share this time with you : someone who has time to take you to your appointments , medical exams, results..etc...


Probably been covered but is the return of your body going to be problematic for your children stateside? Or possibly you are intending to have your remains interred here in Thailand.

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