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Koh Tao Murder: Prosecutor Requests More Time

Lite Beer

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We have now gone from a perfect textbook completed investigation put forward and rejected 4 times so far with now the prosecutors excuse its only actually 80% complete .

80% complete BS they mean

And so the climb down begins. whistling.gif

Mentioning "other suspects" could be just more BS or an indication other outside forces are making progress and having some influence on the case behind closed doors,

Edited by englishoak
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"There has been delay because some witnesses live in Bangkok," public prosecutor Tawatchai told Khaosod.

Witnesses to what? There were no witnesses to this crime. No one has spoken up.

So witness to what exactly? And how many could there possibly be that that is the reason for needing more time?

Unless any "witness" can put these boys at the scene of the crime then any "witness" testimony will be purely to confirm circumstantial evidence of some sort?! So obviously they are trying to build a case around nothing......

why do I get the feeling that "witnesses" are going to be "liars" for the prosecution

this is going from bad, to very bad, to horribel

I think you are wrong!!

The whole case is collapsing around them. Now they are just looking for face-saving ways out!!

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"There has been delay because some witnesses live in Bangkok," public prosecutor Tawatchai told Khaosod.

Witnesses to what? There were no witnesses to this crime. No one has spoken up.

So witness to what exactly? And how many could there possibly be that that is the reason for needing more time?

Unless any "witness" can put these boys at the scene of the crime then any "witness" testimony will be purely to confirm circumstantial evidence of some sort?! So obviously they are trying to build a case around nothing......

why do I get the feeling that "witnesses" are going to be "liars" for the prosecution

this is going from bad, to very bad, to horribel

I think you are wrong!!

The whole case is collapsing around them. Now they are just looking for face-saving ways out!!

The police say we made an airtight case... The prosecution says it's not complete and sends it back down again. It's win win. Face is saved on both sides and the Burmese walk, but the case is never solved. It's political and that's the way it is.

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The RTP have no witnesses, funny when there was a beach party going on that morning

The Brits have got witnesses , photos and they have got statements

But how are the Brits going to use this smoking bomb?

This is not over, keep fighting for justice

"There has been delay because some witnesses live in Bangkok," public prosecutor Tawatchai told Khaosod.

Witnesses to what? There were no witnesses to this crime. No one has spoken up.

So witness to what exactly? And how many could there possibly be that that is the reason for needing more time?

Unless any "witness" can put these boys at the scene of the crime then any "witness" testimony will be purely to confirm circumstantial evidence of some sort?! So obviously they are trying to build a case around nothing......

why do I get the feeling that "witnesses" are going to be "liars" for the prosecution

this is going from bad, to very bad, to horribel

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<The defendants' lawyer opposed their fifth round of detention, but the prosecutor overruled the objection, claiming that officials need to interrogate more suspects.>Quote

Don't know why, but the name Nomsod popped up in my head!!

How can you say that after his relationship with Phuyai Wo was established beyond all doubt in a DNA test done by four hospitals with samples taken in front of the chief of police and the media?

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what became of the U K plod ?? or are they still taking tea ?

The British plods are brushing up on the textbooks they read in common with Thai police. Soon they will be putting plastics bags on suspects' heads before setting them on fire and motorists in the vicinity of New Scotland Yard had better tuck a 50er into their old fashioned fold up licenses.

Edited by Dogmatix
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Witnesses in bangkok?

What did they witness?

Could it be some people at the Uni where the son of the chief was supposed to be, where he stayed ?

It was said at one time that he was not in BKK as he said he was, not in class, not in his room, there was something about his girlfriend not being able to contact him, his name on a passenger list of an early flight.

There could be people there who don't like him (for want of a better word) who could be willing to speak up.

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I think the prosecutor is waiting for a decision at the top levels in Bangkok as to how to proceed. It is clear that the RTP are trying like mad to kill any further investigation. The PM does not want to upset the RTP. On the other hand, any trial would be watched closely, and proceeding with a prosecution without hard evidence would make Thailand look bad. There is also a major concern over what will be revealed by the inquests in the UK in January. If that exonerates the Burmese kids in the middle of a prosecution, the political fallout could be immense.

This could well be right.

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Prime Minister David Cameron has admitted he is powerless to interfere with the Thai judicial system in the hunt for the killer of Hannah Witheridge - but spoke of his concern and said he stood ready to do what he could to help the country’s police

Cameron is useless a bag of wind all bluster and hype,a yesterdays man who should have the decency to resign to make way to some one who will get things done and not just make excuses coffee1.gif

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Witnesses in bangkok?

What did they witness?

Could it be some people at the Uni where the son of the chief was supposed to be, where he stayed ?

It was said at one time that he was not in BKK as he said he was, not in class, not in his room, there was something about his girlfriend not being able to contact him, his name on a passenger list of an early flight.

There could be people there who don't like him (for want of a better word) who could be willing to speak up.

Of course not....the DNA test proves he wasn't involved, he was in BKK the Pooyai and RTP said so, the accused confessed, so thats the end of it...ok !.....

stop asking so many questions...the RTP glee club are going to threaten you with the defamation laws and accusations of the conspiracy theories, the Burmese 2 are guilty ...nothing to see here...move on

You have to understand there is a lot a stake, many "dive masters" and associated hangers on working on KT maybe without a job soon if this carries on....


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what became of the U K plod ?? or are they still taking tea ?

A number of posters have conjectured that the U.K. police are going to do something along the lines of Columbo meets Murder She Wrote and wrap the whole thing up in 90 minutes including commercial breaks.

These posters have totally misunderstood the role of the U.K. police here and have completely ignored the restraints they are here under. They will observe, they may request to review the case notes if they are permitted to see them, they may ask questions of the Thai police who may or may not choose to reveal evidence or information. Then they will report back to the Home Office, presumably, who will brief the Foreign Office.

They are not, by any stretch of the imagination, here in the role of participating in the prosecution of anybody.

And that's a shame

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what became of the U K plod ?? or are they still taking tea ?

A number of posters have conjectured that the U.K. police are going to do something along the lines of Columbo meets Murder She Wrote and wrap the whole thing up in 90 minutes including commercial breaks.

These posters have totally misunderstood the role of the U.K. police here and have completely ignored the restraints they are here under. They will observe, they may request to review the case notes if they are permitted to see them, they may ask questions of the Thai police who may or may not choose to reveal evidence or information. Then they will report back to the Home Office, presumably, who will brief the Foreign Office.

They are not, by any stretch of the imagination, here in the role of participating in the prosecution of anybody.

And that's a shame

good job i didn't conject then

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What happened to the 'perfect' case?

Oh dear me.

I hear all the time that Thai's do not like to lose face.

Do they know that people overseas are watching this? Half of them are laughing at you and the other half disgusted, how much more face is there left to lose.

Come on guys time for cards on the table now. I don't know if the Burmese boys are innocent or guilty, though their guilt is beginning to look suspect now. Face is lost I am afraid but you might save next years tourist trade by sorting this out.

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What happened to the 'perfect' case?

Oh dear me.

I hear all the time that Thai's do not like to lose face.

Do they know that people overseas are watching this? Half of them are laughing at you and the other half disgusted, how much more face is there left to lose.

Come on guys time for cards on the table now. I don't know if the Burmese boys are innocent or guilty, though their guilt is beginning to look suspect now. Face is lost I am afraid but you might save next years tourist trade by sorting this out.

But, that is what "face" is, it cannot be lost! Changed, excused by cover up, denied, ignored, no, cannot find the words. A simple "face saving" western apology, admittance of error of contrition is not part of the culture.

We westerners are inculcated from an early age to tell the truth, own up, admit it, for our own better development and to avoid making a bad situation worse, to feel better in our self for having the strength of developing a character capable of learning from mistakes.

East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!!coffee1.gif

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