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Looking for for my little kittens


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My cat gave birth to 2 kittens and I want them to have a good home. post-190475-14156168066217_thumb.jpgpost-190475-14156168251072_thumb.jpg

This is mister suave. With his fine gotee


That's princess. Pretty little thing

Please message he here. Just heads up. I really want people who will really love them.

It's sad I have to let go of them. I am gonna leave the country so I have to part with my best friends

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This really isn't a slam against you, but it's a timely reminder to all other cat owners to please get your cats neutered or spayed.

Cats, can and do reproduce at a phenomenal rate from a really young age, and those little kittens are really really cute ( and your little ying noi really is a cutie btw) but it's a devil of a job to find good homes for them all, and a good percentage end up wandering the streets or the local Wat.

The standard response from vets in Thailand is 6 months, but accepted wisdom in the US is get a female spayed before their first heat, so 12+ weeks. Push a Thai vet, ie say you will pay, and they will do it.

Makes for a happier cat, both male or female, and makes for a much better house pet.

I hope you have good luck in finding good homes for both kittens

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Ummm... I am actually okay my cat having kittens.. Maybe it's the upbringing but for me when u give offsprings of a pet its sharing happiness. But thanks for your comment

Yeah, but now you can't find homes for them because there are so many around!

In my girlfriend's condo building, there's a kitten that belongs to someone in the building and which she is friendly with. Now this kitten herself had kittens. And being so young, she's not maternal enough to take care. One of them disappeared, hopefully to a good home, but possibly down a drain or under a car. The other is being looked after by someone else. The gf is planning to have mother and kitten neutered by a vet from nearby who does it for free.

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Ummm... I am actually okay my cat having kittens.. Maybe it's the upbringing but for me when u give offsprings of a pet its sharing happiness. But thanks for your comment

Yeah, but now you can't find homes for them because there are so many around!

In my girlfriend's condo building, there's a kitten that belongs to someone in the building and which she is friendly with. Now this kitten herself had kittens. And being so young, she's not maternal enough to take care. One of them disappeared, hopefully to a good home, but possibly down a drain or under a car. The other is being looked after by someone else. The gf is planning to have mother and kitten neutered by a vet from nearby who does it for free.

This is the problem in Thailand, and it used to be in the West too. Too many cats chasing too few homes.

I love cats, I think they make great pets, so much less 'needy' than dogs. But given unrestricted breeding too many end up being abandoned and ultimately feral.

They may well give someone happiness when you look at those cute kittens, but think of their future, that more often than not ain't so cute!

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