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is it just me or is thai food really that bland ...

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I've been here 10 years, was aware of all the Thai and foreigner bragging about Thai Cuisine, ( don't know either when it went from food to CUISINE ). and tasted 2 or 3 dishes my first day here. I didn't recognize the vegetables, still don't, refused to eat wood, ( bamboo ), and mile long noodles make it hard to not look like an animal eating. Have not eaten a Thai dish since then and , do not take off my shoes anywhere, ( want me ? shoes stay on0) my shoes are cleaner than your floor ), and I bow to no one !

Actually many of the ass kissing ex pats here make me sick with: sandals, sleeveless undershirts, bending/bowing/chopsticks, ( stabbing food with wood ? ), trying to learn Thai and forgetting they are PAYING guests !

Why on earth did you even move here?

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Yeah ... it's you. Seems like you are judging the entirety of all Thai cuisine by what seems to be one terrible dinner at someone's home.


I've been here 10 years, was aware of all the Thai and foreigner bragging about Thai Cuisine, ( don't know either when it went from food to CUISINE ). and tasted 2 or 3 dishes my first day here. I didn't recognize the vegetables, still don't, refused to eat wood, ( bamboo ), and mile long noodles make it hard to not look like an animal eating. Have not eaten a Thai dish since then and , do not take off my shoes anywhere, ( want me ? shoes stay on0) my shoes are cleaner than your floor ), and I bow to no one !

Actually many of the ass kissing ex pats here make me sick with: sandals, sleeveless undershirts, bending/bowing/chopsticks, ( stabbing food with wood ? ), trying to learn Thai and forgetting they are PAYING guests !

What a cynical and unhappy person you seem to be. The obvious question here is: why would you live in such a terrible place for ten years. Perhaps you enjoy being miserable?

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stabbing food with wood ?

Never saw that happen. Most places have forks and spoons for the not so savvy.

In fact, stabbing is what you would do with a fork.

Spearing a bleeding piece of red meat looks much more barbaric than deftly using wooden chopsticks. That requires some skill.

You sound like my oldest brother. He listens to nobody. He will work outside in the garden with his size 13 triple wide shoes. If you invite him to your house, he refuses to take them off. Ruined our moms expensive white carpet. Permanently stained. She bought it to put in the guest room she keeps for me when I visit.

He says...if you want me, you take my filthy shoes as well. Then he sits down, splays out his legs and loudly plants his dirty shoe heels on the carpet (muddy soles pointed in the direction of anyone who he things will complain)..and smiles. Daring you to protest. I see his behavior as a sign of dominance, and perhaps envy.


Perhaps saw you and assumed you couldn't handle regular hot (I always ask for Thai regular heat just in case they think I am English or Scandinavian).

You might want to try some Thai Southern style. Had some good street vendors in Phra Kanong when I lived there. That will give you a good lift off experience. Southern is to Thai what Thai is to English, if I may make a comparison. w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInI.gifgoof.gif


Thai & Italian, best food in the world. We've all had some bad experiences, but most Thai food places make excellent food

They do share the same qualities, namely eating pasta or noodles all the time will make the stuff come out of your ears and both being overhyped. Sometimes there just has to be a rack of ribs, a schnitzel or a kebab to balance it out.

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Saying Thai food is bland is like saying Saudi Arabia is frigid cold, or England is a warm, touchy feeley kind of place. You could not be further from the truth. Suppose it depends. If you are out in the provinces you will probably not be eating gourmet food. But, in most big cities the range of dishes available is astonishing. Great thai food is gorgeous. You cannot blame your friends for picking up inexpensive food. How tasty is that same inexpensive food in your country? In the US it is pretty bad. So, get with the program. Find some of the more delicious places to eat, and find some real things to complain about.


It might just be you. If you eat the same food constantly then it becomes boring but I have never found Thai food bland, certainly not where I live in the north east. And, unless your digestive system is up to it, never eat raw prawns. You are taking one big gamble.


I enjoyed Thai Food in Europe, was disappointing to taste the bland, sugary stuff served up here.That Hot it all tastes the same unless you go to Posh Hotels here. coffee1.gif

Posh hotels for good thai food, thats the funniest comment i have ever heard

Try the Oriental. thats Yummy,plus no Backpackers or Chang Shirted Ferangs,Worth every cent.biggrin.png

yeah I thought I'd have a look at the famous Oriental but they wouldn't let me in with flip flops on and judging by the prices I could get a cheaper meal in a top Chinese restaurant in London.


Some of the problem is not understanding which components of a meal should be eaten together...or in what order.

Get that right and your tasting of some dishes improves enormously.

However bad food is bad...as is bland....but I enjoy trying new things....not so keen on bugs or fermented fish though.


I enjoyed Thai Food in Europe, was disappointing to taste the bland, sugary stuff served up here.That Hot it all tastes the same unless you go to Posh Hotels here. coffee1.gif

Posh hotels for good thai food, thats the funniest comment i have ever heard

Never eaten at Nahm?

Bangkok would be the last place on earth to visit, so no i havent.


"Thai bbq is not my kind of bbq"

First of all, what Thai's call BBQ is just "grilled".

BBQ is slow cooked, at low temperatures, using smoke for 4-10 hours. Like building a fire, letting it die down THEN throwing on a pig covered in wet banana leafs and then covering the pit with dirt.

Pit BBQ. C'mon. Thai people don't know how or have the patience to cook real BBQ.

That's why Thais get bored if it takes longer than 2 minutes to cook something...

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Lived in Thailand too long, I guess! And all over the country. I think average/day to day Thai 'Cuisine' is hugely over-hyped and over-rated and monotonous. Much roadside and average restaurant food is often ill prepared and carelessly produced. Kao Man Gai which is not capon, Kao Ka Moo which has not been cooked correctly and is served with a bowl of hot water pretending to be soup, endless Kaeng Kiao Wan which appears made with packet paste and is missing aubergines, endless prawn dishes apparently made with blotting paper...Not surprising it was decided to call for the 'standardisation' of Thai dishes, nor surprising that the English joke is that all Thai Restaurant food is mass produced in a factory in Oldham. Most daily Thai food is just really baby food! Even if you get, say, a rice dish with a variety of ingredients and flavours, watch diners pour on a load of sugar and fish sauce and stir it all together so it looks like the kind of risotto you would not attempt to eat. Of course there is great food, but it has to be searched out and much of it is either very local or Chinese!

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