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Danish expat witnessed his Thai wife’s murder


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The article should have read, "Palle Jensen and his son, currently overseas in an undisclosed location......."

I'm pretty sure a murderer will not become less violent after killing someone.

Act like you are getting some milk, leave everything behind.....

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Sorry for this man and his family. I am sure like a lot of us had dreams of living in the perceived paradise of Thailand. I made my mind up not to live in Thailand and follow my dream but stay in Europe and feel and stay safe with my wife and son. From the bottom of my heart I hope things work out for him and his son but get away from those Thai animals and think about his son not worth being brave. RIP to his wife.

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my advice too, you cannot change village life. Get our of there with your son and maybe the dog, too, while you can. Ain't no chance to fight for "justice". Justice served in thai village ways means you, a farang, are outmaneuvered. Hide your tracks so nobody will know to where you moved

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Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

village life among the savages

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What a horrible thing for someone to go through. This gentleman's immediate concern is his and his son's safety of course, but I do hope justice can be served eventually. Is there anything we can do collectively to help? For those who might know him would he need assistance with legal expenses? Can someone help this gentleman get his story out to a wider audience?

I also hope they investigate the cause of the poor wife's swollen throat (may she RIP). Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like an odd condition to come from a head trauma.

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What a horrible thing for someone to go through. This gentleman's immediate concern is his and his son's safety of course, but I do hope justice can be served eventually. Is there anything we can do collectively to help? For those who might know him would he need assistance with legal expenses? Can someone help this gentleman get his story out to a wider audience?

I also hope they investigate the cause of the poor wife's swollen throat (may she RIP). Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like an odd condition to come from a head trauma.


Based on limited description of this article, it sounds like the swollen throat could have been the result of something post-injury...possibly medical care.

Not enough information avaialble to us to rule out anything.

At this point, what are his options? Try and have an attorney claim the house as his son's and sell it ?

The events seem to indicate the extended family will follow the victor and pledge loyalty agsinst the Dutchman.

If he loves Thailand perhaps he could relocate to a new region with proceeds from the home sale?

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over 30+ years here and my This wife is most critical of thais much more so than forang and she came form slums. TIme and time again she says most poor are animals and will cheat lie kill their brother sister or others for sake of some money. We live in a This village and see what its really like many times but are very careful and anyforang who thinks they are safe in their little gated communities is nuts. Here like everywhere choose your family here vary very carefully and your thai wife. I dont know facts but probably drugs jealousy a turned down request for financial help or any little thing can and does set many thais off. YOu only need to look at driving here to get a glimpse of what I'm saying.

Having said that id not want to live anywhere else and 99.9999% of time id does not end in murder. ITs also not safe in UK USA or Europe you only feel a bit safer but i bend this sort of thing happens as much IMO in west only here its often family members but it happens in families in west. Young girls being raped by their step fathers or even by their own father beaten near to death by their parents and rest.

In 30+ years here bringing up 2 sons we've seen a lot and even had sexual attacks by teachers here on our sons by neighbours and others and if you do liven one of gated ghettoes id worry about gardeners and others and dont think fork one minute your silly security at gate offers any protection whatever only a false sense of security

No. It is not like this in the West, unless you live in a government funded project--what used to be called the ghetto.

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over 30+ years here and my This wife is most critical of thais much more so than forang and she came form slums. TIme and time again she says most poor are animals and will cheat lie kill their brother sister or others for sake of some money. We live in a This village and see what its really like many times but are very careful and anyforang who thinks they are safe in their little gated communities is nuts. Here like everywhere choose your family here vary very carefully and your thai wife. I dont know facts but probably drugs jealousy a turned down request for financial help or any little thing can and does set many thais off. YOu only need to look at driving here to get a glimpse of what I'm saying.

Having said that id not want to live anywhere else and 99.9999% of time id does not end in murder. ITs also not safe in UK USA or Europe you only feel a bit safer but i bend this sort of thing happens as much IMO in west only here its often family members but it happens in families in west. Young girls being raped by their step fathers or even by their own father beaten near to death by their parents and rest.

In 30+ years here bringing up 2 sons we've seen a lot and even had sexual attacks by teachers here on our sons by neighbours and others and if you do liven one of gated ghettoes id worry about gardeners and others and dont think fork one minute your silly security at gate offers any protection whatever only a false sense of security

No. It is not like this in the West, unless you live in a government funded project--what used to be called the ghetto.

IMO it is but of course your right much more in new slums but it does happen in rich south east of UK more often than you'd like to admit. Main problem is face and sorry silly to believe any family member will be on side of a forang. THeir were members of my wife's family i would not trust with a barge pole and she agreed so we stopped visiting over 20 years ago and even my wifes mother seems to have totally distanced herself from the rest as my wife has done. She's very vary of any Thai and trusts none but also trusts no forang. Probably a result go growing up very hard way in total poverty or near poverty in slums areas and herm others warnings. If you really blelieve it does not happen in west it does nay looks more civilised

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as well as loss of face money almost certainly comes into it and if his wife had asserts or house in her name and did not make a will they probably under this law come in line before their son or him its always face and money here hence so many family murders by family

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as well as loss of face money almost certainly comes into it and if his wife had asserts or house in her name and did not make a will they probably under this law come in line before their son or him its always face and money here hence so many family murders by family

Hopefully he behaved like an intelligent farang and planned for the future with a will.

The poor boy has already lost his mother and his family ties to the country of his birth.

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Very sad story. Glad at least to see Danish embassy has supported poor Palle, who is in a nightmarish situation.

As other posters have suggested, the best thing he can do is take his son with him back to Denmark, where

the boy can at least have a chance at a decent life in a civilized society. Since human rights and justice are

not part of " Thainess" , sticking around will only be asking for trouble.


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Tragic story.

Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

I do my best to avoid hill-billies in all countries, especially this one. The darker and dirtier they are, the faster I make an effort to avoid them.

Yes, I know such things happens everywhere, with all sorts, but 99% of the confrontations I've witnesses in Thailand over the 15 years I've been here, they are lower class, darker skin, and generally dirty.

I also will not hang out anywhere where there are Thai males drinking. Been there, done that, seen way too many fights start that turned epically violent over nothing at all.

I think your post sums it up pretty well. Avoid the hill-billies and heavy drinkers.

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Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

Im no apologist for the life is cheap cultures, but seriously, you don't think $hit like this happens in European countries? Low-lifes abound in most countries.

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Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

Im no apologist for the life is cheap cultures, but seriously, you don't think $hit like this happens in European countries? Low-lifes abound in most countries.

Agree there are low-lifes with no value of human life in most every country.

The difference is its much easier to separate yourself from them in most countries.

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Ah village life. Now I know why I have always avoided it...... Am a bit surprised that

the brother thought he could just walk up and kill people with a stick. Guess that means

he is either connected or law enforcement does not exist. Personally if I was the

Danish guy I would put out a contract on the guy that killed his wife, and make

tracks for a more benign environment....

Im no apologist for the life is cheap cultures, but seriously, you don't think $hit like this happens in European countries? Low-lifes abound in most countries.
Indeed, but I bet a lot of foreign men in Thailand would not have married the ''ghetto'' girls from their own countries-they do here and are surprised when things get nasty.

You nailed it. I have thought the same thing except its easier for a farang to identify a ghetto girl or a thug brother in their own country.

Plus, here a ghetto girl might actually be a fantastic, loving and devoted wife but her entire extended family still ghetto.

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Agree there are low-lifes with no value of human life in most every country.

The difference is its much easier to separate yourself from them in most countries.

Sorry CC, I disagree,

Villager rapes his wife, then he returns with her to the same village where me rapist lives.

Some guys are born victims, and this was victim behaviour.

No way any sane person would have gone back to that village ...... and taken his wife.

It's really easy to avoid family and village problems in Thailand, you don't ever visit the family village, and they don't have the money to visit you.


Excellent point, I did wonder if the husband had given any consideration to this guys presence in the village given the history.

I only meant that the life I have created back home (and which many Americans can have) is almost completely isolated from the criminal elements of my society. Here in Thailand, I feel that violence is much more likely to occur anywhere and not just demographics easily identified as drug or high-crime.

I still don't even lock my back door back home. I don't lock my car doors. I don't feel any need to carry a firearm in my community, etc..

Those practices here would put me deservedly on that victim mentality list you rightfully describe.

Edited by ClutchClark
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