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'Defrauded' Briton Found Dead In Chiang Mai Guesthouse

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You mean that simple little common word NO! . No proves you have a spine. Thai women do not respect weakness. No Thai man would EVER tolerate the crap foreign man have to deal with. Think it might have something to do with booze ? Hint ! Hint! Hint!

Some people think its ok to trust prostitutes and woman looking for money .

Some base this on their success and it working out fine.

Years of happiness etc.

Sadly , the flip side is seldom as often seen because these men go away and don't talk.

However, in this day and age it's more connected on social media and very clearly brought to light.

Would you go parachuting if fifty percent won't open?

In Thailand it's about it.

A flip of the coin .

If men feel the Thais are trustworthy it's their right.

And many have valid reasons .

I am pretty sure this mans family might have wished otherwise.

I think giving woman money is disgusting myself .

Against my ethics .

Certainly in Asia

I like the last 2 sentences . "I think giving...... against my ethics.
I make no apology for saying what I do.

This guy ( and the hundreds of thousands of others) thought they had a winner.

They create realities that are not based in fact.

If my comment doesn't sit well with your personal tastes - I wish you luck , but they are not getting a Zack out of me.

I feel woman in general are being parasite like when in south east Asia they feed off men and in many instances devour them .

This guy died heartbroken .

We're men to follow a basic rule of saying no to fuelling theses grubs it won't end so badly

Jimbob, there are guys that don't drink that get taken to the cleaners, saw one get taken earlier this year. Everyone could see it, but him. Some people don't have the social skills to have a proper relationship, or are just to pussy struck.

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You mean that simple little common word NO! . No proves you have a spine. Thai women do not respect weakness. No Thai man would EVER tolerate the crap foreign man have to deal with. Think it might have something to do with booze ? Hint ! Hint! Hint!

Some people think its ok to trust prostitutes and woman looking for money .

Some base this on their success and it working out fine.

Years of happiness etc.

Sadly , the flip side is seldom as often seen because these men go away and don't talk.

However, in this day and age it's more connected on social media and very clearly brought to light.

Would you go parachuting if fifty percent won't open?

In Thailand it's about it.

A flip of the coin .

If men feel the Thais are trustworthy it's their right.

And many have valid reasons .

I am pretty sure this mans family might have wished otherwise.

I think giving woman money is disgusting myself .

Against my ethics .

Certainly in Asia

I like the last 2 sentences . "I think giving...... against my ethics.
I make no apology for saying what I do.

This guy ( and the hundreds of thousands of others) thought they had a winner.

They create realities that are not based in fact.

If my comment doesn't sit well with your personal tastes - I wish you luck , but they are not getting a Zack out of me.

I feel woman in general are being parasite like when in south east Asia they feed off men and in many instances devour them .

This guy died heartbroken .

We're men to follow a basic rule of saying no to fuelling theses grubs it won't end so badly

Jimbob, there are guys that don't drink that get taken to the cleaners, saw one get taken earlier this year. Everyone could see it, but him. Some people don't have the social skills to have a proper relationship, or are just to pussy struck.

Even CEO people with mental defects hit Thailand and believe .

The Sunday church halls are full of people who want to believe.

Politicians know it .

Look at the word "" Manipulation ""

Man can be taken by charms .....Read the poets ..."" Paradise lost"" by Milton .

It has nothing to do with intelligence or being a goose.

That's why it's important to tell the truth here without changes in your post ....as just happened.

It's important new men going there just say No !!!

It's more often than not a scam ....a manipulation ..

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Man can be taken by charms .....Read the poets ..."" Paradise lost"" by Milton .

It has nothing to do with intelligence or being a goose.

It's important new men going there just say No !!!

It's more often than not a scam ....a manipulation ..

Men can't accept the truth about women, there are existential implications. How can men be made to realise their lifelong perception of reality has been nothing but fiction? You can't protect men from their destiny, but why bother? Preserve them for a better predator, one with merit? 55 They were born for this.

Men are prey, women are predators; the latter breeds the former. Men are bred to suffer, blinded by illusions, left dazed and confused, made to search for [betrayal] on a planet with precious little else to offer. It's biopolitics, divide and conquer. Force and fraud saturated the globe long ago.

TLDR: Life is a scam. Manipulation begins in utero. There's no reward for men with merit. Bleed fast or bleed slow. Why is slow better?

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You can't protect men from their destiny, but why bother? Preserve them for a better predator, one with merit? 55 They were born for this.

Men are prey, women are predators; the latter breeds the former. Men are bred to suffer, blinded by illusions, left dazed and confused, made to search for [betrayal] on a planet with precious little else to offer.

By "men", "them" and "they", of course I mean "me". But it's no doubt true for all.

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Morally right or wrong ? No just has no common sense. What does Jesus have to do with this?

who are you to decide what he does with his life or what is morally right, to my knowledge Jesus died over 2000 years ago.

Well mythical or not Jesus was a moral authority and DJ seems to want to occupy the now vacant position.

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When you read stories like this its easy to pass judgement and find it hard to believe someone so highly educated could be so gullible.

Don't forget the con can be a lot more believable if acted out by a professional who knows how to play the emotional cards.

Feelings not only blind us but it throws logic out the window.

I can only hope karma will catch up to her soon.

Indeed,Oxytocin is a dangerous drug, good for fraudsters and lawyers ( dare i make a distinction there ? )

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Why would some guy give 300,000 dollars to a hooker? Blows my mind.

Quite a lot of foreigners don't know who is and who isn't a hooker.

Look at the posters on this forum with the half-chinese, educated business women as partners.

Sad story, but not every relationship ends well.

(Should that be 'hardly any' in place of 'not every')

90% are for sale, and Im not kidding

I don't care if you're kidding or not. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. Of course if the only Thai people you meet are on Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza etc then you would have a different opinion of Thai's then people that lead normal lives.

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I wish I'd known he was even over here. I'd not seen him for a few years - so sad.

Kyrill Khieninson was Kyrill Lokshine when I first met - we were in the same year - he spoke no English. We went to a North London comprehensive school.

I'll never forget in 6th form - we had a geography field trip - spent a week clambering through mud. He did a bunk on the final day to get down to Glastonbury for the festival. Then he came back to London and was in class on Monday morning - he hadn't changed his clothes in 10 days sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.pngsick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.pngsick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png

So he arrived with no English and 6 years later he was accepted for Oxford. We weren't best mates but we were friendly - he was a nice guy - barking but nice. God knows where the money came from, he was very other worldly and not business oriented at all. It may have been an inheritance in which case that's incredibly sad. I knew his mother and they weren't well off.

I saw him playing with The Dirty - they were a pretty good garage punk band - he was an excellent front man - character, charisma, presence, snarling attitude with a generous dollop of lunacy. They supported Iggy Pop I heard. In another era they'd have made it but these days the music biz is on its arse...

I found out about his death this morning - one of his best friends posted the message on facebook. There's lots of love coming from his old school friends right now. For myself if I'd known he was here and struggling I'd have been up in Chiang Mai in a heartbeat to help him out.

Can't believe Kyrill's dead. Rest in peace fella.

I am sorry for your loss.

There must be some inaccurate reporting. The Thai press reported from a Thai police source that the money was sent over by his mother who was a (medical) doctor. They also had his name as Kieran Alexander. Names get messed up in the transliteration process from one alphabet to the other.

Edited by Briggsy
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Ahh the typical drivel from the ThaiVisa brigade. Everyone getting their rocks off laughing at someone that had a chance to receive an education they could never dream of, and things didn't quite work out. And we could all say that if we were in his shoes under the same circumstances, we would have acted with a clearer head, not let our penises do our thinking for us.

Enjoy your schadenfreud!

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I'll give a little insight shall I? I was duped out of 14m in my first years here. No matter how bright one is, there's always a way.

I got married... bought 2 large houses (in her name of course), a new Audi, (in her name of course), and this was AFTER she had had our BABY... yes baby. Married with baby, together 2 years. I thought I had a great life. I was working in China, earning well as a consultant. I was flying back and forth every 8 weeks. Into year 3, I flew back to Thailand, went home........ and... somebody I didn't know answered my door. She had sold both houses, emptied our JOINT bank account, and done a runner with my kid.

All my hard work and savings..... yes, I too went into a depression, but I never for once thought of suicide. I decided to make a comeback and get off my ass and fight on.

I did, and eventually met a fine woman, highly educated, as I waited and chose very carefully. Married 7 years now.... nice new home and new car, wife's a lecturer at Uni.

It is easy to be duped; my ex had it planned for 3 whole goddarned years..... including baby... to entice me to depart with my savings.

However, suicide was not an option for me. It's a shame for some, who just can't face such a loss. Don't, please, take the proverbial out of this young man; it can happen to anybody, especially if well planned! sad.png

SO, this new house , new car is not in your wife name ,or she family name now ?? 7 years or what not,, if i had a thai chica , i would even never put anything in she ,or she family name,, it is just a ticking bomb that waiting for go off !!!

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SO, this new house , new car is not in your wife name ,or she family name now ?? 7 years or what not,, if i had a thai chica , i would even never put anything in she ,or she family name,, it is just a ticking bomb that waiting for go off !!!

Good luck trying to buy property in Thailand - if you're not a Thai national, you cannot buy property - land can only be sold to Thais. Like it or not, if you want to own a house and the land it stands on, you have to put it in the name of a Thai person.

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Shocking...a bar girl lying to an oxford graduated Brit with x million baht.

Thank God no farang on Thaivisa or otherwise has ever lied or deceived a bar girl. No false names, false marital status, false occupations, false visa status, false ultimate sexual orientation, false commitment, false financial capacity, false age etc.

I guess Bar Girls are so lucky that they are not constantly duped by the billionaire ex special forces geriatrics with life peerages who now work away occasionally as UN special envoys for crippled orphans in Cambodia and stay in absolute dives, driving clapped out Honda clicks, wearing the latest fashion in soiled and worn Leo wife beaters to best display their blurred tattoos, eating 20 baht meals, because they really like a simple life now....but in doing so have so much saved to give the right good girl :)

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Shocking...a bar girl lying to an oxford graduated Brit with x million baht.

Thank God no farang on Thaivisa or otherwise has ever lied or deceived a bar girl. No false names, false marital status, false occupations, false visa status, false ultimate sexual orientation, false commitment, false financial capacity, false age etc.

I guess Bar Girls are so lucky that they are not constantly duped by the billionaire ex special forces geriatrics with life peerages who now work away occasionally as UN special envoys for crippled orphans in Cambodia and stay in absolute dives, driving clapped out Honda clicks, wearing the latest fashion in soiled and worn Leo wife beaters to best display their blurred tattoos, eating 20 baht meals, because they really like a simple life now....but in doing so have so much saved to give the right good girl smile.png

you seem to have a lot of experience at duping girls, all that you have written would never have entered my mind,but then i haven't found it necessary nor i think would 99,95% of farangs here,you are in a class of your own either that or you have read too many novels.

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"and done a runner with my kid"

I really don't understand this British expression.

Can't you say "ran away"?

2 words instead of 3. Only 7 letters instead of 11.

I'll never understand Shakespeare either, 555

your last sentence wouldn't surprise me. As Oscar Wilde so aptly said,''Any man who calls a spade a spade should be made to use one''

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"They are jealous and bitter towards those who can live here with ease"


Yes, they are jealous of the 65 year old man who lives in Thailand FULL TIME, gives his Thai gf 30KB/month and she still cheats on him with 2 other guys:

Keep dreaming in your Dream world!

Just take money out of the equation, and i am sure "reality" will hit hard

There was a time tales of exotic friendly girls sufficed to get other males to fly there.

The opposite is true now -

With modern social media , and coverage of outcomes like this story .

Its really just a very clear case of ""Pay as you Go ""

All Manner of reasons.

For some men its suited to their lifestyle , and the amounts are modest and preferable to the western lifestyle (where many can't quite fit in)

But its really getting very more abundantly clear that most relationships between western males and south East asian Woman revolve around the woman being paid money.

So long as you can reasonably be aware your not that ham-sum and the chances are its about their gaining from you its less likely your going to be taken in the short (or long term)

This holds true to most woman world wide who host men …but in Asia where wage divides are very large between West and theirs - the human nature is charm the male into caring then giving.

Edited by Fred Flinstone
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