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Thai PBS replaces programme host Nattaya after NCPO's tough stance

Lite Beer

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Reap what you sow - and certain people said it would be different this time, just give it time.

Just how much time do you need, before it finally sinks in?.........................................coffee1.gif

Well the PTP had 3 years and always wanted more time.

Also under the PTP all the Red shirt radio and TV stations were pumping out propaganda at full power including the hundreds of them without a licence to broadcast and they weren't shut down but that of course was because they were supporting the Red Shirts line.

Well the PTP had 3 years and always wanted more time.

Really? They had a strange way of showing it if you ask me, unless of course, you can convince me that dissolving parliament and trying to hold an election was just their way of "wanting more time".

You have heard of the "Bluesky" TV channel I take it? Of course all the community and other radio stations in the whole of Thailand were affiliated with the PTP or UDD, there can be no other explanation (in your world)..........................................coffee1.gif

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If you have a classroom full of children who are fighting amongst each other - as the teacher do you

ignore it and allow it to continue based on the principle of free speech......or

Do you order them all to be quiet and behave and stop the disruption

That is how I see Thailand and its past and current political landscape

Let them carry on and it will all start up again - they can of course speak freely when it is constructive - on topic and not divisive or disruptive .............................we have all seen how Thailand can go down a rat hole real fast when allowed to do so, the last 3 years is conclusive especially the first 6 months of this year

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If you have a classroom full of children who are fighting amongst each other - as the teacher do you

ignore it and allow it to continue based on the principle of free speech......or

Do you order them all to be quiet and behave and stop the disruption

That is how I see Thailand and its past and current political landscape

Let them carry on and it will all start up again - they can of course speak freely when it is constructive - on topic and not divisive or disruptive .............................we have all seen how Thailand can go down a rat hole real fast when allowed to do so, the last 3 years is conclusive especially the first 6 months of this year

If you mean that a spoilt few in the class are causing problems, then perhaps you're right. The fact is you don't see that the problems arise from a few 'spoiled kids' not getting what they want.

Why punish the whole class for a few spoiled brats? If you got detention just cos little Timmy scweamed and scweamed until he was sick...would that be fair. Enough of the analogies.

And to call Thai adults 'children' is condescending. Of course the electorate will be 'disrputive' if their votes are ignored, or the army refuses to help them when the spoilt brats stop them from casting their votes. That's not behaving like 'children'. That's trying to protect your children's futures.

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If you have a classroom full of children who are fighting amongst each other - as the teacher do you

ignore it and allow it to continue based on the principle of free speech......or

Do you order them all to be quiet and behave and stop the disruption

That is how I see Thailand and its past and current political landscape

Let them carry on and it will all start up again - they can of course speak freely when it is constructive - on topic and not divisive or disruptive .............................we have all seen how Thailand can go down a rat hole real fast when allowed to do so, the last 3 years is conclusive especially the first 6 months of this year

You hit the nail in the coffin. In other words neither method is democracy in Thailand....

.... the pure kindergarten, with kids at the extreme crossroads between, Thaksinocracy or military-brainwashing, both is propaganda, so you can either chose between propaganda or propaganda.... there is no other choice and the dear Nation is in a deep crap-hole!!!

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" .... activists criticising the coup in response to provocative questions."

Did you people not bother to read that part ?.

And are you not able to comprehend that Prayuth is trying to achieve reconciliation which will be impossible with red-shirt's trying to stick a knife in anywhere they can ?.

If Pheu-Thai had even tried for reconciliation Thailand would not be in this mess. They (and you) deserve everything which happened.

This post qualifies for the 'Head in the sand' post of the month award. Still wish you'd change your user name, hate to see an Englishman as the flag waver in chief of the junta.

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The "Junta" should be loosening their controls as they move forward, not tightening them. The UN will look very badly on something like this. It certainly looks like "freedom of the press" and "freedom of speech" are still a long ways off. This is a very bad sign.

While the programming was not for tourist viewers, tourists will still take notice of such incidents in their planned destination. And TAT will TIT and announce anothervpraise of the country to compensate those westerners that may not like to make holiday in a totalitarian location. Remember Myanmar, tourist companies did not promote the country under the last military regime.

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" .... activists criticising the coup in response to provocative questions."

Did you people not bother to read that part ?.

And are you not able to comprehend that Prayuth is trying to achieve reconciliation which will be impossible with red-shirt's trying to stick a knife in anywhere they can ?.

If Pheu-Thai had even tried for reconciliation Thailand would not be in this mess. They (and you) deserve everything which happened.

What's this got to do with Red Shirts?

TPBS is the most independent of all the news channels, always has been, trustworthy (for Thailand), no sensationalism, no inane crap, and more current affairs from abroad.

So we should ban Panorama in the UK for asking provocative questions?

Jeez, mister, will you please take your Yellow tinted specs off and open your eyes and ears.

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Philosophy of government that stresses the primacy and glory of the state, unquestioning obedience to its leader, subordination of the individual will to the state's authority, and harsh suppression of dissent. Martial virtues are celebrated, while liberal and democratic values are disparaged. Fascism arose during the 1920s and '30s partly out of fear of the rising power of the working classes; it differed from contemporary communism (as practiced under Joseph Stalin) by its protection of business and landowning elites and its preservation of class systems. The leaders of the fascist governments of Italy (1922–43), Germany (1933–45), and Spain (1939–75)—Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Francisco Franco—were portrayed to their publics as embodiments of the strength and resolve necessary to rescue their nations from political and economic chaos. Japanese fascists (1936–45) fostered belief in the uniqueness of the Japanese spirit and taught subordination to the state and personal sacrifice. See also totalitarianism; neofascism.

Pretty much says it all...

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Philosophy of government that stresses the primacy and glory of the state, unquestioning obedience to its leader, subordination of the individual will to the state's authority, and harsh suppression of dissent. Martial virtues are celebrated, while liberal and democratic values are disparaged. Fascism arose during the 1920s and '30s partly out of fear of the rising power of the working classes; it differed from contemporary communism (as practiced under Joseph Stalin) by its protection of business and landowning elites and its preservation of class systems. The leaders of the fascist governments of Italy (1922–43), Germany (1933–45), and Spain (1939–75)—Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Francisco Franco—were portrayed to their publics as embodiments of the strength and resolve necessary to rescue their nations from political and economic chaos. Japanese fascists (1936–45) fostered belief in the uniqueness of the Japanese spirit and taught subordination to the state and personal sacrifice. See also totalitarianism; neofascism.

Pretty much says it all...

actually I think you would be surprised at the result if you had posed the question "who or what organisation" does this sound like in Thailand

It does not sound like the current government who are currently in the process of much needed reforms in this country with a very clear agenda to get the job done and have elections once completed - at no time have I heard anything different - and those that are seen to be trying to derail this process are silenced which is all fine by me

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" .... activists criticising the coup in response to provocative questions."

Did you people not bother to read that part ?.

And are you not able to comprehend that Prayuth is trying to achieve reconciliation which will be impossible with red-shirt's trying to stick a knife in anywhere they can ?.

If Pheu-Thai had even tried for reconciliation Thailand would not be in this mess. They (and you) deserve everything which happened.

What's this got to do with Red Shirts?

TPBS is the most independent of all the news channels, always has been, trustworthy (for Thailand), no sensationalism, no inane crap, and more current affairs from abroad.

So we should ban Panorama in the UK for asking provocative questions?

Jeez, mister, will you please take your Yellow tinted specs off and open your eyes and ears.

I agree with you up to a point but media in this country has been flooded the last 3 years with stuff that should never be allowed, this is not the UK and is certainly not in any way politically equal either - I don't know if this journalist should have been silenced or not - it depends very much if there was an agenda

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Reap what you sow - and certain people said it would be different this time, just give it time.

Just how much time do you need, before it finally sinks in?.........................................coffee1.gif

Well the PTP had 3 years and always wanted more time.

Also under the PTP all the Red shirt radio and TV stations were pumping out propaganda at full power including the hundreds of them without a licence to broadcast and they weren't shut down but that of course was because they were supporting the Red Shirts line.

I think with a little research you might find both sides of politics had free access to the various media platforms prior to the coup. Unlike the situation now. To argue otherwise is not an unbiased argument.

Sadly those who repeat the endless - and quite mindless - memes (includes "fugitive on the run", "PT bought the last elections" "the army prevented a civil war" and so on) are unable to do such research. It's more a matter of rote repetition without question or enquiry as to their veracity since they fall over with even the most slender probing.

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" .... activists criticising the coup in response to provocative questions."

Did you people not bother to read that part ?.

And are you not able to comprehend that Prayuth is trying to achieve reconciliation which will be impossible with red-shirt's trying to stick a knife in anywhere they can ?.

If Pheu-Thai had even tried for reconciliation Thailand would not be in this mess. They (and you) deserve everything which happened.

What's this got to do with Red Shirts?

TPBS is the most independent of all the news channels, always has been, trustworthy (for Thailand), no sensationalism, no inane crap, and more current affairs from abroad.

So we should ban Panorama in the UK for asking provocative questions?

Jeez, mister, will you please take your Yellow tinted specs off and open your eyes and ears.

I agree with you up to a point but media in this country has been flooded the last 3 years with stuff that should never be allowed, this is not the UK and is certainly not in any way politically equal either - I don't know if this journalist should have been silenced or not - it depends very much if there was an agenda

"Should never be allowed"? Why not? Do you understand the primary flaws in this argument? I guess not? Fox News is a provocative outlet with a clear agenda? Should it be "allowed"? How about The Sun?

And why is it not politically equal? Are people here less entitled to their views?

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Philosophy of government that stresses the primacy and glory of the state, unquestioning obedience to its leader, subordination of the individual will to the state's authority, and harsh suppression of dissent. Martial virtues are celebrated, while liberal and democratic values are disparaged. Fascism arose during the 1920s and '30s partly out of fear of the rising power of the working classes; it differed from contemporary communism (as practiced under Joseph Stalin) by its protection of business and landowning elites and its preservation of class systems. The leaders of the fascist governments of Italy (1922–43), Germany (1933–45), and Spain (1939–75)—Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and Francisco Franco—were portrayed to their publics as embodiments of the strength and resolve necessary to rescue their nations from political and economic chaos. Japanese fascists (1936–45) fostered belief in the uniqueness of the Japanese spirit and taught subordination to the state and personal sacrifice. See also totalitarianism; neofascism.

Pretty much says it all...

actually I think you would be surprised at the result if you had posed the question "who or what organisation" does this sound like in Thailand

It does not sound like the current government who are currently in the process of much needed reforms in this country with a very clear agenda to get the job done and have elections once completed - at no time have I heard anything different - and those that are seen to be trying to derail this process are silenced which is all fine by me

This dimbulb doesn't seem to understand the implications of what he is saying. namely:

"those that are seen to be trying to derail this process are silenced which is all fine by me"

Most cheerleaders for dictatorship make some pretence to justify their slavishness.This fellow doesn't even manage that.In his world view those who attempt to question the process should be silenced, a position adopted by all totalitarian states.The comical aspect is that foreigners of this persuasion don't seem to be able to keep track of Thai opinion (much of it favourable to the current government) which has roundly condemned the stupidity and ugliness of this particular military intervention.The Bangkok Post made a valid point this morning that Thaksin was also guilty of intimidating the media but he did it with much more subtlety, most by pressurising media bosses.The distinguishing charecteristic in the current case was the sheer ugliness of it, jumped up army officers swaggering in to curb free expression.

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where is ginjag, DJJamie and Costos2008 defending this Junta censorship?

edit: hang on Smedly's trying, real hard, bless... some Junta lovers are awake at least this morning! as for the rest of us it's another sad day as the screws on freedom are turned tighter yet again

Edited by binjalin
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" .... activists criticising the coup in response to provocative questions."

Did you people not bother to read that part ?.

And are you not able to comprehend that Prayuth is trying to achieve reconciliation which will be impossible with red-shirt's trying to stick a knife in anywhere they can ?.

If Pheu-Thai had even tried for reconciliation Thailand would not be in this mess. They (and you) deserve everything which happened.

What's this got to do with Red Shirts?

TPBS is the most independent of all the news channels, always has been, trustworthy (for Thailand), no sensationalism, no inane crap, and more current affairs from abroad.

So we should ban Panorama in the UK for asking provocative questions?

Jeez, mister, will you please take your Yellow tinted specs off and open your eyes and ears.

I agree with you up to a point but media in this country has been flooded the last 3 years with stuff that should never be allowed, this is not the UK and is certainly not in any way politically equal either - I don't know if this journalist should have been silenced or not - it depends very much if there was an agenda

"Should never be allowed"? Why not? Do you understand the primary flaws in this argument? I guess not? Fox News is a provocative outlet with a clear agenda? Should it be "allowed"? How about The Sun?

And why is it not politically equal? Are people here less entitled to their views?

<deleted> - how many m79 grenades have been fired on city streets in the UK

I'll wait while you do the counting

of course it's different - that is how this country can go down a rat hole - that is how certain political factions get their point across - that is why it needs tight control

not saying I agree with the principal but I see why it is being tightly controlled and monitored right now

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The M79 grenades etc and a lot of the stand out violence was self inflicted and a means to an end. They got their wish, a coup. It was THE Final Excuse. Even the Red Shirt Leaders were not stupid enough to organise or agree to violence on the protestors . It was all from one side to win the end game. Which they did. And they currently still do. But the future...

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How can they draft a constitution that will be satisfactory to all, when they cannot even listen to or allow dissenting or critical views by the Thai PBS program to be heard? Their invitation to "all political colors" to participate is nothing but a farce - if such is the case.

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How can they draft a constitution that will be satisfactory to all, when they cannot even listen to or allow dissenting or critical views by the Thai PBS program to be heard? Their invitation to "all political colors" to participate is nothing but a farce - if such is the case.

They can't
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