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My Morning Coffee


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I have only been addicted to coffee a few times in my life and right now is one of them. However, I can go hours without it in the morning, before a headache starts setting in. I hope that I never get to the point where I actually need the stuff.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I don't drink the stuff....the wife does and I enjoy the aroma from the coffee maker as it brews.....reminds me of the days of youth when at my Grandma's I'd come out into her kitchen - and there she was with a wide cup of coffee - sourdough toast & peanut butter.....a heavenly blend of olfactory delight.....

French cook - simple kitchen - it amazed me what came out of that kitchen.....

Sometimes the same three ingredients are together at our house - but the sourdough is not as tangy & my Grandma used an old fashioned drip percolator & toaster - possibly home made peanut butter (and my nose is older)....but it does stir happy moments of memories.....

My wife loves coffee - it's her standard order just about anywhere for a liquid.....but she really doesn't do grumpy so cuddling is always on the menu.....wink.png

Anything different from that is "Greek" to me.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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Coffee pot is normally on in the morning, Mrs T normally gets up before me and put is on, I then mooch around, check and answer overnight emails, watch the new and then head to my office. I am not a morning person really.

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That is not coffee you are drinking it is burnt cardboard.

You have to with a long hand grinder grind sufficient coffee to a very fine powder. Put enough in a special ot with sloping sides. Put a couple more spoons in for luck. Put a few spoons of sugar in, put a few more for luck and a few more because you cannot remember if you put the first lot in.

Place the pot on the stove and bring it to a frothy boil and then take it off.

Put another spoon of sugar in for luck.

Put the pot on the stove and bring to a frothy boil


If you cannot remember how to do this just ask a Turk...after all they taught the Greeks to drink coffee in the first place.bah.gifbah.gifcool.png.pagespeed.ce.jz1nB6CMOI.png coffee1.gif coffee1.gif coffee1.gif coffee1.gif coffee1.gif coffee1.gifsmile.pngsmile.png

Edited by harrry
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Same same, but its Tea and the wife brings it to me in bed, whilst I "wake up", takes me a good half hour to "wake-up" whilst sipping my tea.coffee1.gif

After that, I am ready for all and sundry.signthaivisa.gif.pagespeed.ce.hupuw2fawkpost-4641-1156694005.gif.pagespeed.ce.gy

It's kind of the same for me, except I'm a man and I don't drink a ladies cup..... I guess it's indicative of where you are from.

Anyway, I have a brew then take my first 'dump' of the day.....usually in the 'General' section after which I normally feel prepared to deal with any a.hole that might come along in the real world.

Anyway, TG Costas made this fabulous thread.

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Coffee pot is normally on in the morning, Mrs T normally gets up before me and put is on, I then mooch around, check and answer overnight emails, watch the new and then head to my office. I am not a morning person really.

So if your checking the overnight emails the next morning, why is it you always take days to respond to mine?

What about the accounts? They're supposed to be paid within 7 days f f s.

Edited by neverdie
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Dear Costos, your condition is named OCD,

not dangerous unless it starts to take over your life.

Thank you Sir,

Good doctor told me I've got SMD (Severe Milking Disorder).....now another disorder on me?

Back to the hospital.....sad.png

Did Dr Will diagnose you??

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Dear Costos, your condition is named OCD,

not dangerous unless it starts to take over your life.

Thank you Sir,

Good doctor told me I've got SMD (Severe Milking Disorder).....now another disorder on me?

Back to the hospital.....sad.png

Did Dr Will diagnose you??

I believe Dr Will referred Costas to a specialist for expert treatment.

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I buy the Nescafe Italiano instant coffee and use two tablespoons in it, along with a bit of sugar.

Do not speak to me before my first coffee and cigarette. My family and friends are well trained. My ex cat and i used to have our quiet waking up snuggle while he purred and i drank my coffee, he also understood those special minutes before the crazy day would start. Or perhaps when he needed food!!

I did have a boyfriend who would bring me coffee in bed, it was horrible the way he made it. One wee teaspoon in a big mug, but the thought was there. So i would drink it and then get up and make it the way i liked (at the time i had an expresso machine).

Coffee making is a very personal thing. As is the time to savour it.

You can buy those pushy downy things for just one mug and make it as strong as you like too.

In all my decades of living i have never set foot in Starbucks. The local little bistros here sell really good coffee for about a third of the price, and you can read the papers etc.

Edited by Patsycat
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I buy the Nescafe Italiano instant coffee and use two tablespoons in it, along with a bit of sugar.

Do not speak to me before my first coffee and cigarette. My family and friends are well trained. My ex cat and i used to have our quiet waking up snuggle while he purred and i drank my coffee, he also understood those special minutes before the crazy day would start. Or perhaps when he needed food!!

I did have a boyfriend who would bring me coffee in bed, it was horrible the way he made it. One wee teaspoon in a big mug, but the thought was there. So i would drink it and then get up and make it the way i liked (at the time i had an expresso machine).

Coffee making is a very personal thing. As is the time to savour it.

You can buy those pushy downy things for just one mug and make it as strong as you like too.

In all my decades of living i have never set foot in Starbucks. The local little bistros here sell really good coffee for about a third of the price, and you can read the papers etc.

Patsycat, after this post of yours, I started liking Queen and Wham also.thumbsup.gif

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I buy the Nescafe Italiano instant coffee and use two tablespoons in it, along with a bit of sugar.

Do not speak to me before my first coffee and cigarette. My family and friends are well trained. My ex cat and i used to have our quiet waking up snuggle while he purred and i drank my coffee, he also understood those special minutes before the crazy day would start. Or perhaps when he needed food!!

I did have a boyfriend who would bring me coffee in bed, it was horrible the way he made it. One wee teaspoon in a big mug, but the thought was there. So i would drink it and then get up and make it the way i liked (at the time i had an expresso machine).

Coffee making is a very personal thing. As is the time to savour it.

You can buy those pushy downy things for just one mug and make it as strong as you like too.

In all my decades of living i have never set foot in Starbucks. The local little bistros here sell really good coffee for about a third of the price, and you can read the papers etc.

Patsycat, after this post of yours, I started liking Queen and Wham also.thumbsup.gif

I've never heard of those brands.

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