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How do you deal with the heat? Seriously...

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Since Southern California Sucks badger butts And Thailand has all the fine looking Thai Ladies and you can't handle the heat I suggest get out of the kitchen. You said you didn't want to live here well why complain go home to badger butt sucking country.coffee1.gif Next problem solved.wai.gif

What do badger butts taste like? You sound like an expert 555.

Never said I didn't want to live here. I said I am trying to retire here after visiting continuously since 1971 with the USN.

114 replies and now a real <deleted> shows up. That's an excellent run IMHO...

And there are fine looking Thai ladies in Thailand?

I did not know that...

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Hello Viewers!

I really must say that we all know that Thai Visa has " more moaners and daily tales of misery " from ex pats living in Thailand.I myself of course am here only to " stir the waters " ( Moderators - no need to start getting twitchy.......)

But surely you all knew that Thailand is a hot and humid country before you chose to come and live here ? Who possibly would choose a lovely country like Thailand to live in and then just " sit indoors all day watching tv " ?????

" If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen "

Farang Jaidee biggrin.png x


Get up into the high jungle couple times a week and run for an hour, get that heart a-pumping and sweat like an absolute pig. It'll reset your system (or kill you), one or the other. As others mention, moving around steadily during the heat of the day and not getting het up when things don't go right also help. Loads of water (and electrolytes) of course and try to keep your innards more alkaline... fruit, leafy greens, potatoes; avoiding acid-forming stuff like meats, dairy, processed foods, fizzy drinks, BEER! (passifier.gif).


Well I haven't given up yet. Had breakfast out on the porch of the deck at the Monmanee Hotel in Bangkok. There was a beautiful breeze blowing at 8 AM and if I closed my eyes it could have been a San Diego morning. Not sure any badger butts around, I don't have any experience with them... 555


Location is important re the temperature.

I have been living i Phuket for 8 years after I retired here from Greenland working there for 30 years and enjoy living here.

In my youth I did not like the warm weather, but now it is different.

I am 68 and same size as You.

In Phuket it is almost never hot or cold


Meat consumption is a big factor. When it is very hot, you cut down on pork, and beef. A little chicken. Mostly seafood. The Chinese have known this for centuries. Also the Indians. It is a foreign concept in the west. I feel the effects of eating meat immediately in a warm climate. Heats the entire system up. Creates alot of discomfort. Also, take breaks in an air conditioned room. Avoid direct sun as much as you can. Drink alot of water, not beer, or whisky. Avoid too much fat or fried food. Think outside the box.


Been vegetarian since 1974. Have strayed and eaten eggs or fish rarely only when I have been feeling run down. I'm still not sure if I feel the effects of the more concentrated protein but I have done it anyway. I recently spent 3 months in India. I survived mostly on local fruits mainly bananas, grapefruits and some papaya. I went from 210 to 185 without trying. It was so hot I couldn't stomach all the local curries.

Not bad 25 pounds in 3 months.

My buddies all bust me about not having had a piece of meat since 1974. I always say I only eat meat if it's "pink and still moving! " They like that.

Also I have spent a lot of time in India and some in China. Traditionally they did eat very little meat but the consumption has gone way up now. So has obesity, here in Thailand as well.

It feels great to be near my optimum body weight.


Look I know I might of sounded rude But geez this is Thailand the Climate is Tropical in case you didn't know if it is to hot stay where it is cooler You don't need to be rocket scientist to figure that out. I'm here cause I choose to be I lived in Northern California most of my life Bay Area to be exact. and I'm 62 not overweight because I worked for a living so I'm still in shape. So if you can't handle the heat hop a plane home and stay there. No one is forcing you to stay here .

I don't understand what you're trying to say. The bay area has some of the best climate in the world. Why come here? Actually, I'm probably going to go back to the peninsula in a few years. Or maybe it's just the cheap ladies you're into.


Yes, I have never seen the temperature under 20 and above 35 degrees C.

Most of the year night temp is 22-24 and day temp. is 28-32. Only from medio marts to medio may, the temp. can be a little higher.

It is not like "up country" where it can both be colder and hotter.


Firstly, I prefer too hot over too cold so it helps to be that type of person but there are things I do to stay cool and they are:

Try to live somewhere cooler. What I mean is, if you are in a place like Bangkok or a mountain valley you get no real air movement. I live near the sea so always have an air flow coming off the water.

Drink water all day. Always sip on some water every few hours to keep you hydrated.

Stay in the shade. Sounds simple but I mean be a vampire. If you are on the sunny side of the street, switch sides. Wear a hat with a large brim. Shade can cut heat by a huge margin.

Wear specialized clothing. Sport shirts by REI, Columbia, ArcTeryx, Khul and many others are specially designed to take heat and moisture off your body and trap cool air inside. They are not always cheap but are often high quality and last and most importantly they work. Even when a shirt like these does get sweaty, it dries very rapidly. These companies also make shorts and parts that accomplish the same job.

Keep your blood cool. The places on your body where your blood is nearest the surface is your wrists, elbow interiors, knee backs, neck, feet and head. Putting cool compresses of your wrists or wrapping a cool towel around your neck can lower your overall body temp. I learned about the little wet cold towel they sell in 7-11 and they have been a god send. I drove across the country last week in a car with no AC and those little towels are like a cool shower for 20 baht. I even rewet them and wrap them around my neck again.

Exercise. As your muscles and organs become more efficient they require less oxygen to preform the same tasks therefore not overworking overheating and resulting in sweat. Any strength training will held but cardio vascular exercise is best for this.

Avoid the hottest times of the day. Change your schedule, do food shopping at night, do you exercise walk before 9 AM or earlier. From 12-3 consider a nap in a room with a fan and all the shades drawn tight to keep heat and sun out.

Keep the air moving at home. Open windows not he 3 shady sides of the house. Have a fan pull air from one window and force it across the room. Install awnings and window tint to block heat on the sunny sides of the house. Shade works.

Find a place to swim. The sea, your pool, a friends pool. Anywhere to stay wet and cool during the hot part of the day.

Use a cooling gel like Vicks or something else to apply to the hot blood zones mentioned earlier.

Avoid heavy meals when its hot. Eat light and snack frequently to keep heat and serotonin from created a lethargic effect.

Avoid alcohol or at least drink water in combination so as not to dry you out.

Carry an umbrella everywhere you go and use it.

These are things I do and use almost everyday. I hope you get some use from these tips. I am going to sit in the shade at the beach today and enjoy a cool breeze from the sea while eating a frozen ice tea pop wearing a vented collared shirt and hat. Take care!


Living near a beach helps due to the sea breeze. Shower a couple of times a day. Drink a lot of non alcohol fluids. Wear shorts and make sure that your shirts let through some air then it will get a lot better after a couple of months.


What help me the most was insulating the roof space and venting the roof (with whirly birds if possible) Also adding external sun shades and anything else that inhibits direct sunlight into the home.

Many have said location is key and it is if money spent is of no concern but my advice is to find a place that has made an effort at insulation. I believe many people who are coping with the heat are actually living in well insulated accommodation.

Condo's and houses that are built with a north-south aspect seem to me a lot more comfortable than the ones that get full sun blasting in during the morning and afternoons. Plenty of large trees around the house help too.

I really think that if you build to conditions (not view or for show) life is so much more comfortable.

So what I mean to say is look for a place that takes into account the climate by using the advantages above to make life for the inhabitants more comfortable. Most land-lords couldn’t give a hoot how you feel.

And if you ever build- in my experience Thai builders build as if it never rains and the temp stays at 23c all year round. So no-one will tell you what your “perfect” house will feel like to live in.


You posted this yesterday, I see. I don't know how to tell you this, but yesterday and today were two of the coolest most pleasant days in months. This is the cool season. If this is too hot for you, I don't know how you will react to April and May. Personally, it's not the really hot afternoons that bother me, it's the humid mornings during rainy season. I retreat to the a/c just to dry out the air.


My buddy in BKK tells me it's like july.

Yesterday was 37 or 98.6 in Samut Prakan. If that's cool then I guess I'm screwed. Like I said before the early morning at around 8 AM was pleasant. My buddies wife from Yasathon was complaining about the heat this afternoon.

So was my girl from Khon Kaen. Go figure...


What you wanna do is some heavy lifting using poor posture. See if you can dislodge one of the discs in your spine or neck and compress one of the nerves. Lowers your blood circulation a bit and generally leaves you feeling a bit cooler than everyone else. If that doesn't work, then try the north. The winters are wonderful.


What you wanna do is some heavy lifting using poor posture. See if you can dislodge one of the discs in your spine or neck and compress one of the nerves. Lowers your blood circulation a bit and generally leaves you feeling a bit cooler than everyone else. If that doesn't work, then try the north. The winters are wonderful.

Already done...


What you wanna do is some heavy lifting using poor posture. See if you can dislodge one of the discs in your spine or neck and compress one of the nerves. Lowers your blood circulation a bit and generally leaves you feeling a bit cooler than everyone else. If that doesn't work, then try the north. The winters are wonderful.

Already done...

Me too :-/


employ fans the smart way . . blowing into your house from out of the shaded sides.

drink a lot of water . . . one gallon a day

wear LIGHT cotton clothes, say F..YOU ZEE KEY to polyester clothing and polyester BEDSHEET

have a fan going when you sleep, but use a light duvet to cover against cold kidney

don't go into the sun , , stay shaded as any Thai would do

use FANS wisely . . .

i am living in Thailand for 12 years and it's never too hot or too cold


Yes I took the Train out into the countryside and it has been gorgeous all day! Blue skies with a lovely breeze.... Perfect weather for " strolling about " and eating an ice cream viewers....... F.J x


I am living in Bangkok since 2006 and holidaying in Thailand since 2002. I can tell you I never get used to the heat.

I am really hate it that it's mostly always so hot and just spend most of my time in my home office or cool pubs.

Therefore I really enjoy when I get out of the City and even more in a rare opportunity to travel to a cooler country.

I just can't stand this heat. bah.gif It's not my style.

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