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Windows 8 won't connect to wifi


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I have a new notebook with windows 8.

I turned on the notebook for the first time and downloaded Original Shell.

So it now doesn't go to the windows 8 start page any more,it goes to the desktop.

Any way I started to have reception problems and found that I was connected to the neighbors WiFi and that my WIFI wasn't on the available networks list.

I then went to YouTube and found lots of videos on this problem but they showed how to fix it from the Windows 8 start page.

Does any one know how to fix this problem from the desktop or how I can get to the windows start page from the desktop

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I've gotten over the desk top problem.

from the videos on YouTube it seems like I have a problem

with the drivers.

Does the program Slimdrivers work on windows 8.1

which is the version I have.

Again the problem is that the notebook lists my neighbors'

wi-fi as available but not my wi-fi conection,

even though this Laptop is recieving it fine and is in the same room

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Never install any sort of driver tracking programme. Just check for the latest drivers on the manufacturer's website.

You should try changing the wifi channel of your connection first, and if that fails try renaming it. Both are done from the router. If both of those dont help then try changing the security type, also done from the router.

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Never install any sort of driver tracking programme. Just check for the latest drivers on the manufacturer's website.

You should try changing the wifi channel of your connection first, and if that fails try renaming it. Both are done from the router. If both of those dont help then try changing the security type, also done from the router.

What sort of advice is that?

SlimDrivers does a great job locating Drivers that are otherwise buried away somewhere.

And yes, it works on WIndows 8.x.

Edited by Chicog
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Since you said this is a "new" PC, I'm assuming your old PC connected to your Wifi router just fine? Take a look at this list of potential problems and fixes from the Microsoft website.

Have you tried turning off your Wifi router for about 15 seconds. Also, do you have your router setup to broadcast its network name? Take a look at above link. Good luck.

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Turning the modem on and off worked

My router is TP-LINK D48ESE and my notebook is Lenova Flex 10.

I didn't think that the router was the problem because the other laptop was working perfectly.

Now I must get Firefox,any suggestions on what version I should get.

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Switch off, switch on sure can fix problems sometimes.

Over the years I have a couple of strange Wifi connection and/or internet surfing issues that were fixed by merely turning the modem/router off for approx 15 seconds. And you may have tried reinventing the computer wheel in trying to figure out and fix the issue. Computers are man's best friend (sometimes).

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You will save yourself much grief and heartache by putting your new notebook in a drawer and leaving it there or simply put it out with the trash.

You have made a start by installing Classic Shell, then you will need to disable the charms (bottom RH almost impossible) and the touch screen driver but no matter what you do it will still be slow and many simple functions such as copy and paste will not work as you have become accustomed to. You will also find that it will not print from I.E. but will from Firefox - amazing a Windows product that does not work on a Windows operating system.

Finally, when you see "Outlook (or whatever function you are trying to use) is not responding" for the tenth time in an hour you will want to smash your notebook to bits with a large hammer.

Trust me, give up with it now and find something with Windows 7.

Windows 9 has been abandoned so it will be a long wait for Windows 10.

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A good free program to see the traffic on every channel, NetSurveyor.

Look at those screen captures, the first one is the channel usage, you can see how many wi-fi router is using witch channel.

The second one is the same, but it is called channel heat, the red ones are the most used so you can change for a less busy channel.


Edited by NamKAheng
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You will save yourself much grief and heartache by putting your new notebook in a drawer and leaving it there or simply put it out with the trash.

You have made a start by installing Classic Shell, then you will need to disable the charms (bottom RH almost impossible) and the touch screen driver but no matter what you do it will still be slow and many simple functions such as copy and paste will not work as you have become accustomed to. You will also find that it will not print from I.E. but will from Firefox - amazing a Windows product that does not work on a Windows operating system.

Finally, when you see "Outlook (or whatever function you are trying to use) is not responding" for the tenth time in an hour you will want to smash your notebook to bits with a large hammer.

Trust me, give up with it now and find something with Windows 7.

Windows 9 has been abandoned so it will be a long wait for Windows 10.

Or just do the free upgrade to Win 8.1...works fine, super stable. But a person will need to learn how to switch back and forth between the Desktop and Metro environments (like pressing the Windows key) because he'll probably want to exist in both environments for certain programs since both have their pros and cons. I din't like Win 8.0 especially for the first few weeks (i.e., the learning curve) but after I learned a few things I liked it a little...and then when Win 8.1 came out I liked it a lot more. Yeap, Win 8 is different...requires a learning curve.

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I've gotten over the desk top problem.

from the videos on YouTube it seems like I have a problem

with the drivers.

Does the program Slimdrivers work on windows 8.1

which is the version I have.

Again the problem is that the notebook lists my neighbors'

wi-fi as available but not my wi-fi conection,

even though this Laptop is recieving it fine and is in the same room

lists my neighbors' wi-fi as available but not my wi-fi conection,

Do a quick check on your Laptop & WiFi router frequencies - 2.4 or 5 GHz

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You will save yourself much grief and heartache by putting your new notebook in a drawer and leaving it there or simply put it out with the trash.

You have made a start by installing Classic Shell, then you will need to disable the charms (bottom RH almost impossible) and the touch screen driver but no matter what you do it will still be slow and many simple functions such as copy and paste will not work as you have become accustomed to. You will also find that it will not print from I.E. but will from Firefox - amazing a Windows product that does not work on a Windows operating system.

Finally, when you see "Outlook (or whatever function you are trying to use) is not responding" for the tenth time in an hour you will want to smash your notebook to bits with a large hammer.

Trust me, give up with it now and find something with Windows 7.

Windows 9 has been abandoned so it will be a long wait for Windows 10.

Windows 10 IS Windows 9.

The only reason they renamed it is because of legacy code containing the string "Win9" apparently. Even the version number is 6.4.

It won't be a long wait judging by the stability of the technical preview.

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A good free program to see the traffic on every channel, NetSurveyor.

Look at those screen captures, the first one is the channel usage, you can see how many wi-fi router is using witch channel.

The second one is the same, but it is called channel heat, the red ones are the most used so you can change for a less busy channel.


That's handy, thanks.

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A good free program to see the traffic on every channel, NetSurveyor.

Look at those screen captures, the first one is the channel usage, you can see how many wi-fi router is using witch channel.

The second one is the same, but it is called channel heat, the red ones are the most used so you can change for a less busy channel.


That's handy, thanks.

NetSurveyor is also good for finding free wi-fi around you.

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I found recently the wi-fi didn't want to connect up after a physical disconnection/attempted re-connection. It was because there was a piece of software blocking and its icon flashing at the bottom of the screen which I had previously ignored as something irrelevant. Clicked and 'approved' and the problem went away.

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You will save yourself much grief and heartache by putting your new notebook in a drawer and leaving it there or simply put it out with the trash.

You have made a start by installing Classic Shell, then you will need to disable the charms (bottom RH almost impossible) and the touch screen driver but no matter what you do it will still be slow and many simple functions such as copy and paste will not work as you have become accustomed to. You will also find that it will not print from I.E. but will from Firefox - amazing a Windows product that does not work on a Windows operating system.

Finally, when you see "Outlook (or whatever function you are trying to use) is not responding" for the tenth time in an hour you will want to smash your notebook to bits with a large hammer.

Trust me, give up with it now and find something with Windows 7.

Windows 9 has been abandoned so it will be a long wait for Windows 10.

In my experience as an IT professional the above comments are pretty much true.

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