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Buddha forbids state oversight of temples' coffers, Buddhist group claims


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Buddha Forbids State Oversight of Temples' Coffers, Buddhist Group Claims
By Khaosod English

Soldiers confiscated nearly one million baht in cash and several firearms during a surprise raid on a Buddhist temple in Sukhotai province, 26 Sept 2014.

BANGKOK — Disciples of a prominent Buddhist saint in northeastern Thailand have denounced a proposal that would allow the state to investigate treasuries of Buddhist temples across Thailand.

The activists submitted their complaint to the junta-appointed National Reform Council (NRC) at the Parliament House today.

Buddhist monk and conservative hardliner Buddha Issara previously asked the NRC to draft a law that would allow the Office of Auditor-General to view the bank accounts of all Buddhist temples. Buddha Issara argued that the measure would promote transparency.

But Piruedee Pawabhunanand, the representative of the Buddhist group opposed to the plan, said it would amount to an unlawful intervention into religious affairs by the state.

"The properties of the monks are donations from the people, which were given out of noble faith," Piruedee said. "Any interference is a violation of Lord Buddha's teaching and sabotage against the religion."

She continued, "The keeping of monks' properties should be the monks' duty. The monks should take care and investigate the matters on their own. Lord Buddha did not allow laymen to interfere with the authority of the monks."

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1416401264&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2014-11-20

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She continued, "The keeping of monks' properties should be the monks' duty. The monks should take care and investigate the matters on their own. Lord Buddha did not allow laymen to interfere with the authority of the monks."

It's the fox guarding the hen house then, much like the way Government and State Agencies, Police, etc are run here also.

Piruedee obviously isn't bothered that (some) monks are using those publicly-donated monies to fund their lavish lifestyles.

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"She continued, "The keeping of monks' properties should be the monks' duty. ........"


When did Buddha start allowing women to be monks or religious spokespersons?

She is not a monk.

Women have been ordained since the time of the Buddha, though the line of ordained nuns in the Thai Sangha died off. There are 2 groups that do ordain nuns in Thailand.

The laity may both belong to religious groups and be spox for them. Gender isn't the issue.

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L.Buddh also forbids the slaughter of animals and the eating of their carcasses -but virtually no-one in Thailand ,including the monks, follow that one,although they are very clever at making up excuses why they dont have too.and that should just be common sense-especially for a monk.Flesh eating in the vedic culture is allowed only by warriors before battle to make them more fierce,and they must hunt and kill the animals themselves.Domestic animals could never be killed and eaten,of course we are speaking of a civilized society.

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Buddhist monk and conservative hardliner Issara!

Whatever happened to him being investigated by the authorities on all the actions he took prior and during the protests six months ago?

Oh that's right he's a conservative hardliner or in other words a yellow dem who gets a free pass from the powers to be just like his mate sutep who is hiding behind monks robes.

A conservative hardliner Buddhist monk who is a disgrace to to the religion.

I hope the Buddhist council disrobes him which they should have done months ago!

Parrot change your tune, where is he mentioned in this report ?

As for the article, the Buddhist temples should be under state supervision as I am sure there is a lot of fraud and money laundering going on.

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I had an "experience" with a local wat near CM last year. It was at a local village out in the country about an hour south outside the city. Hung out with the "local" monks for about an hour while gf visiting old monk friend. Wat in total disrepair, Cigarette butts, bbq grills, beer cans and trash everywhere in their living area. TV, computer, and questionable girly mags round out the list. Just like in other countries, religion is a joke.

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well after seeing these so called monks flashing their designer accessories, helicopters, cars etc it is way past time that the govt be able to check them out. All this is, is an attempt by these "monks" from gaining a great deal of wealth for themselves or being found out, besides, monks are not supposed to be concerned with any wealth, sems they dont like being caught out fiddling the books. Time to send in the cleaners and remove the temptation from them to become dishonest and not worthy of being monks.

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""The properties of the monks are donations from the people, which were given out of noble faith," Piruedee said. "Any interference is a violation of Lord Buddha's teaching and sabotage against the religion."

She continued, "The keeping of monks' properties should be the monks' duty. The monks should take care and investigate the matters on their own. Lord Buddha did not allow laymen to interfere with the authority of the monks.""

And I'm sure lord Buddha also allowed guns and pornos as evident from past news. If nothing to hide, why scared of searches?

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Buddhist monk and conservative hardliner Issara!

Whatever happened to him being investigated by the authorities on all the actions he took prior and during the protests six months ago?

Oh that's right he's a conservative hardliner or in other words a yellow dem who gets a free pass from the powers to be just like his mate sutep who is hiding behind monks robes.

A conservative hardliner Buddhist monk who is a disgrace to to the religion.

I hope the Buddhist council disrobes him which they should have done months ago!

Parrot change your tune, where is he mentioned in this report ?

As for the article, the Buddhist temples should be under state supervision as I am sure there is a lot of fraud and money laundering going on.

Buddhist monk and conservative hardliner Buddha Issara previously asked the NRC to draft a law that would allow the Office of Auditor-General to view the bank accounts of all Buddhist temples. Buddha Issara argued that the measure would promote transparency.

Would that be the monk to whom Parrot is not referring?

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Buddhist monk and conservative hardliner Issara!

Whatever happened to him being investigated by the authorities on all the actions he took prior and during the protests six months ago?

Oh that's right he's a conservative hardliner or in other words a yellow dem who gets a free pass from the powers to be just like his mate sutep who is hiding behind monks robes.

A conservative hardliner Buddhist monk who is a disgrace to to the religion.

I hope the Buddhist council disrobes him which they should have done months ago!

Parrot change your tune, where is he mentioned in this report ?

As for the article, the Buddhist temples should be under state supervision as I am sure there is a lot of fraud and money laundering going on.

Buddhist monk and conservative hardliner Buddha Issara previously asked the NRC to draft a law that would allow the Office of Auditor-General to view the bank accounts of all Buddhist temples. Buddha Issara argued that the measure would promote transparency.

Would that be the monk to whom Parrot is not referring?

What a fail for parrot but they are dumb animals and this one even stutters.

Seems his enemy wants to get things transparent.

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There must be billions floating around the temples of this country.........and definately, yes....there should be oversight.........

There's more and more case of wealthy monks, abbots and the like......we even had a sister driving a Porche around not long ago............

I am surprise that nobody realize this money belongs the Rothchild Bankers as they control all money in the world

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