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Chaeng Wattana 4 Steps Extension nightmare

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My Boss can extend you from 1 day to 1 year, today you are lucky he gave you 60 days

This is what I was told today in Chaeng Wattana Immigration office, try to extend my ED visa for 90 days. By then I knew better than protesting, so I left just glad to finally escape this nightmare

All the ED visa candidates had a very hard time today: We were about a hundreds or so people or so people trying to extend visa and most of us came at 8.30/9 am and were kept up until 5.30 pm at least (at which point I left). I have no idea until which time they made the rest wait,but given the ridiculous pace (one passport every 30 minutes or so), theu might just as well prolonged this madness until 8pm.

Chaeng Wattana office actually closes at 4.30 and all the other sections of visas were deserted but the officer in charge of ED visa was quite happily eating his dinner and chatting and laughing away while he made all us remaining 50/60 people wait an average of 8 HOURS for an extension.

I have no idea what is happening in Chaeng Wattana these days but everyone seemed choked at the HUGE amount of time they were taking checking each passport, it was as if the all place was filled with criminals and we were not treated better.

So here it is the 4 steps new extension organization:

Step 1 : check document; This is the 1st critical step: You file is scrutinized by 2 officers one checking one double checking, many had to rush back to their school to get extension. At the same time you are being quizzed in Thai

- Do you have a Thai name yet ? (said fast in Thai did not quite get it after 3 months of Thai which is ridiculous) Bad point

- Do you speak Thai : Nitnoi - not so impressed (after 3 months, what does she expect???) Another bad point.

I have learning difficulties because of Lyme disease which eats my brain out also and I don't have a private teacher/partner to teach me at home,but I sensed that would be a good point to bring to these heartless people.

- An Ukranian guy next to me, got asked to write his name, he could speak Thai quite well I thought, but did not write after 6 months. He was genuinely going to classes (I talked to him later and we discussed schools) and was really putting his best effort. His Thai was pretty good after only six months;He explained in Thai half apologizing that unfortunately his GF was ukranian and he could not progress as much as others, but he liked Thailand and Thai people, etc. He got 2 months instead of 3 as well.

- Next to me came a very old gentleman and the lady asked him to count in Thai, he was well mannered and very sweet but probably his brain was not as good as he used to, so he was really struggling and I fell so sorry for him, that I tried to whisper him the numbers. The poor guy could hardly catch a breath, it was appalling.

- Another girl came to ask why she had 2 months instead of 3, she got shouted at by the boss.

- Black people were the worst off; Every each black person was treated like pondlife. They were made to sit at the officer's desk for ages and questioned over and over again,from morning 9am to 5pm. We all fell sorry for them.

Step 2 : The easiest and fastest ;"You pay moneee and you look camera to take picteeure"

Step 3 : Mr newly appointed Big boss looking after a promotion will scrutinize your passport and make weird noises / exclamation as if he found something wrong in your passport to make you nervous ,while you sit there for 10/15 minutes in silence, wondering why your presence is requested. Then you figure out it's a ploy to intimidate you as he does this to every each person. Finally he gestures you rudely to vacate the sit and go outside the cubicle.

He will then write a full page of notes about your passport and go with your passport to another computer and make a phone call. he did this to me and others. So he spends anything between 20 minutes to half an hour/45 minutes on EACH passport.

Step 4: This is the new secret step as the official routine has only 3 steps, but EACH passport disappears to a secret cubicle with frosted glass behind a partition and STAY THERE for HOURS. No one can see who is in this cubicle. I was gestured off the main cubicle to wait outside at 11.15am. Mr Big Boss did its detective check on my passport for another 30 minutes or so. My passport was then put aside to be soon recovered by a pile waiting to be collected a hour later to go into the secret cubicle. By then it was lunch time. I came back at 1pm thinking it would be over soon. Myself and around 50/60 people waited for 4 HOURS MORE. At 4.30 pm most of the staff leaves: Step1 /Checking document is close, Step 2/ money+picture is finished too. What is left is Step3 and mysterious Step 4 and for the remaining 50/60 of us that took FOUR HOURS.

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I agree with you the system is being abused.

But the victims are not the ones abusing.

All the people i met today (the italian guy excepted) ARE ALL GOING TO CLASS and were all treated like dirt

And the one who does not go to class but gets away with it because he has a thai GF has his 3 months extension and was treated with respect.

This system is wrong unfair and appalling.

Giving a hard time to a Lyme disease patient, to an old gent who lost his marbles or to an Ukranian guy because his GF is not Thai is just WRONG

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Sounds to me as if the problem is your school.

- Do you speak Thai : Nitnoi - not so impressed (after 3 months, what does she expect???) Another bad point.

Strange over on another thread you started,


You gave this as a reply,

- In my class (intermerdiate Thai one/two years study) NO ONE, I mean NONE of the 20 or so students can discriminate any tone.

Is it any wonder the IO was unimpressed.

- Do you have a Thai name yet ? (said fast in Thai did not quite get it after 3 months of Thai which is ridiculous) Bad point

If after three months the school hasnt taught you how to say, kor puut cha cha noi you have problems.

Lets be honest here, what is it you want, a school to teach you Thai or a visa mill?

Every time the teacher comes up with a one syllabe word. (Ma/kao/tam/etc) NO ONES gets it, and we all have between one/two year(s) learning.

from another post of yours.

Just answered my own question.

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Were any of those students on Ed visas doing bachelor degree or higher degrees here? These are mostly full time studies, so abuse of the visa is less likely among them. I would expect those studying Thai language over only a few hours a week to get a much tougher time. Are there any regulations for the minimum number of contact hours for the Ed visa.

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I had a horrible time when I went there too. Got very, VERY lucky to get my 90 days.

The school gave me documents that said I studied at a different branch, so the guy was really grilling me on that and he was expecting me to be able 45% of the Thai language as per my documents....after 3 months!

I was very lucky that the school rep came over and talked to him (for what seemed like forever) I attend classes and my writing will be up to scratch for January. I am even going to have extra tutoring in preparation for it.

I'm worried now because of my passport (check a thread started by me in this section of the forum) is damaged on the visa page. I just KNOW that is going to kick up a stink!

I agree that it was very lax before but they have gone to the other extreme end of the scale now. It's gotten wayyyyyyyyyy to over the top in how they treat people. Weed out the worms yes but treat people at least trying to learn the language with respect.

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But this system is actually picking on the honest students and letting the abuser carry on their abuse

This guy from my school with Thai GF was your typical abuser : He is working on ED visa for a school which is reluctant to give him a work permit, before ED visa he was working on tourist visa back to back until he got the red stamp.

And now he's still working, never goes to school or just to pickup his papers for extension because no time (he's working) and no need (he's got very good Thai skills thanks to Thai GF ) but he gets treated with respect because he can speak Thai although school has nothing to do with this got his 90 days and left early.

All the people with Thai partners left early, the ones single or with partners or their own nationality were kept longer.

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OP, it's not only Thai that you can study if all you want is the visa, or if Thai is just too difficult to progress in.

Example, people who are not English native speakers can study English. Many other things, as well.

I did study Japanese before, that upset the officer. 3 years on a student visa and she only could only give me a hard time on my last 3 months of new Thai course.

She said I quote: "Next time don't study another language than Thai because here we are not expert here"

Translation: We know you are trying to escape our ridiculously difficult and totally inappropriate in term of level Thai quiz, by studying something else, if you want to be in our good grace you better have impeccable Thai skills within ridiculously short time frame.

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Been there earlier this week, got my queue number around 10am, left the building around 4pm.

Officer at step 1 looked into my passport (I did spend ~9months in Thailand since 2012 total, with tourist visa and visa exemptions) and then told me "I give you only 60 days". Didn't give me any answer when I asked why.

Passed step 2, then step 3, the officer asked the person before me about Thai skills, but did not speak a single word of Thai to me. He was rather friendly to everyone tho.

Waited like 2 hours for step 4. Still have no idea why 60 days instead of 90.

I am a white young male from EU. I can speak a fair amount of Thai.

It would be nice from them to make their rules clear and apply them fairly, instead of doing some sudden weird change like this for no reason.

I love Thailand and I am happy to stay here and learn their language, but if we, young single people, are not welcome anymore, I will accept and go spend my money in another country. Just be clear.

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A friend of mine who I'll admit was an abuser (he changed from tourist to ED to stay a little while longer, he has since left Thailand for good) had no problems at Chaeng Wattana apart from a very long wait. He only seen at 16:30 and the Immigration officer (older lady) was very nice to him, spoke only English to him and gave him the extension no problems, even had a nice chat with him in English facepalm.gif

Meanwhile I got the 3rd degree! I spoke nothing but Thai to the officer I have good conversation skills but my writing was very weak (turns out it was my ability to speak Thai to the officer that saved me according to the school rep) and I was being told I was only going to get a week to leave! There is no clear consistency. Yes I know it is always like that in immigration (that same friend and a different friend who is an American Thai got out of paying 20k overstay a few years ago because of a nice officer) but some consistency would be appreciated if they don't want people to think they are some power tripping jobsworths.

Maybe I will go there with a Thai female friend and pretend she is my fiance next time blink.png

Edited by lildragon
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I guess they are weening us out by slowly making it more and more expensive.

60 days instead of 90 means you have to pay 3800B per 3 months instead of the usual 1900B.

I have nothing against it, it's their choice, their country, they can invite who they want.

But don't come and tell me this is against scammers, for they are the one getting away with it.

My mate, with his Thai wife and family now for 6 years on an ED visa, never been to school, doesn't need to, he's got way better Thai skills than anyone attending any school, since he lives with family ie 7 native thai people on hand everyday to brush up his skills. Plus on top of this he takes his 2 years old girl to immigration and every Thai immigration officer LOVES baby especially Lukrung. So obviously when I come after this type of candidate at immigration, I look like a right lazy bag.

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The days of easy Ed Visa to stay in Thailand are finished.

It is confirmed that Thai immigration will scrutinize and thoroughly check all ED visa extensions & applications from now on.

As per immigration rules and regulations, if you propose to stay in thailand for any extended period outside being that of a tourist you are required under thai law to have the appropriate visa in place which is indicative of your situation.


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My mate, with his Thai wife and family now for 6 years on an ED visa, never been to school, doesn't need to, he's got way better Thai skills than anyone attending any school, since he lives with family ie 7 native thai people on hand everyday to brush up his skills. Plus on top of this he takes his 2 years old girl to immigration and every Thai immigration officer LOVES baby especially Lukrung. So obviously when I come after this type of candidate at immigration, I look like a right lazy bag.

Since I'm a luuk kreung (a full grown man already, not a baby) will that be of any benefit to me with immigration? w00t.gifclap2.giftongue.png

Edited by bbi1
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I guess they are weening us out by slowly making it more and more expensive.

60 days instead of 90 means you have to pay 3800B per 3 months instead of the usual 1900B.

I have nothing against it, it's their choice, their country, they can invite who they want.

But don't come and tell me this is against scammers, for they are the one getting away with it.

My mate, with his Thai wife and family now for 6 years on an ED visa, never been to school, doesn't need to, he's got way better Thai skills than anyone attending any school, since he lives with family ie 7 native thai people on hand everyday to brush up his skills. Plus on top of this he takes his 2 years old girl to immigration and every Thai immigration officer LOVES baby especially Lukrung. So obviously when I come after this type of candidate at immigration, I look like a right lazy bag.

See this is what I mean.

They expect us to respect their laws etc but they don't even enforce or inspect their own laws! Their laws on Ed and other visas should apply to EVERYONE! Drug dealers and family men are both abusing it, but there is one rule and different for others.

People on this board can lecture all they want about "well that is the law" blaa blaa blaa. But those laws aren't even respected properly by the people that are supposed to be enforcing them!

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I guess they are weening us out by slowly making it more and more expensive.

60 days instead of 90 means you have to pay 3800B per 3 months instead of the usual 1900B.

I have nothing against it, it's their choice, their country, they can invite who they want.

But don't come and tell me this is against scammers, for they are the one getting away with it.

My mate, with his Thai wife and family now for 6 years on an ED visa, never been to school, doesn't need to, he's got way better Thai skills than anyone attending any school, since he lives with family ie 7 native thai people on hand everyday to brush up his skills. Plus on top of this he takes his 2 years old girl to immigration and every Thai immigration officer LOVES baby especially Lukrung. So obviously when I come after this type of candidate at immigration, I look like a right lazy bag.

See this is what I mean.

They expect us to respect their laws etc but they don't even enforce or inspect their own laws! Their laws on Ed and other visas should apply to EVERYONE! Drug dealers and family men are both abusing it, but there is one rule and different for others.

People on this board can lecture all they want about "well that is the law" blaa blaa blaa. But those laws aren't even respected properly by the people that are supposed to be enforcing them!

Sorry I meant their discrimination to sort out scammers is solely based on Thai skills.

How can someone single going to school twice a week (to be taught by unqualified teachers) can compete with a guy living in a Thai family and practicing Thai all day every day (who only needs the visa and never goes to school ) ?

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I agree with you the system is being abused.

But the victims are not the ones abusing.

All the people i met today (the italian guy excepted) ARE ALL GOING TO CLASS and were all treated like dirt

And the one who does not go to class but gets away with it because he has a thai GF has his 3 months extension and was treated with respect.

This system is wrong unfair and appalling.

Giving a hard time to a Lyme disease patient, to an old gent who lost his marbles or to an Ukranian guy because his GF is not Thai is just WRONG

"All the people i met today (the italian guy excepted) ARE ALL GOING TO CLASS and were all treated like dirt

And the one who does not go to class but gets away with it because he has a thai GF has his 3 months extension and was treated with respect."

I'm sure that's a totally unbiased, disinterested summary. [ Sarcasm Alert ]

Obviously when farang believe they've suffered loss of face they tend to go for maximum drama & hyperbole.

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I guess they are weening us out by slowly making it more and more expensive.

60 days instead of 90 means you have to pay 3800B per 3 months instead of the usual 1900B.

I have nothing against it, it's their choice, their country, they can invite who they want.

But don't come and tell me this is against scammers, for they are the one getting away with it.

My mate, with his Thai wife and family now for 6 years on an ED visa, never been to school, doesn't need to, he's got way better Thai skills than anyone attending any school, since he lives with family ie 7 native thai people on hand everyday to brush up his skills. Plus on top of this he takes his 2 years old girl to immigration and every Thai immigration officer LOVES baby especially Lukrung. So obviously when I come after this type of candidate at immigration, I look like a right lazy bag.

See this is what I mean.

They expect us to respect their laws etc but they don't even enforce or inspect their own laws! Their laws on Ed and other visas should apply to EVERYONE! Drug dealers and family men are both abusing it, but there is one rule and different for others.

People on this board can lecture all they want about "well that is the law" blaa blaa blaa. But those laws aren't even respected properly by the people that are supposed to be enforcing them!

Sorry I meant their discrimination to sort out scammers is solely based on Thai skills.

How can someone single going to school twice a week (to be taught by unqualified teachers) can compete with a guy living in a Thai family and practicing Thai all day every day (who only needs the visa and never goes to school ) ?

How can someone single going to school twice a week (to be taught by unqualified teachers) can compete with a guy living in a Thai family and practicing Thai all day every day

Well heres what I did, it worked for me.

I went to a proper school for three hours a day, 5 days a week.

When I got home I spent two hours revising the days lesson.

The next day I spent another 1 hour revising before heading off to school again.

I can see you are really serious about learning, going to school twice a week, what a joke, taught by unqualified teachers, what TF are you still doing there, why havent you changed school, why do you only go twice a week?

Come on here to whinge whinge whinge coz the IO sussed you.

Please let me know the name of this fine establishment you attend.

I attended UTL Times Square, I and the hundreds of others who have also attended have had no problems with, perhaps you should check it out.

Classes twice a day from 8 in the morning 'til mid day, then 1 in the afternoon 'til 4 in the afternoon.

They will get you up to speed in no time, IF you are serious.

Dont think I have ever seen you post on the Thai language forum, speaks volumes about how serious you are.

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As per immigration rules and regulations, if you propose to stay in thailand for any extended period outside being that of a tourist you are required under thai law to have the appropriate visa in place which is indicative of your situation.


So we always come back to the same issue, there is no visa appropriate for each situations. So people choose the most adapted ones.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I guess they are weening us out by slowly making it more and more expensive.

60 days instead of 90 means you have to pay 3800B per 3 months instead of the usual 1900B.

I have nothing against it, it's their choice, their country, they can invite who they want.

But don't come and tell me this is against scammers, for they are the one getting away with it.

My mate, with his Thai wife and family now for 6 years on an ED visa, never been to school, doesn't need to, he's got way better Thai skills than anyone attending any school, since he lives with family ie 7 native thai people on hand everyday to brush up his skills. Plus on top of this he takes his 2 years old girl to immigration and every Thai immigration officer LOVES baby especially Lukrung. So obviously when I come after this type of candidate at immigration, I look like a right lazy bag.

See this is what I mean.

They expect us to respect their laws etc but they don't even enforce or inspect their own laws! Their laws on Ed and other visas should apply to EVERYONE! Drug dealers and family men are both abusing it, but there is one rule and different for others.

People on this board can lecture all they want about "well that is the law" blaa blaa blaa. But those laws aren't even respected properly by the people that are supposed to be enforcing them!

Sorry I meant their discrimination to sort out scammers is solely based on Thai skills.

How can someone single going to school twice a week (to be taught by unqualified teachers) can compete with a guy living in a Thai family and practicing Thai all day every day (who only needs the visa and never goes to school ) ?

How can someone single going to school twice a week (to be taught by unqualified teachers) can compete with a guy living in a Thai family and practicing Thai all day every day

Well heres what I did, it worked for me.

I went to a proper school for three hours a day, 5 days a week.

When I got home I spent two hours revising the days lesson.

The next day I spent another 1 hour revising before heading off to school again.

I can see you are really serious about learning, going to school twice a week, what a joke, taught by unqualified teachers, what TF are you still doing there, why havent you changed school, why do you only go twice a week?

Come on here to whinge whinge whinge coz the IO sussed you.

Please let me know the name of this fine establishment you attend.

I attended UTL Times Square, I and the hundreds of others who have also attended have had no problems with, perhaps you should check it out.

Classes twice a day from 8 in the morning 'til mid day, then 1 in the afternoon 'til 4 in the afternoon.

They will get you up to speed in no time, IF you are serious.

Dont think I have ever seen you post on the Thai language forum, speaks volumes about how serious you are.

Congratulations Sir, for being a model student. We care so much.

Now does anyone has any informations about why they started to do these changes, giving extension based on how the appliant look like?

Edited by nicobangkok
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I guess they are weening us out by slowly making it more and more expensive.

60 days instead of 90 means you have to pay 3800B per 3 months instead of the usual 1900B.

I have nothing against it, it's their choice, their country, they can invite who they want.

But don't come and tell me this is against scammers, for they are the one getting away with it.

My mate, with his Thai wife and family now for 6 years on an ED visa, never been to school, doesn't need to, he's got way better Thai skills than anyone attending any school, since he lives with family ie 7 native thai people on hand everyday to brush up his skills. Plus on top of this he takes his 2 years old girl to immigration and every Thai immigration officer LOVES baby especially Lukrung. So obviously when I come after this type of candidate at immigration, I look like a right lazy bag.

See this is what I mean.

They expect us to respect their laws etc but they don't even enforce or inspect their own laws! Their laws on Ed and other visas should apply to EVERYONE! Drug dealers and family men are both abusing it, but there is one rule and different for others.

People on this board can lecture all they want about "well that is the law" blaa blaa blaa. But those laws aren't even respected properly by the people that are supposed to be enforcing them!

Sorry I meant their discrimination to sort out scammers is solely based on Thai skills.

How can someone single going to school twice a week (to be taught by unqualified teachers) can compete with a guy living in a Thai family and practicing Thai all day every day (who only needs the visa and never goes to school ) ?



they do probably assume the guys with family and thai GF are paying and got to financially support a gf and family

it sucks but there is no question they seem to give that kind of farang an easier go.Thai dont like to mess with another thais food bowl.

maybe just tell them you have thai gf?

And how did this officers know about all the details of farangs who was stilk waiting?

And since each case get dealt one at a time, how do they seperate these ones who you say are the favoured one and let them go first.

Sorry but a lot of things in this op dont seem to make sense

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The days of easy Ed Visa to stay in Thailand are finished.

It is confirmed that Thai immigration will scrutinize and thoroughly check all ED visa extensions & applications from now on.

As per immigration rules and regulations, if you propose to stay in thailand for any extended period outside being that of a tourist you are required under thai law to have the appropriate visa in place which is indicative of your situation.


I always follow the rules I go to classes, which is more than 99% of registered students, but they don't get problems, I do

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I guess they are weening us out by slowly making it more and more expensive.

60 days instead of 90 means you have to pay 3800B per 3 months instead of the usual 1900B.

I have nothing against it, it's their choice, their country, they can invite who they want.

But don't come and tell me this is against scammers, for they are the one getting away with it.

My mate, with his Thai wife and family now for 6 years on an ED visa, never been to school, doesn't need to, he's got way better Thai skills than anyone attending any school, since he lives with family ie 7 native thai people on hand everyday to brush up his skills. Plus on top of this he takes his 2 years old girl to immigration and every Thai immigration officer LOVES baby especially Lukrung. So obviously when I come after this type of candidate at immigration, I look like a right lazy bag.

See this is what I mean.

They expect us to respect their laws etc but they don't even enforce or inspect their own laws! Their laws on Ed and other visas should apply to EVERYONE! Drug dealers and family men are both abusing it, but there is one rule and different for others.

People on this board can lecture all they want about "well that is the law" blaa blaa blaa. But those laws aren't even respected properly by the people that are supposed to be enforcing them!

Sorry I meant their discrimination to sort out scammers is solely based on Thai skills.

How can someone single going to school twice a week (to be taught by unqualified teachers) can compete with a guy living in a Thai family and practicing Thai all day every day (who only needs the visa and never goes to school ) ?



they do probably assume the guys with family and thai GF are paying and got to financially support a gf and family

it sucks but there is no question they seem to give that kind of farang an easier go.Thai dont like to mess with another thais food bowl.

maybe just tell them you have thai gf?

And how did this officers know about all the details of farangs who was stilk waiting?

And since each case get dealt one at a time, how do they seperate these ones who you say are the favoured one and let them go first.

Sorry but a lot of things in this op dont seem to make sense


I am a woman

I don't think it would go down well if I would say I have a Thai GF

I think you are confused indeed!

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Congratulations Sir, for being a model student. We care so much.

Now does anyone has any informations about why they started to do these changes, giving extension based on how the appliant look like?

Appearance always has been very important in Thailand.

All African countries applicant regardless which country it is, have from now on, to renew their ED visa in their own country.

If barring a whole continent is not based on appearance what is? Many African are leaving THL

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I guess they are weening us out by slowly making it more and more expensive.

60 days instead of 90 means you have to pay 3800B per 3 months instead of the usual 1900B.

I have nothing against it, it's their choice, their country, they can invite who they want.

But don't come and tell me this is against scammers, for they are the one getting away with it.

My mate, with his Thai wife and family now for 6 years on an ED visa, never been to school, doesn't need to, he's got way better Thai skills than anyone attending any school, since he lives with family ie 7 native thai people on hand everyday to brush up his skills. Plus on top of this he takes his 2 years old girl to immigration and every Thai immigration officer LOVES baby especially Lukrung. So obviously when I come after this type of candidate at immigration, I look like a right lazy bag.

See this is what I mean.

They expect us to respect their laws etc but they don't even enforce or inspect their own laws! Their laws on Ed and other visas should apply to EVERYONE! Drug dealers and family men are both abusing it, but there is one rule and different for others.

People on this board can lecture all they want about "well that is the law" blaa blaa blaa. But those laws aren't even respected properly by the people that are supposed to be enforcing them!

Sorry I meant their discrimination to sort out scammers is solely based on Thai skills.

How can someone single going to school twice a week (to be taught by unqualified teachers) can compete with a guy living in a Thai family and practicing Thai all day every day (who only needs the visa and never goes to school ) ?

How can someone single going to school twice a week (to be taught by unqualified teachers) can compete with a guy living in a Thai family and practicing Thai all day every day

Well heres what I did, it worked for me.

I went to a proper school for three hours a day, 5 days a week.

When I got home I spent two hours revising the days lesson.

The next day I spent another 1 hour revising before heading off to school again.

I can see you are really serious about learning, going to school twice a week, what a joke, taught by unqualified teachers, what TF are you still doing there, why havent you changed school, why do you only go twice a week?

Come on here to whinge whinge whinge coz the IO sussed you.

Please let me know the name of this fine establishment you attend.

I attended UTL Times Square, I and the hundreds of others who have also attended have had no problems with, perhaps you should check it out.

Classes twice a day from 8 in the morning 'til mid day, then 1 in the afternoon 'til 4 in the afternoon.

They will get you up to speed in no time, IF you are serious.

Dont think I have ever seen you post on the Thai language forum, speaks volumes about how serious you are.

My friend went to Chulalongkon. 5 days a week / 3 hours a days for 5 weeks /25000 THB

He did 3 sessions ie spent 75000 THB so he's at level 3

Not ONE lesson about tones apart from just pronouncing words and expecting us to get it.

His Thai is pretty good but still incapable to do tones, and so is any learner that I ever met here.

I call that unqualified teachers.

My other mate 6 years here on student visa never been to class, can do tone perfect/impeccable Thai

we just have to learn tones ourselves, not from school. This is what I call unqualified teaching, ie when no school is able to do better than someone who is just immersed.

And this is why we are unfairly discriminated.

It does not matter how much times or money we spend in schools, we will never be nowhere near the level of people in immersion.

And immigration knows this very well, but as you said since they are part of a Thai family/have Thai protection / are funding a Thai family, they will never touch them.

Edited by Kitsune
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I agree with you the system is being abused.

But the victims are not the ones abusing.

All the people i met today (the italian guy excepted) ARE ALL GOING TO CLASS and were all treated like dirt

And the one who does not go to class but gets away with it because he has a thai GF has his 3 months extension and was treated with respect.

This system is wrong unfair and appalling.

Giving a hard time to a Lyme disease patient, to an old gent who lost his marbles or to an Ukranian guy because his GF is not Thai is just WRONG

"All the people i met today (the italian guy excepted) ARE ALL GOING TO CLASS and were all treated like dirt

And the one who does not go to class but gets away with it because he has a thai GF has his 3 months extension and was treated with respect."

I'm sure that's a totally unbiased, disinterested summary. [ Sarcasm Alert ]

Obviously when farang believe they've suffered loss of face they tend to go for maximum drama & hyperbole.

Ok you want details? Here we go

I spent EIGHT bleeding hours in the place so I had time to socialize


- Old (70+)gentleman from Australia, in a school called MTL he said was downtown, he told me he enjoyed the class very much. He mentioned his classmate (a very sharp russian lady) I asked him why did not he choose the retirement visa he said he wanted to learn, but his brain was now very slow and it was hard for him.

- Ukrainian guy and his girlfriend he said they go to prolanguage and they were happy with the lesson there too, he regretted having said to the teacher that he did not need to write Thai yet (first 6months) and wanted to concentrate on speaking, but he will correct that given that immigration were giving him a hard time

- A Serbian young guy 20 something learning English, he said thailand was very cheap to learn a language and was finding the lessons rewarding.

- An indonesian girl, it was 5 oclock, we were all desperate to get our passport back, she'd been there since 8.30 she was dying for a wee. She came to me, asked me if i could tell the officer that she hadnot left, but was in the toilet just in case they gave her passport when she was not there.

I off course accepted and she explained she came to learn Thai and we also discussed Thai lessons and school.

- Myself


italian guy, did not go to class /sorry went once. He said had a good job he said it was "good money" teaching in a language school. He was trying to put pressure on his boss to give him a visa.

We all waited much more than usual

The Italian guy was first to get his passport back with 3 months. He arrived at 8.30,left at 3pm. (the only one not going to class)


- The Serbian guy got his extension and left early second, although he arrived way after me.Arrived around 10am got out around 4pm

- The Ukrainian guy, got his extension before me, although he was 10 numbers behind me. Not sure when he arrived but he got only 60 days.

- Older Aussie guy left 10 minutes before me, his back was killing him. He had spent 8 hours on these plastic seat and was beat.Just not nice way to treat the elders.

- Myself,left at 5pm with 60 days instead of 90

- Indonesian girl,just your classic young straight conservative nice girl,made to wait 9 HOURS may be more . I don't know when she got her passport as I left before her.

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Were any of those students on Ed visas doing bachelor degree or higher degrees here? These are mostly full time studies, so abuse of the visa is less likely among them. I would expect those studying Thai language over only a few hours a week to get a much tougher time. Are there any regulations for the minimum number of contact hours for the Ed visa.

The old regime was 4 hours a week in Bangkok.

Recently they changed it to 8 h a week

But I am,like many people who applied before the change still on 4h/week for a year.

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My mate, with his Thai wife and family now for 6 years on an ED visa, never been to school, doesn't need to, he's got way better Thai skills than anyone attending any school, since he lives with family ie 7 native thai people on hand everyday to brush up his skills. Plus on top of this he takes his 2 years old girl to immigration and every Thai immigration officer LOVES baby especially Lukrung. So obviously when I come after this type of candidate at immigration, I look like a right lazy bag.

Since I'm a luuk kreung (a full grown man already, not a baby) will that be of any benefit to me with immigration? w00t.gifclap2.giftongue.png

I don't know they tend to be pickier on grownups

This is youth paradise

Do you look like a movie star ?

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I agree with you the system is being abused.

But the victims are not the ones abusing.

All the people i met today (the italian guy excepted) ARE ALL GOING TO CLASS and were all treated like dirt

And the one who does not go to class but gets away with it because he has a thai GF has his 3 months extension and was treated with respect.

This system is wrong unfair and appalling.

Giving a hard time to a Lyme disease patient, to an old gent who lost his marbles or to an Ukranian guy because his GF is not Thai is just WRONG

"All the people i met today (the italian guy excepted) ARE ALL GOING TO CLASS and were all treated like dirt

And the one who does not go to class but gets away with it because he has a thai GF has his 3 months extension and was treated with respect."

I'm sure that's a totally unbiased, disinterested summary. [ Sarcasm Alert ]

Obviously when farang believe they've suffered loss of face they tend to go for maximum drama & hyperbole.

Ok you want details? Here we go

I spent EIGHT bleeding hours in the place so I had time to socialize


- Old (70+)gentleman from Australia, in a school called MTL he said was downtown, he told me he enjoyed the class very much. He mentioned his classmate (a very sharp russian lady) I asked him why did not he choose the retirement visa he said he wanted to learn, but his brain was now very slow and it was hard for him.

- Ukrainian guy and his girlfriend he said they go to prolanguage and they were happy with the lesson there too, he regretted having said to the teacher that he did not need to write Thai yet (first 6months) and wanted to concentrate on speaking, but he will correct that given that immigration were giving him a hard time

- A Serbian young guy 20 something learning English, he said thailand was very cheap to learn a language and was finding the lessons rewarding.

- An indonesian girl, it was 5 oclock, we were all desperate to get our passport back, she'd been there since 8.30 she was dying for a wee. She came to me, asked me if i could tell the officer that she hadnot left, but was in the toilet just in case they gave her passport when she was not there.

I off course accepted and she explained she came to learn Thai and we also discussed Thai lessons and school.

- Myself


italian guy, did not go to class /sorry went once. He said had a good job he said it was "good money" teaching in a language school. He was trying to put pressure on his boss to give him a visa.

We all waited much more than usual

The Italian guy was first to get his passport back with 3 months. He arrived at 8.30,left at 3pm. (the only one not going to class)


- The Serbian guy got his extension and left early second, although he arrived way after me.Arrived around 10am got out around 4pm

- The Ukrainian guy, got his extension before me, although he was 10 numbers behind me. Not sure when he arrived but he got only 60 days.

- Older Aussie guy left 10 minutes before me, his back was killing him. He had spent 8 hours on these plastic seat and was beat.Just not nice way to treat the elders.

- Myself,left at 5pm with 60 days instead of 90

- Indonesian girl,just your classic young straight conservative nice girl,made to wait 9 HOURS may be more . I don't know when she got her passport as I left before her.

Does that Ukrainian guys gf also study with him at pro language? Because I have a Ukrainian couple in my class at pro language and they try very hard in class. Shame if he only got 60 days.

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