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PM Prayut meets with British Ambassador Mark Kent on bilateral ties


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PM meets with British Ambassador on bilateral ties


BANGKOK, 21 November 2014 (NNT) – Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has welcomed the British Ambassador, who paid him a visit at Government House to discuss bilateral cooperation.

Mr Mark Andrew Geoffrey Kent, British Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand, today paid a courtesy call on Gen Prayut and was briefed by the Thai premier on his government’s effort to restore political stability in Thailand. The Prime Minister reported gradual improvement in the overall situation and said the reform roadmap had reached its second phase, where a strong foundation would be laid for democracy.

Citing the Thai economy as going strong and expanding steadily, Gen Prayut invited British entrepreneurs to invest in Thailand, especially in such areas as alternative energy, green energy and agricultural development. He affirmed support would be provided for them and investment regulations would be improved to ensure the highest mutual benefits.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister gave his assurance to the Ambassador that Thailand was still a safe destination for travelers. He also thanked the United Kingdom for sending volunteers to teach English in Thailand as the country was on track to improve language skills before becoming part of the ASEAN Community.

Mr Kent, meanwhile, disclosed that British investors were already keen to invest more in Thailand. He said he appreciated the Thai government’s attention to tourist safety, assuring that more British travelers would be coming to the Kingdom.

-- NNT 2014-11-21 footer_n.gif

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Sorry for being cynical, but talk's like this are pure BS.

Both men's "roots" do not support, what is portrayed in the article.

Don't be so dismissive. Its interesting because normally the Thais call up the Americans for a photo op.

Its funny that the last diplomatic port of call is the Brits. So very establishmentz so very correct. We will support anyone. Does Prayuth have a tie.....

Quite what they expect Mr. Kent to bring to the table is unknown. I guess Tesco is safe from the FBA reform.

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The US is discouraging foreign investment, in favor of bringing the jobs and the capital, back to the US

The Japanese are pulling back all FDI, as their currency sinks against the $US dollar

Other asian currencies are all failing to rise against dollar strength, which is expected to gain momentum next year as the US raises Interest rates, which will attract even more capital

the Thai enconomy is slipping against Vietnam, and the rest of "New China"

this weekends Barron's had an excellent review of the situation Thailand faces,

it is still the largest of the old "tigers"

but it is slipping, as the world slows down from the party the Fed has been throwing since 09, which is the hangover from their last party, in 2001

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Yes send your English teachers then we will teach them how to teach "Thai Style English" to our wonderful students who ...........still cant speak English? I dont understand that one.

Perhaps if everyone spoke Thai and we called it English that might work? Trick the world into it .

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Nice photo op, another one for the spin scrapbook. Not quite sure why the British ambassador allows himself to be used like this?

On track for the teaching of English for the advent of ASEAN, really?

He allows himself to be used like this because he hasn't the slightest choice. When London says 'grovel' he grovels, when London says 'bark' he barks. He is just an employee that gets paid to do as he is told with precious little leeway. Don't shoot the messenger and all that...

We have also such an employee, we called him Lucky ... pathetic!

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British Ambassador Mark Kent today called on Prime Minister General Prayuth to discuss a range of issues. He urged PM Gen Prayuth to fulfil his promise to restore democracy to Thailand by the end of 2015, and to maintain respect for human rights.

Ambassador Kent also raised tourist safety and security and the importance of maintaining an open, fair and transparent business environment for investors. He asked for assurances that British and other foreign investment in Thailand would not be jeopardised by new legislation.

Mr Kent affirmed that the UK stands ready to engage with Thai ministries and agencies, as well as the private sector and civil society, to take forward work in all these areas and on other issues of mutual interest.

This is what it says on UK embassy facebook page.


Not exactly the same is it !!

Thank you for keeping it real, I was just thinking to myself how the ambassador could be such a ass kissing fantasist?

Not the 1st time this month that the Thai govt or police have spoken on somebody else's behalf, and totally lied about what was said. Still, not as funny as the Thai Rath article about Thai police going over to train their UK counterparts after the roaring success of the Koh Tao investigation. LOL

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This is the Thai official release of the meeting and therefore of course dishonest and misleading.If it was a post on Thai Visa the moderators would rightfully object.

The Twitter feed of the Ambassador made it very clear he pressed Prayuth to restore democracy by next year and to respect human rights.I gather this was not a friendly meeting though no doubt there was a level of courtesy.

Remember when looking at future releases from the Government.Spin is probably inevitable but these people transcend spin into lies on many occasions.

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British Ambassador Mark Kent today called on Prime Minister General Prayuth to discuss a range of issues. He urged PM Gen Prayuth to fulfil his promise to restore democracy to Thailand by the end of 2015, and to maintain respect for human rights.

Ambassador Kent also raised tourist safety and security and the importance of maintaining an open, fair and transparent business environment for investors. He asked for assurances that British and other foreign investment in Thailand would not be jeopardised by new legislation.

Mr Kent affirmed that the UK stands ready to engage with Thai ministries and agencies, as well as the private sector and civil society, to take forward work in all these areas and on other issues of mutual interest.

This is what it says on UK embassy facebook page.


Not exactly the same is it !!

Sorry Mark ,I take it back.

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They also discussed this weekends Premier League fixtures, foreign investment in Jet Ski Scams and the possibility of opening a string of Harry Ramsden's Fish and Chip shops with a dual price structure ( something that is very popular here-so it is understood ). Produce a British Passport ( or from a former colony ) and get a 50% reduction, produce a Thai driving licence and a enjoy a 100% uplift.

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Mr Kent, meanwhile, disclosed that British investors were already keen to invest more in Thailand. He said he appreciated the Thai government’s attention to tourist safety, assuring that more British travelers would be coming to the Kingdom.

Another spineless idiot that the British taxpayer has to fund. When will Britain and it's ambassadors show some balls. After the murders of two of its citizens the last thing this moron should be saying is that he appreciates the gov's efforts on tourist safety when there is none. As for the investment what moron would invest in a country that doesn't allow you to own the very assets you paid for.

The Gen can consider himself fortunate I'm not the British PM for I'd tell him straight and then shut the doors of tourism and investment firmly in his face.

Yes diplomacy is the word for the weak and spineless.

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Yes...yes mutual benefits.....51% thais & 49% foreigners.

Hmm, what I find so hypocritical is that many of my fellow UK guys I know, as well as Euro and US falangs too, moan a lot about how their countries allow foreigners to take over our Western businesses and land with little or no restriction. So if they are against that then what they are saying is that they surely must agree with the Thai system of controlling foreign investment that they want imposed in their home nations and thus must believe it is a good thing how they control it here. rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif . YES I can understand that too. Or are they saying not in their own back yard but okay to lift all restrictions here in Thailand ??? That is one sided crap of course. I think the investment rules here though are too stringent and not in the long term interests of the nation and really need to be somewhat more flexible and encouraging for foreign investment, whereas certainly in the UK it is probably way too flexible.

Some leeway still needs to be given for 100% land ownership, no NOT for business investment but for normal residential use only by long stay falangs living here legally. Restrict such residential land 100% ownership to one plot only per person and to say less than 1 rai, or even half a rai, as that is easily more than enough for a nice normal family house with a reasonable manageable garden area for those who like gardening. That would save all that crap and potential problems of having to form legal Thai limited companies or complex lease back arrangements with your Thai wife/girlfriend. It would be such a minuscule percentage amount of land and certainly have absolutely no danger of falangs taking over Thailand's land which is their main worry. It would also encourage more folk to come to live in Thailand, especially retirees of course, aiding the economy here. Of course as long as they meet the perfectly reasonable and fair Thai visa requirements, especially visas for retirees which I think are very reasonable and fair....well except for retirees under 50 where the law needs changing to accommodate those folk who have worked hard to retire early and escape the horrid rat race to enjoy life.

Personally I am for free trade and investment world wide as I have to say I am a one world live and let live sort of guy, but I know that will never happen of course, just good ideals that at least we should be aiming towards. But at least more sensible less restrictive rules both here and in the UK and other western nations would make this world a better and more smiley less selfish place to live, which surely has to be good for mankind.

Edited by rayw
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Mr Kent, meanwhile, disclosed that British investors were already keen to invest more in Thailand. He said he appreciated the Thai government’s attention to tourist safety, assuring that more British travelers would be coming to the Kingdom.

Another spineless idiot that the British taxpayer has to fund. When will Britain and it's ambassadors show some balls. After the murders of two of its citizens the last thing this moron should be saying is that he appreciates the gov's efforts on tourist safety when there is none. As for the investment what moron would invest in a country that doesn't allow you to own the very assets you paid for.

The Gen can consider himself fortunate I'm not the British PM for I'd tell him straight and then shut the doors of tourism and investment firmly in his face.

Yes diplomacy is the word for the weak and spineless.

I think we can all consider ourselves fortunate that you're not the British PM! whistling.gif

Do you always believe everything you read in Thai press releases?

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