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Can your Home Country learn anything from Thailand?

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No religion is above life.

What gives you that idea?

Or was there a missing comma in your sentence?

Perhaps we are all entitled to our own opinion. To state your own as fact is to blind yourself to the understanding of others


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I believe anyone should be able to follow any religion they want and it should be respected, but it's the same old thing, 'as long as they don't interfere with anyone else' but can anyone be tolerant of a religion where people are killed because they don't agree with it, and because they are westerners who are hated by them?

Look at the history of most religions. At some point or other there's been killing of non believers.

In the present day it's a very few number of people who want to force their religion on everyone else and kill non believers, so don't tar everyone with the same brush.



Good post Street Cowboy, but I think anyone creating an eyesore of any sort would be interfering with other people as it would probably lead to the devaluation of their property.


Correct. And fortunately in the UK we have planning regulations so that we can put a stop to that.

I don't think that I would be in favour of replicating Soweto's planning environment in the UK, and i am glad that developers have to carry out environmental impact assessments, traffic studies, etc., and that householders cannot slap up a jerry-built structure whenever they fancy, nor change their land-use without consent and so forth.


"regulations" are over the top, just let people who own the houses who have direct view of the object to be constructed vote on the matter. Less than 33% opposition is good to build, I'd say.


What Western countries should adopt from Thailand:

- cheap and deregulated taxis (but hey, look at the problems Ueber has in France, UK and Germany!)

- cheap and deregulated motorcycle taxis

- the red light countdown for long phases is good too, I'll take it

- allow more street vendors


some people here mentioned real estate prices - well, sorry to interfere, but the West exactly needs falling real estate prices. The current price level just favors people who have been holding to their property for 25+ years while younger professionals have almost no chance to ever own a decent dwelling within a useful timeframe (i.e. before getting all old, dry and tattered).

The West needs less mass savings, less pension and investment funds and higher minimum financial interest rate, I'd say 5% is good for the zero risk rate.

The West needs a money wire system that works as in Thailand (instant wires).

The West needs more dual sim phones. I'm always amazed how few of these are on offer in Europe.

The West needs to relax its views on prostitution and titty bars.

The West needs to reinvent cheap labor so it can again build up an industry and stop bleeding out to Asia and maybe actual service would come back to shops, and maybe laundry and ironing of a shirt would not cost almost as much as buying a new one!

The West needs to seriously lower the cost of living.

The West needs to make common medications available over the counter, such as basic antibiotics, painkillers (diclofenac), light relaxants (Valium, Xanax) and Viagra.

The West needs discos that are more like Thai discos, where men can sit down and enjoy the views of the coyotes or watch the sports !

The West made people too independent, too autonomous. When nobody is really "in need", then nobody gets the opportunity "to provide" - therefore many people are lonely.


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17) You will not discuss the specifics of prostitution. Though Thailand has a visible sex industry, and acknowledgement of that fact is not forbidden, ThaiVisa is not the place to seek or give information on this topic, regardless of your sexual habits, preferences or orientation.


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Yes, open bars and allow (thai) ladies bar

Plus happy ending massage parlours and body massage places.

AND, lets ditch the PC. Can't say anything back home in front of women as they always take it the wrong way- and they're so scary now.


Some Farang women are simply paranoid

I'm not at all surprised at that given the amount of anti male propaganda in western media.

Ever watched ABC Australia? Full of "all women good ( especially if lesbian ), all men stupid/ bad/ ignorant/ scum" programmes.


"Some" does not mean "all of them"

No, I don't know ABC Australia, but we have something like that in Europe, too - preferably about Pattaya.

"Paranoia" is a harsh socio-medical label, I'd prefer to call it "internalized panic"

Please be careful with labels, they might have a fatal tendency towards self-fulfilling prophecies.

Something else Farangs can learn from Thailand:

To read between the lines.

AND, lets ditch the PC. Can't say anything back home in front of women as they always take it the wrong way- and they're so scary now.

Not sure what it is you are saying that women are always taking it the wrong way but among most of the women I know you can pretty much say exactly the same things as you would in front of your guy mates and they won't take offense. Some of them say far worse. Most (at least under 35) Western women are not easily offended these days IME.


Don't sell land to foreign investors.

And don't post mad advices like 'nuke them' (as I read in an economist's topic) if they don't hand their national resources over to Big Money.

Go, nuke yourself !

Make love not war.


Most younger women (<35 yo) are not so easily offended?

Yes, maybe true.

I think what Farangs afe really facing is a generation clash between the young people who want a perspective for their future and the old ones who have the power of money.

Remember how the Vietnam war ended, when many GIs finally turned their guns against their commanders? Remember the price list published? These old colonels and generals (value: 3,000$ pc) finally escaped the scene, the US stopped drafting snd set up something they called 'FTA' - you want to know what this stands for?

I really wish that many of these GIs are over here now as expats.

Home is noy necessarily the country you're born in. It is rather the country you chose to live in, wwith the people you chose to live with.

Home is where your heart is.



Please edit if I ran off topic again.

This is not a place for military considerations or whistleblowing, and maybe my post came only from a nitemare, out of Heidelberg - thex ex-base of the 7. US Army in Europe.


Yes it could,stop paying out benefits to immigrants and stop pandering to minority groups ,also get rid of all the P.C crowd and left wing green party fruit loops that think windmills will solve our energy crisis


Not funding via taxpayers the reams of lazy, fat, uneducated and self-entitled breeder-natives to sit, accompanied by a bucket of oven chips, watching Jeremy Kyle on telly all day long whilst intermittently blaming predominantly hard working immigrants for their inability to obtain the 100k a year jobs they so cleeeeearly are both fully (self-)entitled to, and, wholly (un-)qualified for.

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