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Israel: 'Hamas plot to kill FM Lieberman foiled'

Lite Beer

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I agree 100%. 2,100 lives is an extremely heavy body count.

I disagree. I forget now... How many vestal virgins do they get when they die? How much does Hamas care about the 2100 martyrs? Come on.. Using them as shields.... Applying morality in a complicated situation is not as obvious as you flippantly put it.

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Hamas is denying the charge but saying that Israeli political leaders are legitimate targets. I suppose if two sides are officially at war, that may be so. Certainly Israeli leaders are a more legitimate target than civilians waiting for a train or rabbis praying in a temple. So does that mean Abbas is a legitimate target of Israel? Imagine how the Israel demonization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. No, I do not believe Israel killed Arafat though I'm not sure why they didn't.

Imagine how the Israel demonetization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. Wrong part of the strip. Abbas is not Hamas. He is west bank and Hamas is Gaza. I corrected your spelling in the quote

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Hamas is denying the charge but saying that Israeli political leaders are legitimate targets. I suppose if two sides are officially at war, that may be so. Certainly Israeli leaders are a more legitimate target than civilians waiting for a train or rabbis praying in a temple. So does that mean Abbas is a legitimate target of Israel? Imagine how the Israel demonization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. No, I do not believe Israel killed Arafat though I'm not sure why they didn't.

Imagine how the Israel demonetization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. Wrong part of the strip. Abbas is not Hamas. He is west bank and Hamas is Gaza. I corrected your spelling in the quote

Hamas and Fatah are allied now. Hamas party is more popular than Fatah now even in the west bank. I used Abbas deliberately as an example because he is considered relatively "moderate" and not officially labelled terrorists like Hamas. Your "demonetization" addition is just nonsense. Maybe try again instead of just being pedantic and make an actual coherent point.

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The war between the Jews and Muslims have been going on for as long as men have been writing historical documents...

It will still be unresolved when you and I have been long gone from the earth...

Sad that neither side will negotiate a lasting truce...

History was written long before Islam appeared on the world stage.

Not aware of any such ongoing war between Jews and Muslims. If you meant Israel, then the conflict is not really that

old, in historical terms. What major wars occurred between the two religions?

Not all the Muslims are at war with Jews, and vice versa. Not even all the Muslim are at war with Israel.

Islamic scripture is decidedly setup up to prepare, condone, and urge venom and war upon the Jews. This is pretty obvious. A significant portion of the muslim world not acting on this does not change the fact that the core foundational scriptures encourage jew disdain, and for a reason- the reason shows how utterly childish, manipulative, and vidictive some people were in that part of the world 1400 years ago.

Few know the islamic prophet actually tried to solicit a large jewish tribe in Medina to abandon their faith and embrace the latest prophet of their judaic line of prophets, Mohhamed. Toward this end the prophet had the qibla direction of prayer set to pray toward jerusalem. This transparent and actually fairly offensive act did not have the fraternal response the prophet had hoped; they rejected him in Medina and rejected accepting the nascent islamic faith. The prophet responded to this by immediately changing the qibla back to the black rock of mecca and announced that the early solicitation of the jews by offering them the qibla was Al Lah testing the Jews, and they failed (thus according to a cursory review of judaism, this would imply that twice the jews rejected a prophet of god).

Mohhamed went on to sack Mecca, and of course amongst nearly all jews that could be found, he decidedly wiped the earlier mentioned tribe off the face of the earth, killing many of them himself- a great many. Should the day have ever come to pass where the prophet made peace with later jews, etc., then we would be experiencing a very different islam today. As it is the life of the prophet is that thing which is most highly sought to emulate. Also, the acts of the prophet and contradictions in the koran follow the rules of abbrogation where later acts or contradictory statements, such as warfare acts where earlier when islam was persecuted there were brotherhood commentary, become the supreme rule. Thus the later part of the prophets life was spent destroying and killing and numerous beheadings and slaughter- and then he passed. Thus forever the behavior of this man was enshrined as the manner by which life ought to be led, and the many calls to peaceful this or that were abbrogated by sword like suras, and the disdain and divine stain upon the jews became eternal in islamic exegesis.

These early texts are no less a roadmap to supremacy and war.

I was wondering about mentioning this in my post, but was also quiet confident someone will bring it up.

Regardless, how does all of the above constitute some sort of eternal war? That is not to say that all is well, or anything of the sort - it just not a situation of ongoing never-ending war. There's enough confusion and disagreement about real facts, little need for extra inaccuracies and hyperbole.

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Nope, by law the occupation government is responsible for civilian deaths during conflict in occupied territory. (all of the State of Palestine is considered occupied)

This exchange exemplifies much that is wrong in this conflict.

Sides unwilling to budge an inch, lest they would concede a point. This all-or-nothing approach takes precedence above all other consideration. For example, the notion that more than one party bears responsibility, or that one party ignores its responsibility, while the other abuses it. That one side does not live up to its obligations, does not make the other side right by default. There are more interesting, and constructive ways to define issues in this reality than mere dichotomy.

When the claim falls on anyone being responsible for the deaths of civilians in Gaza by Israeli weapons . It falls on Israel.

There is no state of Palestine. There never was a state of Palestine. While ostensibly some provocatuers such as Sweden recognize a state of Palestine now, it is absent any definable enforceable borders. Therefore, such an occupation can clearly not exist. Moreoever, the only occupation, IMO, is the illegal occupation of the West Bank by Palestinian arabs. I am aware this is at odds with general observations, but it is my opinion. However, there is no such thing as Palestine and never was in the history of the world a country called Palestine.

It does not matter in the slightest if there is a state of Palestine or there isn't. At least not as far as Israel's responsibilty for the Palestinian civilians living under its control. Your opinion that the Palestinians are the occupiers is based on some serious misunderstanding, IMO. Even if there was some merit to this point of view, there is no way that it could be either acted upon or that pressing the issue would serve any constructive purpose. It also doesn't matter much if there was a Palestine in the past, by the way, there is one now. Saying something does not exist does not actually make it go away.

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Hamas is denying the charge but saying that Israeli political leaders are legitimate targets. I suppose if two sides are officially at war, that may be so. Certainly Israeli leaders are a more legitimate target than civilians waiting for a train or rabbis praying in a temple. So does that mean Abbas is a legitimate target of Israel? Imagine how the Israel demonization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. No, I do not believe Israel killed Arafat though I'm not sure why they didn't.

Imagine how the Israel demonetization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. Wrong part of the strip. Abbas is not Hamas. He is west bank and Hamas is Gaza. I corrected your spelling in the quote

Hamas and Fatah are allied now. Hamas party is more popular than Fatah now even in the west bank. I used Abbas deliberately as an example because he is considered relatively "moderate" and not officially labelled terrorists like Hamas. Your "demonetization" addition is just nonsense. Maybe try again instead of just being pedantic and make an actual coherent point.

Hamas and Fatah are allied? When did that happen? Fatah wasn't even able to hold a memorial ceremony for Arafat in Gaza recently. The Unity government thing? It is not an alliance, it is Fatah squeezing the Hamas due to the latter's economic woes. Many of the key issues are still unsolved, money transferred for rehabilitation of Gaza withheld by PA, Hamas still act independently when it comes to issuing political statements and re-building their armed wing.

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Is not Abbas presenting the idea to the world that the wb and Gaza are both included in the Palestinian state they seek recognition for? As Hamas rules Gaza is that not an assertion of unity whether real or not?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by Jingthing
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Is not Abbas presenting the idea to the world that the wb and Gaza are both included in the Palestinian state they seek recognition for? As Hamas rules Gaza is that not an assertion of unity whether real or not?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Abbas is not presenting an idea, both the West Bank and the Gaza strip are generally recognized as being Palestinian territory, and this predates the Fatah-Hamas split. The Unity government is nominally more of a temporary construct, which supposedly will pave the way to general elections. Whether this will happen or not, remains to be seen. The Unity government was essential for Abbas unilateral diplomatic moves, as it allows him to claim that the rifts are gone, or being dealt with, thus deflecting the but-what-about-Hamas queries.

In essence, nothing major changed between the Fatah and the Hamas.

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The war between the Jews and Muslims have been going on for as long as men have been writing historical documents...

It will still be unresolved when you and I have been long gone from the earth...

Sad that neither side will negotiate a lasting truce...

History was written long before Islam appeared on the world stage.

Not aware of any such ongoing war between Jews and Muslims. If you meant Israel, then the conflict is not really that

old, in historical terms. What major wars occurred between the two religions?

Not all the Muslims are at war with Jews, and vice versa. Not even all the Muslim are at war with Israel.

Islamic scripture is decidedly setup up to prepare, condone, and urge venom and war upon the Jews. This is pretty obvious. A significant portion of the muslim world not acting on this does not change the fact that the core foundational scriptures encourage jew disdain, and for a reason- the reason shows how utterly childish, manipulative, and vidictive some people were in that part of the world 1400 years ago.

Few know the islamic prophet actually tried to solicit a large jewish tribe in Medina to abandon their faith and embrace the latest prophet of their judaic line of prophets, Mohhamed. Toward this end the prophet had the qibla direction of prayer set to pray toward jerusalem. This transparent and actually fairly offensive act did not have the fraternal response the prophet had hoped; they rejected him in Medina and rejected accepting the nascent islamic faith. The prophet responded to this by immediately changing the qibla back to the black rock of mecca and announced that the early solicitation of the jews by offering them the qibla was Al Lah testing the Jews, and they failed (thus according to a cursory review of judaism, this would imply that twice the jews rejected a prophet of god).

Mohhamed went on to sack Mecca, and of course amongst nearly all jews that could be found, he decidedly wiped the earlier mentioned tribe off the face of the earth, killing many of them himself- a great many. Should the day have ever come to pass where the prophet made peace with later jews, etc., then we would be experiencing a very different islam today. As it is the life of the prophet is that thing which is most highly sought to emulate. Also, the acts of the prophet and contradictions in the koran follow the rules of abbrogation where later acts or contradictory statements, such as warfare acts where earlier when islam was persecuted there were brotherhood commentary, become the supreme rule. Thus the later part of the prophets life was spent destroying and killing and numerous beheadings and slaughter- and then he passed. Thus forever the behavior of this man was enshrined as the manner by which life ought to be led, and the many calls to peaceful this or that were abbrogated by sword like suras, and the disdain and divine stain upon the jews became eternal in islamic exegesis.

These early texts are no less a roadmap to supremacy and war.

I was wondering about mentioning this in my post, but was also quiet confident someone will bring it up.

Regardless, how does all of the above constitute some sort of eternal war? That is not to say that all is well, or anything of the sort - it just not a situation of ongoing never-ending war. There's enough confusion and disagreement about real facts, little need for extra inaccuracies and hyperbole.

I think your point seems practical, but one simply cannot grasp the motivations and imperative that underlies the actors in this conflict without really grasping their authorities. It is simply convienent and and dangerously naive to suggest that the intractable problem between Israel and the Palestinians is simply recent grievances, land disputes, and related. Any student of Islam really appreciates this sad tale begins with the blood of Abraham/Ibrahim, and the sore rejection that became the legacy by Sarah insisting Abraham expel Hagar and her child, Ischmael. Ischamel is the father of these arab peoples and their later Islamic religion incoporated the disdain of their cousin in divine mandate, hate, and horrible declarations from Al Lah.

It is simply untrue that this is hyperbole, or unrelated. Only a wise man would at least consider the foundational elements of such an intractable problem, or be prone to ask himself "Why?" The why is contained in the daily inculcations of prayers every single day around the world disdaining Jews and Christians (do you know what it is they inculcate in prayer?). Now, this point veers considerably from the topic but returning I assert that these generational impressions of the Jews as the "descendants of apes and pigs" most surely influences the approach with which muslims negotiate, or not, with Jews. History does not require us to leap from a cliff because it points some where, but it should inform us.

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This exchange exemplifies much that is wrong in this conflict.

Sides unwilling to budge an inch, lest they would concede a point. This all-or-nothing approach takes precedence above all other consideration. For example, the notion that more than one party bears responsibility, or that one party ignores its responsibility, while the other abuses it. That one side does not live up to its obligations, does not make the other side right by default. There are more interesting, and constructive ways to define issues in this reality than mere dichotomy.

When the claim falls on anyone being responsible for the deaths of civilians in Gaza by Israeli weapons . It falls on Israel.

There is no state of Palestine. There never was a state of Palestine. While ostensibly some provocatuers such as Sweden recognize a state of Palestine now, it is absent any definable enforceable borders. Therefore, such an occupation can clearly not exist. Moreoever, the only occupation, IMO, is the illegal occupation of the West Bank by Palestinian arabs. I am aware this is at odds with general observations, but it is my opinion. However, there is no such thing as Palestine and never was in the history of the world a country called Palestine.

It does not matter in the slightest if there is a state of Palestine or there isn't. At least not as far as Israel's responsibilty for the Palestinian civilians living under its control. Your opinion that the Palestinians are the occupiers is based on some serious misunderstanding, IMO. Even if there was some merit to this point of view, there is no way that it could be either acted upon or that pressing the issue would serve any constructive purpose. It also doesn't matter much if there was a Palestine in the past, by the way, there is one now. Saying something does not exist does not actually make it go away.

You are correct; I do not find many who think as I do that the Palestinians themselves are occupying Israeli Land- the West Bank. I know. But I reach my observation independently and am willing to realize both that I believe this, and that finally it does not matter because reality and the future must be shaped by facts on the ground, as they are, not as I think they ought to be. I only stated there is no state of Palestine in response to another; it remains true, there has never been a state of Palestine; it is a recent contrived notion born of Arab Nationalism and antisemtisim. Again, you are correct in that these things dont matter insofar as we must shape the future with the facts as we now find them.

Note: I do stand by my assertion that the West Bank is legally deeded land to the Jews.

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I wasn't really suggesting that much had changed. However Abbas does seem to be presenting himself as the go to man for all of fictional Palestine in the eyes of the world.

Is he not posing this way ... as the moderate you can possibly some day make a deal with?

So in context if Israel whacked him it would be condemned more getting Ham as leaders.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by Jingthing
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Hamas is denying the charge but saying that Israeli political leaders are legitimate targets. I suppose if two sides are officially at war, that may be so. Certainly Israeli leaders are a more legitimate target than civilians waiting for a train or rabbis praying in a temple. So does that mean Abbas is a legitimate target of Israel? Imagine how the Israel demonization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. No, I do not believe Israel killed Arafat though I'm not sure why they didn't.

Imagine how the Israel demonetization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. Wrong part of the strip. Abbas is not Hamas. He is west bank and Hamas is Gaza. I corrected your spelling in the quote

Hamas and Fatah are allied now. Hamas party is more popular than Fatah now even in the west bank. I used Abbas deliberately as an example because he is considered relatively "moderate" and not officially labelled terrorists like Hamas. Your "demonetization" addition is just nonsense. Maybe try again instead of just being pedantic and make an actual coherent point.

Okay. Give us the facts/details of this alliance that you seem to be the only one who knows this."And your point is; Maybe try again instead of just being pedantic and make an actual coherent point.

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Hamas is denying the charge but saying that Israeli political leaders are legitimate targets. I suppose if two sides are officially at war, that may be so. Certainly Israeli leaders are a more legitimate target than civilians waiting for a train or rabbis praying in a temple. So does that mean Abbas is a legitimate target of Israel? Imagine how the Israel demonization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. No, I do not believe Israel killed Arafat though I'm not sure why they didn't.

Imagine how the Israel demonetization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. Wrong part of the strip. Abbas is not Hamas. He is west bank and Hamas is Gaza. I corrected your spelling in the quote

Hamas and Fatah are allied now. Hamas party is more popular than Fatah now even in the west bank. I used Abbas deliberately as an example because he is considered relatively "moderate" and not officially labelled terrorists like Hamas. Your "demonetization" addition is just nonsense. Maybe try again instead of just being pedantic and make an actual coherent point.

Hamas and Fatah are allied? When did that happen? Fatah wasn't even able to hold a memorial ceremony for Arafat in Gaza recently. The Unity government thing? It is not an alliance, it is Fatah squeezing the Hamas due to the latter's economic woes. Many of the key issues are still unsolved, money transferred for rehabilitation of Gaza withheld by PA, Hamas still act independently when it comes to issuing political statements and re-building their armed wing.

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Hamas is denying the charge but saying that Israeli political leaders are legitimate targets. I suppose if two sides are officially at war, that may be so. Certainly Israeli leaders are a more legitimate target than civilians waiting for a train or rabbis praying in a temple. So does that mean Abbas is a legitimate target of Israel? Imagine how the Israel demonization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. No, I do not believe Israel killed Arafat though I'm not sure why they didn't.

Imagine how the Israel demonetization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. Wrong part of the strip. Abbas is not Hamas. He is west bank and Hamas is Gaza. I corrected your spelling in the quote

Hamas and Fatah are allied now. Hamas party is more popular than Fatah now even in the west bank. I used Abbas deliberately as an example because he is considered relatively "moderate" and not officially labelled terrorists like Hamas. Your "demonetization" addition is just nonsense. Maybe try again instead of just being pedantic and make an actual coherent point.

Okay. Give us the facts/details of this alliance that you seem to be the only one who knows this."And your point is; Maybe try again instead of just being pedantic and make an actual coherent point.

I already clarified what I meant multiple times, agree or disagree. I still have NO IDEA what point you were making with your silly word -- demonetization. It's not unreasonable to ask for clarification. I'm still asking and if you don't have it, you can opt to say nothing as well.

Edited by Jingthing
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Hamas is denying the charge but saying that Israeli political leaders are legitimate targets. I suppose if two sides are officially at war, that may be so. Certainly Israeli leaders are a more legitimate target than civilians waiting for a train or rabbis praying in a temple. So does that mean Abbas is a legitimate target of Israel? Imagine how the Israel demonization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. No, I do not believe Israel killed Arafat though I'm not sure why they didn't.

Imagine how the Israel demonetization world would react if Israel whacked Abbas. Wrong part of the strip. Abbas is not Hamas. He is west bank and Hamas is Gaza. I corrected your spelling in the quote

Hamas and Fatah are allied now. Hamas party is more popular than Fatah now even in the west bank. I used Abbas deliberately as an example because he is considered relatively "moderate" and not officially labelled terrorists like Hamas. Your "demonetization" addition is just nonsense. Maybe try again instead of just being pedantic and make an actual coherent point.

Hamas and Fatah are allied? When did that happen? Fatah wasn't even able to hold a memorial ceremony for Arafat in Gaza recently. The Unity government thing? It is not an alliance, it is Fatah squeezing the Hamas due to the latter's economic woes. Many of the key issues are still unsolved, money transferred for rehabilitation of Gaza withheld by PA, Hamas still act independently when it comes to issuing political statements and re-building their armed wing.

Thank you. Jingthing needed to be given a wake up call. I asked him for his details in another quote. I wonder where he got this erroneous information or anywhere at all. I lived in Lebanon and continue to follow the goings on in this area. Your submission is exactly how I and the world sees it but I am afraid Jingthing fell into a pool of bar room speculation.

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Thank you. Jingthing needed to be given a wake up call. I asked him for his details in another quote. I wonder where he got this erroneous information or anywhere at all. I lived in Lebanon and continue to follow the goings on in this area. Your submission is exactly how I and the world sees it but I am afraid Jingthing fell into a pool of bar room speculation.

I respect Morch very much. Posts with only the intention to personally insult other posters are totally worthless. Welcome to my ignore list. Life is too short. Please don't ever address me personally again as there never will be any further replies. I am only interested in communicating with SINCERE posters on the Israeli-Palestinian topics as I expect these issues to be with us for many decades to come or even centuries. Even if that turns out to be only two or three people, that is fine with me. Personally I don't see any value at all with engaging with posters who are promoting rabid anti-Israeli propaganda. They don't come from logic but by a poisonous rigid ideology. You can't ever convince them of anything. Evidence is irrelevant. Israel and "Zionists" are always 100 percent wrong and evil monsters no matter what. Waste of time!

The more interesting people to talk to are those with more of an open mind or at least a BALANCED outlook in regards to realizing the issues here are not black and white, never have been, aren't now, and never will be.

Edited by Jingthing
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Thank you. Jingthing needed to be given a wake up call. I asked him for his details in another quote. I wonder where he got this erroneous information or anywhere at all. I lived in Lebanon and continue to follow the goings on in this area. Your submission is exactly how I and the world sees it but I am afraid Jingthing fell into a pool of bar room speculation.

I respect Morch very much. Posts with only the intention to personally insult other posters are totally worthless. Welcome to my ignore list. Life is too short. Please don't ever address personally again as there never will be any replies. I am only interested in communicating with SINCERE posters on the Israeli-Palestinian topics as I expect these issues to be with us for many decades to come or even centuries.


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Thank you. Jingthing needed to be given a wake up call. I asked him for his details in another quote. I wonder where he got this erroneous information or anywhere at all. I lived in Lebanon and continue to follow the goings on in this area. Your submission is exactly how I and the world sees it but I am afraid Jingthing fell into a pool of bar room speculation.

I respect Morch very much. Posts with only the intention to personally insult other posters are totally worthless. Welcome to my ignore list. Life is too short. Please don't ever address personally again as there never will be any replies. I am only interested in communicating with SINCERE posters on the Israeli-Palestinian topics as I expect these issues to be with us for many decades to come or even centuries.


Gee feeling insulted/thinskinned????/supplying no detail/facts should be more humiliating/embarrassing than insulting. You have also forgotten that you felt free enough to open up conversation with ME who does not subscribe to any lines of B.S. and I do give koodoos where deserved as well. Enough said yo.

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European nations are threatening (and some have) recognized the fictional Palestinian state.

In doing so, they are recognizing Hamas (a powerful force with genocidal intensions against Jews) as well as Fatah (not as bad but still deep down "River to the sea' folks whether people admit it or not).

This is a known and BIG political problem with moving the peace process forward.

It doesn't matter that in reality Fatah and Hamas are fighting and even killing each other in this context.

Much of the "world" is indeed going ahead with this fiction that there is a Palestine to recognize and they can act like they can only deal with Abbas as if he represents ALL of Palestine, which of course he doesn't.

Right now, there isn't this real Palestine.

Happily for the reality based, the very important nations of the USA and Germany are not on board with this "recognition" of a fiction.

Edited by Jingthing
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Contrary to JingThing saying that the State of Palestine is fictional.

It is not only real, it is recognized by the UN as well as the majority of nations in the world.

He disingenuously ignores the fact that the occupation of Palestine has kept the country from developing.

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Contrary to JingThing saying that the State of Palestine is fictional.

It is not only real, it is recognized by the UN as well as the majority of nations in the world.

He disingenuously ignores the fact that the occupation of Palestine has kept the country from developing.

And again, it is not exactly clear on which level you mean that Palestine already exists as a state. If international recognition is the only criteria, possibly, but even then it still isn't a 100% thing (not until full UN membership, and until some recognitions become binding motions in respective countries).

Them down to earth practicalities is where this argument stalls. Blaming it all on Israel is fine, but still does not address current domestic issues plaguing the Palestinians (the Fatah-Hamas split being foremost). These issues will not simply go away even if Israel was to sign and deliver on a peace treaty tomorrow.

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Contrary to JingThing saying that the State of Palestine is fictional.

It is not only real, it is recognized by the UN as well as the majority of nations in the world.

He disingenuously ignores the fact that the occupation of Palestine has kept the country from developing.

And again, it is not exactly clear on which level you mean that Palestine already exists as a state. If international recognition is the only criteria, possibly, but even then it still isn't a 100% thing (not until full UN membership,

and until some recognitions become binding motions in respective countries).

It is a dishonest taking point to be repeated over and over again. Who cares if it is not based on reality?

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Flights from Bangkok to Palestine? I cannot find. What a country!

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well, when the airspace is blockaded, no airlines can fly there, what do you expect? It doesn't prove Palestine is not a state, just that it is under occupation.

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So does this country of Palestine have embassies? Where do I get a visa to visit the country?

They have embassies in many countries - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_diplomatic_missions_of_Palestine.

I believe Thailand is covered by their Kuala Lumpur embassy, while the Thai embassy in Amman handles things

on the other side.

As all border check points are under Israeli control (well, apart from the Egyptian border along the Gaza Strip),

one will need an Israeli visa/permit entry to visit the West Bank or the Gaza Strip. As far as I am aware, the

Egyptian border pass is not an option these days.

But then embassies are not just about issuing visas and the like.

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