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Former CSD crime buster dies in unexplained circumstances

Lite Beer

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Too friendly with his British Colleagues

Why cant we have a serious thread going without someone mentioning a connection to the Koh Tao case.

Not good at connecting the dots are you ...

The guy was in Koh Tao, made a public statement that he had some very important information, was suddenly transferred, then dies suddenly in unexplained circumstances and then a cremation 12 hours after the death ... you don't find that at all suspicious?

The political affiliation/sponsoring they mention is only "part" of the equation, it's a deflection as to the real reasons for this murder.

I seem to remember this but cannot find the link.

Do you have it, would be appreciated. Thank you

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you would be naïve to think rule of law exists in Thailand. Money and power rules everything here

Another thai hater

People like you fill me with disgust.

Grow some balls and go back to your home country instead of wallowing in your peculiar disdain you have for a country that has graciously allowed you to settle.Its disrespectful, ungrateful and above all cowardly.

Leave you won't be missed

We ,Have left,and in are thousands,And it costs us a lot of money to settle,Without the farrang money,Thailand would still be living in the middle ages,Your attitude,Shows why we have left.

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Where did h fall? Was there an autopsy to determine if there was foul play causing the fall or pushing. It looks like the Thai press just backed away from any questions here and was satisfied with the establishment line on just "actual" cause of death and not circumstances. Congratulations again to the Thai press.

The Thai press are terrified to ask questions, they have been threatened by the P.M with incarceration and forced attitude adjustments. They now will just accept and report what they are ordered.

There was a period when the Thai press seemed to be maturing and developing independently. It was actually Thaksin who completely set back the progress that had been made and governments of all flavours and colours since have continued in the same vein.

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Well now we know why no specific reason was given for the man's dismissal. The soldiers couldn't exactly say "he had the wrong political allegiance" could they? That would be to implicate the truth, which is that the army's forced acquisition of power was purely politically motivated.

"... but some police sources have said that some of the officers transferred had been aligned with “certain political camps”. wai2.gifwai.gif

some police sources have said ...

a reliable source of information. not?

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To die from 'fractured spine bones' from a fall, you'd almost have to plan the trajectory. Spine bones (vertebrae) rarely fracture from a fall. Limb bones or skulls, sure. Vertebrae can get fractured when hit very hard by a hard blunt object like a metal pipe or hammer. ....and then the all-too-quick cremation, with just 6 associates in attendance. Condolences. It sounds like he said (or was about to say) things which others didn't want him revealing.

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A man lost his life (this is the main thing!)because:

a ) he knew too much;

b ) he could embarass 'oils';

c ) he was too dirty;

d ) he had an accident;

e ) he committed suicide.

It's a 'multiple choice', not knowing any fact (none disclosed), my 'gutt feeling' would a) and b ), c) is far fetched for someone involved, positively, in crime suppression for years, d) and e) when it would have been, it would have been released with many details. IMO, that is...

9 others that he was recently transferred to inactive posts with were yesterday charged with a number of crimes. That would suggest that he was going to be too.

Just reading a bit more in the BP, 7 high ranking police were charged and 3 civilians two are still on the run. I could not, no I could believe the charges that were bought against them, talk about a fall from grace and a loss of face. The police officer who died, was either an informer of he could not face the charges that may have been bought up against him, of he just fall from some place high, it may come out later.

Things seem to be hotting up since the Military started stamping out corruption, by offering cash incentives and possibly promotion.

I see where 7 Police were given cash and awards for dobbing in people offering bribes at Phuket.

Pay to have a recorder in your vehicle or your partner videoing on the phone from the look of it.

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Many have speculated that this could be related to the KT murders. I would not rule that out. However, he seems to have been involved (before his transfer) in an attempted crackdown on money lending scams. The sums of money involved are substantial, and I can well imagine very influential people being involved and anxious to curtail further action. If so, ensuring his silence would have been important. Perhaps, this is a more likely scenario.

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you would be naïve to think rule of law exists in Thailand. Money and power rules everything here

Another thai hater

People like you fill me with disgust.

Grow some balls and go back to your home country instead of wallowing in your peculiar disdain you have for a country that has graciously allowed you to settle.Its disrespectful, ungrateful and above all cowardly.

Leave you won't be missed

Another naive moron ready for the plucking. Rule of law requires people to obey the law and for there to be an effective system to bring to justice those who flout it. Here the rule of law applies only to the poor and unconnected and the opposite to those rich and connected. Whist this happens occasionally in other more advanced judicial systems, here it is the Jem. You will find out one day!

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So the Bangkok Post article that has a police spokesman confirming the arrest of the CIB chief and a bunch of other officers, along with a couple of civilians, was posted today, Nov. 23 on the paper's website. And please note: I'm not posting any links to that article or quoting any of its content here.

It looks like there's a multitude of different things going on, and it's a bit confusing because there appear to be two different Police Maj Gen. Kowit's mentioned in the article, one the deputy CIB commander and the other the head of Samut Sakhon Immigration:

If you read through the article, it appears to be saying in summary

--the CIB commander and deputy commander arrested for LM, bribery, abuse of power and money laundering

--four lesser officers, including a Marine Police chief and one, ironically, from the Consumer Protection Division, arrested for demanding bribes and malfeasance

--and two civilians arrested for possessing carcasses of protected animals,

--and what appears to be the Samut Sakhon Immigration bigwig and his wife arrested for forest destruction and encroachment.

If any of it is true, it kind of tells you, not surprisingly, that there was a pretty big business going on far and wide in the RTP.

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Perhaps, just perhaps adeep breath and a moments thought might get the conspiracy theorists to a logical rather than a sinister conclusion. Consider possible loss of face due to his removal from office. Consider the possibility of death by his own hand. A speedy and quiet cremation because of death by his own hand, attended by family and close friends. Logical?

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