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I wrote this free book after learning meditation in Thailand


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I wrote this little book and share it around in case could be of interest or useful for any one.

It's free.

I learnt the mediation practice while living here in Chiang Mai. If any one is interested in further details can feel free to contact me. The master monk, trained and approve of me to help another people with the instruction and you can meeting him too if you like; his mediation temple is a couple of hours out of town to the south, in the middle of nowhere really. But I can introduce the practice to people no arrange meetings for occasional times he visits.
From the book anyone can begin on their own and see how it goes.
It's really done wonders for me personally.
All the best.


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Nice post, I find meditation very beneficial too, I would recommend everyone to give it a go even for a week, just 20 mins a day and see if it is beneficial for you, direct experience is always best way of finding the truth. I am not as disciplined with it as I should be as all the time I practice I notice positive effects, just in my overall mentality and how trivial problems that may usually get to you seem to be laughable.. just makes this short amount of time we have conciousness in a human body a more enjoyable experience, I always seem more grateful for everything when I meditate. I will also add that I usually dont get anything during the actual meditation but its in my waking life after, just a greater sense of being in the present and more appreciative of this whole experience...

Meditation is one way too reach these great mentalities that are long lasting, I wouldnt be truthful if I said it was the only way though, strong psychedelic experiences are like an express way there . Its like this funny buddhist parable of there being a monk who was told about another monk who spent 25 years meditating by himself and now he can walk on water to the other side of the river, to which the first monk replied "thats a shame cause the ferry is free"! haha thats perfect analogy certain psychedelics are like the ferry across, a short cut to certain truths, I truly think its one of the most profound and beneficial experiences you can have as a human being, be a shame to go through this blink of existence without getting to have the experience!

Edited by wisemonkey
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Drug like walking through the doors of perception while totally drunk; you get a come down the next day, don't remember exactly what happened or understand what went on properly- however it can still leave a great impression on us. Not totally useless; but risky and somewhat dangerous - bad trips, bad things can happen; when like this one lacks the consciousness or skills to deal with it properly.

Where as with meditation we can walk through the doors of perception fully conscious, in control and learn better from the experience. Even if something I pleasent arises we can know how to deal with it because of our training.

Ultimately focused meditation practice can take us much further than drugs and with out any of the negative side effects; only useful side effects really. Side effects more amazing than most would find believable if they did not experience for themselves too.

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Drug like walking through the doors of perception while totally drunk; you get a come down the next day, don't remember exactly what happened or understand what went on properly- however it can still leave a great impression on us. Not totally useless; but risky and somewhat dangerous - bad trips, bad things can happen; when like this one lacks the consciousness or skills to deal with it properly.

Where as with meditation we can walk through the doors of perception fully conscious, in control and learn better from the experience. Even if something I pleasent arises we can know how to deal with it because of our training.

Ultimately focused meditation practice can take us much further than drugs and with out any of the negative side effects; only useful side effects really. Side effects more amazing than most would find believable if they did not experience for themselves too.

Thats an interesting way to think, I dont think you can say one takes us further or not because you cant walk two paths in life to know for fact. Its just different. These drugs/medicine whichever way you want to look at it have been used by civilizations for thousands of years (a lot of papers supporting this I can show you if you wish, it is an interesting history and very surprising), they are still doing auheysca ceremonies in south america this very day its just that we are living in a time period where for some reason natural experiences are made illegal, it really is insanity when you think about it and shouldnt be accepted by us, anyway it being made illegal generates negativity and false ideas, there has been so much propoganda around it.. its funny how alcohol and tabacoo which are so much more dangerous, have no mental health benefits and lead to hundreds and thousands of deaths every year is legal yet an experience like having some natural psilocybin mushrooms that has many known studied and peer reviewed health benefits (one such study being the john hopkins school of medicine study on psilocybin mushroom) is illegal. Anyway dont want to hijack the thread with this subject, we can learn from all experiences in life. Meditation is a great practice thats benefited my life too.

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I saw this and I was so happy. I can't download it which made me really angry and frustrated. Does anyone have a link to the little book of calm?

The practice in the book above essentially is what you seek.

If applied all the time (no just while sitting in mediation) , I mean literally all the time, then you will no longer suffer the effects of emotions arising and falling in to view of what otherwise is a clean and clear point of awareness/ consciousness.

Also; the same way of emotions it applies to physical pain and suffering, aches and stiffness and all that.

I had a couple of nasty car accidents when I was a reckless teenager and have had an achey, stiff neck and back since many years. I used to be not able to deal with hard beds unless I was drunk, I would self medicate with Booz and massage two or three times a week. Through this practice, as described in the book, I can now catch the pain feeling and dissipate it. I can sleep on the floor and hard surfaces, I no longer need massage, and all the pains come and are gone before feeling too bad; only one or two breath cycle observations. This was really so amazing for me personally and is what pushed me to write the book to share the practice in case could help another people.

Also I'm less stressed by biz and such,,,,, many more positives too.

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Hi wise monkey.

I know what you are talking about. I pretty much pushed the plant and chemical based short cuts as far as I could take it.

I am talking from my own personal experience; others will have their own experiences of course.

But when I say "meditation takes us further" that can be evidenced from the words and studies of the various cultures and religions themselves. The tribal/ shamanic use of various physco active plants are for purposes of gaining insights to the life, some other areas of existence, astral projection sometimes or contacting spirits and such. All worthy and useful experiences in their own way; don't get me wrong.

The "further" I speak of is in the elimination of all attachments to the world, feelings, senses, emotions etc; and so escaping the life cycle. The shamans etc all not knowing how to escape but rather navigating through. Where as the Buddhist meditator can aim to do both.

Also nice to be able to function in the everyday better than if we were tripping on mushrooms constantly ;)

Especially if one has family and work etc.

Drug like walking through the doors of perception while totally drunk; you get a come down the next day, don't remember exactly what happened or understand what went on properly- however it can still leave a great impression on us. Not totally useless; but risky and somewhat dangerous - bad trips, bad things can happen; when like this one lacks the consciousness or skills to deal with it properly.

Where as with meditation we can walk through the doors of perception fully conscious, in control and learn better from the experience. Even if something I pleasent arises we can know how to deal with it because of our training.

Ultimately focused meditation practice can take us much further than drugs and with out any of the negative side effects; only useful side effects really. Side effects more amazing than most would find believable if they did not experience for themselves too.

Thats an interesting way to think, I dont think you can say one takes us further or not because you cant walk two paths in life to know for fact. Its just different. These drugs/medicine whichever way you want to look at it have been used by civilizations for thousands of years (a lot of papers supporting this I can show you if you wish, it is an interesting history and very surprising), they are still doing auheysca ceremonies in south america this very day its just that we are living in a time period where for some reason natural experiences are made illegal, it really is insanity when you think about it and shouldnt be accepted by us, anyway it being made illegal generates negativity and false ideas, there has been so much propoganda around it.. its funny how alcohol and tabacoo which are so much more dangerous, have no mental health benefits and lead to hundreds and thousands of deaths every year is legal yet an experience like having some natural psilocybin mushrooms that has many known studied and peer reviewed health benefits (one such study being the john hopkins school of medicine study on psilocybin mushroom) is illegal. Anyway dont want to hijack the thread with this subject, we can learn from all experiences in life. Meditation is a great practice thats benefited my life too.

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The "further" I speak of is in the elimination of all attachments to the world, feelings, senses, emotions etc; and so escaping the life cycle. The shamans etc all not knowing how to escape but rather navigating through. Where as the Buddhist meditator can aim to do both.

Also nice to be able to function in the everyday better than if we were tripping on mushrooms constantly wink.png

Especially if one has family and work etc.

"The shamans etc all not knowing how to escape but rather navigating through. Where as the Buddhist meditator can aim to do both."

I dont know where you get this from, shamans not knowing how to escape but rather navigate through? I hope you realise this is just you projecting your beliefs out there and is not truth at all, just your opinion, thats just a sweeping generalisation with no foundations in reality, can you point to any actual examples of a certain person without using vague ambigious terms like shaman maybe the name of an actual person? Im interested in truth not trying to blindly support an idea and dismiss others. The great thing with psychedelic experiences is you dont need to me a shaman or a monk, it does not discriminate, if you are human being you can have the experience and find out for yourself, which is actually a buddhist principle,

"Don't blindly believe what I say. Don't believe me because others convince you of my words.

Don't believe anything you see, read, or hear from others, whether of authority, religious teachers or texts."

"Don't rely on logic alone, nor speculation. Don't infer or be deceived by appearances."

"Do not give up your authority and follow blindly the will of others. This way will lead to only delusion."

"Find out for yourself what is truth, what is real. Discover that there are virtuous things and there are non-virtuous things. Once you have discovered for yourself give up the bad and embrace the good."

~ The Buddha

Some findings from the Hopkins study "A follow-up study conducted 14 months after the original psilocybin session confirmed that participants continued to attribute deep personal meaning to the experience. Almost one-third of the subjects reported that the experience was the single most meaningful or spiritually significant event of their lives, and over two-thirds reported it among their five most spiritually significant events. About two-thirds indicated that the experience increased their sense of well-being or life satisfaction.[135] Even after 14 months, those who reported mystical experiences scored on average 4 percentage points higher on the personality trait ofOpenness/Intellect; personality traits are normally stable across the lifespan for adults. Likewise, in a recent (2010) web-based questionnaire study designed to investigate user perceptions of the benefits and harms of hallucinogenic drug use, 60% of the 503 psilocybin users reported that their use of psilocybin had a long-term positive impact on their sense of well-being.

"Also nice to be able to function in the everyday better than if we were tripping on mushrooms constantly" Again I dont know where you get this from, I never said anything about constantly needing to trip, infact in the John Hopkins study the subjects only had one psilocybin experience. If you have infact had a heavy experience you would know yourself that these heavy trips are not something you would want to constantly do, they require a lot of reflection and a lot of work to incorporate the lessons learnt and bring them back into the real world. I am speaking from direct experience when I say that it has been the most beneficial experience of my life. I have a family and work I dont see the relation but you seem to be caught up in some personal bias, maybe social conditioning, we are all conditioned to some degree and I think the aim of all this self improvement techniques like meditation and psychedelics is to move away from social conditioning and closer to truth of what this really is, having family and work does not mean one can not trip once a year to improve their life, and the lives of those around them, which has certainly been the case for me.

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Wise monkey;

I am not knocking or belittling your experiences.

What I am doing is pointing out the difference in purpose. Having read a bit about the various cultures where these pants are used they all seem to deal with basically, the underword, spirit worlds and other levels of beings; all part of great cycles of time, with the human spirit cycling through the different worlds, often just between human and underworld.

With the plants it's good people can chance to catch a glimpse of the other worlds (which are all linked and part of this material world; part of the one infinite symbiotic system). One can catch a glimpse and it changes life forever.

But I say further in regards meditation, because with a clear mind and deep meditation/ awareness practice, one can see through our material reality both in and out of specific meditation time if we train awareness to be at all times; the heightened awareness can open the doors of perception and keep them open, one can walk and experience multiple layers of existence as reality, there all the time.

Develop abilities that are of use at all times.

The other thing is with developing practice to leave all attachments and not act on hate, anger, vengeance etc, avoiding harm basically, coupled with clear mind development you are effectively purifying the soul; and so increasing your positive karmic path to the next life or ultimately to reach Nivarna , the deathless state.

This is by the Buddha teaching.

The plant based practitioners so far as I have read are talking about cycles and navigating through the cycles. Normally for personal benefit. No mention of a Nivarna state do far as I know. Can you point me to an example of where they do have this?

The moral path to spiritual release is closer in esoteric Christianity or freemasonry.

Pagans on the whole seem to accept the cycles and learn to better navigate through them.

This is just my subjective view point based on my reading and personal investigation. I am not fixed in belief like a dogma; I will happily take in new information and adapt the perspective.

Learning to overcome all suffering by mindfulness / awareness training like in this book on the OP , must surely be considered "taking you further" than catching a glimpse of higher realities; no? And when you can through the same practice you can see through the higher realities further and wider than you ever dreamed possible?

I respectfully urge you to deepen your. Practice and see for yourself; like the Bhudda quotes you wrote in your last post. Wise indeed. Don't take my word for it; no need to argue over it ;) you can only know by your own experience. Here I write mine.

Chock dee

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mccw My only issue with your posts is that you seem to be jumping to certain conclusions that seem like you are putting certain practices on hierarchical ladder, I dont believe one is better than another, they are just different paths. I feel like I have a duty to highlight the paths that have helped me so that others may do the same if they wish, thats why when I see information that is not accurate I need to speak up as I would not want someone to miss out on an experience that could be hugely beneficial to them just because they have read some information that may have stopped them.

When you say "What I am doing is pointing out the difference in purpose" again this is clearly subjective, if you are about to go on a meditation retreat to achieve some states of enlightenment and truth or whether you are going to take a psychedelic to achieve some states of enlightenment and truth, the purpose is the same, you are just going about it in a different way. Just because you change your method does not mean you change your purpose.

"Normally for personal benefit. No mention of a Nivarna state do far as I know." Is meditation not also for personal benefit? Bettering yourself leads to bettering the world around you which includes other people as well. No mention of Nirvana state? I find it strange that you ask this if you claim to have had the some heavy psychedelic experiences and need to ask this, perhaps you didnt go deep enough with your plant experiences. I can point you to many examples of achieving this state. I would suggest you read this wiki on psychedlic experience: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychedelic_experience#Personal_development in particular read about the heavier dosages:

"This type of experience occurs during high-dose, high-intensity psychedelic sessions. Experiences include total loss of visual connection with reality. The senses cease to function in the normal way (synaesthesia). Total loss of ego. Merging with space, other objects or the universe. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it defies explanation. The earlier levels are relatively easy to explain in terms of measureable changes in perception and thought patterns. This level is different in that the actual universe within which things are normally perceived, ceases to exist! Satori enlightenment (and other such labels) (**).[8] Classic religious/mystical phenomena are commonly reported at this dosage/intensity level; in particular the experience of mystical death/rebirth. Trippers have described experiences of connection to an "all-knowing presence" or a "universal knowledge", which many equate with extra-terrestrials, artificial intelligence, God, love, nothingness/void, transcendent unity, or enlightenment. Can be achieved with DMT, Salvia divinorum, extreme doses of psilocybin mushrooms " I think if that doesnt cover what your definition of Nirvana is it may just be semantics that are in the way.

Im glad you say you keep an open mind cause it sounds like you could really benefit from an experience like this, we all can. Like I say there are many many ways to reach certain mentalities that can enrich your life and stay with you, I have done mediation retreats for weeks at ashrams in india, yoga, personal meditations, and psychedelics, all of which have been very beneficial for me, I am just saying personally for me the most beneficial and profound experience was the psychedelics, thats just the honest truth. I use meditation these days to cement the teachings I got from these trips.

mccw I know you mean well and are clearly on your own path of enlightenment which I respect, I do not deny meditation as a way of achieving these states, I myself am a big advocate for meditation its only been positive impact on my life too.

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Great :)

Wise monkey ; Respect to you;

well articulated and thoughtful words.

Many ways to insight indeed.

What I try to explain is the difference between the position of the soul in the cycles; rather than method to develop insight; rather than temporarily visiting different states, fun and useful as it may be/ is; when I say "further" is meaning furthering your souls progression through the cycles also.

If catching insights by any means but we do bad things / bad karma then next life we might fall down, also next life we likely will not remember this one and its insights (although maybe such insights this life do help probabilities to open more easily in the next). Karma can send us up or down in the levels of life/ hell, animal, human, heaven etc many levels with in each categories too of course.

So rather I do put the full life application of mindfulness on a high level because it develops the soul through to the next life. Or even chance to escaping the cycle completely. Not fleeting glimpse of such a state; but being reborn in to a better life, heaven, or even Nivarna .

Other ways to do this. It's Morality basically as taught on many religions. But with mindfulness more than that is releasing the mental attachments to all things. Monks of the west and East have similar rules of leaving worldly attachments and pleasures. It's not by coincidence I don't think.

I'm not say mindfulness practice is the only way; but it is a good way; and application to all of time.

Gaining insights are good; but with out the application of the morality / karmic development; the insights might be for no purpose after we are dead; one still might fall down the levels.

Also one can gain insights but still be suffering in day to day life from emotions, stress, worry, physical pain. But the mindfulness / awareness practice can release us from all of these things in everyday life no matter what our life situation. Insight of other levels alone gained from plants or meditation doesn't normally do this does it? What I am getting at with all these points is the length of benefits available, beyond one life and also more widely with in this life.

As always ; yes this is my subjective view point.

You don't need to agree me.

I am not needing to convince you.

Rather just explaining my point of view.

You are most welcome to your point of you and it's a valid one.


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