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why so many british guys here?

Crazy chef 1

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White middle aged heterosexual men, don't appear to have many rights in the UK.

You'd probably be fine there.

White middle aged heterosexual men have exactly the same rights they've always had.

The problem that they face is that all sorts of other people now have those same rights too which pisses them off enormously.

You might want to check paternity laws. Used to be if you were not the father you didn't have to pay child support now in a number of places you pay regardless of who the father is.

Can you provide some details of these changes in the UK please?

That's why I asked you. I've never been divorced in the UK. US, Canada, Thailand, Vietnam, Bahamas, France, and Italy but never the UK. So I don't know about their laws. Since you wrote, "White middle aged heterosexual men have exactly the same rights they've always had." I felt duty bound to point out it might be dependent upon location and not only color, age and sexual orientation.smile.png

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You came to Thailand for more rights?

White middle aged heterosexual men, don't appear to have many rights in the UK.

You'd probably be fine there.

White middle aged heterosexual men have exactly the same rights they've always had.

The problem that they face is that all sorts of other people now have those same rights too which pisses them off enormously.

Mate, I'm one of those 'White middle aged heterosexual men' ... I am who I am.

Apart from 'marriage' (I disagree ... civil union sure ... but leave marriage to us 'White middle aged heterosexual men') ...

What new rights do you have now that you didn't have before?

Asking, not telling ...

Remembering I'm an Aussie and you a Brit, so I don't know the whole History.

Respect ...

You missed the point of my post which was that BritMantoo claimed that WHM don't have many rights in the UK which is patently untrue. They have the same rights as everyone else. They just like to whine about the fact that they can no longer beat the wife on a Saturday night.

If you want to talk about rights afforded to white men and not others you might want to look at the voting rights history of Aboriginals in Oz.

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That's why I asked you. I've never been divorced in the UK. US, Canada, Thailand, Vietnam, Bahamas, France, and Italy but never the UK. So I don't know about their laws. Since you wrote, "White middle aged heterosexual men have exactly the same rights they've always had." I felt duty bound to point out it might be dependent upon location and not only color, age and sexual orientation.smile.png

I was responding to a post which read

"White middle aged heterosexual men, don't appear to have many rights in the UK."

I was talking about the UK only and about the self pitying whining that many WHM in the UK claim to have been deprived of rights when they haven't.

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You missed the point of my post which was that BritMantoo claimed that WHM don't have many rights in the UK which is patently untrue. They have the same rights as everyone else. They just like to whine about the fact that they can no longer beat the wife on a Saturday night.

If you want to talk about rights afforded to white men and not others you might want to look at the voting rights history of Aboriginals in Oz.

Even if it were true, it would seem an odd reaction to come to Thailand, where you do not have some of the basic rights you enjoyed in the UK.

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You missed the point of my post which was that BritMantoo claimed that WHM don't have many rights in the UK which is patently untrue. They have the same rights as everyone else. They just like to whine about the fact that they can no longer beat the wife on a Saturday night.

If you want to talk about rights afforded to white men and not others you might want to look at the voting rights history of Aboriginals in Oz.

Even if it were true, it would seem an odd reaction to come to Thailand, where you do not have some of the basic rights you enjoyed in the UK.

Depends on what you consider censorship.

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What does censorship have to do with anything?

I think Dire Straights would be happy retiring in Thailand. Some things here are freer than in the West. Some things you can say and or do and somethings you can't. I think this is the reason so many men retire here as opposed to places with the same climate but a different people.

I know I feel freer here. I can look and smile at young women and they look and smile back. I'm sure there are other places in the world where they would lock me up for an innocent smile or just being happy go lucky singing my songs.

It used to be when I was a kid that ladies would smile at you regardless of age; old or young you got a smile back.

I know another poster has said it's the same but it's not the same. It's not like it used to be. In Thailand I don't feel like a dinosaur.

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It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues ;)

It's a little known fact that we Brits can claim asylum in Thailand, or was it go to the asylum ?, not sure

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You missed the point of my post which was that BritMantoo claimed that WHM don't have many rights in the UK which is patently untrue. They have the same rights as everyone else. They just like to whine about the fact that they can no longer beat the wife on a Saturday night.

If you want to talk about rights afforded to white men and not others you might want to look at the voting rights history of Aboriginals in Oz.

Even if it were true, it would seem an odd reaction to come to Thailand, where you do not have some of the basic rights you enjoyed in the UK.

In Thailand I have the right to live in my home, with a woman (and children), and no risk of her getting me out of it.

(Condo in my name, purchased or rented, or house rented in my name)

She can't call the police at any time with allegations of assault (real or untrue), and have me immediately removed (in cuffs).

Unlike the UK, Australia, Canada, and some states in the USA.

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I know I feel freer here. I can look and smile at young women and they look and smile back. I'm sure there are other places in the world where they would lock me up for an innocent smile or just being happy go lucky singing my songs.

Which countries have these laws that prohibit smiling at people?

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I know I feel freer here. I can look and smile at young women and they look and smile back. I'm sure there are other places in the world where they would lock me up for an innocent smile or just being happy go lucky singing my songs.

Which countries have these laws that prohibit smiling at people?

UK and USA, they (young women) can report you for harassment and you will, at the very least, be pulled in for questioning.

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I know I feel freer here. I can look and smile at young women and they look and smile back. I'm sure there are other places in the world where they would lock me up for an innocent smile or just being happy go lucky singing my songs.

Which countries have these laws that prohibit smiling at people?

UK and USA, they (young women) can report you for harassment and you will, at the very least, be pulled in for questioning.

For a smile?

You must live in an odd, paranoid world.

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Some people here need to learn what a troll actually is. It's not simply somebody who happens to disagree with you - especially if what you post is at best rather questionable.

Very few of your posts express any agreement/disagreement, usually they're simple and silly questions, or statements unrelated to the topic.

In your last 4 posts, 3 silly troll posts.

'For a smile'

'Which countries'

'What does censorship'

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I know I feel freer here. I can look and smile at young women and they look and smile back. I'm sure there are other places in the world where they would lock me up for an innocent smile or just being happy go lucky singing my songs.

Which countries have these laws that prohibit smiling at people?

I am going shopping soon. I will smile at people and make eye contact with women and maybe flirt a bit. Doing the same thing in the West this would not now happen because a youth culture has taken over. It will eventually come to Thailand but it is not here yet. By the time it gets here I'll be dead. If you were old you would see it. In the West old people feel old and discarded and unwanted. Here I have a purpose and it has taken 10 years off of my age.

I can tell my secretary that she looks good in a short skirt at work. So she wears short skirts to work because I like them.

I think it the West that would get me in trouble. I may be wrong but I think you get the idea.

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When it comes to your shopping trip, I can't imagine anything you describe would get you into any legal difficulty - although I suppose it depends on your personal definition of 'flirting'. I'd be interested to see any news reports of anyone getting arrested for making eye-contact in the supermarket.

As for the business with the secretary - yes, that could well get you in trouble should the woman in question object. And rightly so in my opinion. She's there to work, not to titillate you sexually.

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When it comes to your shopping trip, I can't imagine anything you describe would get you into any legal difficulty - although I suppose it depends on your personal definition of 'flirting'. I'd be interested to see any news reports of anyone getting arrested for making eye-contact in the supermarket.

As for the business with the secretary - yes, that could well get you in trouble should the woman in question object. And rightly so in my opinion. She's there to work, not to titillate you sexually.

That's why you fit in in the UK and I fit in here in Thailand. Perfect example. I also fly airlines who have pretty stewardesses and go to hospitals where the nurses wear high heels and short skirts. In department stores the prettiest women sell cosmetics and the cosmetic department has the best location in the store because it produces the highest profit. Makes sense to me.

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Reason, we are horny buggers and like the post said its not England anymore say the wrong word and your busted in your home country

You mean you're given a hard time if you use derogatory names for women and ethnic minorities?

Because it's your home country, does it entitle you to say and do whatever you like to whomever you choose?

You came to Thailand for more rights?

White middle aged heterosexual men, don't appear to have many rights in the UK.

You'd probably be fine there.

What rights have you lost? White middle aged straight men can still get benefits, they can get jobs, they have a right to own land & property, drive vehicles, the right to refuse to be searched by the police without reason.

I think what you're complaining about is what looks like the loss of privilege and comfort.

White middle aged men are just remembering that, at the age they are now, their parents were still in solid jobs with, perhaps, a nice final salary pension to look forward to and a two-bed semi with only 5 years of cheap mortgage payments left.

Well sorry but that shit is OVER.

The world has changed, Everyone, including whitey, has to COMPETE and many of the WHMs living in Thailand are here because they couldn't. Predictably, they blame the immigrants, the PC brigade; the EU . . . everyone but themselves

Thing is though, I don't hear any of my old work mates (WHMs) bitching about their lack of rights - they've got high-paying jobs, houses, cars, nice families and self-funded retirement plans

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Reason, we are horny buggers and like the post said its not England anymore say the wrong word and your busted in your home country

You mean you're given a hard time if you use derogatory names for women and ethnic minorities?

Because it's your home country, does it entitle you to say and do whatever you like to whomever you choose?

You came to Thailand for more rights?

White middle aged heterosexual men, don't appear to have many rights in the UK.

You'd probably be fine there.

What rights have you lost? White middle aged straight men can still get benefits, they can get jobs, they have a right to own land & property, drive vehicles, the right to refuse to be searched by the police without reason.

I think what you're complaining about is what looks like the loss of privilege and comfort.

White middle aged men are just remembering that, at the age they are now, their parents were still in solid jobs with, perhaps, a nice final salary pension to look forward to and a two-bed semi with only 5 years of cheap mortgage payments left.

Well sorry but that shit is OVER.

The world has changed, Everyone, including whitey, has to COMPETE and many of the WHMs living in Thailand are here because they couldn't. Predictably, they blame the immigrants, the PC brigade; the EU . . . everyone but themselves

Thing is though, I don't hear any of my old work mates (WHMs) bitching about their lack of rights - they've got high-paying jobs, houses, cars, nice families and self-funded retirement plans

You can say what you like but the British Government made an Indian the British Ambassador to Thailand if that doesn't make you want to puke you're not British now bugger off.

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You can say what you like but the British Government made an Indian the British Ambassador to Thailand if that doesn't make you want to puke you're not British now bugger off.

You mean Asif Ahmad - a British citizen, born in London?

Whatever his name is I don't care how can an Indian represent Britain? But on the other hand Indians are the face of Britain.

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If he's British, and he was born in London, how is he an Indian?

Just because he has a British Passport doesn't mean he a Brit, not only was it an insult to Brits but also an insult to Thais who hate Indians.

Anyway his career didn't last long for obvious reasons.

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So people with different ethnicities can't be British?

Legally they can be British but they will never be accepted as British. Another reason I prefer to live in Thailand. Thais will only accept a Thai for this type of position and why shouldn't they?

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So people with different ethnicities can't be British?

Legally they can be British but they will never be accepted as British. Another reason I prefer to live in Thailand. Thais will only accept a Thai for this type of position and why shouldn't they?

That's racist <deleted>, and cloaking it under the guise of British patriotism is offensive to all British people.

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