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why so many british guys here?

Crazy chef 1

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You can say what you like but the British Government made an Indian the British Ambassador to Thailand if that doesn't make you want to puke you're not British now bugger off.

Typical bilious, bigoted overtones from Thaivisa's redneck Australian Tooth Fairy.

The man was born and raised in Great Britain but, in your view, shouldn't be allowed to ascend to a position of responsibility because of his skin colour??

I pity you you sad little man.

You are sad because you are prepared to accept it. When I went to school there was only one Pakistani and he came to the school in my final year.

You probably went to school with a smorgasbord of immigrants and you have been indoctrinated into believing what you believe.

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So people with different ethnicities can't be British?

Legally they can be British but they will never be accepted as British. Another reason I prefer to live in Thailand. Thais will only accept a Thai for this type of position and why shouldn't they?

That's racist <deleted>, and cloaking it under the guise of British patriotism is offensive to all British people.

Well if you think racism is not bending over and letting immigrants shaft you then I'm racist.

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I guess in your world, the only time they should be called British is when they're wheeled out at sporting events or during infantry manoeuvres with a Union Jack slapped on their backs, eh?

Nobody who refuses to eat a bacon butty and a mug of Ceylon Tea with real cows milk and sugar, can be considered British.

Everyone else welcome!

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Legally they can be British but they will never be accepted as British.

That view seems at odds with the now legendary post in which you claimed you were accepted as Thai.

Would you like me to link to it?

I doubt very much I would be accepted as a Thai Ambassador and I wouldn't expect it either so don't try to twist words.

I can understand the British Government making an Indian an Ambassador to India but to Thailand? Absolute madness.

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I can understand the British Government making an Indian an Ambassador to India but to Thailand? Absolute madness.

They didn't make an Indian the ambassador. They made a Brit the ambassador.

Thais generally look down on kairks.

Some in high Thai government circles would have considered it a deliberate and calculated insult to Thailand.

I wonder if Britain ever appointed a black gentleman to be British Ambassador in South Africa?

or a Jewish gentleman to be British Ambassador in Saudi/Jordan/Egypt?

Edited by BritManToo
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I can understand the British Government making an Indian an Ambassador to India but to Thailand? Absolute madness.

They didn't make an Indian the ambassador. They made a Brit the ambassador.

Sure they are still searching for Obama's birth cert.

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You can say what you like but the British Government made an Indian the British Ambassador to Thailand if that doesn't make you want to puke you're not British now bugger off.

You mean Asif Ahmad - a British citizen, born in London?

Whatever his name is I don't care how can an Indian represent Britain? But on the other hand Indians are the face of Britain.

He's not Indian - he's British. I know the fact that he has a brown skin upsets you but he's still British.

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If he's British, and he was born in London, how is he an Indian?

Just because he has a British Passport doesn't mean he a Brit, not only was it an insult to Brits but also an insult to Thais who hate Indians.

Anyway his career didn't last long for obvious reasons.

You mean his posting to Thailand didn't last long. That's because it was temporary. At the moment he's British Ambassador to the Philippines.

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You can say what you like but the British Government made an Indian the British Ambassador to Thailand if that doesn't make you want to puke you're not British now bugger off.

You mean Asif Ahmad - a British citizen, born in London?

Whatever his name is I don't care how can an Indian represent Britain? But on the other hand Indians are the face of Britain.

He's not Indian - he's British. I know the fact that he has a brown skin upsets you but he's still British.

His skin color doesn't upset me it's because he is an ethnic Indian. You're not telling there wasn't an ethnic Brit who couldn't do his job. It's similar to Affirmative Action. If he had been sent to India that would have made sense.

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