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3 pages, and not one comment from Issan's greatest milker.

Still recovering from his holiday sojourn ?

So many Hens ... so few Cocks ... facepalm.gif


thais do have intolerance and they dont get used to milk, they just suffer from stomach problems, usually the runs, but dont make a fuss about it or think that it was caused by anything other then possibly worms or praa raa or too much hot chili in the food.

soy was readily available and many people also make their own soy milk.

i am lactose intolerant as are my parents and sister (ashknazi jews from galicia but apparently we all have that gene of intolerance also, unlike the non jewish groups, so there ya go! ethnicity and food)

i use the sweeted fresh type that comes refrigerated here like in milk cartons, in my nescafe, i cook with the uvh processed non sweetened brands; here we have a huge amount of soy milk types since many people rae really into it know as a health kick thing. years ago noone had even heard of it even for babies but we were always about 10 years behind america....

hubby is forbidden to drink milk in our house due to the flatulance that happens. fortunately, soy milk on his shugi breakfast cookie cereal does fine.

i have to say it may have helped me during the menopause due to estrogen etc. since i had very little hot flashes etc

there is the famous dairy in chok chai by korat if someone is thinking there are no herds of dairy cows in thailand; in many countries dairy herds live all year round indoors in cow sheds, not outside foraging. chok chai herds are eurpean breeds with some israeli stud thrown in (because the israeli stud sperm si used all over europe especiailly in holland. )

there is most likely a big difference in the amount of cream/fat found in the thai milk as oppsoed to european which is different thant hta found in medeterrenean since cows are developed to fit the taste buds of the country they serve and percentages of milkfat is the deciding factor.

camels milk is also expensive here; it is not to be drunk as a beverage but as a healing drink especially for women who are nursing or people with immune system problems (at least thats what the beduins here claim.)

mares' milk is very very sweet, not tasty in coffee. dog milk is also very sweet, ive tasted several times.

neither is goats milk in coffee, for that matter especially when its straight from the teat, although as a plain drink it is best taht way, (only if they are vaccinated goats) adn lastly, having had a friend's breast milk in my nescafe (long story) that is not tasty either.

however, soy puddings and yogurts are the most disgustingly flavoured things ive ever eaten, they taste like fimo (moulding clay for making jewelry).and we get the really good brands here.

  • Like 2

its a culturl

south east asian countries drink much more soy milk then cow milk, simply because they do not have many cows here. has been that for centuries

in laos the nly cow milk you can buy is imported from... thailand


Cows milk adds little or nothing to a healthy diet. Particularly when you think the are raised. Soy milk depending on the source can be more nutrious in certain aspects.

It's each to their own.

This is "udder" rubbish that "cows milk adds little or nothing to a healthy diet". There is a wealth of scientific evidence that cows milk adds a lot to a healthy diet. Just one reference http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/273451.php

Cows milk and soy milk all add to a healthy diet


What is this thread about?

What is this Soy milk you are speaking about?

How can I get involved with an unnatural kind of milk?

The only milk I know of is the one that comes out from my mammals tits.

Very nutritious, arroy mac and can cure that burning circle sensation.

All the rest is just toothpaste.

I think, I have to educate Thai people more about the advantages of drinking real milk.


frollywolly, welcome back.

Yes, Morakot is indeed a top bloke ... if you get on the turps with him ... make sure you like Guinness.

What will my next topic be ... who knows ... but maybe the Forum agrees ... your first (and only one) was great ... thumbsup.gif


Maybe stalking on a Forum ... whistling.gif

What is it with you always speaking for other members? A Guiness with morokat? What?

Are you implying I am stalking you?


What is this thread about?

What is this Soy milk you are speaking about?

How can I get involved with an unnatural kind of milk?

The only milk I know of is the one that comes out from my mammals tits.

Very nutritious, arroy mac and can cure that burning circle sensation.

All the rest is just toothpaste.

I think, I have to educate Thai people more about the advantages of drinking real milk.

Costas appears there may be a demand for Camel milk, will this be the next project as you expand your livestock?


What is this thread about?

What is this Soy milk you are speaking about?

How can I get involved with an unnatural kind of milk?

The only milk I know of is the one that comes out from my mammals tits.

Very nutritious, arroy mac and can cure that burning circle sensation.

All the rest is just toothpaste.

I think, I have to educate Thai people more about the advantages of drinking real milk.

Costas appears there may be a demand for Camel milk, will this be the next project as you expand your livestock?

I did try to milk a camel before but I think I got it wrong.

I thought her tit was the big thing she's got on top of her and was trying to squeeze it, but nothing was coming out.

So decided to keep going with my other mammals.

And don't speak to me about Soy milk.


your assumption is right.lactose intolerance they don't have the enzyme to digest milk...actually as most humans we (farang) just got used to it...


I don't mean to be picky, but the latest evidence shows that in Europeans the use of milk and especially cheese products increased dramatically in Europe around 5000 years ago.

Apparently it was an adaption of the Europeans to the introduction of cattle and milk into their diet at that time.

The ability of the human body to tolerate Lactose is genetically controlled.

Thais, as part of the Asian genetic sub group, are known to not have the same ability to produce those enzymes as easily as Europeans are.

That's one of the reasons Milk and especially Cheese are largely a Farang product in Thailand.

Thais will tell you that to much Milk may make then=m feel "bloated' and "gassy".

That's because that can't process the lactose as quickly or as easily as Europeans/


Lactose intolerance from cow milk is because we aren't baby cows.

Milk is for baby animals thats all. Thats why human babies don't have a problem with mums milk.

Soy milk grows man boobs Ive heard.

Wow this soy milk is powerful and clever stuff. I thought only men grew man boobs? whistling.gif

My apologies if your first language is not English.coffee1.gif


Everyone else seemed to have no issue understanding my post. Just you.

Says it all really doesn't it.


All of you, like cows, dogs, cats and goats, are mammals. This terms means "animals that have teats" (mammae) and therefore must be fed by mother's milk during their infant years.

Mammals are therefore designed to digest milk in childhood, and so all mammals produce lactase, the enzyme that digests lactose (the sugar that all mammal's milk contains). So no infant mammals ( except the occasional genetic mutants) are ever lactose intolerant, because their entire development from birth to weaning has been designed by evolution to depend on being able to digest the lactose in milk.

Now, what usually happens is that the ability to make the lactase enzyme is switched off after weaning. This makes evolutionary sense because it saves resources in the body (why make an enzyme that won't be used). The gene for making lactase is still there however.

In some humans the switch does not turn off and lactase continues to be made throughout adult life. In addition the continued exposure to lactose can cause the switch to be turned back on. In societies where cows are used for milk, such as Europe, long exposure caused people who continued to make lactase into adult life to have a survival advantage. So the number of people who did not switch off the lactase enzyme increased until they formed the vast majority of the population.

In cultures that do not use a lot of milk from any source this spread of the "non-switching off" mutation was not selected for , so these ethnic groups have difficulty in digesting milk in adulthood.

Both states are " in sync " with evolution, because both are the products of evolution, going in different directions in different geographical areas. This is what evolution is, and why populations change, eventually producing new species.

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Historical factors:

  • Dairy cattle were rare,
  • Soy beans were plentiful,
Hence people drinking soya milk is more common than cow's milk.

Winner. I'll just add dairy milk- while more expensive- is becoming more popular with the younger generation. That's probably why most girls in secondary school are taller than my dates.


Mammals are therefore designed to digest milk in childhood

Which animal other than the human drink milk at adulthood?

Which animal other than the human drink milk of other animals?

Is milk healthy for adults?


Mammals are therefore designed to digest milk in childhood

Which animal other than the human drink milk at adulthood?

Which animal other than the human drink milk of other animals?

Is milk healthy for adults?

Which animals other than humans wear glasses to improve their vision? Which animals other than humans voluntarily limit their reproductive capacity using birth control? What animals other than humans have doctors?

Evolution does not tell us what we ought to do, it tells us how we got to where we are. We are not obliged to mimic what animals do if we have identified better courses of action.

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Mammals are therefore designed to digest milk in childhood

Which animal other than the human drink milk at adulthood?

Which animal other than the human drink milk of other animals?

Is milk healthy for adults?

Dogs and cats will drink milk, given the opportunity.

I suspect most omnivores would.

Someone wiser than me answered it really well,

"Of course we also don't need to eat cooked food, or for that matter food that has been frozen, baked or otherwise prepared. After all, we are the only animals to do that as well, but you see, we kind of like it.

You may find good reasons not to drink milk, but "we're the only species to do so" is not one of them."


So is all the ice cream in Thailand using soy milk then?

Coconut ice-cream is popular. Soy ice-cream, and other soy products- like soy yogurt, for example- are not that common.


So is all the ice cream in Thailand using soy milk then?

Ice cream is usually made from emulsified vegetable oil.

No dairy products.

Traditional old fashion Ice Cream: Made of nothing more than sugar, cream and eggs.


1 cup whole (COW) milk

1/2 cup heavy (COW) cream

4 (CHICKEN) egg yolks

1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar

Pinch of sea salt

Traditional old fashioned Thai Coconut Ice Cream: Made fo nothing more than:

coconut cream

rice starch


sea salt


Just look at the increased number of Thais eating ice cream and yoghurt, I think the lactose intolerant argument is full of holes. Google "soya danger" and see what I mean. The amount of processing needed to make soya tolerable is a concern, give me milk any day, humans have been eating it for a very long time.


Just look at the increased number of Thais eating ice cream and yoghurt, I think the lactose intolerant argument is full of holes. Google "soya danger" and see what I mean. The amount of processing needed to make soya tolerable is a concern, give me milk any day, humans have been eating it for a very long time.

Thai ice cream doesn't contain dairy ..... no lactose.

A suggested cure for lactose intolerance is eating yoghurt.


If you read the content declaration on those Lactasoy packets you will be surprised how little soybean extract there actually is, I do not remember right now and do not have a box at hand to read off, but I just remember I was shocked when I read it. There is some considerable amount of sugar also I think (maybe even more than soya).

For Ice cream, I would like to inform that no milk is used in modern Ice cream manufacturing except for that homemade one what it is called in the shopping centers, they use milk actually.


Actually I do not think Ice cream has ever been required to have diary products in them, the "cream" is as I understand reference to the creamy nature of it.

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