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cold-pressed fr/veg diet--anyone do it?


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I once consumed nothing but fresh green vegetable juice for 30 days, and followed that up with eating nothing but raw fruits and vegetables and juices for a further 90 days. The most overrated health undertaking in the world ever. My anxiety went totally through the roof, I lost a shit ton of weight (I was skinny to begin with), my sense of humour was replaced with insecurities and a total lack of confidence, my sex drive was non existent. My dandruff and few dry skin patches did however vanish and didn't return for about 2 years after I started eating like a human again. Overall it was a positive experience, because I know the hype you read online about the 'raw food diet' is just that, hype, and I know for a fact that I am a better functioning human being when I eat animal fat, probably because it is a precursor to hormones, which control confidence, anxiety, sex function etc. I've experimented like this with every diet under the sun, for years I just enjoyed experimenting with different diets, it was by obsession, the best diet is eating what you enjoy eating, and what is easily available to you. While making the healthy choice 80% of the time.

sounds like it definitely didnt work for you

are you saying.....if it didnt work for me...it wouldnt work for

anyone else?

in my first few attempts at water only fasting--i had such strong

mental and physical reactions i gave up

but after many more attempts i didnt get those same

reactions. my condition improved immensly

Juice and water diets for weeks are bearable when you add about 10 mg of valium in am and pm.

And they add no calories, fiber, or vitamins.

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I love juice fasting. Been doing it annually for 35 + years . It helps make up for rest of the years indulgences. I don't juice fruits. Too sweet. But carrots celery beetroot cucumber kale ginger tumeric the occasional apple spinach..they all go down very well. Add some flaxseed oil and cinnamon cayenne pepper ....mmm excellent stuff. Best one was six weeks long during a Melbourne winter while working 50 hour weeks. Never had so much energy and clarity and never slept better in my life. Did wonders for the sex drive too lol. It's sad watching so many friends resort to meds to cure their ailments as we age while I never seem to get sick. Such is life.....now it's nearly beer o clock.


posts like this will silence the doubters a bit

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I've done juice detox/cleanse a number of times. It really has to be juice, not blended, as blended still contains the solid "pulp" and doesn't allow the corrective processes to work in your digestion.

I was a skeptic at first, but I did blood tests and vital sign measurements before juicing, and again after a 5 day cleanse.

I was amazed. Immune system improved, liver function improved, blood pressure reduced, RBC better.

Also you will lose weight. I lost 2.2Kg in 5 days, but I was also still exercising during that period.

Down sides are: Tend to get constant mild headache, usually 1st day, feeling hungry (surprise surprise), some loss of energy initially. But these effects level out after 2 days.

Now I tend to do a 3-4 day cleanse per month. Originally I used juicing vendors but they are quite expensive, so now I own my own juicer which is a centrifugal unit only about 4,500Bt. Cold press units get better yield from the fruit and veg but cost around 13-16,000Bt.

success stories piling up a bit.

our numbers may be small, but one day we will rule the world

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Big difference between juiced vegetables and whole vegetables is digestion. According to the Living and Raw Foods website, juicing removes the indigestible fiber that is present in vegetables. Much more of the nutrients are then absorbed by the body as compared to eating the same whole vegetable. Eating vegetables still good for fiber but juicing and drinking in addition gets much micro nutrients than eating . Also one can drink the juice from many pounds of vegetables at a sitting they could never eat that is turned into let's say a 32 ounce serving of green juice . New Hurom HH-Elite Slow Juicer has no equal and is redesigned changing the game and spins at only 40 Rpm's to limit oxidation of nutrients . Possibly the best single investment one could make for health . Stick to the green vegetables and ones with color and pass on juicing fruit as eating or blending that better so you not get high sugar from not having fiber mixed . Upstairs at Paragon this juicer is on sale for 11,900 and a real treasure . This is first big redesign of this type of juicers technology in almost 6 years

Hurom HH-ELITE (HH-SBF11) -

Do a search onYouTube for title below

Hurom HH-ELITE (HH-SBF11) - Raw Almond Milk

I saw do search as this forum I guess not allow direct link ??

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1416988502.920426.jpg

........ Possibly the best single investment one could make for health.........

very concise and i dont think youre exaggerating

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I had my own juicer at home in the UK, 2 different juicers in fact, one for hard produce and one for herbs and leaves. I also had a blendtec blender. I was well into the raw food movement. Which is why I eat plenty of meat and eggs and things now. In Thailand, I get my fresh juice from the local food court, 40 baht for the juice along with 35 baht meal. Gotta love Thailand. :)

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Juicing/fasting is good in bursts but I have seen a lot of people get ungrounded and develop mental problems on too much juice fasting.

The key is don't be too greedy and chase the dragon.

Certainly a good tool though.

I would recommend a lot of people to take gelatin or bone broth to heal the gut which often gets stripped of mucus and exposes the immune cells directly to food.

A lot of people fast and cleanse too much and lose their intestinal mucus and develop sensitivities to many foods.

I have found small bursts of regular fasting with amino and or fatty acids achieves much of the same results without the time and expenses.

It's a sign of the times people think they have to cram more into their systems. Humans just aren't that well adapted to taking in nutrients all the time and throttling their endocrine systems and enzyme reserves. They are used to real fasting periods in the old days because there wasn't enough food and the body adapted by scheduling in repairs during the fasts.

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Juicing is extremely healthy for you, I have a fresh juice every single day with my lunch, but living on fruits and vegetables and juices is NOT a good long term strategy. Seriously jikwan, do not get lost in the hype.

you may be right, B

i think i should investigate it more. its one of the reasons

to start the thread. got a few doubts to clear up

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Non-organic generally means pesticides were used, and organic means no pesticides were used. And the most comprehensive study on organic vs non-organic ever conducted concluded that just switching to organic could be like adding 2 extra portions of fruit and veg nutrition to your diet. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jul/11/organic-food-more-antioxidants-study

That is false. Organic farmers use plenty of pesticide often untested and not proven safe for human consumption. Check your facts before posting nonsense. Organic food is a mega billion dollar industry designed for one thing. To make money. You are paying double for no benefit to yourself or the environment. Stop being a sucker.

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you dont hear it much--its hardly mentioned in the dietary world

whenever i do come across this subject my intuition tells me

this is to be taken seriously

in the past few months weve had a food ajarn (teacher) give

talks and giving lessons in preparing whole highly nutritious food

herbs, spices, brown rice sprouts etc

i asked him what if we consume foods from far away?

he said we get sick

the theory is...the foods grown in one place will produce everything

you need to be healthy in that particular climate (thats one of the reasons)

say you live in the north in winter and want to juice/eat raw---youll have

to buy imported produce from warmer climes even from thousands of kilometers away

you should be using food that will help you in the cold

instead, you do the opposite

this may explain why juicing doesnt work for some and also

makes the person have mental and emotional problems

im saying theres nothing wrong with juicing diet itself

it maybe this other thing: imported produce (with its unregulated pesticide content)

and id be interested in bananafish telling us where abouts he did the juice diet

what the climate was like and where did he think the produce came from

Edited by jikwan
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Juicing is extremely healthy for you, I have a fresh juice every single day with my lunch, but living on fruits and vegetables and juices is NOT a good long term strategy. Seriously jikwan, do not get lost in the hype.

you may be right, B

i think i should investigate it more. its one of the reasons

to start the thread. got a few doubts to clear up

If you’re really sick then stick to the exact Gerson protocol but for myself I use it now as a health tune up. Whenever I feel I need it I will use the method as a one, two or three day juice fast and it is simply an incredible boost for my health.

About 15 years ago I got really sick and I started juicing, I juiced every day for about 6 years and I got so healthy I didn’t even catch a mild cold for years. I didn’t know about the Gerson therapy then I just used a masticating juicer, and went heavy on the leafy green vegetables, one quart in the morning and one quart in the afternoon. It is really powerful you get large amounts of high quality bio available nutrition. I constantly rotated and varied my juices but always heavy on the leafy greens. It’s a great way to improve your health.

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Non-organic generally means pesticides were used, and organic means no pesticides were used. And the most comprehensive study on organic vs non-organic ever conducted concluded that just switching to organic could be like adding 2 extra portions of fruit and veg nutrition to your diet. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jul/11/organic-food-more-antioxidants-study

That is false. Organic farmers use plenty of pesticide often untested and not proven safe for human consumption. Check your facts before posting nonsense. Organic food is a mega billion dollar industry designed for one thing. To make money. You are paying double for no benefit to yourself or the environment. Stop being a sucker.

You are correct that Organic farmers use pesticides but they are much less toxic than the conventional farmers use. Given the choice Organic is preferable, less toxic pesticides and at least you know it’s not genetically modified.

The main culprit in conventional farming is Roundup, (glyphosate). It has bio accumulated in almost every human worldwide, there is no way to really avoid it, you have a bio-accumulation in yourself I can guarantee you. But it’s not the end of the world you counteract those toxins with regular detoxing, pick a few different methods and rotate them through the year. That’s the best you can do.

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I buy everything I juice at Klong Toey and then soak it in water when I bring home . Many times get things right off the trucks when they arrive and not sure how much pesticides it has but always look for the produce with the most holes from bugs and things in hopes not to much was used and stay clear of what's called the dirty dozen .post-202056-14170247485444_thumb.jpg

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Juicing is extremely healthy for you, I have a fresh juice every single day with my lunch, but living on fruits and vegetables and juices is NOT a good long term strategy. Seriously jikwan, do not get lost in the hype.

you may be right, B

i think i should investigate it more. its one of the reasons

to start the thread. got a few doubts to clear up

If you’re really sick then stick to the exact Gerson protocol but for myself I use it now as a health tune up. Whenever I feel I need it I will use the method as a one, two or three day juice fast and it is simply an incredible boost for my health.

About 15 years ago I got really sick and I started juicing, I juiced every day for about 6 years and I got so healthy I didn’t even catch a mild cold for years. I didn’t know about the Gerson therapy then I just used a masticating juicer, and went heavy on the leafy green vegetables, one quart in the morning and one quart in the afternoon. It is really powerful you get large amounts of high quality bio available nutrition. I constantly rotated and varied my juices but always heavy on the leafy greens. It’s a great way to improve your health.

hey, R

thats very interesting. can i ask if you did 100% juice only diet or did

you eat some cooked food as well. was it only veg juice or did you take


did you notice big changes in your energy levels when returning to

cooked food diet?

6 years!

id appreciate any info. its rare to meet with an enthusiast like yourself

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Juicing is extremely healthy for you, I have a fresh juice every single day with my lunch, but living on fruits and vegetables and juices is NOT a good long term strategy. Seriously jikwan, do not get lost in the hype.

you may be right, B

i think i should investigate it more. its one of the reasons

to start the thread. got a few doubts to clear up

If you’re really sick then stick to the exact Gerson protocol but for myself I use it now as a health tune up. Whenever I feel I need it I will use the method as a one, two or three day juice fast and it is simply an incredible boost for my health.

About 15 years ago I got really sick and I started juicing, I juiced every day for about 6 years and I got so healthy I didn’t even catch a mild cold for years. I didn’t know about the Gerson therapy then I just used a masticating juicer, and went heavy on the leafy green vegetables, one quart in the morning and one quart in the afternoon. It is really powerful you get large amounts of high quality bio available nutrition. I constantly rotated and varied my juices but always heavy on the leafy greens. It’s a great way to improve your health.

hey, R

thats very interesting. can i ask if you did 100% juice only diet or did

you eat some cooked food as well. was it only veg juice or did you take


did you notice big changes in your energy levels when returning to

cooked food diet?

6 years!

id appreciate any info. its rare to meet with an enthusiast like yourself

I never went 100% juice only but I did go 100% raw food with juicing for 2 years and I have to say it was without a doubt the best I ever felt in my life. Energy level was incredible, I noticed I could think much better and resolve problems very quickly, I was very clear headed. My skin and my overall appearance was noticeably better people would say I was glowing with a radiance of health. It was a real let down going back to regular cooked food, I just didn’t feel as healthy but I was so out of the loop with everyone else it was just difficult to stay raw. Everyone thought I was crazy and I couldn’t really go out to dinner with friends or go to dinner at their homes, it creates a lot of issues. At the time I grew my own wheat-grass so I did a lot of that which I highly recommend it’s very easy to grow and inexpensive.

When I juice I usually use kale, spinage, parsley, carrot, cucumber, celery, ginger, lemon, and then apple or pineapple to sweeten it up. But I also use collard greens, mustard greens, fennel, bok-choy, limes, garlic, grapefruit, orange, turmeric, beets, dandelion greens, romaine lettuce, cilantro, raw honey, cayenne pepper, coconut water, coconut oil, flax seed oil, hemp seed oil, olive oil. I mix them in different combinations and buy whatever is the freshest or in season.

I hope that helps.

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I am a big veggie juice fan.

I have a large juice every day usually carrot beetroot and ginger.

I think a three day juice fast is enough for most people to get really good health benefits.

I went vegan raw food for seven years 15 years ago and even thou I felt okay I really need meat.

Some people can thrive on a vegan diet whereas many people do better on a diet that includes red meat a few times a week.

It is all down to your metabolic type.

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I never went 100% juice only but I did go 100% raw food with juicing for 2 years and I have to say it was without a doubt the best I ever felt in my life. Energy level was incredible, I noticed I could think much better and resolve problems very quickly, I was very clear headed. My skin and my overall appearance was noticeably better people would say I was glowing with a radiance of health. It was a real let down going back to regular cooked food, I just didn’t feel as healthy but I was so out of the loop with everyone else it was just difficult to stay raw. Everyone thought I was crazy and I couldn’t really go out to dinner with friends or go to dinner at their homes, it creates a lot of issues. At the time I grew my own wheat-grass so I did a lot of that which I highly recommend it’s very easy to grow and inexpensive.

When I juice I usually use kale, spinage, parsley, carrot, cucumber, celery, ginger, lemon, and then apple or pineapple to sweeten it up. But I also use collard greens, mustard greens, fennel, bok-choy, limes, garlic, grapefruit, orange, turmeric, beets, dandelion greens, romaine lettuce, cilantro, raw honey, cayenne pepper, coconut water, coconut oil, flax seed oil, hemp seed oil, olive oil. I mix them in different combinations and buy whatever is the freshest or in season.

I hope that helps.

helps a lot. a real inspiration. im accumulating information atm

seems like consuming a lot of straight fruit juice might not be a good idea

but veg juice theres no limit

gerson therapy can use 10kg of produce for i days consumption

eating cooked with friends i can understand is important

you miss the energy so why not juice diet 50% of the time?

thanks for your input

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I am a big veggie juice fan.

I have a large juice every day usually carrot beetroot and ginger.

I think a three day juice fast is enough for most people to get really good health benefits.

I went vegan raw food for seven years 15 years ago and even thou I felt okay I really need meat.

Some people can thrive on a vegan diet whereas many people do better on a diet that includes red meat a few times a week.

It is all down to your metabolic type.

have you gone for a fairly lengthy period without the juice?

notice any difference?

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I am a big veggie juice fan.

I have a large juice every day usually carrot beetroot and ginger.

I think a three day juice fast is enough for most people to get really good health benefits.

I went vegan raw food for seven years 15 years ago and even thou I felt okay I really need meat.

Some people can thrive on a vegan diet whereas many people do better on a diet that includes red meat a few times a week.

It is all down to your metabolic type.

have you gone for a fairly lengthy period without the juice?

notice any difference?

Yes I was off the juices for quite a few years and I put on a bit of weight and had a few more minor health complaints.

I use a normal cheap juicer although a slow juicer or cold pressed s better but it is more important by far to use organic produce.

There is a huge difference in taste and texture.

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You need FIBERS

Fibers is the number one deficiency in western people

youre probably right---if youre talking about the cooked food eaters

juicediet people are entirely another category and your statement dont

apply to them

juicers get tons of soluble roughage/fiber. imo its good enough

here, take a butchers at this--explains everything concisely

Is there fiber in juicing?

So, the bottom line is that most people get more fiber from juicing each day than they would from eating regular meals, unless they are already eating a diet very high in raw vegetables including a very large salad every day. more............


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