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Student couples under 25 cannot share same dorms, Thai govt rules

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Well, it's a really interesting experience to be in a country to watch it go back into the dark ages like this....

I just hope I'm out by the time the real poop hits the fan. Right now it's like a variation on quiet before the storm, the Comedy Before The Tragedy.

Get your laughs in now whilst you still can.

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What about the infamous Thai ladyboys and katoey students?

They make up about 30% of the student populations.

Well, members of governments have a habit of making laws which benefit their own interests.


I think this is actually a very clever move by the government. Nobody is going to pay any attention to protesting about some meaningless democratic ideology when they have a real issue that directly affects them. In one stroke of the pen the government has now crippled any anti coup protests. Students will now be rallying at the protests against the very tangible law that prevents them from rutting like weasles. The approximately 7 or so students who actually support the Shiniwatras and would like to continue to protest the coup have now been rendered completely irrelevant.

I actually have to hand it to Prayuth. He is smarter than people give him credit for. A non negligible percentage of students by their very nature are contrarian. Give them a harmless but very real battle to fight that hits close to home, and they'll spend their time doing that rather than dreaming up obscure philosophical ones that are too nuanced for them to really understand.

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Good. After 25 they might have enough brains to use a condom when they have sex. Then there wouldn't be so baby babies passed onto the grandparents.


do not forget to adapt your watch to the local time when you land in thailand

you just need to move backward for aproximately.... 75 years


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Sukhumvit Soi 23 end has a female university and most ladies have jobs in the evening hours at Cowboi. This government is the most hypocrite in decades. What a joke.

Wow you've reached 39 posts - all pretty much a waste of cyberspace. But I guess it's builds your quota.

In reality, and you know it, the policy is not aimed at girls who have jobs in soi cowboy, in fact you post is dishonest and misleading, deliberately no doubt.

There is a serious teen pregnancy problem in Thailand (been in the news again just recently) and this includes girls from all walks of life.

There will no doubt many parents in all countries who are non too happy about their teen daughters being able to easily visit / stay with teen boys and happy that someone is trying to do something to slow down the teen pregnancy problem.


I think fair enough. If this is university owned premises they can set whatever rules they like.

Student rooms should be single occupancy. Thus, no permenent rooming.

Except its not the Uni making these new rules.

Dangerous precedent to set, Asia has a habit of banning relationships and exercising control over who can be with who. Not so long ago you could be arrested in both Laos and Vietnam for having a relationship with a national. Even here its not so long ago it was not allowed to share a room with a Thai national, many hotels would simply refuse mixed Thai/foreigner couples and im not talking about the working girl kind either but normal GF and even wives.

Another step huge backwards as per usual


It's not really much if a step backwards because there are already existing rules. Maybe it's only the age that is the change here or the requirement for separate buildings? I think at present they can be on different floors of the same building.


A Thai male can however marry and have sex with a 13 year old girl as long as the parents agree.

Gives you a sense of perspective, doesn't it. blink.png

That is correct. But, if I remember correctly, they are then banned from university education unless they get divorced. Presumably, this is to ensure the young couple with three kids will never be able to get decent jobs in the future. The new measure will ensure that any divorce is genuine, and they cannot continue as a nuclear family. TIT.


There goes the happiness ...

...and the piece.

If you are going to share your wisdom and satirical comment at leest lurn to use the corect grammur and speling. Just saying like, innit ???clap2.gifwai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif


I think fair enough. If this is university owned premises they can set whatever rules they like.

Student rooms should be single occupancy. Thus, no permenent rooming.

Except its not the Uni making these new rules.

Dangerous precedent to set, Asia has a habit of banning relationships and exercising control over who can be with who. Not so long ago you could be arrested in both Laos and Vietnam for having a relationship with a national. Even here its not so long ago it was not allowed to share a room with a Thai national, many hotels would simply refuse mixed Thai/foreigner couples and im not talking about the working girl kind either but normal GF and even wives.

Another step huge backwards as per usual

Still is the norm in Vietnam as far as i am aware


The PM seems to be preoccupied with the personal habits and standards of the homogenous Thai people. As if he feels the past slipping away. Control. Ability to, therein. A quickening into the nothingness of an unknown future, and he's the only one left, empowered by greatness, hanging on tooth and nail, screaming with exertion, sweat stinging his eyes as it slips against his grasp, ever closer to the edge of inevitability. Fears of greatness denouncing his failure to save the Nation.

A recurring dream he wakes from at 3am, drenched, 4 times a week.

His wife bitching at him every night for waking her up.

No wonder he's not happy.

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If you can't solve a problem, restrict it, ban it, or shut it down.

Typical Junta mentality: youngsters are stupid and full of crap and don't deserve any right to express for changes.... So they must be treated like babies until the day they die.

One of these days, we have an entire army sue wiling our children in each and every house surveying our lives until the day we die,...

Come on youngsters, Rebel about it in social media, until the military shuts the Internet down....

Welcome to the new old Thailand, the land of ABSOLUTE babysitting-brainwashing 444LIFE


Since this is for higher education students shouldn't they just have a mandatory class or two teaching responsible behavior, morals and values. It wouldn't hurt to also mention cheating on tests while they are at it.

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It's funny that the government looks at people as babies and not responsible until 25 years old. Ask a Thai girl and she will say she is already old if over 25.

They go from baby to old with no middle age .... TIT

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It's funny that the government looks at people as babies and not responsible until 25 years old. Ask a Thai girl and she will say she is already old if over 25.

They go from baby to old with no middle age .... TIT

WRONG, they stay babies 4ever....


so they have to go to a short time hotel "

Japan has some really bitchen Love Hotels.

Not sure if the same sort of quality product exists here.

Maybe this country is still hiding from its own reality.

Japan has, apparently, embraced it's reality and created a whole new industry to support it.

Fancy that!


As far as I have seen thus far, the age of majority is 20. Therefore after that age, they are adults and can do as they wish. The age of consent is supposedly 15, but I also see that it may be 18...

Either way, once they are adult that's it.

This can be enacted as a law in a government run dormitorium, but if they choose to live together elsewhere...tough!


"Following the Cabinet's approval, the bill has been sent for further deliberation by the junta's rubber stamp parliament, the National Legislative Assembly"

Khaosod making their views on the NLA quite clear.

Seem like facts to me.


"Following the Cabinet's approval, the bill has been sent for further deliberation by the junta's rubber stamp parliament, the National Legislative Assembly"

Khaosod making their views on the NLA quite clear.

Nontheless they are spot on

  • Like 1

There goes the happiness ...

...and the piece.

If you are going to share your wisdom and satirical comment at leest lurn to use the corect grammur and speling. Just saying like, innit ???clap2.gifwai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif
Errrrum. He was using correct grammar. It was a pun.

Piece. Correct.

As in "piece of ass (bum)"...


What about the infamous Thai ladyboys and katoey students?

They make up about 30% of the student populations.

Stay tuned. Hope they'll be next. Great to see a Government taking care of the Morals of the public.

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