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Hi to all.

Just started today, but first what I noticed yesterday.

Started normally, plugged in, charging. Was operating normally for about 3 hours, and I noticed that the charging lite was still lit. Clicked on the icon and it said 99%, plugged in, charging. Oh well.

Went to start this afternoon, checked battery - 45%. Started normally, ran for about 3 minutes, shut itself off.

After numerous restarts, a screen came up with restart diagnosis (or something similar) asked me if I want to go back to an earlier date. Said OK.

Ran normally, but still only charged to 99%. Shutdown normally, and restarted with the power cord disconnected. Same thing.

To type this I had to select disable restart when system error occurs - or something similar.

Plugged in, charging, seems OK now, but I am a little worried that if shutdown now, it may not start again.

Just had it cleaned, and serviced by a Toshiba authorized centre in September in Canada, so can cross that off the list.

Any help muchly appreciated.



Happens only with the battery?

If on mains, does it work normally?

restart diagnosis (or something similar) - what is the exact error? A screen shot would help too.


I'm confused by your post...getting confused between how a battery problem is inferred or maybe another hardware or system software problem.

The laptop should work "without" the battery installed. Assuming you can easily removed the battery remove the battery and operate only on line/charging adapter power and see what happens. Just remove the battery from the list of possible problems by running the computer without a battery. If you get some type of error again, some more specifics on your problems like the exact error message wording would help.

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Remove the battery and see if the problems go away. You should mention what your make/model is, but I used to service dell laptops that would refuse to start if a bad battery was detected. Maybe your 'cleaning' messed up the charging contacts?

sent from my slimkat 1+ using tapatalk

too slow


Same as described - on battery or plugged in.

Left to charge in sleep mode all night, finally charged to 100%.

Been working OK for 3 months, so do not think service had any cause for recent issue.

Will shut down, pull battery, try again.

Seems strange for a battery to go after 18 months, last Toshiba went over 7 years, still works OK.


I've got two Toshiba's laptops...one 8 years old and one 7 years old. Longest I've got a battery to last is around 2 years....and I don't mean the battery just died at 2 years I mean it wouldn't hold much of a charge (maybe 20 minutes worth) and seemed to take much longer to charge to 100%. And I have had one replacement battery that died-dead at around 6 months...I mean dead-dead...I had to unplug the battery from the laptop for the laptop to even turn on.

Also, if you do have a charging problem, it may not be your battery but your charging adapter. If you have a multimeter, take a look at the adapter to see what the "output" voltage is suppose to be...that is, like 20VDC, 15VDC, etc., and then confirm by a multimeter reading it's plus or minus one volt or so of that. If the charger is weak, it could cause a long charging time...but when charging adapters fail they usually don't charge at all or very, very, very little....like it could take days to charge your battery.

I still unclear on exactly what type of error message you are having. Like did the laptop just power down...like turning off a light bulb...no power which in turn caused Windows not to close all its files properly which then gives you a software related error message when rebooting? A message asking if you want to do a Normal Windows start or made a Safe Mode start?


Just tried it again. removed battery, attempted start. It took 4 times to stay on long enuf to get the screen into startup repair.

Waited 20 minutes, then startup repair said that they could not fix the problem, call a Toshiba service centre.

Went into system restore, dated 23 Nov, and it is working now.

Battery, after being charged 100% last nite, then turned off computer this morning at 0630.

Tried the above at1400, battery was at 50% - and it did nothing but sit there.

Will check charging adapter with VOA and submit readings.

Thanks to all for your assistance.

It is now running on the battery - do I dare plug it in !!!


AC adapter calls for 19V output - reads 19.34 VDC

So this seems to be OK.

Will plug in now - if you see smoke, it didn't work !!!


Typing the two posts above, battery now down to 36% - I'm leaning on replacement battery, then - hopefully - all this will be in the past.

We live in Hope !!


Seems normal enuf now. No smoke, fire, crying babies, visits from the PEA

Any ideas <deleted> is causing this ???

Will look for a battery tomorrow when I go to CNX.


I still unclear on exactly what type of error message you are having. Like did the laptop just power down...like turning off a light bulb...no power which in turn caused Windows not to close all its files properly which then gives you a software related error message when rebooting? A message asking if you want to do a Normal Windows start or made a Safe Mode start?

Yes - exactly like flipping a switch. Can be 5 seconds from pressing power switch, 30 seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes.

This morning - after being in sleep mode all nite, I lifted the lid, which woke it up. Died immediately.

Battery then was 100% as is orange when charging, white when charged. And it was white.


A friend of mine had what sounds like exactly the same problem with their Toshiba laptop and it turned out to be the charger/adapter. Can you borrow one from a friend or else take it to a shop that will let you plug it into a genuine Toshiba charger/adapter to check that it fixes the problem before you buy it.

There are a lot of fake chargers/adapters around, and from experience the genuine ones are expensive and need to be ordered. I would suggest that anyone taking a laptop for repair anywhere in Thailand makes a note or takes a photo of the serial number on the charger - it would not surprise me at all to find they try to pull a switch from time to time.


Tried the shutdown the normal way. Battery was at 100%

Started as it always has for the last 18 months.

Did the reset to the 23 Nov cause it to operate normally ? I am at a loss as to what happened. Can operate a computer but the ins and outs is beyond me.

Will this be a recurring thing ? Or just a glitch ?

My father used to say that during the second world war, he was in the airforce, and pilots would report aircraft problems. Maintenance could not find them - or replicate them either. Called them Gremlins.


I hate intermittent problems...they come and go...and always come at the worst time. And when you try to show some one else the problem the problem is not there. Troubleshooting such problems can be a real pain. Yeap, give me a hard break problem most any day....short of flying an aircraft or similar type situation.

You charger appears OK based on your voltmeter measurement.

But you said, "Just tried it again. removed battery, attempted start. It took 4 times to stay on long enuf to get the screen into startup repair" that is definitely not good. Acting like a hardware problem.

And since you said you had the laptop cleaned which means it was probably taken apart, the shop might have damaged some delicate "ribbon cables" which are used to connect things like the power button to the mother board, the mousepad to the motherboard, etc. I had such a problem just this year with one of my old Toshiba's after it had been taken apart for a repair in that it started acting up several weeks later to where it would not turn on all the time...problem turned out to be some broken, intermittent ribbons cables. Old ribbon cables can break much easier than new ones.


thanks Pib. Seemed OK this afternoon, charged 100%, went to sleep, all good.

Then I touched the mouse, with the cover closed, and all the lights went out.

Removed battery and it started OK.

This model is for US and Canada only, so my chances of finding a battery seem between nil and none here in LOS

A check of Toshiba Thailand website lists a place called SVOA on Mahidol road as an IT repair centre.

Maybe just needs a new battery - heres hoping !!

Worst case scenerio - I use plugged in until return to Canada in May - that pesky working again !!


I'm sure you can buy a battery in Thailand, I did once when in a rush to get a battery and relented to paying the Thailand price for a laptop battery which is generally significantly higher than what you can get off Ebay. Didn't have no problem finding the battery. My other battery buys for my Toshiba laptops over the years have been off Ebay due to much lower price and I had the time to wait a few weeks for them to arrive from mainland China/Hong Kong. Batteries arrived fine in about two weeks...no customs...they have generally lasted fine....I live in Bangkok. Just because the laptop is a US/Canada model (like both of mine) don't make a difference.


Dropped off to SNOW on Mahi do road. Very professional. Fix many brands as well as printers, copy machines etc. In the hands of the gods now !


Anyone have any idea if this is correct or not ? Boggles the mind to this that after only 18 months it is toast.

Many thanks for the help so far, And hoping someone can shed some light on this problem for me. I have emailed Toshiba Canada, describing the problem.

I live in hope.


Just checked with SVOA. They say needs new motherboard. 28,000 baht.

28,000!!???? Heck you can buy a new high end laptop in Thailand for that amount of money. Definitely not worth repairing at SVOA. Get the laptop back and take it to another repair shop and see what they say/quote you.

When my seven year old Toshiba laptop died last year it was repaired for Bt1,500 by replacing the ATI X1300 video chip on the motherboard (well, actually a daughter board that plugged into the motherboard). Laptop still working fine a year later.


Wonder if that's enough to buy a new motherboard? $169 is around Bt5,500...if it is, that's sure better than Bt28,000. A particular laptop model depending on how it was outfitted could have several different versions of a motherboard. If ordering a new motherboard the part number you need should be on a label on the motherboard in the RAM or harddrive compartment. The part number should start with a V with some zeros then some more numbers.


After spending $1700 bucks for it and it fails already, will be my last Toshiba. Dropped it off at Dr. Wit this morning, his guess - video card. Will check this PM and call me back. Fingers Crossed.


$1700/around Bt55K is a LOT to spend on a laptop nowdays. Hopefully the repair shop you are trying now will give you better and cheaper news. Good luck.


Thanks. Came with I7, twin 750GB HDD, 17 inch screen. Nice. Will keep posted on repair, and how Mr. Wit does.


OK, this is a shot in the dark...

could it be something with Windows?

One way to check is to download the Ubuntu Live CD (or any *nix live CD will do). Put the bootable ISO on a usb flash drive and try booting from that, see if you get the same crash.

When it boots you will be asked if you want to run LiveCD or install it, choose run. You will then have full use of the OS from the usb drive, though it may not be so fast.

I had an HP laptop once that had a problem similar to yours. After a lot of hair pulling it turned out to be something between the HP firmware and Windows, I eventually found something to let me get into the firmware and turn it off.


At a loss as to how video card will cause complete shutdown. Will put it on the long list of things I do not know !

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