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Renewing Driving License - is Certificate of Residence needed ?

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My nearly one year old driving license is expiring 4 of December. So I have been checking the document requirements for renewal. I want to renew to 5 year license.

The definitive, general consensus seems to be :

A. Original license, front and back copies of original license
B. Original passport with non immigrant visa, copy of passport frontpage, copy of visa page

C. 2 photos, 1x1 inch

D. Original medical certificate (5 diceases form)

The following document is what I want to enquire :

E. Residential Certificate

Do I really need Residential Certificate as proof of address ? Can I use Tabien Bahn as alternative ? The Thai Visa page does not include Residential Certificate


However, in general other websites state that this is needed.

I live in Phrae. The closest immigration bureau is in Nan. I don't really want to go to Nan to get that. My consulate is in Bangkok, I don't want to go to Bangkok to get this too. I have a valid Tabien Bahn. Can I use it as proof of address instead ?

Or since I am renewing the license, I don't need this, as the Thai Visa page seems to suggest ?

Would love to hear from people who have been there, done that, preferably without Residential Certificate if that's possible !

Many thanks in advance.


Call or visit the Land Transport Office that you are going to use and ask them. Most want the Residential Certificate obtained from Immigration or the Residency Affidavit from your Embassy or Consulate

Many offices will accept a Yellow Book instead of the Certificate of Residence or affidavit but just a Blue Book or even a Chanote is not acceptable as proof or residency for a foreigner


Call or visit the Land Transport Office that you are going to use and ask them. Most want the Residential Certificate obtained from Immigration or the Residency Affidavit from your Embassy or Consulate

Many offices will accept a Yellow Book instead of the Certificate of Residence or affidavit but just a Blue Book or even a Chanote is not acceptable as proof or residency for a foreigner

It's best to visit or call, but most likely they will only speak Thai so you'll have to have a translator that understands exactly what you want. It has been reported that some offices will accept letters from your local Amphur or Police station.

I used a letter three 5 year renewals ago but they now require an official resident certificate, work permit or yellow book but not at your office.


I thought there was no need for photo's anymore. They do it digitally at the Trans Dept.

I renewed my licenses (auto and motorcycle) and the local immigration office had me take the photos and attached each one to the cert of residency. As you mentioned, with the digital licenses, those photos just remained attached to the certs and, I assume, are filed somewhere in the bowels of the trans dept.

And in knowing someone will say that I could have just gotten one cert and made a copy, the local office in Korat required original certs for each license.

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