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Hi there

Wife loves her niece and nephew more than I can say (as do I), and is dying to have a child of her own.

As she's much younger than me I want to fulfil her wishes and, not to be funny, have climbed on board.

So many months have gone by with me performing every two days during the critical period.....and nothing.

So we both went and got checked.

She's fine.

I just found out I'm not.

Sperm count 1 million/ml.

Immotile: 100 (assume this means %)

So yesterday we went to see her gynaecologist who takes a look at the result.


Anything we can do?

"Take multivitamins with Vit C".

So I replied that really I have a pretty good diet and was that really going to do anything?

(I had the feeling he was just suggesting something for the sake of it.)

He then moved on to cycling (which I do daily but not for many hours perhaps less than an hour and never noticed any squashing down below apart from the perineum which does suffer a bit. He asked if I wore bicycle trousers and said they could be very hot inside.

So yes I guess I should investigate whether these things really do affect sperm but I do know that cyclists have kids.

So I asked what I thought was important:

"Is it possible the quality of sperm could come get better just as it got worse? Can it improve or get worse in waves?"

(my thought being if they can get just some viable sperm we can try ICSI).

He said "Yes".

But knowing Thais don't like to disappoint, I wonder what the facts are.

(He knows my wife who works in that hospital....no fees involved.....and may be trying to say anything which will give her hope).

So I'm not sure what I'm asking here but any suggestions based on knowledge or experience would be most welcome.

Wife also spoke with the pathologist the night I gave the sample as she was working and I remember her saying the sperm were "very slow moving"......but unfortunately that's not specific could mean anything from useless up.

So far I've suggested that I change to boxers and come back in two or three months for another test and the gyno concurred.

ps: one more factor.

He did mention stress as detrimental.

I have been just through a period of what can only be called anxiety disorder sometimes really bad......improving in waves feeling very well right now.

I wonder if it really has an affect. I am otherwise very fit for my age of 65 I was cycling up Doi Suthep yesterday and today it'll be yoga.

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Cut out smoking, reduce alcohol etc if you do both..

Age? Any existing children?

IVF may be an option but low success rate if the sperm mobility is so low..


I really feel bad for you Cheeryble. Hubby and I went thru this many years ago and unfortunately, it didn't end well. You really should consider giving up the bicycling for a few months to see if it helps. Also switch to the boxers. Hubby still wears them. As mentioned, stop smoking and cut way back on alcohol if you do both. Get enough sleep. We saw these things make a difference. And yes, IVF can make a big difference. Nowadays, they can drill a hole in the egg and shove a reluctant guy in if your little men lack a certain sense of motivation -- a least that's my understanding. That option wasn't available back when we were jumping thru the hoops.

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I read somewhere, but can't recall so verify this information before you believe it....

Proviron (spelling) a medication for people with too low Testosterone was said to increase Sperm count and quality.

(But again I am not sure if I recall it right)


Took a heck of a long time for me and the wife to conceive. Our combined ages must have been a factor.

I just gave up sport for a while and tried to take a more relaxed attitude to life.

You shouldn't despair. Many couples need a couple of years. Then there is IVF.


if all else fails i am available, in the past all i had to do was say sex and they were pregnant, but i am sick of paying, maybe its time to make some money, sorry, kids every where, and now none of the mothers talk to me, why?


Lots of good advice here. I'll quickly whack in a few things not mentioned - have sex early in the morning and cool Johnson down first.

A lot is just general health stuff around keeping fit - so good exercise and diet regimes and supplements, as already mentioned. What hasn't, specifically, been mentioned is whether you are overweight - if so that should be addressed as a specific issue.

The point on variability is correct. Did I read somewhere that, apart from time of day, the main variable is changing anxiety levels...........

So could be time for a romantic holiday, of decent length. Yep, the holiday conception thing is true.

Good luck!

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Another factor that could be causing a low sperm count maybe other medications you are taking, you mentioned periods of bad anxiety? Are you taking meds to combat the anxiety attacks or meds for any other conditions??

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if all else fails i am available, in the past all i had to do was say sex and they were pregnant, but i am sick of paying, maybe its time to make some money, sorry, kids every where, and now none of the mothers talk to me, why?

"in the past" i just had to look at one... but that was "in the past" crying.gif


Anything sub 20 million is no good ! ...Proviron, or privorunum (in Thailand) will help with the mobility and morbidity of the sperm- google it. You can get it over the counter at most pharmacies....You could also try HCG...and loads of vit e


Could not stand to listen to this guy. He's trying too hard to be interesting with a dull subject.

For the OP this appear to be an important issue.

No one is forcing you to read a topic you're not interested in

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How about - You're too old, you're a farang and most of all yerr a dirty rascal whose jizz has been well-used already! :D

Just joking, kinda.... ;)

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The anxiety disorder you mentioned might have something to do with it as every negative symptom the body produces is a direct result of an energy imbalance.

Sperm count 1 million/ml.
Immotile: 100 (assume this means %)

With bad test results like these, you may have to consider that perhaps nature simply does not intend you to father a child.

Otherwise, I would suggest, as others did, that you wear loose underwear or none at all, and take a suitable dietary supplement (I've heard good things said about Ginsroy capsules, but don't know if this product is still in the market). If this brings no significant improvement within three months, in-vitro fertilisation could be an option.

Read this for some good information: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/low-sperm-count/basics/tests-diagnosis/con-20033441


I had the same problem many years ago. Good sperm count but 75% dead or deformed. Went to many specialists and had many varied treatments....no success. Years later was recommended to a specialist whose first request was for me to drop my trousers. Realised then that he was the first to actually have a look at me physically....odd I thought, is he unsure that I actually have a shooter? "You are carrying too much fluid in your scrotum". The short story is many men suffer physical strain in different ways. One is a hernia, but another, according to him 1 in ten men suffer from it, is the strain causes the blood vessels in your ball bag to get bigger and therefore more blood. More blood = more heat = sperm killed or deformed. Also more weight so more strain and so on. Had a very simple operation called a "varicoseal" not sure on that spelling but its basically related to varicose (but they dont go black and blue kind in old ladies legs haha) It entails them cutting and tying off a vein in your "mound of venus). Your balls will swell like a cricket ball, you will have three balls for a while but after a few weeks the blood in the expanded vein (like an elastic band around your thumb) will go down and you are back in action. I no sooner recovered from the op and my wife fell pregnant.

Looking back I recall that my balls never rode up in the cold weather, they never got cold. You may also notice some discomfort down there, I ended up not wearing jocks for a while. My suggestion to you is that if they havent checked them out yet, get a doctor to physically check you out

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To improve sperm count.

1) stop drinking or at least reduce to not more than 2 or 3 bottles of beer / glasses of wine a week.

2) wear loose pants, (if American, underpants)

3) go to bed by 10pm and get 8 hours sleep per night

4) reduce stress in your life

5) stop using a bicycle or motor cycle.

After 3 months check your sperm again, it takes 3 months for sperm to be produced.

Next step is IUI cost arround ฿25,000 per time at a good hospital. Success rate about 15% to 20% so you may need to try 4 or 5 times.

Then IVF ฿250,000 the first time and about ฿40,000 for the second and third as the egg harvest is the expensive bit and they get enough for 3 times the first time.

An important point is your wife's age. If over 35 you will need to go to IVF sooner. If under 35 then she still has time to try the IUI stages

Quoted prices are from Param9 but have had friends use different hospitals with similar prices.

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Another factor that could be causing a low sperm count maybe other medications you are taking, you mentioned periods of bad anxiety? Are you taking meds to combat the anxiety attacks or meds for any other conditions??

A very good point. Lots of different meds affect sperm quality and libido.


Hello, can I know where you checked and how much it costs ? Thank you.

Just about any hospital can do it. You just masturbate in an in vitro dish and they put it under a microscope and count how many sperm are mobile. Looks like the OP's result was 100% immobile - which is as bad as you can get and at 65 I doubt it can be reversed, so I would suggest the adoption route.

I adopted twin girls in my first marriage as my wife couldn't conceive and I have never regretted it.

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Hello, can I know where you checked and how much it costs ? Thank you.

Just about any hospital can do it. You just masturbate in an in vitro dish and they put it under a microscope and count how many sperm are mobile. Looks like the OP's result was 100% immobile - which is as bad as you can get and at 65 I doubt it can be reversed, so I would suggest the adoption route.

I adopted twin girls in my first marriage as my wife couldn't conceive and I have never regretted it.

Is adoption easy for Thai farang couple living in Thailand ?


My son had this problem a few years ago cut out the booze, the weed and he took liquid zinc. Depending on your age you could have high estrogen take zinc this blocks amrotese which converts testosterone to estrogen. My son now has two lovely children a boy and girl

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